Can we all just agree that this guy is a fucking cunt?
inb4- ur just defending leefy
Nah, leafy is a cunt too
Can we all just agree that this guy is a fucking cunt?
inb4- ur just defending leefy
Nah, leafy is a cunt too
Other urls found in this thread:
Leafy go home
They're both cunts but I still like idupp
Why does anyone care about either?
Yeah he used to be funny but has just turned into an edgy whore.
Both cunts. But you gotta give idubbbz the credit that at least he can dish it out and take it.
Creating more drama where more drama is not needed makes you a cunt.
idubbbz is a faggot in the nice side of the term, Leafy is just a useless faggot.
I agree, some of his older stuff is genuinely funny. At this point he's become much to arrogant and full of himself. There will come a time where someone else will take his place and tear him down
Being a "youtuber" makes you a cunt
idubbbz is a faggot, but a cool faggot. Literally the anti-cancer of cancer.
yeah his fame will burn out soon and he'll probably be less of a dick after that, i reckon. And go back to just being himself.
Honesty feel like idrippcup did this as an experiment to show how retarded youtube and people are.
Sounds like leafy
i dont fucking recognize any of them
As long as papa Franku and MaxMoeFoe, or whatever his name is, keep him in check I don't think he'll fully succumb to being a total cunt.
He is literally infuckable.
you can try and be a dick about him all you like, but thats his fucking selling point. He gives zero shits about what anyone thinks, and thats why he reks leafy so EZ.
yeah, hes a cunt.
a beautiful arrogant cunt.
Fuck off Leafy.
I'll agree he's a cunt but isn't he pretty much every Cred Forumstard? Most the shit he says is true either way and most the retards he blasts deserve it, so I don't really care.
Get this shit off Cred Forums you 12yo fgt
Youre right but he has gone from being legit to deliberately edgy.
he's also a gay retard that has cancer
He's a retard who fucks with people and shits on himself when it's funny. I'm pretty sure he's a Cred Forumstard.
> mentioning people linked to youtube drama
> youtube drama
Go home you neckbearded faggot, keep your bullshit on reddit
They both need to live up to this guy!!! Xd
All praise our king idubbbz! King of opinions, he don't give a fuck. He just keeps it real right guize?
Doesn't change the fact that he's an over rated fuck with the sense of humour of a fucking ten year old
Don't act like Cred Forums is some elite club where only the most educated and intelligent individuals have the right to post. Go back to wanking off to your loli's and traps you fucking cunt.
He may be one to some, but we love him.
>pretty isn't he much every Cred Forumstard
>assuming that because he is retarded as Cred Forums you should agree with him
Better than Leafy but
idubbbz will be replaced
Idubbbz is disgusting
and he is pretty much of a clown
>Creating more drama where more drama is not needed makes you a cunt.
Uhh, no, creating more drama where drama flourishes isn't a half bad idea, cunt
More revenue, more content.
>get 2million subs
>Cred Forums takes notice
hes a cunt but hes pretty funny at least. Leafy is just a cunt that used to be funny and is chasing the dragon with old jokes
Well aren't you a special little snowflake
He's a cuck
idubbbz is savage af, and funny.
Problem is, he thinks he is some kind of Youtube police.
oh are we still doing "cuck"?
oh shit nigger
Get a chin leaf boy
I only like the shitty unboxing series
How do you fuck up quoting someone, you literally have to look at what they wrote and write the same thing. Even if English is your second language you have no excuse. Your opinions are invalidated by your stupidity.
We never stopped lad
nice try leafy
Leafy is an asshole and leafy is a retard, leafy is an asshole who bullies little kids
Mr. Doopz is pretty cool. Anyone who sees the drama should also watch both leafys and doopz response videos. Gives some perspective on the edgy faggot vs someone calling out legitimate points. The chin gag went on for way to long compared to how funny it was
Okay Leafyfag
both videos were shit
We still doing "lad"? Boi
We never stopped m8
Leafy needs to kill himself, it's only 13 year old weebs that watch him, idubbz doesn't give a fuck where leafy is extremely insecure, it's embarrassing because leafy isn't even smart so he has no counter argument.
Idubbbz went to long beach and made a fool of leafy, leafy doesn't even leave his house
Hard for Ian to respond to shit without the video being shit m8
Well go learn about what's going on on the internet, you ignorant gnome
He's a definite cunt, but at least he knows it and doesnt try to hide it. I think he's great for that
Nah, he's cancer alright.. but a good type of cancer.
The group he hangs with are known degenerates, they have got past the point of understanding that the stupid shit they do entertains children which equal money.
They have even admitted that, especially Filthy Frank several times. There's a fat fuck called "Anything for views" among them. Views = Money.
