Seriously considering suicide

Seriously considering suicide.

Talk me out of it Cred Forums

Do it, don't be a faggot.
Get a bucket half full of chlorine based bleach and dump a big thing of vinegar into it. Then cover you and the bucket with a blanket. You will pass out pretty fast and die.

no, we are not your personal counselors


i dont know how you can be alive in and not consider suicide on a daily basis

I know, right?

I'm not even sure what counts as a store front on a CAPTCHA anymore...

>Do you ever think about all the people we kill?
>Lists a few names.
>Ignoring the fact that hundreds of people die every day.

Wew lad, what a fuckin dumb quote.

>/thread your own post
>being this new
do it faggit! do a backflip and livestream it off a bridge

OP here. Picked a picture at random. I agree, stupid quote. But it's still just a Carlin joke, so chill out.

god life is so hard huh, you think about suicide everyday, life is so hard with access to the internet, you poor baby

Didn't thread my own post.

Also, I remember when the rock was still cooking...

If you want to do it, you'll do it.

Since you've come to us fags you obviously don't. My only advice is do something dangerous. If you die good for you, if you don't you'll definitely know if you want to or not.

Do it fag

>ignoring the fact that hundreds of people die a die
not everyone gets assassinated you fucking dumbshit, thats his point. I'm not one for George Carlin, but that quote is pretty good and understandable

Acting like internet access is the best thing in life.
Are you 12?

yes, because the internet provides food, money, shelter, emotional fulfillment, intimacy, and totally makes you forget that the world is a disgusting place full of inhumane scum fucking it up worse on a daily basis

you fucking cunt

Don't do it, there might be consequences in the afterlife

So everyone who's ever been murdered/assassinated has been some sort of peace loving saint? Because that is what he is implying.

Get fucking real. It's a shit quote.

I’m an atheist and I’m still 100% concerned about this.

Why do you want to kill yourself?

>So everyone who's ever been murdered/assassinated has been some sort of peace loving saint?
no your trolling skills are shit 1/10 for the reply, but these people that george carlin are talking about had a hand in peace specifically, so again its a pretty good fucking quote

I know this sounds crazy. But I’m really bored of life. The monotony of it.

Also, I’m super intelligent and nobody gets me.
Existential loneliness.

What does nobody get?

life is so fuck ass shit

>live long, encounter new obstacles, eat up all that shit that comes your way for tens of years
how about no

how about i say no to life

so what bitching about it online, what do you do to fix it, honestly let me know what's so bad in your life that you must feel like you need to tell the internet you need to end it?
>yes, because the internet provides food, money, shelter, emotional fulfillment, intimacy, and totally makes you forget that the world is a disgusting place full of inhumane scum fucking it up worse on a daily basis

mmmm well if you could afford the internet you could afford a computer, if you could afford a computer you prolly own a cell phone, if you own a cell phone you buy a plan with it, are just a baby that's bitching life is too hard, woe is me. Fuck off you attention whore, real people that want to kill themselves do, you are just a pussy who will never amount to anything

even if there is an "afterlife" in which we are conscious individuals, it damned sure can't be any worse than waking up into this fucking shit hole of a reality every day

get over yourself man. go to the market and buy a half gallon of vodka and get shit faced. there's no excuse for being bored with life, other than being a high-horse emofag

>Fuck off you attention whore

the painful irony

>Did you ever stop to think about ALL the people we kill?
>They're ALWAYS people who tell us to live together in harmony
>reading comprehension

I’ll say, “You know that existential loneliness we all feel?”

And someone else will reply, “You’re lonely?” And they’ll say, “Why don’t you pick up some hobbies and meet some people?”

And I’ll say, “Not that kind of lonely. The kind of lonely you feel when you can’t make a human connection with anyone and you realise it’s all pointless anyway because you’ll no doubt die alone, and emotionally unfulfilled. You know?”

And they’ll say, “Look, let’s go drinking this weekend, yeah? Rachel has some great ecstasy. Oh, and I’ll get you some pamphlets on a bible discussion group, cool?”

I say do it
Fucking faggy cunt

>Talk me out of it Cred Forums
No need kill yourself it will help.

>we'll all die someday
>so I'll spend my life sad and lonely

Good plan. Really great plan. Let us know how that works out for you bud.

Just get drunk, do shit while raising your risk level. Eliminate people that don't deserve to live. Do crazy shit, like superhero shit. The world will kill you for trying. If you get caught, go to jail and eliminate people you hate.

user you're either 15 or you're working with the assumption that life was intended to be exciting and rewarding by default

either way, you're fucked until you either get older or just give up hope completely

these guys get it

>people we kill
>reading comprehension
you spelled moron wrong dumbass, so I am not surprised you can't comprehend this quote


You can and will get out of that mind trap brother. That pain can be dissolved, just keep trying and never give up.

Is there something more than this? Perhaps we may never know, but we as humans were doomed as soon as we became self aware. Life was never intended to operate as an individual entity, animals were never meant to be entirely self centered with an agenda which pleases only the ego. In fact, life was never intended to do anything, it just... well... "is". But it certainly seems to function much more efficiently, painlessly, and more in sync with nature when it doesn't refer to itself as "me" and "I". The animals of the forest don't smoke cigarettes because they're depressed.

So is there something more? Well, I'd argue we already are something more... something too much.

