Hey guys, can you take care of my milk?

Hey guys, can you take care of my milk?

iti bag muie razvanel




You monster frisbee!

here m8888

the fuck is that white shit?

use this

Thats the way to do it


kys sr

God damn it, user! You had one job!

am sorry

why is it brown? is it made out of cum and shit?

guys! its okay!!
first, we pour the milk...

now the syrup...


now the syrup....

chocolate, strawberry, banana.
all delicious & easily found

>how i miss the blue bubble gum milk from the 90s

little did you know, we have all the chocolate milk.

you're the reason this country is failing

damnit, its pink now!

The cake was delicious!



but I fixed it :^(