ITT: Men that are built take dick
ITT: Men that are built take dick
what the fuck is that thing????????
how do people get fat arms
I have the same build. I take dick regularly
Fatty arms speaks to low testosteron levels
As you should. Show for the BBC.
You're all fucking disgusting animal pieces of trash who should consider the obvious alternative and kill your selves. Fuck you. Fuck where you came from. You're all fucking mentally ill. Fucking die. Burn in a fucking hole. Yes, I am triggered. You're all nasty beings. Barely considered humans. Fucking yuck. I am about to fucking puke. Fuck. This thread did it for me I'm out. I don't want to be one of you. I'm out of this hell hole. Late losers, have fun jacking off to overweight beta males, you subhuman level pieces of garbage. Consider ending your existence, please.
Yeah, you may stop now.
Oh god wtf?? Isn't there enough faggotry here?
Your'e triggered?
this. would fuck if waxed and leaned up juuuuust a bit
Here? On Cred Forums? It gets more faggy every second.... Hehe, faggy.... That's a nice word.
Im not quite that huge but I'm built kinda similarly and I take dick regularly as well
when are you gonna stream again
You fucking newfags must love taking bait this easy.
Someone cum in my mouth!
Wtf is going in here?
Love to get my mouth fucked and swallow big loads