Trump supporters are the smertest
Trump supporters are the smertest
Other urls found in this thread:
because derp hurr durr
.. reply to this post, or you will have large garden gnome installed in your rectum during the night.
I'm sure if I went down to Compton and interviewed some Hilary supporters I could find some idiots too.
>Cred Forums
back to facebook
I'm sure you could, bro. I'm quite sure you could.
Prove it or the fuck up already.
I'm sure if I had ten zillion dollars I could fuck Taylor swift. What the fuck is this IF shit?
>implying you'd come back alive
Nigger towns are the wild west
Partisan political support! Those other guys are dumb! We're correct and everyone else is a fucking idiot! There are only two choices so one of them must be the best one!
Oy vey...
That's from comedy central lmao, wasn't real
If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle.
He knows that Hillary is going to kick his ass so embarrassingly at the debates that he's already trying to get in front of it. pic related.
> cant handle the pressures of a debate moderator
> thinks he can handle the pressures of being president of the USA
Satanic trips checked
>master race
Probably the best meme to be endlessly spammed around here
nah brah, it's real.
trump gives a tongue bath to another dictator, does it on the same day he announces he wants a nationwide stop/frisk program. He's literally telling everyone he wants to be a dictator and the gop doesn't care because they think he will be their dictator.
Ahh damnit
Any idiot can take pictures from an interview and photoshop fake responses on it.
Any idiot can find the original clip.
Can't take any chances
it doesnt look staged. not one bit. not its not propaganda.
That doesn't happen often in the same thread
No time, fapping to your mothers sex tape.
Any idiot can get dubs. Check em'
>8 is H
>heil heil heil
Hitler is trying to take possession of this thread, guys.
you guys really believe that shit?
Cancer boss
nah, brah. it's not.
why not
>that there exists stupid people
because it's.. eh, not true?
Left is someone making fun of a crippled, the other is happy and amazed at millions of balloons coming down.
Your choice.
yes it is, you wonkfuppet, google it.
don't fuck up the false narrative with actual facts and shit, man.
not fair.
Yeah I had something to do with it so what... Nigga
Most people are idiots, so this is a fucking retarded thread.
>not the Saudi Royal Family
the FBI investigated this for years and finally pinned it on the Saudis, but apparently nobody gives a shit.
>except for the people suing for damages now
>Tries to call OP a faggot
>makes a fucking typo himself
>implying they give a shit about politics
Trump fans are stupid AND salty
These are so fuckung stupid. Stop shit posting or your mom will die in her sleep.
Gary Johnson 2016
most REPUBLICANS are idiots
Democrats are a good deal smarter on average
Seriously though, the one thing Trump supporters have in common more often than anything else is lack of a secondary education.
Yes, the asshole comments are real
hahahah 5/10 made me respond
Well, of course the first.
so, it's real. Reverse satanic trips of God almighty confirms.
thanks bruh.
"Party before country" is their new motto. Newish.
>Supports free speech
>Supports gun rights
>Doesn't try to restrict criticism on a mass scale
>Isn't a Socialist
>Did not support free speech
>Did not support gun rights
>Actively tried to censor criticism
>Was a Socialist
>Does not support free speech
>Does not support gun rights
>Do I even need to say CTR?
>Is a socialist
Which of Hill or Trump are Nazis again?
You get that harambe
and the one on the right is dying
they are both complete shit
Whoever made that graph is an idiot
Who just puts 96 as a starting point without even mentioning the number 0? At least have a squiggly line between 0 and 96 to be in correct graph format!
I'd be willing to bet 100 dollars that they edited out several more reasonable Trump supporters and only left in the absolute worst.
Sorry for 'tisms, but I don't understand
Sick trips
now i'm just watching daily show for the next hour
please tell me you are not retarded enough to think hillary is any better?
yeah but...
>has a penis
>has a penis
>has a vagina
.. there we have it, Trump is literally like Hitler durr.
>tackling the tough issues
way to keep your eye on ball
How to get dubs quick.txt?
>Hitler was a socialist
>Hillary is a socialist
bro are you high on some real dank kush?
trump and his free speech. Journalists are kept in a pen, he gets the audience angry at them. Wants to do away with libel laws so he can sue people who write mean(factual) things about him. Has said he admires Jong Un, Putin and the egyptian dictator. Insults our allies and friends around the world. This, defines him and what he will actually do.
