Roast me plz

roast me plz

You look like a pretty neat guy.

God bless.

love your style, really nice looking

keep it up

OP is a lovely man with a comfy looking style and heartwarming smile

you spelled ''cringe thread'' incorrectly.


This. You have a nice day OP.

Your the bomb !

I hope you have a fabulous day OP


On another note, you look absolutely dashing op. Keep it up

Don't I buy gas and now and laters from your village pantry?

Love you mootymoo

Wow OP, you're making me flush, tee hee.

Your an idiot

Fuck off you're not mudahaar

You were great in the Jungle Book

Hey SOG i love you faggot.


It's so sad that Aziz Ansari contracted downs syndrome.

ur dum

Muda is a fag
hahahahahaha ecks dee

I would but first what is your blast radius?