Why don't you own a gun yet Cred Forums?

Why don't you own a gun yet Cred Forums?

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I already do, whoever doesn't is a left-winged cuck.

What about us left wing gun owners?

where is the point in owning one?

Own 7. Am left wing cuck.

I have seven.

I already do an AR and a 50 AE. Mostly just for funsies though, not some shilled out political statement.

because i live in Germany ( the country of restrictiveness )

Fun on the range, outside chance of home defense, hilarious reactions when you print, something to tinker with, the ability to kill a cop at 100 yards on the off chance that serious riots ever happen.

What the fuck are these creatures that you speak of?

Who said I didnt

I grew up around Black Panthers and union workers. You'd be amazed.

I own a nice classy one 9mm high point

sounds time and money consuming. And I life in a country where you don't need a gun for home defense and some paranoia-scenarios.

That had better have friction tape around the grip and live in a ziplock baggie.

I have 20, but more couldn't hurt

A lot of hobbies take up time and money. I have enough of both to spare and live in a state where I can straight up kill someone for entering my home without permission. Don't hate.

so in essence, the fact that you can be trigger happy and somewhat senseless is a plus point?

Give me one reason why anyone would have any business being in a locked dwelling if they weren't intent on doing something criminal. I don't believe I have any moral responsibility to make sure their intentions are violent. Their disrespect for my property and my privacy are enough. I wouldn't shoot someone who immediately and unambiguously surrendered, but the onus is on them to do that.

Its not senseless, you and I just appear to have different moral compasses. No need to be a little cunt about it.

This. Exactly this applies for me as well. I have buncha gans

Carbine or C9?

Uhhh bump.

you're lucky guns are easy to get in usa

1. Haven't had money for one yet.
2. Saving for a sniper rifle.

Cuz I ain't a pussssssyyyyyyy boiiiiiii

Easy? I'll have you know I had to sit through 2 days of classes and wait a couple months to get a permit to carry an unregistered concealed weapon here in Chicago.

>2. Saving for a sniper rifle.
Do you have access to a great deal of land or a firing range with long range capacity? Do you realize that actual precision shooting is going to run you more for glass than for the rifle?

You're looking at a bad first gun, man...

That sounds like you have not a moral compass at all. You practically give every responsibility and reasonable thinking out of your hands just to have the opportunity to kill another human being. I bet you are just waiting to kill someone that way. People allready died without having hostile intentions because of a mentality like yours. I think that plain and simple uncivilised.

I think a man's house ought to be respected. Again, you have a different set of values, you're appalled by my values, but that does not imply a lack of values.

Try harder next time.

I'm a liberal and believe in the right to own guns

I'm kind of required to own one and train regularly, so I need to take care of this sooner or later.
And yes, I know that it's not going to be cheap and glass is especially expensive. That's why I'm still saving. There aren't too many long ranges around here but I'll manage.
I'll get something more fun later (not that precision shooting isn't fun).

It clearly shows a lack of values. This stoneman-like territorial mentality mixed with that misguided gun cult gives your country this maniac status which it has in the world. There is nothing wrong with recreational shooting or gun sports and such. But this card blange to be a murder with no regards is simply a sign that parts of your country haven't arrived in the 21th century yet.

gun is cool guy. eh shoots boolits and doesnt afraid of anything

Mankind hasn't changed, to the chagrin of the useless progressive fuck faggots like you.

Mankind needs guns, forever and always faggot


Because I'm going to buy a lower soon and get money for an upper later. I don't know whether I should get it now because elections will fuck up stocks or wait for black friday to try and good good deals.

Progressive literally means forward-looking/moving. Shows in what direction you and your kind is heading.

Freedom, true democracy and accountability faggot. We own the government because we own guns and we know how to use them very well. The government doesn't own the people who have guns

get what now? Waiting 2 months to save $30 on something you might not even get or something that doesnt fit your needs/wants is kinda retarded imo.

I'm not really interested in guns. I'd rather spend my money in nice things, things that I like.

hookers and whopperitos?

Don't need one. Here are no niggers.

Vidya, wine, nice food... That sorta shit.

I have my 10/22 but I would like to get something better, I was thinking of a Mauser bolt action or kar 98 but idk what would be the best, doesn't have to be bolt action just looking for a bigger caliber

The phrase you're looking for is carte blanche.

