Drawthread: Funny edition edition!
Drawthread: Funny edition edition!
You're all Losers!!
If you're taking requests:
Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before
Please and thank you. God bless
A little of both. I get to know a little more about the artist by indirectly asking for their favorite Pokémon. But yes, Togekiss is the best
It's *you're* faggot.
Taking requests!
No what?
It's your, trust me.
You're ( you+are)
Taking simple requests, if you've got them
My dad's an English professor, it's *you're* trust me!
No, your. like Y-O-U-R. spell it with me.
i fucking love this, good pun
Taking request
It's clearly 'ur', u dummies
Actually it's your if you guys passed English you would know that.
Mario dressed in gangsta clothing, please
I'm fucking with you, I know it's not your, it's yor.
Could you draw something of this character?
Stahp ur gonna gib me diabetus.
This is not even me.
Draw a horsecock. Preferably going up some girl's butt but just the cock would work too.
Moses separating the sea in half
It's obviously uer!!!
This is not even my final form.
Doing requests.
why do you ask for shit that goes on forever, set a cap faggot.
This guy in a tiny bumper car
Also how are ya
Requesting Rukia doing something cute with a Walrein
What do you do?
Where's the fun in that?
But don't you want diabetes
>You fighting a shark with legs and spaghetti as arms to the death!
I tried
Still taking requests
Decaf, what type of porn do you watch?I can tell you're a nympho maniac, by those saggy eyes and fucked up hair.
I mean what categories video games,fantasy creatures,random ass shit,animals...
draw fiona with a boner
Pinis has been doing lewds for months now
Forgot image
I like to draw peoples characters, fantasy, video games, I just don't like animals or backgrounds.
give me attenchion
>this is Kai
For the Nigga who wanted a togekiss kicking a pokemons ass
Why is she smelling her armpit?
Requesting user pov looking at you sitting on the other side of the table in a restaurant while you say "hey user, why are you so quiet?" add your favorite food on the table if you want
I know user. U can show me next time. I must go.
Sometimes on Sundays. But generally no, I dun wanna die by sweets.
.. u need to stahp watching me. I like wen the girl acts like she's not digging it but then can't help but show it soon after. (not rape. not rape..) I'm kinda a normie I guess.
Get feels nerds
Ref of pov.
Ooooo Syn bby
>tfw u forget to attach image.
Anyway I gotta drive now. Ja.
Hi miro can you repost the full of this simple little pic
I save all your stuff :3
wrong, but hi
also i found out i can't draw with my left hand
wake me up
do de best sam doing something.
you know which one.
Something like this
Here you go ! But pls don't do like this/ose user(s) acting like it's me answering sobs
aayy who's this?
draw your irl vagoo with your left hand
Bye Decaf!! Safe driving!
Kek, 10/10 would still fap to that.
Oh, I thought you meant like, an artist named pov.
Member of the bear chat
R8 please.
No, you're going to live with it, punk. I hate scum like you always screaming around and circlejerking everywhere. We want the good old day back.the days when these drawthreads had anons roaming in freedom. People like you made these thread go into shit, m8. You make me feel sick to my stomach, you.. you fucking sand niggers bitch as deer mouse.
Bigger version.
but do you have the rarest miro, cuz i do!
I mean, it's okay?
I don't know the context.
thats pretty bad my friend
Last night I drew the pencil for no reason, then I made pic related, and then today I finished it.
No context really.
i know ur an girl kai.
you dont know shit nigga
ill give you this hairy bbc
This is some spicy meatballs we got here. This is picture is to perfect, user. Thanks my brother from another mother, Luigi
eva tole me, she said ur cute af
I like the lava and the shading.
Sure thing
Other simple requests for a simple dude?
eva suc my big black penile every night dood
I guess the best Sam is good at cookin'
But looks can be deceiving.
( wake me up inside )
ok gomen
tHe RAREST !!!! here it is !
oh dear good
Hey kai, you still considering this?
>Bunny girl not wearing any clothing
Everything in this picture captures my fetish. Please draw her bending downward towards our direction
give more opinions.
nice cereal.
Here ya go my dude ^_^
I don't understand your post lol, but thank you :3
i knew i was gonna get shit for saying this anyway
ahh i thought you ended up getting someone else to do it for you
i'll give it a go rn
Yo, doin requests
Saving so hero can draw this later
Your favorite Pokémon getting it's ass kicked by a Togekiss
>Kai and Miro in the same thread being active
I cant breathe
requesting you like this
2 can play this game
draw me
Whoops. Nevermind. I didn't see . Thanks
Right here fam
God bless. Thanks again
Lewd ?
