Let's play the Walmart Game

Let's play the Walmart Game
for all you newfags;
You get three items to freak out the cashier

Hard mode; nothing already sexual (Lube, condoms, etc)

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Tent stakes

Burner phone
Postal scales
Sandwich bags


pressure cooker
marilyn manson record

Go pro
Baseball bat

Ski mask
Laundry bag

eurofag here, you can buy fucking bullets and shit at fucking wallmart?

In America yes

Guns too.


shot glasses

no fucking wonder you guys get shot up all the fucking time man...


>adult diapers
>red wine
>scented candles

Still gotta be licensed and of age though

Licensed? Not in my state...

You can also buy guns at Walmart. It's gotten to the point where you can get a credit card, flu shot, hair cut, oil changed, glasses, sex lube, and guns from the place. Also, as someone who works there, anyone who's been a cashier long enough won't be fazed by something herp 3 items deep. I've personally helped people shop for ingredients to make meth (excuse me, where do you guys keep the battery acid) and was there when a guy was found OD'd in the parking lot. It happened the same week the car caught on fire. Retail is pretty terrible never work retail.

Cucumbers, Crisco and rope

And were more polarized then during times of the first civil war!

gotta be 18 for a rifle, 21 for a handgun

For concealed carry is what I'm talking about. Anyone can own a gun if you're of age but gotta be licensed for concealed carry.

Fried chicken
Oversized butterfly net
Large animal cage

About what? There no "big issue" tension around here. Just average pre-election bullshit that happens every cycle...

longcoats, shotguns, and pumped up kicks

propane tank
jumper cables
ski mask

Knife rope duct tape

never got the pumped up kicks meme

I'm old, it just makes me miss my reebok pumps.


Mayonnaise, garbage bag, clippers


its about kids shooting up a school. didnt know there was a meeem tho

The despair, the feeling that nothing is getting better. There is also all of America's problems looming Over the Horizon

You could argue Trump is both born from this and a catalyst for whats to come

oh shit xD

Donuts, donut holes, glue

Bathtub plug
Bottle of whiskey

Cucumbers, large tub of Vaseline, smallest batman costume they sell.

That's just some emo kid bullshit. Everybody else just goes to work, pays their bills, and hopes to make it to retirement. Same as it ever was...


Birthday Balloons
Dog Collar


The end times are comin!

hey amerifags, eurofag here again, aren't you guys disturbed by how easily you could reenact columbine or paris or something over there?

Preperation H
Ace bandage

Underrated post

Nope, statistical anomalies, unimportant in the greater scheme of things.

Two halves of a watermelon and some duct tape

Aren't the crusades kind of happening again over there, only in reverse?

i don't even know man, i don't even know anymore

Best answer

btw when TSHTF, i'll try to gear up like this

3 of the biggest packs of laxitives then i take them all wink at the cashier and shoot myslef

Kek, I'll check bbc news and see if I catch a glimpse. I might be fighting the saracen on the homefront though when Hillary wins and brings the fugees here too...

Michael Cera has a mustache in that picture.

I take a box of lightbulbs which are already broken from the bottom shelf, a box of salt and a bottle of lemon juice.


Nirvana album, a shotgun, and a candle.

i feel you Cred Forumsro

What are you going on about m8

just interest in how things are over the ocean, i never left my tiny, shitty country

>Fox news and Cred Forums depict life here pretty accurarely

A big tub of butter
another big tub of butter
lastly, ... a big tub of I can't believe it's not butter

bike helmet
don't kill yourself book

Nah, the MSM Is biased no matter what channel you watch. in reality, it's not bad here. maybe a few morons here and there, but the silent majority are just average people.

>sulfuric acid
>Eye protection
>Super soakers

Roaster carving knife baby diapers.

Donut holes

Inflatable wading pool
A fuck load of jello
Kids bathing suit
>just like every other Thursday I go shopping

Baby doll lingerie, cucumber, anal ease. FYI I'm a dude

jup, in most states you can get almost anything, except for fucking alcohol! The fuck America?! Land of the free and home of the sober.

They sell booze at walmarts in cali. Idk where you're shopping.

Chocolate Cake
"Get well soon" Card


Lighter fluid
Crossing guard nylon vest
Beanbag chair

they still sell reebok pumps now tbh and you can customize them

rubber tubing


barbie dvd

Duct tape
And rope.