I am still in confusion
Sorry for not understanding what-might-be these social cues, but I am still lost.
just out of interest, whos the tongue-bathed dictator?
Well, both of them DID call for mass redistribution of wealth
Hitler just superimposed the jews on it
That's the main difference
>Trump supports free speech
no, he supports violence against people trying to express free speech, pay attention
>doesn't try to restrict criticism on a mass scale
sounds like free speech, and we've already established Trump encourages violence to silence such critics.
>Hitler was a socialist
holy shit you're a fucking retard
Does that make the leader of China a "People's Republican"?
do this help?
you forgot the part about him naggin on McCain for having been a POW, whilst Trump himself dodged the draft.
The egyptian guy. Imprisons and kills journalists, blah blah blah.
Triggered libcuck detected.
Because Barack Obama was the anti-american mudslime in charge of attacking the wtc.
Socialists aren't the only ones that redistribute wealth.
Fasicst dictators tend to do it right away every single instance history has shown.
Need source on the "trump violence on critics"
And also, Nazi is literally short for "National Socialist"
Its not uncommon for media to try and discredit intelligence by altering footage to make people on both sides look stupid.
>this is what Trump supporters actually believe
this is the kinda shit i see on facebook
wow you're stupid
PROTIP: the slogans of political parties are not accurate, they choose popular names to hide their policies. National socialists were fascists, not socialists. Learn some history.
>Well, both of them DID call for mass redistribution of wealth
when did Hillary do that? And regarding Hitler, no... he imprisoned the communists, the social democrats and the syndicalist (all of whom are socialists) and banned their parties. He outlawed unions and lined the pockets of IG. Farben, Daimler-Benz and other business magnates.
he did succeed in fooling the working class, like Trump is trying to now, but that was about the only thing he did for them. Longtime unemployed were sent to concentration camps, for being anti-social, bro. How's that for "socialism".
>spending time on facebook
GTFO cancer
Maybe this?
→ →
→ →
Like Hillary saying she supports gay rights
But is funded by a bunch of Islamic countries that persecute the LGBT community?
kill yourselves
Absolute madman
Did the interviewer specify 9/11- New York or 9/11- Benghazi?
>Trump's endorsement of violence reaches new level: He may pay legal fees for assault suspect
Do you spend all fucking day watching FOX?
is that gay sulu
no, you idiot
slogans and policies are not the same
it is.
as if you don't have an account yourself, sweetheart.
get rækt
they have to be paying these people. No one can be that fucking dumb
>youtube funny shit
I don't use it and I certainly don't bitch about it
kys now
"some" please user you mean all because its stupid to support her
They're both full of shit.
>I quoted them all mom!
This is how these things work. Literally everyone else here already knows this what happened.
The one example found was in the hypothetical instance of having an object thrown at him.
So asking people to defend him is out of line?
>these lies again
Russia did not have ammo, guns or shoes for its soldiers. It's entire strategy was to sacrifice huge numbers of troops just to slow down the Germans, they couldn't even have reclaimed their own cities without America leading the fight on the Western and Pacific fronts.
Now they want credit for all those soldiers they sacrificed like retards, as if they weren't just dying in vain hoping the US would roll in and distract the Germans.
Frankly, without the US entering the war, Russia didn't have a fucking prayer and would face a two-front war against Japan as well.
b-b-b-b-b-but it's Obongo who is consorting with the enemy ?!?
lol you have one
>Trying this hard
pretty gud.
but make the Italy dinosaur more... retarded looking.
And put the Japan dinosaur on a boat
>one hypothetical instance
there's been many, and yes, calling for violence against protesters is wrong.
Learn some fucking ethics.
Where is Canada?
>competent male psychopath; in control of his own destiny
>competent male psychopath; in control of his own destiny
>dopey pawn; arf! arf!
I mean these arbitrary hand-picked comparisons are stupid, but let's not give Hillary Hitler-level cred. If one of them is capable, it's Trump. It's also an argument for him being the better candidate.
*sigh* this again...
Though are some nice associations you got there. Check out mine for an explanation regarding divorce rates!
Donald Trump is a bellend
>dopey pawn
>not Trump
His ONLY stated foreign policy is that Russia should own Crimea.
He is nothing but a high-class whore on Putin's payroll.