Provo, is the best goddamn drawfag in this place. i love everything about you ,man. Everytime I enter these drawthread , I see the amount of love you put to your creations. Sometimes, i tend to drop in my knees in ecstacy from the site of seeing you. it makes me cry a little bit to see someone have so much passion for his art.i hope you stay here forever
Can someone draw me some lesbian furry porn?
Good meme
well victimism and self-pity attention seeking can only get you so far until anons start to notice, sweetcheeks.
Who the heck are you?
Come on now,
>amount of love
I draw rape
>so much passion for his art
I draw toddlers getting fucked.
>hope you stay here forever
you are all doomed.
this tbh
>Actually it's your if you guys passed English you would know that.
Actually it's your if you guys passed English you're would know that.
no fam at collage
Where is my beloved serious Sam version. I need this for my collection of sam's
>tfw you look at porn at school alot and will strike down anybody I even thinks sees me
Technically it'll be "u r" notice how there is a space between "u" and "r" that is because it is TWO words "u"(you) and "r"(are)
"Ur" on the other hand would translate to only one word: "your"
Damn, poor bastard. No friends, no family, and no one else voting for that choice. He really is all alone
Who cares. I dropped out of School ages ago. I ain't here to learn
cant even do that, there always watching
I tried
>I draw rape
Whose not to say rape is love, Provo. It just animal instinct to have sex with someone
>I draw toddlers getting fucked.
That makes you the most based drawfag in this thread.Tell me one other drawfag that is willing to draw loli shit like that... see nobody. Everybody in this thread cares too much about their image
We need some good music in here
Taking requests.
Hows everyone doing today?
Zyzz lifting two hotties in his biceps
Requesting anything of this
I'm doing good, how about you?
i am talking, you just can seem to hear me
That's.. beautiful
Is kai the cute bunny ? i can't breathe either !!
Hehe I'm starting to believe it.
Well thanks, and goodnight.
show butt
Yo teta
Taking Requests
Here is your reward.
two gay buns
I have no idea to be honest.
OMG LOL i.... ok.... this fits well
omg stop i'm gonna die
Konichiwa drawthred any filthy demons or spirits around to be purged or guided to the afterlife?
hi guys taking some request.
ass and tiddy
omg this is socute i cry thank yu ;;
no you
loli rape
show butt
neat thanks sam
Did you do the >passimian masturbating request the other night?
You said got chu
I meant to say make a new Sam for a videogame reference pun.For instances, Serious Sam pic related , who is cool and edgy. It fits with all the archetypes every Sam has
The boop can also deal with wankstas & punk ads bustahs at a special rate
well now that makes no sense
A wacky new Sam for the crew "Serious Sam"
Draw a character with a stag's skull as a head!
Wanna try something like this??
You just need to erase the arm and it will look like shes doing that, gogo!
Make one with Boop getting drunk
fuck you, you suck
Draw a skull with devil horns wearing a red and black suit
>pls •~•
Hey rice ball
thats some serious mind-fuckery
Rick maaaaan
>I love you
Draw WOW character you've had
>Tauren Druid
cant wake up
I think I missed your point completely..
Silly me!
Sudden Penetration wakes anyone up.
jope ya like it ya magnificent bastard.
of who?
i like this ones
i deserve to be there
any other request?
How's it going? Any requests?
Hay that's my box, and this is my hat!
loli rape
I do. Thank you very much. I appreciate it a bunch
Evening Nim, why so sleepy?
Hey nim
if you killyourself i promise i will do it.
Could you draw these two pressed against one another?
loli rape
ass and tiddy of galil chan
Wait, didn't you request this before?
but you need to do it fisrt.
fuck off no one likes you
you might be right
having a morning job sucks
sup smug
Is that a Bara Sam with shades and a cigarette. Oh dear, this is by the coolest version yet. It's probably the strongest character in your list
Yeah, dude. You're like Creep tier. Chill. They're just drawn girl avatars
Saveee meee!!
taking requests~
loli rape
and show us a pic
>want to see Nim's O-face
>get assfucked instead
You're a grape feeder?
Oh shit , sterling. I forgot that I requested that image. Wow, it came out marvelous
welll, do it.
what the fuck is a morning job
Aww, she looks so adorable. I just want to grab her cute little paws and cuddle her.
How about something cute like boop showing her paws
>having a morning job sucks
Yeah, I use to know that feeling. Although I was paying to wake up early. 8am classes are a bitch
Are you saying that to me or him
Hi boop
That's your name right?
Your kitters are cute
fuck that smug guy no one likes him
am i cute?
Do you remember my request from last night?
