Hey Cred Forums

Hey Cred Forums,
What's your most racist joke?

There was a gipsy and a black guy in a car... Who was driving?
The police officer

Whats the difference between a nigger and a bucket of shit?


what's the similarity between a nigger and a bike?
without a chain they don't work

What is a nigger in a lake ?
What is all nigger in a lake?

The solution

How many niggers does it take to screw in a light bulb.

Whats the difference between a pizza and a jew?

>pizza doesnt scream when put in the oven

Whats the difference between a nigger and a tire?

>tires dont sing when you put chains on them

How do you stop a mexican tank?

>shoot the guy pushing it

What happened the the cuban with a popped tire?

>he drowned

How do you circumsize a redneck?

>kick his sister in the jaw

Those are just off the top off my head, I have more

What do you throw to a drowning nigger ?

>He's familiy

jooish guy with a boner walks into a wall, what happens?

he breaks his nose.

"If only Africa had more mosquito nets then every year we could save millions of mosquitoes from dying needlessly of aids" - Jimmy Carr

What did god said when he created the 2nd black guy?

Shit, I burned another one

oops just saw this said best joke and not jokes, hold on:

There is a gay dude out trolling the downtown bars shortly before last call to try to get him some dick. He walks by a bar and sees a big black guy sitting at the bar alone. So the gay dude goes in, sits next to the black guy and says: "So, do you wanna blowjob?"

The black guy turns to face the gay dude and he is fuckin pissed. He throws his beer down and says "WHAT did you say to me?!?" and proceeds to drag the gay guy out behind the bar and beat the ever-loving shit outta him.

The black guy goes back into the bar and takes his seat. The bartender approaches him and says "Buddy, Ive seen alot of fights but nothing like this," he places a shot in front of the black guy, "this is on the house if you tell me what he said to you"

The black guy takes the shot, turns the glass in his hands as if thinking hard, and replies "I dunno, something about a job."

How do you fit 5,000,002 Jews on a train?
A: one in front, one in the back and 5,000,000 in the middle

How do you stop niggers from hanging around your front porch?

> Hang em out back

These "jokes" are so cringe worthy. I feel like I'm in middle school again.

What's a Syrians favourite sport?
>cross country

fuckin lol

Guy this isn't funny, racist jokes aren't funny, there's a black man in my family tree.... He's still hanging there.

Why do niggers prefer Advil over Tylenol?

They don't have to pick cotton out the bottle with Advil.

Black Lives Matter

find your safe space user.

Me and my friends were out one night and accidentally ran over a group of mexicans... We wrapped them all up in some old carpet and threw them out in the woods

they were a beaner burrito

What do you call an old beer can in a ditch?

>native american artifact

What do you call an old unopened beer can in a ditch?

>rare native american artifact

What's the similarity between an apple and a black guy? They both look pretty hanging from a tree.

What's the difference between Santa and a jew? Santa goes Down the chimney.


White knight here

Why can't Stevie Wonder read?

Because he is black

What do you call four Mexicans in a boat that's sinking?
Quattro sink-o