Ask a guy who just threw a bottle of oxy and xanax at his girlfriend and told her to kill herself and left our apartment anything
Ask a guy who just threw a bottle of oxy and xanax at his girlfriend and told her to kill herself and left our...
nice. those 2 are great to get high. you been nodding?
Will she?
I'm sober right now. I think I'm going to drive to a bar and get fucked up. I have more bottles of my stuff with me. I just packed a week's worth of clothes and left.
She's fucked in the head. She might.
She broke down crying because I finally got it out of her that she cheated on me.
I wasted 6 years with her. I don't forgive this type of shit.
Either she kills herself or starts packing and is out of my apartment by the time I get back.
you have a scrip for oxy? or do you pay top dollar for quality product? worth it either way
jizz in her eye at least before you punt her out.
you should get a dog or cat to replace her
I have a script for xanax.
I get oxy from my friend who has some serious disease where he's in pain 24/7. He just gives them to me. He only has like a year left to live, he says. I don't know how true that is.
That sounds kind of gay but I heard people who split after such long term relationships get a pet and it totally helps them move on and get over the bitch. Does that really help? Right now I'm more pissed off than anything but I'm sure I'll be depressed bawwing soon enough.
I don't know if I can fuck her after finding out she cheated.
Maybe it's just because I just found out and I'm heated right now?
Right now I have no interest in her. I want to knock her fucking head off.
you should wait and see if your gf kills herself first because if she does you will have to deal with all of that
you're both pill-addicted losers, you should both kill yourselves.
You want to pray she's not MY fucking daughter!!
You're extremely pissed off right now, understandably, but you're going to get depressed once this anger high goes away user. Split with my wife a month ago. I raged pretty hard then it hit me.
I don't date niggers.
You gave her the drugs and fucked off now shes good, youre probably trying to stop her from doing em
I hope he takes some of your xanax, he must have awful anxiety.
Or will she start destroying things you left behind?
>been there
So you came here to get unpissed?
Why didn't you throw the remote & keep the opis & benzos?
This thought literally just crossed my mind. She does love to throw shit. Should I go back?
so she cheated on you. ask yourself this: does it really matter? has she changed as a person? other than now knowing, did anything change, in any sense, since she told you?
i don't think it really matters.
Ive tried to get high off hydrocodone and oxycodone but its doesnt do anything but act like 2000mg of advil.
Ive tried xanax and all it does is make me really tired with absolutely no flight or fight. After 3mg, no high.
Is that weird? Also, weed is like a hallucinogen to me, i smoke a bowl and shit starts happening thats out of control.
Not going to ask a retarded faggot who can't seem to write properly.
>What is lost trust?
Is she pretty?
Typical cuck
>I've tried
Maybe try a drug more than once before you rate the high?
Then do a dubs decides thread.
You'll either end up dead, in jail, or fucking the living shit out of her. Whatever happens, livestream or at least frequent updates with pics.
Whatever the outcome, we win.
Good for you user, good for you.
>>/w/hat is lost trust
well, it depends... she cheated on you, and you didn't know, and she's still with you.
people make mistakes. she didn't leave you for this other guy. you didn't even know. not much changed.
don't get me wrong i think polyamory people are fucking dumbasses but this is someone who cares about you, not someone who's trying to use you.
I have a prescription for the xanax and had a 30day prescription for the hydrocodone.
Beats me, user - you know her best. But i wouldnt put it past crazy, esp bc its a way to seek your attention without actually killing oneself
if I was going out with a woman, I'd want only my dick in her, especially after 6 years.
If shes getting dick from somewhere else, shes using him.
Then stop acting like one ..CUNTT!
Then they should have cared enough to not spread their legs.
Wait, she cheated on you and *you* left? Was it her apartment? If both of you then the cheater gets thrown out and begs to return is how that works.
sure, but being single sucks too, especially as you get older. it's just sort of immature to throw everything away over information, especially if you know in hindsight that her cheating on you didn't matter
Yea fuck her she sounds like a scum bag.
