I just fucked a street hooker with no condom
I just fucked a street hooker with no condom
jelly Cred Forums?
Well that was abit stupid don't you think! Ah well at least you got your dick wet in the process of getting aids and who knows what else!
Enjoy your sweet gonorrhea faggot
Why though?
>inb4 OP gets aids and a kid in 9 months
she told me she was clean, I'm sure I'll be fine.
Well if she does have a kid she'll never find me!
we didn't share a needle, we fucked.
you could've improved your health by eating a couple of snacks, fucking a hooker and having to watch the whole animation takes way too long
oh in THAT case ur fine op!
you belong here on Cred Forums you are one of us.
Are you circumcised and did you come in her?
not a faggot - she was definitely female. I will make sure to take some antibiotics if I need to, it's no biggie. You can get antibiotic pills for fish tanks at the pet store that work fine.
Don't take antibiotics unless prescribed by a doctor.
yes to both
swapmeet antibiotics always work for me
why not? 500 mg of erythromycin never hurt anyone
I know it's bait, but it can make superbugs please don't ruin it for the rest of us.
If your don't have a bacterial infection you are just building up a resistance to antibiotics. When you really need them they won't work
We know, II cam smell you and I'm in canada
Yeah, not a good idea to come in a hooker. You'll probably be fine but get checked in a week or two
Congrats user.
Now you are a proud carrier of EbolAIDS.
enjoy your AIDS
Wow, do they have hookers in Canada? What time is it there?
>we fucked
You fuckers realize this is GTAV right
enjoy your ebola
Here you go op, spin the cylinder, point to head, pull trigger. Post results
how much did u pay and was she white or a nigger
AIDS isn't that bad tbh
Get aids as a dude through vaginal sex isnt that easy, if you put it in the pooper we got ad different story.
most people do not realize this. getting aids thru vagina sex is like 1 in 12000 IF the girl has aids. Mostly transmitted thru blood. thats why fags have aids. Anyway u dont want herpes man, shit will stay with u forever
Don't lie Virgil