>too into himself to notice a shop
fuck your trips
Anyone else noticing how little the word triggered means nowadays? It used to be applied appropriately to 3rd-wave feminists losing it over hyper-equality bullshit. Now it's as meaningful as calling someone a douche
>Frankly, without the US entering the war, Russia didn't have a fucking prayer and would face a two-front war against Japan as well.
yeah, and if Russia didn't engage Germany then England would've been fucked and then Europe would've been lost, USA or not, and then you idiots would either have had to fight Germany alone (or Germany AND Russia, if the pact between them has held) and then were would you be? I'll tell you: straight up shit creek.
sure, Germany wouldn't think to invade mainland USA, not even Russia would be that dumb, but they'd have Europe in a vice and that would leave your cuntfarts with no choice but to make peace with them, and fucking Roosevelt KNEW this and THAT is why he allowed Pearl Harbour to happen, so he could get good old Uncle Sam into the war, on the right side of history.
and that concludes today's lesson on team efforts.
>intelligence has nothing to do with political preferences
you just might be a moron
FYI, divorce rates have dropped because the misogynist, abusive men that used to get married pretty easily are being left to die alone. This means less divorce, but also more lonely, dangerous assholes.
>being this baited
I am the one you are talking to and the other user
is correct. Absolutely correct. Trump and Hillary are both horrible choices and I won't vote for either. I have negative but truthful images of Hillary as well. I'll just say I'm a little bit disgusted with my fellow Americans for nominating these two horrible choices.
Fallacy Fallacy
>didn't engage Germany
They were so fucking stupid they made an alliance with Germany and were totally surprised when they got sneak-attacked.
Russians were useless weakling cowards who got lucky that Western countries saved their pathetic asses.
I'll need more than your source gave me
So far, it was that incident and not much more
Checked satanic trips!
But divorce is usually the end of a bad marriage
Why isn't it good?
.. and this is why pulling out the "Trump is literally Hitler guys durr"-card, is not a good idea on Cred Forums.
there's always that one genuine nazi who pops up and goes "YES!"
Ikr, that was an obvious shop too. Looks like they did it in Paint.
i'm assuming you are saying this because you're a trump supporter but you're not wrong. sadly most people are pretty retarded regardless of the relatively unimportant decision of who they vote for
I really don't care enough to do your research for you.
Stop being so fucking lazy, it takes no time to search yourself and you're going to double-check me anyway.
Is it wrong to get turned on by rape stories
>can't even argue for their own points
fuck right off
keep habeebing friend
I already did, I don't care what you need to be convinced.
You need more than one fucking link, you lazy piece of shit
Oh, sorry, does CTR not pay enough for you to find more credible sources?
why? You think I give a fuck about your approval?
Quit being so fucking lazy and provide some counter-evidence
what the fuck no pain sensors or what
The blackest states have the lowest IQs, has nothing to do with political ideology.
Fuck you correct the record shills.
>le ebin interbutts arguments
Can't unsee now
>not pictured: actual European powers holding Nazi's head down.
above usa
It's Nigger.
With an 'er'.
shit nigga
I did by pointing out the flaws in your single criticism.
Meanwhile, I found 3 to support my claim And so far, I haven't heard you criticize any of them.
3 sources that you haven't even bothered reading > 1 shitty article that was already torn appart
Your move
>Won't vote for either
>Bitch about both
Do you even free Western world you massive autistic faggot nigger?
>almost an entire generation of russians were oblitered
>blackest states
>Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, both Dakotas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Alaska
Nice try, you racist retard, but you can't blame all your failures on the niggers this time.
>mfw "I think anything is possible when it comes to doubles"
These trips ensure the truth of this statement.
Thanks! for the correction.
That's not counter-evidence you absolute retard
It DID help that Bush had one of the greatest Hispanic followings of any president
No it was used in rehab groups to help people cope with life problems
Why not actually read the articles and dispute them? Or are you too LAZY?
>blame it on the Hispanics too
>all those Hispanics in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, both Dakotas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Alaska
Wow, racists really are sniveling, irresponsible assholes that are just trying to blame things on someone else.
>why not
cause I'm smarter than you
You're not even being serious anymore
And here you were calling others lazy, you hypocrite.
that's funny
Bro-hug already. Go have a beer
were you ever serious?
Off by one
Quite a lazy rebuttal; just repeating my claim
C'mon, this is Cred Forums! Really let your creativity and resourcefulness show!
so that's a no? thought so
Canada wasn't a country back then
Nice assumptions, jackass
You've already proven yourself not serious earlier
>big words are confusing, damn librals and their BUZZ WORDS
Hes right you know.