And so do you.
It matters to me more then a relationship.
You wanna watch some hockey?
Ideally, yes. Legally, probably not. Depends on local laws, but it can be hard to force eviction of a long-time cohabitabt even if their name is not on the lease.
>been there
Your a total faggot cuck that has never been in a relationship.
get the fuck off of Cred Forums and kill yourself
Then you get a dog.
I had to smoke pot 4 times before I felt anything. On the 5th time--I didn't think it worked either--and then it just kind of happened.
Have you ever cheated on her.
>immature to throw everything away over information
What kind of autist or psychopath are you?
We're talking about a relationship, not a business agreement.
Maybe you understand it this way: OP, like any other person in a serious relationship, resisted temptations for 6 years.
And this cunt thought she could get away with OP AND a fuck on the side.
Without telling him, until he forced it out of her.
Not him, but I've been in a relationship and have cheated multiple times, and no one suffered. I know you may call me whatever you think I am, but do you ever wonder why people do the things they do? If you say "because they're fucking stupid", you're too reductionist and carried away by your feelings. In this context, aren't YOU the one who's pretty stupid for missing out on potential knowledge and understanding? You know knowledge is power, you've heard that before. Maybe if you understand why people actually do things that to outsiders seem retarded or stupid, you might have an advantage in life.
lmao everythings different. When you love someone you have to give them your trust and when thats gone love is replaced with bitterness.
I tried to take back a cheating gf once and spent the whole time hatefucking her and honestly despising her the whole time.
You cant go back from that really
I type just fine. Read the posts in the rest of the thread. I actually typed that in my phone when I was in the car looking up a bar to go to. Thanks tho m8.
It's my apartment. I left because I was about to knock her the fuck out. I'm out cooling off right now. I want her permanently out though. I only packed some clothes just in case.
Where you at?
Because I told her to kill herself?
If she's destroying stuff right now it's probably our pictures, gifts I gave her, etc. stuff I'd get rid of anyway.
I have not.
I thought about this too. I'm pissed right now but I'm waiting for the baww to take over. Sorry to hear user.
you wanna know the great big secret no one wants you to know.
Life kinda sucks.
Im married and it sucks. Your single and it sucks. It just kinda sucks.
I wish I could be alone to spend my own money and just smoke my pipe in peace, You wish you had someone there for you.
We always want what we dont got and when we get it, we realise its not all that we thought it would be.
You're fucking stupid.
>You know knowledge is power
Today's menu: Stale sayings and lame wisdoms.
How about the why of cheating:
-Because people are either immature kids that start relationships without really wanting to commit
Animals, that want to commit, but can't hold their urges for a greater good.
people psychologically incapable of maintaining lasting monogamous relationships (borderline etc)
btw not the user you replied to
Just keep chanting "sloppy seconds" over and over in your head. You should never forgive a cheater because they will always do it again.
I agree with this. I've been loyal for 6 years and I just got royally screwed. I had my whole future planned out (so I thought) then I get blindsided by this shit. I'm only 29, she's 31. My life isn't completely over. Yet anyway. But this definitely just derailed me. I know her and I know she's going to beg me back but I can't trust a cheater. And with no trust there is really no relationship.
pics or dind happm LOL
I love when bad people try to use logic to justify themselves to themselves really.
Knowledge is power so im gonna hit you with some. You're a cunt. Dont try and tell other people what to do because you can do it and still be happy. Dont act like you know why people do things literally youre like a child rapist told you that you should rape everyone because its fine and he feels good. Sure the rapist might think that..but to the rest of us, he's a cunt.
And you mate..
You are a cunt and a half. Self rightous sounding prick
>We always want what we dont got and when we get it, we realise its not all that we thought it would be.
Real shit
Nice trips asshole.
If I go back home and she's dead I'll post pics for you.
I'm kind of worried about how the state of my apartment will be when I go back.
