I watch a lot of porn and started noticing something happening the past 3-4 months. You might want to pay attention.
The sjw's are taking over.
> started noticing a lot more nigger dicks on bangbros > didnt think much of it at first > "i'll skip this update" i say to myself despite being a completist but i cant fap to that shit > looks like the girls are taking a monster shit > weeks go by and more and more nigger dicks > more black chicks to > lets be real here very few black chicks in porn are fapworthy > most are nfl player lookalikes for fetishists who want to fap to their fantasy teams > most of the pornstars I follow on twitter are all of a sudden cookoo for black cock > they are doing interracial porn like crazy > even some of the girls who were legit racist > start doing some digging > turns out at porn conventions around the globe > industry experts are pushing "IR porn" > because it's the biggest growing market > look at key speakers > it's all fucking women giving these talks > in a predominately male owned industry wtf > why are they they experts? > go to one in Cali > its a ballroom filled with porn site owners (some even pornstars) > 2/3 speakers are these fat ugly bitches talking about the "world of IR porn" > one was a statistician the other a marketing expert > they legit said "white men are blah when it comes to modern porn > look at any of the big name sites NA, brazzers, bangbros, rk etc > there are more nigger dicks in 2016 then there were in the last 4 yrs combined > but lets think about this > biggest growing market? > how? > niggers who want to see nigger dicks aren't going to pay for porn > niggers don't pay for shit > they rob shit
continued please bump this I have lots more this is the biggest conspiracy of the year
> only faggy cucks and fat bitches who like black men want to see black dongs in hot chicks... > cucks + fat bitches = ? > mother of god > that was my eureka moment > started doing some legit sleuthing > look at bangbros title 18 info > thats the thing where they verify the models are legal and link to fbi etc > turns out bangbros is no longer owned by owned by "Carol Santiago" > a fucking woman owns bangbros? > turns out this is a recent development too > if you look in 2013 the Miami Times reports it was owned by a Jeffery Greenberg > so within the last 3 years a woman has taken over one of the biggest/well known pornsites in the world > something doesn't add up > I started doing digging on Carol Santiago > turns out the name comes up on alot of feminist message boards > most of it is nonsense jibberish though
also please can someone count the last 14 updates on bangbros and tell me how many new vids have niggers in them just for proof
Aaron Carter
this has been happening for a while now user, its not "muh sjws" its the jews trying to destroy the white race
Ryder Walker
This made me laugh.
Christopher Lee
Fucking Niggers
Owen Jenkins
> For over a month I worked my way into a feminist group in Portland to try and uncover this mystery > basically just copy and pasted feminist propaganda into the forum > then liked them on instagram using one of my catfish accounts > started earning their trust > turns out "Carol Santiago" is a false figurehead created by the Miami chapter of this group > it's head up by this black haired ugly woman > this is where shit is going to start blowing your mind > the group in portland engineered a plan to crash a party in seattle where Rodney Moore a porn mogul was hosting a party > they planned on sneaking into his private rooms and looking for anything they could to incriminate him > "to shut down his disgusting site" > I booked a ticket and made my way down to Seattle > the group was supposed to meet at a local starbucks > i waited there for 2 hours wanting to see if I could see who these women are > not a single person showed up > for 2 hours > there wasn't 1 person who entered the shop > and the whole time the 2 barristas just stared at me menacingly > I looked on the forum > and my fucking account was blocked > I left the starbucks and saw my rental car > the windshield smashed in > and a note on the driver window > "you fucking idiot we knew you weren't a woman."
Leo Carter
bump for moar ffs
Caleb Moore
This is interesting but probably fake. Ill see how this pans out.
Oliver Rogers
bump for interest.
