I currently have a lot of free time on my hands

I currently have a lot of free time on my hands.

Any ideas on what i can do to fill me time???
*not looking to spend money*

Get a job.

jack it til you bleed


Learn another language, free online

Origami. Its relaxing and inexpensive

Depends. Where do you live? If USA, which state?

get yourself thrown in jail, it's free, it's easy and it's fun!

learn to code.


or learn morse code. super useful in this day and age
it's the language of the future

This. Do some one line courses in JAVA. Then get a job and rake in the $$$


Play fallout new vegas, learn an instrument. Learn to code, read some books. I've spent absurd amounts of time doing these things

Got any examples of places to learn. maybe for programs like python or splunk

write a story

How is it that useful?

can you say how much weight one time has? can you even walk with so many time on your hands?

>what is sarcasm?

Build a pillow fort

>I don't get it?
Jesus you're cringy enough

Stare at the ceiling and Ponder your existence