I'm with you user. My grill ever cheats, she's getting out, and he's getting a bat to the knees.
pl0x post pics no matter what happm, or else u a lyin cunt lmao
Cheaters are the worst people. The easiest thing on the planet to do is NOT FUCK SOMEONE. There's like nothing simpler to manage, period. I can be alone in a room naked with anybody on the damned planet for any amount of time whatsoever and still manage to not fuck them because I promised my wife that I wouldn't. You learn about promises as a child ffs. Never look back OP. Cheaters never stop cheating.
How will you feel if she kills herself and really dies? Also have you ever cheated on her?
who is this guy I forget he makes youtube videos
Read thread before posting, user
da king of Cred Forums u newfag
Been in your position OP. Fuck this guy saying it doesn't really matter that she cheated, she cheated once, she'll do it again. Refused to take back the bitch that cheated on me, 2 months later she was cheating on the guy she'd "replaced" me with. Best thing to do is either kick her out or move out yourself and end all communication.
i know but whats his name I forget i remember long ago he gets real mad
do you just carry baby chicks in your pocket or what
dont talk in 3rd prsn wth me fgt
Little shortsighted, but I agree with you user. Like, some people can't manage themselves and it's not that black and white, but I get your point. Not op
>I'm 19 and what is this
Please tell me you're kidding.
>I'm asking because I wouldn't put it past anyone on
>Cred Forums
Seriously. I mean, do you?
That's why I won't take her back if she starts begging. I can't trust her anymore. She had her chance and blew it. If she was interested in somebody else I'd rather have her break up with me so she can go do her own thing. But she thought she could be so fucking secretive and pull this shit on the side. Fuck her.
I have not cheated on her. The thought of going through with cheating never crossed my mind. Of course I've seen women out and I think to myself "I would wreck her" but I never would do it because I made my girl a promise when I got with her that I was with her and her only. If I had the urge to bang other people I'd be single.
As for her killing herself, I don't know. I know I said that out of complete raging anger and I've never said that to her before. I'm too pissed off right now to think about how I'd feel.
I should.
If I get enough drinks in me right now I might go pay him a visit. He's a 5 minute drive from the bar/restaurant I'm at right now. I need to be smart though I'm not trying to catch a case. I have a gun in my car and I know I'd do something stupid if I was drunk.
Fuck that cheating whore. I kicked my ex out for the same thing... She begged and pleaded for a second chance... "I love you user! blah blah blah"
No fucking way. Anyone with any self respect doesn't put up with that fucking bullshit from a bitch.
Been living alone since early Feb and I love it. I just pour myself into my business and don't worry about pussy. Maybe being almost 40 helps. Once in a while I wake up feeling alone, but the constant feeling of independence eclipses any codependency issues.
This shit right here.
not OP here but my ex cheated on me and I kicked her the fuck out. I gave her 30 days to leave. I stayed at my buddys house while her and her stupid friends came by to help her pack. she begged to get me back but there's no way. I didn't trust her anymore. and as said earlier in this thread, no trust no relationship.
Do this. OP go back to your apartment and tell her she has 30 days to leave the property (assuming she's still alive)
Has she texted you or called you at all?
Spot on, bro. I don't miss any of them, and neither does my dog.
How did you get it out of her she was cheating?
What mg oxy?
Can you throw them at me instead?
Why don't you go back and take the pills yourself pussy?
OP is she or has she ever been suicidal? You may have just killed her. Especially if she was in tears crying. Not to mention the insane guilt she must feel right now and the reality that she just fucked herself over. She has to know she's going to be kicked out.
>Literally does one of the more masculine things to do (beating your woman is only for the weak)
>Better call him a pussy and tell him to kill himself because I'm an edgy teen who has something to prove to these people I've never met.
Got him good user.
>Inb4 he says #notacuck
Doesnt think it matters that other dudes fuck yo girl. Cuuuuuuuck.
Not op, but oh well. If she could be coaxed to kill herself, let it be. I've dealt with suicide and considered it. You want to die, feel free. You want to live, feel free to try. It's up to the strength of the individual. She isn't strong enough? Not his problem.