Is there something even more? We can only hope so, because what's going on right now certainly isn't cutting it.

I find drinking is incredibly overrated, actually. But I appreciate your advice for doing ‘crazy shit, like superhero shit.’ Nice use of the word eliminate, too. You like that word. It's a good word, I suppose.

Hi Newfag


I appreciate that. We’ll have to grab a beer sometime.

i can sit here and plea "dont do it user you have so much to live for!" but fuck that gay cliche shit. really the actual problem at hand here is ur failing to realize ur current situation is just a moment of ur life. you can honestly change ur outcome but it seems like somewhere along the way you decided its a lot easier giving up

The best of humanity all up in this mug

>implying it's not easier giving up

Unfortunately, this is the reality of the situation. It is a lot easier to just give up, than have to tackle the situation. Let's say I even make it through the situation. Then what? Another shit time comes around, then I die anyway. Seems easier to just end it all now, surely?

Never understood the idea of being depressed and just sitting alone, isolating yourself and then killing yourself. If you are depressed. Go get massive loans, banks, credit cards, scary beak your legs dudes. Party blast around the country, do lines of coke off fat girls tits. Fight, fuck and run free with no regards to your own safety. Slap the scary black dude in the face and run. If you aren't willing to live like your life don't matter. You aren't really wanting to die.

when you're severely depressed you don't have the energy to get up and go to the bank/party/scary black dude/fat girls tits

>Didn't thread my own post
>either really new or completely autistic

Think about it for a second. When life loses all purpose and meaning and you feel like dying, doing a line of cocaine off a ‘fat girls tits’ isn’t actually going to cut it no matter how fantastic is sounds to you in your head. Also, if the acquisition of money made me feel less suicidal, I’d be happy with maxing out a credit card; but material goods do nothing for me.

When your new, the post.

You probably don't even remember when the surgeon was inspired, or when the rock was cooking, do you?

How old are you? What situation? Are you ugly as hell and socially awkward? It seems like you have self esteem issues. No, not everybody feels "existential loneliness" because most people have some sort of self confidence.

Yeah, yeah, you're tragic and misunderstood. I felt like that too when I was a teenager and I regret every moment of it. Look for things you enjoy doing, don't look for human connections. They will always come if you're personable and not a miserable loser.

People have it a lot worse than u do, whatever u are having an issue with, its all a mental battle at the end. If life is shitty today, 2morrow will be better. Whatever u are having problems with, u should try to wotkout, w/e that may be.

I’m 24. MA graduate, live in a house with my girlfriend and a cat. Not sure if I have self esteem issues. Pretty sure my gf calls me an arrogant prick 99% of the time. I’m probably very tragic and misunderstood though.

> The animals of the forest don't smoke cigarettes because they're depressed.

It's because they have no opposable thumbs to flick bics with.

Srsly, animals are indeed self aware, though probably incapable of suicidal angst. They do self medicate. Cows, for example, eat liberty caps, and many animals seek out hallucinogenics in the wild.

This is why liberty caps grow directly in cowshit. The spores are in the cowshit, cuz the cows ate the shrooms.

Watch cows drooling and doing crazy shit with their toungues in the fields. They're tripping balls.

OP, no one on here knows who you are or what your problems are. Nor do they care, but there are two possibilities for you. Firstly, you know what is making you feel this way in which case you need to get over it. Talk to someone about it, be it your parents, a friend, a therapist or just vent it here.
Alternatively you don't know what the root of this feeling is. In this case you absolutely must see a doctor. There is a strong possibility you have a physical problem such as a chemical imbalance that is causing this. Get off here and don't do anything until you've made an appointment with your doctor. They will help you.

You seriously believe in all of that chemical imbalance shit?

>Talk me out of it Cred Forums

why would I talk you out of it? Go ahead and kill yourself. I don't give a fuck.

More Japanese pussy for me is how I look at it.

>Picture taken from tumblr.
>Sounds like a virgin.
>'Japanese pussy'

I do hope this is intentionally humorous.

I get up, and nothing gets me down.
You got it tough. I've seen the toughest all around.
And I know, baby, just how you feel.
You've got to roll with the punches to get to what's real
Oh can't you see me standing here,
I've got my back against the record machine
I ain't the worst that you've seen.
Oh can't you see what I mean?
Might as well jump. Jump!
Might as well jump.
Go ahead, jump. Jump!
Go ahead, jump.
Aaa-ohh Hey you! Who said that?
Baby how you been?
You say you don't know, you won't know until you begin.
Well can't you see me standing here,
I've got my back against the record machine
I ain't the worst that you've seen.
Oh can't you see what I mean?
Might as well jump. Jump!
Go ahead, jump.
Might as well jump. Jump!
Go ahead, jump.

[Guitar solo]

[Keyboard solo]

Might as well jump. Jump!
Go ahead, jump.
Get it and jump. Jump!
Go ahead, jump.

> gay


Homo says what?

if you're considering doing it that means you have doubts, if you have doubts that means your life isnt bad enough to justify suicide.

for a decision as permanent as suicide there should be no doubt whatsoever

Do it; and live stream if

*Cough* Attentionwhore.
You don't need us to talk you out of it you fckin pussy. If youre gonna do it just get it over with. If not don't bother us with your whiny crap. Youre not a special butterfly, everyone has their own issues.