I don't have carte blanche. I have the right to protect myself and other from a reasonable expectation of death or great bodily harm and the right to stop a forcible felony. Burglary of an occupied dwelling is a forcible felony. We're not talking about caveman territoriality, we're talking about how to manage the unlikely situation of someone using force to gain access to an occupied dwelling. Should a person simply retreat in their home, at not insignificant risk to themselves and substantial risk to the property, in order to protect the life of a person who has shown a blatant disregard for the safety of others and one of the most basic societal expectations? Should I put myself or my family at risk by waiting until a weapon or a clear threat of physical violence is presented?

No, we need rules to dictate our responses to these kinds of situations. Those rules are informed by our values. You value human life quite highly, I value safety of individuals who did not initiate aggression more highly than I value life. You don't like the rules, but that doesn't mean that there are none.

These rules, regardless of how you feel about them, are ultimately what equalizes us as citizens and what elevates us. Without these rules, I would be fine. I'm barely 30, I'm 6'1", 250 pounds, my body fat is barely over 10%, I lift heavy, my cardio is Muay Thai. Guns mean that all of that is vanity and health, that I'm not able to inflict my will if I'm a bad actor. My 100 pound wife is literally as capable of protecting herself and her rights as I am. Perhaps you do not agree that the cost is worth it, thats your right. You should probably work on a better argument than "you're a cave man its 2016," though, because its not terribly persuasive.

I'm just jewing out at the possibility of buying shit now and then finding out I fell for the election meme and that I could've have waited and saved a substantial amount of money for more shit.

Just because you have the right to own a gun doesn't mean you have to own one.

it depends on your budget and needs/wants. there are 1000s of options that meet your "bigger caliber" criteria.

People died to give you that right

Just because you have the right to speak doesn't mean you should, by this logic please get out of this thread and spot posting forever


prices now are pretty decent, they arent going to go down in the next 6 months either way and sales really are hit or miss.

I'm Dutch, what do I need a gun for?

Looking for a 30-06 or some such, I would like a gun like a kar 98 or previously mention Mauser ,forgive me but I forgot the exact name. I'd rather an older rifle and was thinking of an old m1 with a wooden stock but I found one online with a metal that's for about $1200, any thought user?

To pretend to be an Amerifat



honestly older bolt actions are what i know least about as far as specifics. would be a good place to ask

I don't own any guns because I don’t need them.
I do, however, own Ivan.

Sorry user thanks for the help in what you could

I'm an original amerifat

There is this paranoia again. "Protecting my family" as if raiding parties are terrorsing your country 24/7. You see that is the problem. This fear and concerning that things like that will happen is the major driving force behind this paranoid gun hording. Add those law that say that you can shoot someone who just steps over the edge of you lawn and you have trigger happy people. Human live is more valueble than a fals sense of safety, since the thread isn't there (or at least not in that form that your news and tv shows are suggesting)

What would you say, if I would tell you that there are countries out there, where such "defensive measurements" are not requierd to have a peace of mind?

I do, its my grandfathers old .22 and its illegal where i live so shhh

Because I'm a convicted felon and the cops are always fucking with me every time they see me

Stupid liberals and their bullshit about "security". Don't listen to this fuck piece of shit, their security is a pacifier and a safe space

found the guy who can't afford a weapon

but in practice everyone knows progressive means limp wristed faggots like you

that's cool

Then you're not a modern liberal.


Because I own many


Is that a gun for those people that have the short arm disability?

That's pretty chill.

>no pmags

Gun owners are hypocrites.


Most gun owners willingly accept infringements of the 2nd amendment (barring felons, banning assault rifles/high cap mags etc.).

Moreover, no gun owner I know is part of a

and no, the citizenry does not = a well-regulated militia. in fact only a tiny tiny minority of Americans own more than half of the nation's guns.

Food for thought "constitutionalists".

No, its an actual stock and not a brace. It's just collapsed.

I part of a militia

I like options...

Not who you replied to but you need to lose the false sense that human life is inherently precious. It really isn't. Especially when the person responsible for that life just made it clear to me that my human life isn't very precious to him. And it's 2016(CURRENT YEAR). I have the right to use the most technologically advanced methods to protect my right to life. Guess what that is. I'll give you a hint. It's not a soy chai tea latte with light cream.

