Hey Cred Forums so today i went on a bad onion link i was wondering if i'm owned please let me know will be deliver one...

hey Cred Forums so today i went on a bad onion link i was wondering if i'm owned please let me know will be deliver one user with a game on steam just leave your info

what do you mean op?

so some user made a cp thread and you know usually those threads dont really make it well this one sorta did anyway copied and pasted a link to the tor browser and also didnt have JS on and i found a bunch of bad stuff man so i'm wondering if i should be scared

>hey Cred Forums so today i went on a bad onion link i was wondering if i'm owned please let me know will be deliver one user with a game on steam just leave your info


what sort of bad stuff are we talking about?

well i'm asking if the boys in blue will come to doorstep for going on a bad onion. link

Probably CP.

let's just say really bad. like we shouldn't even speak of it due to agencys.

I'd assume they wouldn't give an actual fuck. You probably didn't know what the site was when you visited it.

yeah and i kinda was on it for a couple of minutes just seeing if it actually was a honeypot so now i'm scared if i'm going to get arrested

you didn't save anything, right? if so then I wouldn't be worried. I've made the same mistake before and I'm still intact. the worst that can happen is that your ip will be watched for a while, but that's still a stretch.

it was an accident right?

you didn't intentionally search for it using keywords that could get you into trouble, right?

nah i really didn't want that on my computer. so you think i'll be okay?

no man i was on this thread on Cred Forums and i copied and pasted a link to the tor browser and i browsed the site

you'll be fine as long as you were using tor and had java disabled

You are fine friend, please remain at home for the next 40 minutes.

alright that makes me feel a bunch more sleepy thanks alot user!

then you aren't in trouble.

if worst come to worst just say it was a link you saw from this site.

no harm done 100% you don't need to worry.

They don't really give a fuck unless you're sharing that stuff.

alright thanks user you guys are great and i hope you all have great lives thank you again i'm going to sleep goodnight! :)

nighty night :)


Woah 2 of the same dubs twice in a row.

damn what sorcery is this 4 dubs in a row.

the sorcery of me not getting fbi'd

Oh God please please please let me have the Witcher 3. Ringringbananaphone is my steam ID, or add me on Skype caboose0904