Zachary Lewis
> knowing my cover was blown I went to to the airport to go back > I wasted enough time here > heres where shit starts to get scary > my entire phone started acting fucky > like it would just turn off for no apparent reason > it was at like 90% battery > new phone nothing wrong with it > but the volume kept going up and down > whenever I'd go to certain websites it would direct me to stupid spammy shit > a few weeks go by and I give up on my investigation > i actually start fapping to some ir porn because fuck it > the girl is so hot and theres nothing else new > but then i fucking see it > i wasn't even looking > it was a CNN piece on the owner of MINDGEEK > the corporation that owns more porn companies than anyone else > it's owned by these jewish guys, 1 fat 1 skinny > but that wasn't what alerted me > it was the woman in the back of the video > the ugly black haired woman who runs the MIAMI FUCKING FEMINAZI CHAPTER > IS THE GIRLFRIEND/WIFE of David Marmorstein
Daniel Thomas
Cooper Diaz
Some people just like porn and don't have a problem with the guys being black, white or anything else.
I don't seek out nor avoid IR porn.
Too bad you're stuck in the... I don't know what you're stuck in... The 70's? The deep South?
Alexander Mitchell
someone screencap this shit
Hunter Williams
> one day when I started looking up Marmorstein in depth to ry and figure out what the black haired womans name was I got an anonymous phone call > "stop your fucking search you faggot" > "w-who who is this" > "drop it or we're going to kill you." > it took me 5 minutes to figure out that this was about what I was just searching for > I was getting close to something they didnt want me to find out > I traded in my phone at the pawnshop for a lesser model and tried to shake it > the past 2 nights I've heard shit outside in my backyard at 2 am > I'm starting to get freaked out > I know people will think this is funny or whatever but please > please > if you dont hear from me again please dont drop this > don't let them win > don't let the internet become nigger porn > dont let them erase our white cocks from the net > it actually matters dudes > people should be able to fantasize whatever they want > ir porn isnt bad, it's the fact they are intentionally trying to wipe out white males thats the problem
please someone do some digging carry on what I started
Evan Collins
lol wut
Elijah Gomez
porn sites are all interracial and foot fetish now
Kevin Jenkins
Why is that? who's running the show? Who hates white males? OP's story actually makes sense.
Ryder Brooks
Samuel Brown
Not sure if serious, good read though.
Owen Clark
go back too Cred Forums brazzers has less nigger dicks then ever, when they started they had 2 sites specifically for interracial ''racks and blacks'' and ''butts and blacks'', they also had a site ''teens like it black'' they choose their demographics purely on what pulls higher numbers and rates higher
as for bangbros, it's simple, THEY'VE ALWAYS HAD BLACK COCKS GALORE... the difference now is Ramon retired and died so now instead of Ramon's dick adding contrast to all the black dicks, now it's only black dicks in monsters of cock updates
the main difference now in interracial is BLACKED.com, and that's simply because it's high quality porn that appeals to that niche, it is relevant because quite simply.... people pay for it, there is not some sort of white genocide conspiracy besides cucks paying for porn, blame the consumer, not the producer, porn is a BUSINESS and the sole purpose is PROFIT, if no one bought interracial porn then there would be less demand and less of a market, but people DO buy it, so people appeal to the niche, no one trying to make money off producing porn gives a fuck if your jimmies get rustled over whores taking huge black dick
Grayson Harris
Link to image please.. That was the best fucking tinfoil ever, and no dinosaurwalks or fresh fucking princes...
I'm glad I'm not the only one who takes note of trends in porn but jesus christ OP.
Also have you been using incognito mode for your porn searches? otherwise it's like advertising and they'll show you what you wanna see, I.e. you've been searching for cuck Nigg a dicks
Wyatt Sanders
There's a good reason why all I watch is hentai anymore. It's getting harder and harder to find white male black female now.
Isaac Scott
bad shoop
Sebastian Flores
The funniest part is there is a BBC thread right below this lol
OP I didn't see one nigger dick. closest thing was a not-horse-ugly nigress in the advertisement up top. It's half lesbian and half master race on master race
James Russell
screencap this and put on b to raise it if it s legit
Carson Edwards
How dis maek u feel white boi?
David Kelly
wow liberals are taking over the porn industry
maybe I'll have some fappable porn now
truth be told I dont like the color contrast niggerdicks give in my porn though. Makes it hard to be the guy in the scenario when he's thirty shades darker than you
Isaac Jackson
Love is colorblind bro
Jace Green
I'm not scared of you nigger I'm scared of the women that are controlling the media. It's not so much about the porn (which I love) it's the fact that they've put themselves in positions of power...for their cause. I'm scared that it literally took less than 3 years for them to infiltrate the industry to start spreading their propaganda...imagine whatother industry's they are doing this in. cis males are the new nigger. pretty soon we're going to be outlawed to our own washrooms.