I's sure you is.

What optic do you have on the one on the right?

It's so fucking illegal here the cops would throw my ass in jail for a year and add another 3 months for any ammunition. This situation makes a gun worth its weight in a gold, were talking 3000 euros for a 9mm.

I guess because I'm not in a perpetual state of fear.

>There is this paranoia again. "Protecting my family" as if raiding parties are terrorsing your country 24/7.
>You see that is the problem. This fear and concerning that things like that will happen is the major driving force behind this paranoid gun hording.

Nothing wrong with being prepared and having a plan. Shit I have supplies to last me 3 weeks and enough food to not step foot outside my door. Do other people have this? No but I decided my life is worth ensuring I have these things because I know any government response as good intended as it is, will be slow and people will probably die waiting.

Protecting one's loved one is what makes this world turn. Tell that to those cops who got killed by Islamic terrorists, tell that to the fags gunned down in that night club, tell that to every person whose only fault was to disagree with some religion. Tell them, I'm sure they wished they were armed to at least try to defend themselves.

>Add those law that say that you can shoot someone who just steps over the edge of you lawn and you have trigger happy people.

Sounds like you're not familiar with this law, that other faggot was just trying to bait someone and you gobbled it all up.
The castle doctrine law basically allows you to defend yourself with deadly force from any intruder without duty to retreat or flee your property.

>Human live is more valueble than a fals sense of safety, since the thread isn't there (or at least not in that form that your news and tv shows are suggesting)

Ever lived in the ghetto of an inner city? I did, for 7 yrs and cops don't even go in there to see what's happening. I've seen multiple chimp outs and personally seen cops turn around and leave, leaving people on their own while the perps break, steal and assault people.

I agree with you that human life is valuable, but some humans are scum, criminals, rapists, murderes and thiefs, these aren't valuable.

Trijicon Accupower 1-4X

Self defense, hunting, collecting, tinkering, recreational shooting.

Only faggots in faggot states let it be infringed. And anyone that wants full 2A freedom can move to a better state. None of the shit you mentioned is banned in my state and no it's not Texas and there are more states that allow those things than not. And as for your second statement, the Supreme Court has ruled that all fighting age male US citizens are the militia and the second half of the 2A(which is a separate section of the same amendment), where it says "the people", means every US citizen individually. So go fuck yourself.

If you're a fighting age male US citizen then you are part of the militia.

Neither are we. Take your non arguments back to /r/gunsarecool

Edit. Everything but felons. But they made the choice to lose their freedoms.

I don't give a shit about the supreme court ruling

what does Well Regulated Militia mean to you?

to me it means a group that meets regularly, has rules, and trains - with the goal of protecting the citizenry.

it's a lazy copout to say "well Well Regulated Militia just means fighting-age men and women!"

come on.

>Most gun owners willingly accept infringements of the 2nd amendment (barring felons, banning assault rifles/high cap mags etc.).

I wasn't of age when most "high capacity"or "assault rifles" bans were enacted. That was a different generation but I'll make damn sure it doesn't happen on my time.

>barring felons

Well shit man, someone who just got out of prison for murdering in cold blood should have a gun? Violent felons should not own guns. I agree that some non violent crimes which result in felonies are bullshit and bar you from ever owning a gun is not cool, but his is something we need to change in our time.


10 U.S. Code § 311 - Militia: composition and classes
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

>and no, the citizenry does not = a well-regulated militia. in fact only a tiny tiny minority of Americans own more than half of the nation's guns.

Law of the land m8, get bent

>Food for thought "constitutionalists".

Thanks for your communist interpretation

That's the government definition of a militia, you fucking inbred faggot.

>Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia, by the Captain or Commanding Officer of the company, within whose bounds such citizen shall reside, and that within twelve months after the passing of this Act.

Militia Acts of 1792

I don't?

I do.

there is no way you own an operator ... timestamp or lies!

The whole "you're just a paranoid cook" argument shouldn't be a deterrent for someone who just cares about having to defend themselves when they need to, there's nothing wrong with being prepared for something. Do you think people who stock food and water for when a natural disaster happens? No you have just in case.

Very good

you didn't define 'militia'.

>be enrolled in the militia...

what the fuck is the militia? enrolled in WHAT?

hint: you're not enrolled in any militia.