OP left the house because he was furious. That's what you're supposed to do, kid. That's the smart thing to do before you end up like chris brown. How is he a pussy for that? He'd be a pussy if he stayed and she got rekt.
>If I get enough drinks in me right now I might go pay him a visit
Don't do it. I won't lead anywhere, and it kind of moves some responsibility from her to him.
Whereas I think he's morally not at fault. He was single (I suppose), she wasn't.
Ergo: He fucked some chick - she cheated.
The first is morally ok, the latter not.
OP can't have killed her.
She fucked up big time, and if she thinks killing herself makes it better it's not OP's fault.
Life isn't a huge hugbox.
If you fuck up and can't take the guilt, it's not someone else's fault.
Spot on. Listen to this user, OP.
I raped your daughter and she loved it
I agree he (probably) shouldn't kill the guy, but if the guy knowingly fucked a taken woman, then he is probably a prime candidate for some broken bones.
Then was it *really* rape?
OP here. Her bitch cunt friend just called me and told me to go back home because she really wants to talk things out. I told her I have nothing to say to her right now and I want her out the house.
She was careless. One night she told me she went to her movies with her friend monica. But her friend checked in on facebook with her boyfriend somewhere else that night. Pretty obvious she was lying. I kept going at her trying to get her to tell me where she was really at. She kept the movie story and said her friend backed out last minute.
I don't know if you have a Verizon, but when you're the owner of the family plan and you go online to pay your bill, there's a list of numbers that each line called and when. I paid the bill today, it's due this week. I saw the number she called before she went "to the movies" with the time. So I decided to call it. It was some dude. I caught her. She knew she got caught, fessed up to the whole thing.
She's trying to do that right now. I'm not buying it. She's going to have 30 days to leave.
I don't plan on dying any time soon.
You're completely right. It's not worth it, I might do something stupid. I'm curious though if he knew about me or if she played it off like she was single.
I'm wondering if he knew about me.
If he knew about you then he's definitely due for an ass whooping. If he didn't know then don't do anything. I fucked a girl and turns out she had a boyfriend. I had no idea. Some bitches are just slick like that.
u stipid? 30 days? just kick her out, go there throw her stuff out the window,
Where you get out xans from?
caught her red handed. Maybe she's bored in the relationship, aren't you?
Why did you do that?
ps I know the urge for reacking that guy is hundge but belive me on this, its not worth it, I still Want to get that guy who fucked my gf but if I lay a hand on him they will kick me out of the military,
Read the thread you lazy bitch
I googled it after the user in here mentioned it, there seems to be a law in California where you need to give the person 30 days to leave. I'm on my phone right now and can't really look it up but these sites are saying people need a 30 day notice? I want her out ASAP but I don't want to break any laws. If an user is on the computer right now and can verify I need to give her a 30 day notice?
I have a prescription.
To be honest I wasn't bored. I had plans to propose to her this year. I talked to her brothers and parents about my intentions. They're asian, so her family is weird old traditional, I felt it was right to talk to them about my intentions with their daughter.
She cheated and I caught her I know, it isn't worth it. He's 5 minutes away from where I'm at right now. I want to confront him and ask if he knew about me.
confront him and ask him. i'm curious myself after reading the thread.
btw I hate old traditional asian parents. my ex was thai and I literally had to talk to them about awkward shit because if I didn't then I would be "disrespecting them"
just wait until they find out the marriage is off because their whore daughter cheated.
where are the pics tf man
Good work user. I wouldnt be able to forgive either.
op i think the 30 day thing is only for landlords, its your apartment, and shes not paying for it, i assume, so, you should be able to make her leave whenever you wish since you arent her tenant and her name isnt on the lease
Well I'm at the beach right now user. This car is parked outside the bar I'm at. Probably a rental or a rich fuck. Here's a pic.
The 30 day notice only applies to landlords or people who rent out from others. You are totally okay to kick her out right now.
You're in cali OP?? Where at?
Surf the wave of the rage and post her nudes