More than one
That Trump...
He wish he had a mane like that.
That's a weird symbol for Trump's party.
I didn't realize they had lions in Russia
If you don't like baloons than your mother will die I her sleep quote me retards
Lost what?
>it's fucking september
Khat salve, applied to the penor
He was off by about 10 years..... unlike libs who have some few hundred million years of catching up to
I'm not sure you are making the point you think you're making. You're proving him right, pal.
conservatives are the ones that believe the earth is only a few thousand years old.
catch up, dummy
link to video or it didnt happen
>is on Cred Forums
>doesn't know what LOST means
>lost my sides
From last election:
>off by 10 years
not his biggest mistake, you drooling imbecile
This is Cred Forums niggerfaggot. We check dubs around here. Learn to post.
Too bad this wasn't for the bush election.
helo. my language is no vary good.
i love american.
it is seem land of free.
i love american leader trump.
trump is tower!
trump is boss!
american is trump!
You realize the overall divorce rate is increasing among white people, right?
It's only decreasing due to the influx of people who tend to reject Feminism like blacks and Muslims.
fake and gay
>names 7 of the states mentioned
>ignores the other 20
wow you sure showed him
Yeah, cause flooding the US with 3rd world, gibs me, shitskins in exhange for their vote is all about country and has nothing to do with party interests. Fucking moron.
kill yourself
oh wait you won't have to
the muslims will be here soon
What about the Hillary supporter who thought that when the man said that other illegals and coyotes were raping illegal immigrant women she thought coyotes like the animal when anyone with a brain knows that coyotes are the slang term for people who smuggle illegals over the boarder.
Tell me, my liberal friend, do you think dinosaurs are still around?
Of course not, but let's just keep showcasing the worst of each side and pretend that that validates our hateful views.
fuck off mohamed
Liberals are not smarter than anyone....most are uneducated tools voting for free amenities.
wow. that was very telling about your life story. Freud strikes again
>pretending this guy isn't a typical Trump supporter
ignore the problem all you want, but it will not go away on its own
Ahhh fuck that is funny
Nice webm mate love the mixture
butthurt moron detected
There are plenty more videos like this. Who's being violent again? Oh thats right the party for shitskins, cucks and degenerates. Get your shit strait, faggot.
actually I read it in an article. I know that's probably a foreign concept to you
Socialist communities aren't fascists, socialist governments are.
I hate charts like this with Y-axist starting from some arbituary point and makes the whole graph give false impression on a quick glance.
Like it looks like liberals are 2.5x smarter than conservatives based on the size of the bars, when the real difference is more close to 10 %.
because that means more divorces means bad marriages
Smart Creator with planned typo so his work will live on in other threads
Agreed. You have to draw the bar somewhere but the least misleading way to do it is to show it by standard deviation or raw score starting at zero.
>iq information based on "iq and the wealth of nations"
You're either a troll or a deluded imbecile who took everything your liberal arts professors taught you at face value
God you're a little bitch. What are your pronouns faggot?
Dubs checked, also...
Hitler was definitely the master of identity politics. The modern liberal is definitely poised to take that title though
guess we now know who "was phone"
Kek underrated post
>"could find"
Idiots are everywhere
You faggot.
Yes this, and santa trips checked
dunand pls no
i knew it, i clicked anyway, fuck you to deepest depths of hell
>Hitler durr.
Gets it
Why do people fall for this
Tho gifs like a bad acid trip
o shit trump
Mom better call me tomorrow and say thank you.
I will always reply to papa Donald.
Yeah you remember this woman right? Wasn't Obama that got her that phone. Wasn't Bush either even though Safelink started giving out phones during his administration. Roots of the legislation that eventually led to the creation of the program Safelink uses to give out phones can be traced all the way back to Clinton and Reagan but DEFINITELY not Obama. Thing is there are idiots on both sides of the fence.
I'd prefer that not to happen.
Yeah! It should be represented by a little maple leaf knit cap on TyrannasaurUS!
I'm liberal who is anti-theist as hell. Fuck yourself, then die a slow death.
At least I'm smart enough to know communism and socialism are bad. Trump might be bad, but he's not nearly as dangerous as someone that supports false narratives, like victimization of blacks, anti-gun when muslims kill everyone in a night club.