Nigga I got a gun, I ain't afraid.

It's not the same as the TRP Operator guns, it's a Range Officer Operator. Hence the patkerized finish, wooden grips, and lack of frame checkering
>My guns are locked in a cabinet and I'm busy shitting, so I guess you'll just have to take my word for it

I respect a rifle like this.

I am so fucking tired of these assholes posting tactical weapons and semi-auto handguns.

If I ever own another firearm, it will be a very nice, very powerful rifle.

god those ar and ak fags kill me with their dick wagging.

fuck pmags... USMC even banned them, HKs all the way

>I am a poorfag fudd who can't afford a quality AR-15


any ausfags here got a gun(s)?

Legal or illegal?

>(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

a nice hunting rifle is exponentially more expensive than any shit ar or ak.

aka closet conservative.

Unorganized Militia


Not necessary here faggot. The constitution enrolled all of us.

>crying about semiautos

Get fucked, fudd

This is why most people get ARs, they are cheap to replace and you don't get to drag your nice expensive rifle through brush

I got a Glock 19 with a green laser in the car

Century Arms AK-47 in the house (to kill neighbors when defending myself ofc)

More handguns

Gentoo!!!! I got a 22

you're a part of the problem.

purists read "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED", and leave it at that.

but you read it.... and because you're a libtard faggot, you think there's room to add caveats. like barring felons. or requiring gun owners to be a certain age. or banning certain firearms. or banning magazines...

how does this not summarize the founders' explicit command: "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."

but fuck the 2nd amendment right. chop it up. dice it. when they repeal it, it won't even matter - people like you will have acquiesced on so many INFRINGEMENTS, that guns will already frankly be banned for all intents and purposes.

By the way: This is a federal issue. NOT a states' rights issue.


I'd really like a small-ish pistol. I haven't yet because I don't have enough money.

Pile of handguns next to shittybeer

I got charged with misdemeanor domestic assult and lost my rights :(

>dat gen2 aesthetic

So are you for violent felons to own guns? I'm honestly curious.m

Are you a felon? Sounds like you got a chip on your shoulder.


so you're not enrolled in any militia.
the constitution enrolled you in what though.

you're not in a militia. you're bastardizing the 2nd Amendment.


what the fuck is well-regulated about being enrolled into... nothing. just turning 18 means you're in a WELL REGULATED MILITIA? no. it doesn't. and if you were being honest with yourself, you'd agree.

Even my brand new 43 has that gentoo look.

most people buy cheap AR's, because they're posers. they just want to own a gun - and take selfies.

>hey look at my new AR on facebook! I have a tiny dick, worship me hurrrr durrrrrrrrrrrr


Of course you are, that's why you gave a gun.

I must say it sounds a very sad way to live. Try not to kill any small children while assuaging you're cowardice.

I do, very very many

i actually 6, three handguns and three rifles


libtards like you have destroyed the 2nd Amendment.

and yes, violent felons - should be allowed to own firearms.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. what don't you understand about that, you liberal nigger cuck?

Guns are a deadly weapon and should never have been a part of this great country of ours.

Well time to shoot up Fremont highschool tomorrow like fuck.

Well regulated literally means ready. And we(every fighting age make US citizen) are part of the unorganized militia as per section 2 of the militia acts of 1792. You can have your shitty opinion all you want but it doesn't change what the law says. And yes. Turning 18 makes you part of the militia. Unless you're a faggot ass hoplophobic liberal then no one would want you helping secure freedom for the rest of us.

New Jersey and I have a disorder

>implying that the use of the word when referring to a group of people means the same as its literal sense.

You progressives try to move forward, but without care of what opposing views offer up as arguments to what you think. You simply scream that they are not intelligent and stuck in, as you put it, "cave man mentality" and don't consider the argument at all.
Also, nice b8 m8.

Alright bub, I have guns and don't give a fuck about violent felons. The only way a violent felon should ever see a gun is at the muzzle end of a gun.


I have ARs that cost $2300 and are pretty neat. Stay mad though


stop banning assault rifles. stop banning guns in cali and Chicago. stop banning magazines. stop barring Americans from owning firearms you commie faget.


I'm an anarcho-collectivist, living on a commune. We organise into a self defence/community police force, even go out training with local militias on occasion, and I either have to hunt or slaughter livestock for meat.

