You know what to do Cred Forums

You know what to do Cred Forums
Dubs get

Turn around and get your ass back here NOW!!!!!!!

Send her a picture of a paper boat

Bitches love origami

Send a picture of a ruined asshole, I'll let you choose the picture.

How would you feel If I got a sex change?

ok so what ever you pick post it OP plz

wait tell her you just ran over a dog ill provide a pic

here you go OP

lets fuck?


weak get, winrar tho

Dicks dicks the wonderful sticks; cum suck mine and I'll suck on your clit


confront her about her lol usage

Another try

Swear to god this

ask her how she's in traffic since you stole her sparkplugs... call her a lliar

OP dubs get

yalla habibi



I'm thinking about getting a llama or 4

you know the deal OP

I'm gay


your mom has been looking good lately

you think 2 of your friends would be interested in joining us... in bed

My cock is hungry

oh man


op, you faggot, deliver

Send her this picture.

I call the back

Looks like it's time to get shwifty

this is gonna be fun

All these dubs and no delivery? Confirmed, OP is a massive cum guzzler


Send me a picture with your shoe on your head.


op always has been and always will be a fag

op is a disappointment that's why his father never loved him

Time to pull the plug boys, OP is a faggot


So fucking happy my shwifty post won. Now deliver you fucking cuck.