It's easy to like a bunch of aware faggots than an emo chinless cunty faggot like leafy. He can't eve dish it out let alone take it, age, literally, literally and age are the keywords that take up 90% of his videos. He's like a child trying to insult an elder, LITERALLY, get it? Used it in the correct way there because he plays victim being 20, younger than the big guys he tries to shit talk.
Leafy probably knows his target audience, so of course he puts out content that's going to appeal to them.
The whole thing about him being insecure; who the fuck isn't insecure? Every single human being has insecurities. Yours is probably closely tied to the size of your penis.
Both of their videos were retarded. Idubbz shouldn't have responded to leafy's response. He just made the cancer go longer.
If he's a cunt, we're all cunts here.
Hold on, I'm getting confirmation...
We're all cunts here.
They're both inarticulate faux celebs masturbating each other's egos.
you sound really young and stupid
He is handsome as FUCK
Can we all just agree no one should care about this shit?
inb4- but mah utubbezz
Nah, youre just a retard.
I genuinely like iDubbbz's content and have since 2014. Much funnier than Leafy, his comedy style is more up my alley.
I loved his content cop video but I don't see why he has such beef when he basically does the same thing in a different way.
yeah. good point
I'll raise you
.25, canada, male, slightly overweight, bling rocka Joe
butt my YouTube
sweet dubs.
triggered leafy fan spotted
>Every single human being has insecurities.
>Yours is probably closely tied to the size of your penis.
Hah! Found your insecurity.
Yes, everyone has insecurities and that's entirely normal, but when that insecurity reaches the stage where it's entirely obvious, such as Leafy always covering his chin.. then that's when it's bad.
Leafy doesn't overly know his target audience, he knows what he has been doing for a while works.. granted it does, but it's a bit petty. He complains about how hard it is to be a YouTuber yet makes a 10-20 minute video, most of it being the same shit he has captured in 4-5 minute sprints and then throws it together in the worst editing ever.
I'm not the guy you're talking to by the way, just seen your comment and though it was fucking retarded. Faggot.
Sup leaf bro, hey I heard you where looking for a chin, why not try a Chinese phone book
What the fuck is his channel, dammit? Need me some cringe
You question my point, then just outright agree with it? And you're calling me fucking retarded?
Found the cuck
What is the weather like up leafy's ass user?
i dubbbz can make fun of himself. leafy is a faggot who is insecure about his reverse chin and makes fun of others on the internet for being ugly
I would watch idubbbz over leafy any day
he is some what funny when leafy just says
the same jokes over and over again every
video is pretty mutch the same form leafy
>And you're calling me fucking retarded?
Yes. You.. are.. retarded. More than ever now that you think I
>just outright agree
With what you where talking about.
Seriously, did Leafy send a bunch of his underage fucking fans here? You have autism. Please die.
Leafy's fans are having their bed time stories read to them, this must be the leaf himself
Chiklis out pepe
Get Leafy's cock out of your mouth you fucking faggot. Papa bless gay boi
I love how he grits his chin out in his response video.
I'll Cred Forums honest, I haven't a fucking cloo of what the fuck you're on about. I do like your style though and will observe thread, and potentially PersonaArmyLuls the IDEA or your Cred Forums pukage
OP here
This thread has become an iDubbbz vs Leafy thread. I think I made it pretty clear what I think of the chinless one. I also happen to think that idubbbz is a hack too. It's not black or white. You can hate both of them
They are both huge faggots.
Someone who agrees with me!
Thank you for affirming my opinion
hurr durr strawpoll
You can clearly see him push his chin out.
Damn, he reeks of insecurities over not having a chin. Even trying to grow facial hair to cover it up too.
You're also a huge faggot
You're a huge faggot. Faggot
Me either user,smellsa bit too PA shizzle..I'm thing king a revival in NYPA is in order though, I've not the metals to orchestrate, but full on in the realm of pummeling for KeKs. Drunk, half equipped but, available to be a foderluly,,, are you a down4 an eve of lulz...i'm gunnatrollidiotic shit vod
No you
how does the dick taste
You're a faggot you faggot face fat faggot
he he, you said butt.
No you
fighting over youtubers means you have nothing better to do in life. plz go do something else guys
Why does anyone care about anything?
Nihilism. Everything is meaningless, I'm glad to come on here and argue. Very entertaining.
Calvin, we know you're probably in this thread.
Quit making videos on the pokemon go kid. Nobody fucking cares. You said you were gonna spend this week focusing on your beef with other people, and all you've done is make an incredibly weak response to idubbbz
>fighting over youtubers means you have nothing better to do in life.
Says the faggot on here. We ALL have nothing better to do, we are the lowest of the low, the real degenerates. Don't think you're fucking better than anything or anyone, you're not, especially.
Yeah, he's a douche but damn is he better than leafy.
oh here we go "we are all the same anyway" meme
gr8 b8 m8
Chromosome addition retard defected
This is what youtube "drama" actually is. Well demonstrated idiots.