Frankly it's centrists and authoritarians who tend to dislike firearms, and I'd personally not like to be lumped in with soft-bodied Tumbliberals.

Airsoft for you

Noguns faggot detected

there are fine hunting rifles that are virtually priceless.

the same can't be said about any plastic ar travesty.

I'm willing to bet that you've never fired a fine rifle or shotgun. classless. may as well be a nigger in the ghetto.

Am canada

So am I

I did shoot a $8k shotgun, neat intricate engravings and shit but not my cup of tea. Keep assuming though.


Not him but all that stuff is legal in my state other than felons. And fuck those guys. They made the decision to lose their rights. They can fuck right off a cliff. OR they can go get their rights reinstated like a smart person. I have a friend with a felony drug conviction and he did that. Now he owns a buncha guns.

Muh property and muh rights are good arguments, but sound stupid when you're talking about killing someone. How come no one ever says they would have no way to know if the intruder is armed, and they only way to guarantee their personal safety is they shoot the intruder. Muh life is a much more compelling argument. I'm not against or disagreeing with you, I just know these lefty faggots will never u derstand that type of answer, so why not give a more universally accepted argument that you have more right to your life that someone who would take it has to their own.

Gamer tag or gtfo

Shits expensive, yo.

>fuck pmags... USMC even banned them, HKs all the way

Wait, what? I thought pmags are great?

Wish I could find a Gen 2 for sale near me. Bought a 17 Gen 4 last year and love it. Most recently a Beretta 92FS. Both pistols feel like they were tailor made for my specific hand shape and I fucking love them.

i own one every family should at least own one

Police trade in? Gun broker? Or does your state feel like the internet loophole is a real thing?

Saw the Bulleit at Costco and almost picked some up. How is it?

Both are an option. I always like to handle them in person first, though. Maybe some day.

I suppose the wood craftsmanship, and timeless engravings were lost on you. a pity.

With the right rifle - thousands of hours go into it's construction.

Hopefully you're just too young to appreciate a fine rifle/shotgun. When the AR phase passes, hopefully you move on to finer weaponry.

right because fuck the 2nd Amendment, right.


It's a Glock fam. There are many like it. Go handle one somewhere and the Glock you buy will do the rest.

Cuz my fucking katana can deflect bullets.

What if I just can't afford a gun?

Yeah. I just haven't found a local place nearby with a Gen 2 I can play with.

Felons lose all their rights and it's their own fault. not fuck the 2A. Fuck that guy for not following the god damn rules.

Your a poorfag

>broke ass college student
>owning a gun

Cuz I'm Canadian, not a pig, don't hunt. Get at me.

Rather be a poor fag than a libcuck


In respectable states (read: red states), felons, after they've served their sentences - can own firearms.

I see the phrase SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED is lost on most Americans.

So is the term Well Regulated Militia.

$200 brand new.

u kent buy a singal shot 12 ga for 20$

This filthy nig nog just mad our leader is /fa/ a f... Kek

Oh you're that guy. Felons have to be able to have their rights reinstated. Such as non violent drug offenders. Murderers and other violent offenders don't get their shit back. And they don't deserve it. As far as well regulated militia goes? The SCOTUS set the standard on what hey meant by that by upholding the militia acts and defining the people as every individual American citizen that can legally own firearms(or not in some other landmark cases not related to guns). Don't like how that works? DONT BREAK THE FUCKING LAW ASSHOLE.

Because im more of an arson kinda guy.

Kek... I like u.

the same usmc that hasnt won a battle since 1945.. lol

I live in a country that has strict gun laws, and dont hunt anyways

Cuz I'm not a cop/ a nigger/ a hunter or a soldier.....or a pussy ass little bitch.

Rifles are boring and you have to be 21 too buy a handgun

>high point
>will likely explode the first time you fire it
There is literally not a single white person who owns one.

Maybe I do. And maybe it has a dark past and no serial numbers. : )

Cuz I've mastered the kamehameha get on my level cunt shill.

I don't want some piece of shit you nig

Here is the perfect gun for OP's collection.

You don't have any guns do you?


I own a few

Beretta 9mm or .40 S&W?