Wyatt Martin
What..... Ramon died?
I thought he was in jail for animal abuse or some such shit?
Ayden Parker
shit user u better write down ur will cuz they r probably going to rain down on u n wack u with a bbc xD joke aside i somehow believ u porn is not what it used to be. i found some old cds of old porn from before the millenia n not a single nigga in it
Gabriel Hill
the Miami times article op mentions talks about a white male porn star charged with murder is that him?
Jackson Powell
this Its already happening. Look up the case of Greg Elliott. Men are already second class citizens in Canada.
Hudson Myers
What's your name, age, phone number, post as much identifying info that won't get b tards to fuck with you as you can so if you disappear, we've got an eye on you.
Easton Barnes
This seriously if the feminazis know who you are we need to as well so if you disapear we can help
Grayson Brown
Don't, OP! Something about them is fishy
Isaiah Thompson
Come on man, right now this guy is fucked either way.
Gabriel Cooper
I don't trust you but I'm an old man and dont trust much dont think you can hurt me if you know my name and they alread know mine Arthur O'Keefe from California
Blake Turner
nice bait that's a missing person
Ryder Diaz
Dude I don't know anything about you im still pretty much a kid just turned 18 a few days ago, but if you're going to expose the Jews, at least try and be safe while doing it.
Dominic Clark
Oh yeah he's dead
Ayden Hernandez
>jewfag here We don't want to see nigger dicks either. In fact, our culture predisposes us to be attracted towards Caucasians and Jews.
Jace Wood
You don't have to trust us but 4 Chan is one of the best allys you can have against people like this so if you disappear we might be the only people that can bring some sort of justice so it isn't just covered up, this whole thread should be screenshoted
Julian Scott
Bumping 4 justice OP
Jason Reyes
Have you ever seen the difference between a nigger and an Aryan in a greyscale photo? That's what colorblind people see.
Caleb Martinez
Jace Bennett
>>White male fragility, the thread.
Nobody fucking cares.
Jaxson Smith
Who the fuck care about porn, look at movie industry too. I wanted to watch the new " The magnificent seven" its full of pc bullshit. I hope this is a sign that entire entertainment industry near to crash and burn
Zachary Perez
can anyone verify these names does a woman really own bangbros?
Landon Gonzalez
>Watching a black turd that wont shut the fuck up and looks like it has dust bunnies on it pump in and out of a girl who has given up on life or looking attractive No thank you
Christopher Bell
Shut the fuck up, bitch.
Easton Brown
And incest
Ethan Thomas
>this is the biggest conspiracy of the year It could be instead your chronic masturbation is effecting your rational skills. Blacked.com proved extremely profitable so of course other producers are following along. IR porn disgusts me but I can respect people that do quality work- it wont help the others. Pornography addiction is degenerate and I'm glad porn companies are self-destructing producing content even its fans don't feel good about
Luke Collins
And then you were the fresh prince of bel air
Matthew Baker
If you're going to dig this deep then you need to be using Tor/Onion or its latest equivalent
If you're digging around in the private affairs of rich/powerful people and not protecting your anonymity then you deserve everything you get
Cooper Stewart
Jaxson Lopez
How would you suggest we proceed, user?
Chase Allen
>I don't seek out nor avoid IR porn
Oh aren't you just a shining knight you massive liberal faggot nigger.
Anthony Lopez
>love lingerie in porn >hate niggers >only good new lingerie porn features niggers almost exclusively
Jeremiah Anderson
whats her name??
Brody Butler
I can relare to OP conspiracy theory...
But I've seen far less "latina abuse" kind of things. Whatever happened to that?
Well, turns out SJW and feminists wrote academic papera on latina abuse and the like.
Also... sharking? What -- it is so 2012? Candids -- more prosecuted than CP or actual crimes. What is happening to the way we see porn?