>Quads pick what picture shows up behind bars in the jail >Trips decide Park Place and Boardwalk >If Park Place and Boardwalk are already done, next trips decides Water Works and Electric Company >Dubs decide a railroad
>Posts ending in 0 decide brown >Posts ending in 1 decide light blue >Posts ending in 2 decide purple >Posts ending in 3 decide orange >Posts ending in 4 decide red >Posts ending in 5 decide yellow >Posts ending in 6 decide green >Posts ending in 7 decide a tax space >Posts ending in 8 decide what you go to jail for >Posts ending in 9 decide what Free Parking is called
Will do Chance/Community Chest cards in a different thread OP will post updates to the board as spaces get taken up
When this is done, it will be posted to the Steam Workshop for Tabletop Simulator
Bentley Young
Well jail should obviously have a nigger in it.
Parker Sullivan
Aiden Evans
Supreme Nigger Palace
Nolan Williams
Christian Wright
make park place and the boardwalk legendary quads and pents
Owen Howard
Rawlings for pork place, don't use this for anything else faggot.
Chase Thomas
Poké Stop
Asher Martinez
Mr. Hankey
Oliver Bennett
Justin Rodriguez
Boulevard of Broken Memes
Bentley Gonzalez
It begins faggots, keep rolling
Aiden Long
You got Nigger Prison instead, don't complain faggot
Adrian Miller
Kevin James
le reddit drive
Dylan Foster
Isaiah Jones
This now
Parker Johnson
Zachary Moore
Just visiting should be cheese pizza.
David Gutierrez
Auschwitz shower
Alexander Smith
rolling for spooky mcdoots' shack
David Reed
Sllepy road
Bentley Rivera
it's been 6 months since a decent school shooting... you know what to do
Jonathan Diaz
Aaron Garcia
Cuck ave
Cameron Torres
Snek stret
Thomas Sullivan
BROWN: Rusty Brown's backdoor tickler
Joseph Cruz
Bentley Perez
Ass Blast Street
Hudson Watson
Ryan Bell
Matthew Wright
a nigger in the jail
Isaiah Lee
Hillary Clinton in jail
Carson Cox
St Moot's Place
Christian Ortiz
Logan Campbell
hillary clinton
Grayson Carter
Grayson Torres
trip dubs has to be better than quads
Jonathan Lewis
hillary in jail
Jack Martin
Connor Perez
Owen King
Dicky Train Lane.
Kayden Harris
Josiah Green
Nigger Dab
Justin Hughes
Lemon Whore Inc
Samuel Long
Joseph Clark
Xavier Clark
I like apples lane
Asher Murphy
Elijah Hill
Gabriel Russell
Colton Walker
dab = bad
Lucas Moore
The Land Of 10,000 Memes
Carter Campbell
David Young
Matthew Gray
Matthew Phillips
triple dubs hillary goes on the board
Benjamin Taylor
Robert Garcia
The 7th Voyage Of A Never-Ending Voyage Of Trying To Find Auctal Suffering
Wyatt Myers
Women with cheese
Jason Brooks
Connor Rogers
Immunity Cat
Jordan Ortiz
Luke Nguyen
Brayden James
Only a few spaces left, here's an update on the criteria to get them
>Post needs to end with a 6 to get a green >You need trips for Park Place or Boardwalk >Since all railroads are done, next two dubs get Water Works and Electric Company >All other posts are ignored
Nolan Taylor
what am i looking at is it a foreskin is it a dog bone what is this
Christian Perry
A Motherfucking Video Rental.
Angel Taylor
Gavin Lewis
It is a bloody maxi pad
Jack Torres
Boxxy's Butt Plug Draw
Carter Gonzalez
ah that makes more sense
Cooper Foster
Dominic Myers
fuck me in the ass
Joseph Young
Land of Forty keks
Chase Perez
A Shitty YTPer
Ayden Morgan
Cmon quads
Adrian Morris
Ayy Lmao
Christopher Lee
>Snek street Kek
Ryder Jackson
Noah Nelson
Chippo Man's Chip Shop
Jaxon Kelly
Summer fag Ave.