Don't let the price fool you. One of the most reliable guns out there. It's just extremely ugly and heavy. But it's one of the most accurate guns I've ever fired and the one I used to have never jammed with the several hundred rounds I put through it. Mine wasn't as flashy. It was just black. Great starter gun or something to get you through the tough financial times without going unarmed.

Cuz this. Pic related fucking dying up here.



Keep your guns handy

This is one I've got my eye on, though with a longer barrel. How do you like it? I've never owned a revolver.

Ok. Have you ever handled a hipoint? I'm just curious why you think it'll blow up.

Bad choice buddy, shoulda opted for .40 with that heavy ass frame.

You seem like exactly the sort of level headed and reasonable gun owner I've heard so much about.

queer ass guns faggot


This guy knows why

Gov'ment wont let me due to psychward stays when i was younger

You seem to have loaded the bullets backwards.

love it! I like the 4" barrel, it's a tack driver.

yeah I was tempted to recreate the mag cover


I prefer the 9mm. Way more used to shooting it than .40.

I'm just meming. Held one, never fired one. Uglier than fucking sin.


it's a great gun, solid, and accurate as any other I have.

And made in the USA!

All right, guys. Opinion time. I want to buy a shotgun.

Mossberg 500 or Remington 870?

White people get guns to protect themselves from niggers

But they just end up committing suicide with them instead lol


Cuz I'm too young to an hero

I bet his penis is tiny.

Same goes for everyone here who would defend their need to own a machine gun.

I hope most of you are voting for Clinton.

As a gun owner, it's my responsibility not note that gun laws have never been so lax, in decades. Gun laws are always more lax under Dem Presidents (not blue states). Remember that.

I have a 500a, very happy with it, but remmys are good too. All in personal pref IMHO

Gas is like 2.10$

Kill yourself, faggot


Very true. But I'd def take one over a Taurus auto. Some young guy had a "scorpion" or some shit. Cheap as hell. Glock clone. Hipoints are better than those too. Like I said. Don't let the price fool you. And that massive fucking slide prepares you for recoil in better pistols like nothing else. Target reaquisition muh nig

I'm depressed. I'm more at risk from owning a gun than I benefit from self defense.


My rem870 hasn't had any problems. Like the other dude said. Personal opinion.

Getting a gun in my country (Canada) is difficult

IIt's like 1.80 in the south. But that gas line break is going to bring it up. When are we going to finally commit to the switch to renewables?

Get a moose instead.

Thanks republican congress.

Tell that to bill clinton and his useless AWB

No shit retard.

guns are for paranoid assholes. hurrrr im gonna kill somebody lol

xDDDDD its me or them rite



>Death by intent

Also this chart fails to recognize the at least hundreds of thousands of legal interventions that result in no death or even better(99% of he time) no shots fired.

am poorfag

I drive a Prius anyways so it doesn't really affect I fill up like once a month


I thought you liberals were all about letting people off themselves.

When the time comes, just make sure the barrel goes against your temple, don't just blow your jaw off

Owning a gun in the states screams suicide unless your a) a cop b) a nigger faggot c) a hunter d) an alpha male hunter/trapper. If op kills himself he better stream that shit.

that's how guns get used most, so it works out

like a condom
its better to have one and not need it than to need it and not have one.
fucking cucks man i swear.
Just because you dont care for them doesn't give you a goddamn right to infringe on my ability to own and use them.

In order to own a gun in Canukistan, I first must purchase my non-restricted licence after taking a course. I then must buy an approved safe. I then can buy a shotgun or certain rifles. If I want to buy a handgun or other rifles I need my restricted licence, which costs more money and I would be subject to government inspections if they see fit.

why not both?

lol I'm happy with my life fam. That's why I give enough of a damn to protect it if necessary.

Don't give a rats fuck about suicide. If they wanna off themselves a guns the quickest way. If it's not available there are plenty of less messy ways to do it. Either way it cleanses the gene pool.


I do a 12 gauge pump and a 10-22 with bump fire stock and 100 drum. The most accurate guns you can own. That's all I need. All you cucks talk about stopping power. You are are wrong.
>be me at bbq
>fucking around shooting guns
>drinking and being fools
>don't know what happened
>caught a .22 ricochet in the calf
>mother fucker I was stopped
>you get hit with a round even .22
>you are stopped and can't shoot shit
>true story

that's cool, it still gives a chance for a family member or friend though...it's nice to help

Not old enough

>it cleanses the gene pool

yep, of gun owners and their relatives

Nah. Only I have access to my guns. Yes 100% only I have access.