>when rhetorical questions aren't your strong suit
I at least respect iDubbbz for knowing how to play people. Leafy has been crashing and burning for months, doing himself in regarding how he's constructed his
and since he can't seem to stand down from muh drama, he's going to eat it. He isn't prepared, nor does he seem like he wants to prepare, for the royal ass fucking he's about to receive by none other than the gay retard himself
>and everyone who jumps in on it
He's kind of fucked. Actually, he's pretty fucked. He's also kind of pretty fuckable. What are you, gay?
>is better than 9 out of 10 anons here
Fuck you mayt
Chill, prepubescent.
info gathering is not for the weak of full-on clonic lulz
>oh here we go "we are all the same anyway" meme
>gr8 b8 m8
Well... I mean that right there was just fucking pathetic. You really are a special little snowflake, self-proclaimed and all.
>leafy is a cunt too
Nice cover story, but I don't buy it. Idubbbz is based as fuck, and you're a fag.
dip three (3) times. Flush each time. Do not bring head from toilet after 2nd flush. Enlightenment will be forthcumming.
yeah keep telling yourself that everyone is low as you
both cancers
The chin meme was kind of forced
You're really not that bright, are you?
I smell an underage faggot, of course you're going to be a leafy fan.
Yeh, but hes a funny cunt
I can agree on that.
idubbbz shit on leafy so hes fine in my book
Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again
I think that guy was pointing out that Idubbbz looks like Carl The Cuck.
>I mean that right there
Your fly is showing. And it's covered in spaghetti.
>knowing when to stop is half the battle
>ITT: underage fags
can we all just agree that h3h3 is bent
leafy plz go
>Your fly is showing. And it's covered in spaghetti.
>>knowing when to stop is half the battle
What? I don't even have anything else to say because you have seriously just showed the highest levels of autism in this thread with that single comment.
Just give up already, as you said.. knowing when to stop is half the battle, settle down now kid.
He's a cunt, but he's a funny cunt. Leafy is just a cunt. Also when Idubbbz was cyber bullying someone and they asked him to fight IRL he actually tried to set that shit up and the other guy backed out. Leafy just backed out
edupes is an intelligent, well-spoken and sincere nigger faggot you jewish faggot nigger curly temple ass forest-dwellin ass kike motherfuckin motherfuckin niggerfaggot
But my comments aren't even autism. What you're doing is more akin to autism. You're going off on tangents, delusions of grandeur, and getting more than bothered with people.
Who you need to be children for it to be okay. And you're -still- going. It's not even about me. It's about you. You started pretending to be retarded, and now
> it's time to stop
>take the cue you potential actual autist
>But my comments aren't even autism.
They are very much so like autism.
>What you're doing is more akin to autism.
Tell me more.
>You're going off on tangents, delusions of grandeur, and getting more than bothered with people.
You're one of those faggots who self diagnose, aren't you..
>Who you need to be children for it to be okay.
Come again?
>And you're -still- going.
and so are you, what of it?
>It's not even about me. It's about you.
You do like the attention, Dr user.
>You started pretending to be retarded, and now
Mhm, you've got yourself mixed up with me. You quite literally said 3 or 4 things that didn't make sense.
> it's time to stop
Then stop?
>take the cue you potential actual autist
Coming from the ACTUAL autist. There's no "potential" of being one with you. You actually are a fucking autist at this point.
Love the grammar by the way, you've got a good vocabulary on you. Shame it took you near 10 minutes to reply and it was still ass cancer.
>Google is your best friend
lol are you guys continuing this? wtf lol
idubbbz = college kids
leafy = middle school kids
now go to bed you fucking faggot
As I said, nothing better to do. I was actually masturbating the entire way through.
Just came if you're interesting in knowing.
time stamp faggot
It's already in the hanky. Flushed and all.
Going to head now anyway. Nice trips.
>implying you did
wooow so hardcore man so edgy so FUCKED UP
>he's still going
>look how big the post is now
>still going
I am, but not at this rate. Fuck.. something isn't right with you. You took a fit over me claiming to have jerked off. Calm down faggot.
I'm outa here, it really feels like I'm on the special ED side of Cred Forums now talking to you.
Sort yourself out too, bit creepy.
>not samefag
It's okay to be upset.
this may be the dumbest thread I've ever read on Cred Forums. im not even joking.
same dude. same.
12 year olds dude
>Getting triggered on Cred Forums
user no
please think of the children
ur not from around here are you?
>Fails to win an argument
>Calls bait
>gif related
This is new user
I don't care about your autistic argument
>I don't care about your autistic argument
Just enough to try and get involved?
>This is new user
Welcome to Cred Forums, new user.
the greetest
yo, nigga totally
Thanks buddy my friend told me about the chan yesterday so we moved from imvu and came here XD
Pic related its me
He's a cunt, but an entertaining cunt.
i almost feel bad for the kid. so unfortunate.