Requesting rice oc getting scared at a friend's invitation to a sushi restaurant.
yeee, sup homie?
a day job mang, you know, something normal people have
ya mang
why not? at least he tries to draw
refresh my memory
Thank you so much, kai! I really appreciate this so much, and I'm sorry for having taken so much of your time.
I.... didn't realise i was doing that ?
Hey that's your owner's dildo, don't do that.
show butt
yeah but he sucks and he is s creep
well I have a morning to afternoon job
that sucks too
Requesting Panne getting fucked
Absolutely, you beautiful hunk of a man.
kek, my sides have been obliterated by that image.
hope ya like it
you are welcome :,D
thinking about it.
so many layers.
any other reqest?
loli rape
Dude ever since the boop scored one of your old helmets she's been a treasure & babe magnet!
pwetty please
Mawile plz
High as a kite
Robopussy is aok with me
you cant request me that until you do what i told ya.
i am the owner
danks matey
it's all good you can draw
Hey mang how have you been
Mercy drunk
Aww thanx :3. She's the boop I'm just the guy who draws her.
yah thats the joke.
it was a repost from along time ago.
also got this one if you want it
Skellingtons dancing
it was fun to draw, thank you for the request!
wow thank you man
I tend to ignore them, besides how is your night
I was writing out "I don't remember" but I remembered and it was nim doing this
Mawile with a furfro pup
>thats the joke.
You're a joke.
fuck off everyone hates you even kai rejected your drawing because it was shit like you now LEAVE
aaa thanks, good drawing!
sorry i missed it at first!
Then... Dildo in pooper or dikk in dildo?
/r/ing the robot being happy
everyones a creep now in days
yes it does, but such is life
so far so good, yours?
oh ye, alright
hiya kai
Here ya go
w-woops did i accidently get in the middle of your guys fight im sorryasdfgh
I like her thicc thighs :3
Gracias nimskies
tell me something i don't know
only for harambe
It's been good im going to stop drawin for a bit and eat some dinner
Yeah she's slowly evolving into a phillipino housewife it seems
Thanks I tried
Good art for a sort of grotesque horror point-and-click adventure on Newgrounds. That was supposed to be a compliment, also.
good leave
if anyone is taking requests could you draw cc in your style please.
thanks in advance.
>pic related
>its a reference pic
traumatized for life
Nothing much~ just scaping a little from homework, and you?
oh well.. i had to go forge another >:c you ain't gettin this one
sup! just hanging a little, and you?
Doing what?
>tks m8
hiya nim
anything you wish.
i just want to see cc in as many styles possible.
but if you really cant think of anything, could you have her drinking tea. (i only have 5 pics of her drinking tea)
She's free!
What is she from? She looks familiar.
code gayass
>So close
code geass
Ain't nothing but a heartache
(tell me why)
ain't nothing but a miiiiistaaaaaake
I'm good getting something for dinner
Eh my luck is shit.
Ah yeah. I remember that. Do not recall if I enjoyed it or not though.
show butt
>"come on, it's 2x1 tuesday"
thank you for save it
hope ya like it.
sorry i gtg
it was nice guys see ya later.
it is a little long. so it has its fair share of fillers.
but it holds a place in my heart.
its the first show drawn using computers i thought was good.
>Eh my luck is shit.
Could be worse, you could've gotten robbed by a nigger.
well at least you can draw good he's shit
hOI drawfriends and experienced artists. How can i master perspective? All these qt 3.14 poses are too hard for me to do so i usually stick to just the upper chest and neck when i draw. How did guys master body proportions?
Not gonna do tea, might do something else though.
but seriously you cool
as i said
>anything you wish.
also, nice get
will draw some things.
loli rape
si si de nada
>Marry me
stop that
thats good, enjoy your dinner
finding energy to keep on drawing
wazzapenin wit u?
drawing aint a competition mang
drawing shapes help, also praticing real anatomy works well
chek'd nice quads
Hey soren. Draw soren.
Or a loli.
anyone streaming
Draw your avatar trying to get a pear that's just out of reach on a pear tree.
Requesting Tomo
Will do, nimmy
/r/ with that smug guy
Can you draw a slightly chubby girl wearing a bikini that's too tight
Do some suggestive stuff~
Okay I'm sorry nim ;-;
But thank you for the delivery
Dead thread? What the fuck happened?
I need to draw!
I also need white paper, I ran out
show butt
he still needs to reveal that commission
exactly what?
no probs
just doodling and chilling about, dreading tomorrow, the norm.
hbu ?
break the body into pieces, or shapes, simplify it
draw everything you see
always draw
people started drawing,
now we wait.