If I was to want to carry a handgun, I would need a conceal carry permit which would undoubtedly be denied.

Your chances of you being ambushed and successfully blasting that bitch away are very fucking slim. Just think about it you Jew cunt.


Most gun owners think they're Chuck Norris

But they really end up like Kurt Cobain

That's right, Courtney Love is going to kill you

i do, i own multiple guns.

Spotted the fellow Philadelphian

Good, so there's a better chance you'll only kill yourself one day

Keep it handy!

I meant for them to kill themselves

Then again, it's not a nigger intruder gun nuts kill, it's usually their own family members

Nah. Like I said. Happy with life. Enjoy my hobbies. Gonna live long and die from cancer like a real American.


unless you are like me and own a psg-1

Today is a good day

One day in the future might not be as good

Keep it handy

I love all these false statistics and hateful narratives. Makes you just want to look it up for yourself. Oh shit! The CDC did for us already!


Cause if I ever need one, I will just take yours.

My country is fully capable of protecting me from niggers, psyco fags, kebabs and the like. Plus I'm not fucking suicidal . Op is a fucking faggot.


I would shoot up my school if I had one. Or kill myself

Pointing a gun at things?

Nah. I don't quit. And I'm not a pussy liberal that thinks quitting is the best way out. I've been in worse situations than I am in now. And yeah. Today's a good day. But for me everyday is a good day up or down. It's all about perspective. As long as I'm not dead I'll be ok. You tho. You seem to have some underlying issues you're projecting onto the rest of the class. Might not be a good idea for you to buy a gun right now. Actually had to tell a recently acquired friend who has no guns but was thinking about buying one that he shouldn't. For his sake. He's seeing a shrink and is on all sorts of meds. Gets all down when he drinks and stuff. He shouldn't have one. But me? Nah. I'm good.

Must be nice. You obviously don't live in the us or germany

because it's 2016 and i don't have scrambled eggs for a brain

Is that a golden boy?

Well yeah, if your are indeed a pussy ass faggot little bitch.

So if someone broke into your house, you'd say "Hi there! Come on in!"?

In my town there is not a gun store in sight and I'm to lazy to go out of town but I do have knives

>nyeah nyeah
>ur a doodie head

You right now.

Right is a Henry Bigboy .357/.38, Middle is a Winchester Model 61 in .22 s/l/lr, the left is a Winchester 94 in .30-30

Guys look, there was a time when the western world needed guns. But it's 2016 and hicks have guns, soldiers and Terrys have guns and niggers have guns. I'm not either of those, nor am I a paranoid cunt that needs validation or "protection"

Sorry your shit govt brainwashed you into thinking you're absolutely never at risk of anything bad happening.


News flash pussy cuck, if someone breaks into your house that person has more of a chance of catburglaring and shanking you to death. Plus you can't shoot. We all know that.



Not him but if you're one of the hoplophobic pussies in this thread the rest of us know that you don't know shit about shit or the real world outside of your "mum"s basement.

Cuz owning one doesn't grant me 100% chance of personal security. Also op is a huge raging shit eating faggot.

I'm 18 with no living parents and Illinois had retard level gun laws that say I need a parent's approval to own a gun even though I'm a legal adult.

Move to GA? Might not be able to have a handgun yet but you sure as shit can get any shotgun or long gun.

You're fine with me then. So long as you realize the importance of all of the amendments, you're ok with me.

I plan to get one when I get the money together. I plan on a surplus Mosin-Nagant if they're still within the $200 price range.

Moving isn't an affordable option for me right now.
My biggest gripe with this bullshit is that I do technically own a firearm. It was a gift from my late grandfather when I was 16. I just can't purchase ammo for it or even shoot the damn thing.

currently i REALLY wanna buy one of these but can't because i live with my anti fun parents and yes i'm 18 and plan to move out soon

woops forgot to post photo

Grandfather was a fucking redneck and could only give him an archaic weapon and couldn't afford handing down money or a home. Poorfag detected

because Australia

I do have his money and home, faggot.

Why the fuck u lying? Nigger


I have 3. xdm, sxp, ar-15.

Wut for faggot?

sell me one of your broom handles!