Going to a psychiatric ward, any advice Cred Forums?

Going to a psychiatric ward, any advice Cred Forums?

Don't fuck with Nurse Ratchet

In a hospital? Get ready for """nurses""" who don't give a shit.

closed unit? how long?

well for starters... why?

Remember, son: you ain't crazy. It's the world that's fucked up.

Why? What happened?

Op here idk I haven't checked in yet
I hope it's an open unit
And about 6 or 7 weeks
Also it's because of suicidal tendencies
I figured I'd reach out for help before I ended it and so far I'm not enjoying the decision

Its gonna suck ass hardcore, user. But it will be worth it, I promise you.

Dont get kocked to a bed. Only one way to go to the bathroom.

Some shit they say will sound stupid and you might think they don't understand how you feel (and they might not, _exactly_) but they do know what they are doing. Try to trust them.

I want to belive that but I just don't see any reason to go on
I have no reason to be depressed
I just am
I have a girlfriend
And a lot of friends and I'm not antisocial by any means
But I just can't shake this feeling of hopelessness and numbness
It makes me sick
Which Is why I reached out
And I don't know if this will even help.


wah wah wah, go cry for attention somewhere else you fucking piece of shit. End it now.


nah man, enjoy your vacation and the nice medicines you will reccieve,
Sometimes there is no wifi in psychiatric wards so i would carry an external harddrive with me(filled with movies, series, audiobooks, ebooks, music and porn)
you might be able to spend some quality time with other patients, watching your movies and eating pizza and stuff.
I spend 3,5 months in a neurological rehabilitation clinic after an accident. Had a really nice time
>no work
>no stress
>the therapies were also quite entertaining
>made friends with a few guys and girls

Confirmed fbi agent.

Dont trust a word they say. Trust me

I had a therapist
I went to her twice before she sent me to the ER for "Self endangerment" and "Suicidal tendencies"
So I trust them with how I feel and all but it doesn't help me

Op here, Kek

The fact that you recognize this and want to make it change is a great step forward.

Yeah I was like that too about a year ago, and the psych ward was the first step to turning my life around. Just go with the flow, what do you have to lose if you're already at rock bottom.
fuck you man, that's not even funny, its just obnoxious

They wont let you have anything like that in a pysch ward. You could hurt someone by throwing it.

That's what they keep telling me

I have a friend who was just like you. He went for a few weeks. It's been a few years, but he's fine. If it's an actual mental institution, you'll meet a lot of people. Hang in there user. Also, you probably will need medicine for a bit to help you out.

>devil trips
Freak the fuck out and get sedated your entire time there. It'll be like one giant timeskip, and you won't even get punished or anything for it. Just stay sedated the entire time, or else people will be mean to you and throw milk at you. You will get no snacktime sandwiches because the nurses will think you're getting too fat.


He's depressed, not a paranoid delusional, dummy.

Lots of advice.

1. You can get drugs out of the nurses if you say you are anxious or agitated. Nowadays, they use these "chemical restraints" to calm things down. In my experience I was given ativan and atarax when I said I felt anxious.

2. Psych ward is extremely boring. Get ready to watch a ton of tv, read, sleep, and deal with lots of mentally ill people.

3. You will encounter some strange people. Some people in psych ward are lucid i.e. they are severely depressed, OCD, whatever. Others will be in the midst of psychosis, bipolar episodes, lost in schizophrenic-land.....

I will cont. if requested.

The food will be shit and you'll hate your roommate

Dude op same how old are you? Ive gone twice to the hospital in hopes that itll fix my brain or at least help but its always shortlived for me. I sincerely hope that you have a better experience than I have, overall its pretty nice but no permanent change

Thanks guys
I'm being transferred now

On a real note. Ive been in 3 times this year for around 3-10 days.

Food is great where I go, the people are nice.

They may have dumb rules about tv time, and make you go to groups to learn dbt skills.

And no personal eletronics

There's also old dudes with Alzheimer's in psych wards, at least here in Canada. Some of my funniest memories

They allowed personal electronics where I was but no long cords after dark so you could t strangle yourself. I could keep my earbuds but had to turn in my charger

Damn I wish the places around here would. Music is my life

Glad I could give you a chuckle m8

On a serious note, I had to rage a little bit so I could ragepoop. Felt good.

See above fry man. I had to ragepoop

Either you want to live for something today or work towards something tomorrow. If not, then you have a closed mind and need to try new things. Having a girlfirend and a social life is not enough for some people. Life is complicated, now grow up or end it ASAP

Why you replying to my toast?

In my experience there were different floors in the psych ward. They had a ward for acute, chronic, pediatric, and geriatric psychiatry.
Was a dark period in my life, hope you feel better soon OP.

Cause there was a (you) in there.

French toast used to be called GERMAN TOAST




The psych ward at my hospital just dealt with crises, schizophrenics, old delusional people or really depressed ones,, homeless people off their meds, and a few depressed 19 year olds were what I saw while there

Don't take anything they say for gospel. Been with psychs for over a year for something that turned out to be a diet problem that I've figured out all on my own. Fuck those people.

an hero, do it faggot