Jeremiah Russell
Parker Peterson
Make it say ''EmperorLemon's Horrible Ass Poops" OP
Liam Reyes
Moot's Grave
Christopher Jones
feminine penis lane
Samuel Price
Jaxon Young
Isaac White
Bloody pussy Blvd.
Cooper Powell
Chippo Man's Chip Shop!
Juan Gutierrez
Cooper Morgan
Ryan Perez
I pooed on a child once
Samuel Rivera
White knight street
Caleb Martin
Dimmsdale Dimmadome
Oliver Rogers
Trips have spoken
Nolan Rivera
William Peterson
Black Knight 2000 Broadwalk
Christian Kelly
le 9gag
Brayden Gonzalez
Chuck E Cheese's
Nathan Cook
You Dun' Goofed Avenue
Adrian Powell
Looks like it's going to be the Electric Company!
Elijah Moore
rolling for this
Jackson Reyes
Connor Nguyen
Juan Young
Columbine high school
Nolan Taylor
Call it 8 chan
Nicholas Wood
Josiah Cox
World Trade Center
Parker White
rerolling for this xd
Daniel Anderson
Juan Powell
Jace White
>pents We have hit a low now.
Samuel Peterson
Eli Roberts
Nigger in jail.jpg
Caleb Carter
Anhero here
Ryan Flores
Austin Jenkins
OP is a Fag Blvd.
Carson Adams
Black lives matter
Elijah Walker
Feminazi Germany
Luis Gray
Jonathan Adams
this must happen
Charles Lee
Get thread
Lincoln Phillips
Op is a faggot
Joseph Harris
How about white knight Blvd?
Julian Gutierrez
Wincest alley
Angel Bell
Charles Cox
Big Cums Street
Ethan King
Oe amia pa kchar pe
Lucas Davis
The Jews killed Jesus building company
John Fisher
My dick
Carter Fisher
Eli Wilson
Killing niggers hunting company
Brandon Walker
Check'd and kek'd
Jaxon Roberts
Nigger pest control
Jordan Turner
Granny shemale fucks a cuck
Aaron White
Jack Cox
Liam Mitchell
Shemale granny shoots load on sissy trap Ave.
Jack Allen
Adrian Campbell
Carter Scott
Brayden Collins
Times Square
Charles Hill
Jack Myers
Penis Weenis
Jacob Moore
Penis Weenis Big Cums Water Works pls
Josiah Allen
I fap to Cred Forums
Kevin Moore
Joey's Miserable Lane
Thomas Green
I hadn't expected quads, but quads got boardwalk under the name "Tranny Granny Fucks Your Fanny"
Moving to new thread for Chance/Community Chest card creations gg you fucking niggers
Ethan Walker
Nevermind, OP is a fucking retard. Board is fixed, Boardwalk is still open
Julian Bennett
What the fuck OP Change the shit to his auctal icon
Nolan Edwards
Refer to post just before yours faggot
Brandon Howard
Black Knight 2000 Boardwalk
Hunter Ross
Tranny Granny Fucks Your Fanny
Chase Garcia
Fixed image
Leo Hall
Jeremiah Lewis
Kevin Campbell
Mason Baker
Keep rolling you asshats, this thread isn't allowed to die
Jason Wright
game piece ideas
Joseph Thomas
second one
John Perez
someone make a screencap of this
Owen Green
Tyler Mitchell
columbine, the flower not the highschool
Luis Fisher
this thread
Ethan Baker
Motherfuckers you better keep your asses rolling
Juan Thomas
what is taken and what can we roll for faggot?
Zachary Cook
The only thing left is Boardwalk, which needs trips. Since nobody's getting trips there's a chance I'll lower it, but right now it's trips
Alexander Torres
Joseph Baker
Nicholas Hughes
Yee for Boardwalk
Kevin Robinson
Charles Johnson
Owen Campbell
John Howard
Josiah Rogers
Cameron Cox
Oliver Cooper
Alright you fucking niggers, since this thread is slowly dying let's make this fun. 4th post after this one gets Boardwalk, no exceptions