>tfw no sex hungry bf to fuck my brains out and cuddle me and not judge me for being a slut
Tfw no sex hungry bf to fuck my brains out and cuddle me and not judge me for being a slut
Cool bro
Your life must be so difficult
You have to fuck your brains out :)
Post your pics my girl.
You know the rules.
Post em or get out.
That's what happens when you look like a fucking bear
>tfw have sex hungry gf and have all the authority as to when she's allowed to have the d
tits || GTFO
Tits or gtfo
>go talk to some dudes, get a social media, and just hit up some dudes you dumb cunt
Kys tranny faggot
Is that what you want? Post some pics with a timestamp or gtfo. Cred Forums will be interested then.
errbody 8 the b8
I really dislike women that think like this.
>You have to be my boyfriend to do this
>You're not good enough to be my boyfriend
>I'm going to act like I want to have sex with you because I do but I won't because you're not boyfriend
Fucking go away
The struggle is real.
No one has. Theres no pics. People just forgot to sage.
why does it have to be a bf?
(Tits + timestamp || GTFO);
Project harder
Shut the fuck up shelby, i sent you 3 friend requests on all your accounts and i'd choke you woth my cock
who's bf?
your bf?
somebody else's bf?
I'm not judging, just wondering if I fit the criteria
cringe supreme
you are a dumb negro and I hope you die in a fire because this thread is so bad I just cut my fucking wrists thinking about how awful it was to be alive knowing there were threads this bad. You must live a wonderful fucking life screwing bitches and making money because no one could possibly bring this much evil into the world if they had to experience it themselves. If you don't feel bad already, you should, knowing that you'll spend an eternity never being a good person and always having the world treat you the way you treat it: absolute shit.
p.s. im 12 and love kim kardashian
>Oh wow you're not perfect I don't like what you're saying I'm going to go comment on the internet about what a piece of shit you are. What a loser, oh I cringe. I can't tell you how revolted other humans make me feel, you all suck and are pathetic. Did I wipe my ass today? I feel really shitty having to hear about other people. I must be the only one that isn't full of shit. I'm alpha everything I do is perfect, not doing stuff perfect is beta. Why don't betas just kill themselves? I deserve everything I'm so fucking great.
sluts are underrated
The rules say tits or GTFO
I want this soooo badly.
Except I'm 6'4.
Just overcompensate by being twig thin.
Does your name start with a D?
aaaaaand I have a raging erection
good job user, the struggle of not being the qt trap gf of some chad is real
Being this tall sucks so much. No dom wants a sub whose taller than them :(
I'm pretty skinny, I have quite large thighs and ass but I would say I'm pretty average, lower end of healthy BMI.
how bout this:
we return, to whatever we were (or weren't), before we came into being, before we were born. Did we come from nothingness? We can't know, because we had no brain with which to collect info. All we know is, that the sum of all matter is constant, that nothing actually ceases to exist, only interact and change perpetually.
so, we change with death. We become unmade, rearranged and.. maybe remade. Our concious thought, though, may either linger too in new forms or also become interstellar dust and shadows.
but this we know; it seems appropriate to believe that conciousness too, does not cease, that somehow the universe itself has a conciousness.
I believe we return to that conciousness, and dwell there until... until the light travels on.
Don't get your hopes up, but a few people have reported losing 1-2 inches in height on HRT due to their spine getting more flexible and stuff. Purely anecdotal and not much even at that, but we take what we can get I guess.
where you at ?
I don't really wanna go on HRT. I said I wanted that bad but I really just meant like, the scenario. I don't wanna wear skirts I just want someone to treat me like that. Tho being that feminine would be great, just not really a realistic option for me right now.
Fucking ambushes, man.
Yeah, exactly.
Hey you do you. As for me I'm all about that titty skittle lifestyle.
It's "you're not trying hard enough" you fucking pleb
I feel bad for these people, they're just trying their best to be happy.
But also they should know better than to go out in public like that, what they are in avoidable and they could still try to pass as chicks just don't such a shit job at it.
Why would anyone who isnt into being a cuck want a slut for a gf?
He cant cheat on her but she can cheat on him? Knowingly being diwn for that is absolutely being a cuck.