Hey Cred Forums, I'm a 19 year old guy who can't get laid for shit and would still be a virginfag if it weren't for hookers. Can the chads out there tell me how it feels like to get pussy? Feel free to cuck me to your heart's content. And for the guys with a gf, how does it feel to have sex with someone you love?
Hey Cred Forums...
>Feel free to cuck me to your heart's content.
Can't cuck you if you cane even get pussy faggot
Im 19 like you
and never ever kissed a girl and never will
Aint giving fucks about girls anymore
Videogames is the way to go fuck everything
You sacrificed your virgin powers for the pussy.
t-10 years 'till wizard powers. Only virginity I've lost is hand holding.
Of course you can. Cucks only get pussy when their licking a nigger's cum out of one.
19, have had a gf for a year now and she is awesome. The most amazing girl I have ever met, we both are open-minded and therefore indulge in any sexual kink/taboo that comes to mind, never been so happy and fulfilled.
>if it wasn't for hookers
>19 years old
chill the fuuuuk out ;)
If what you say is true, you are one lucky bastard.
It feels awesome to get attention and fuck a lot but annoying once they start fighting over you. Ain't worth it, just drink with your friends and play vidya games friend
there's nothing to love about women. they are here for the function of birthing and raising kids. their brains are hard wired to make them awful people. the greeks had things right.
Yeah. We have done pretty much everything: lots of anal play, weird kinky roleplays, playing with her as she sleeps (she wants me to), piss play (because why not?) and much more..
Don't sweat it man. You probably just aren't getting Any cause you're a whiney fucking bitch. Blabla i don't get pussy im a fag blabla Thaysen you, you fucking fag. Go out of your parents basement and engage in a conversation with somebody. A Girl guy a fucking clerk or dog fuck it. The frist thing you need is to be able to speak to other Living beings and be charming or entertaining. Before you get that down all Else is pointless
Funny you mention that. I recently chatted up this cute British girl in class and we made out, but she was reluctant to see me again afterwards. Same story for most other girls I've gotten close with.
Who hurt you
Having sex with someone you love is one of the best feelings ever, but when it eventually blows up in your face the thought of fucking anyone else even casually is repulsive. Get drunk instead.
Maaan having sex with someone you love is pretty great.
Its just like having sex but you know that:
A) she wants to as well
B) she's not gonna leave you afterwards
after consuming heroic amounts of lsd, dmt, shrooms, peyote,mescaline, along with many other psychedelics all at once I have come across the answer to life itself and am traveling to the east coast of my country, i have recruited many: we have no name,
we wear robes with a sort of pocket with a hole in the bottom so we may pleasure ourselves at all time without exposing ourselves to ignorant passerbys who do not follow us in the path to joy
the answer to eternal life is simple but very hard the first year:
jack off all the time, but never jizz until the end of each year at midnight and then proceed to wipe the jizz over your forehead with your index and middle finger while closing your eyes and chanting "dickshaun mana"
after doing this for one full year you will become enlightended and feel the true pleasure of jacking off without jizzing and may spend the rest of your eternal life doing this in pure bliss, traveling the lands recruiting more people in your quest to spread true happiness
You'll find someone chill.
The first step is to get the fuck off this website.
However fucked up it sounds my only relationship was me pretending to love her for 2 years so I could keep getting inside her. I think I actually loved her for like a month but she was too fucking emotional. If you ask me real love doesn't exist.
>tip my fedora
>turn 360°
>walk away
nice trip dubs
having sex with someone you love is pretty magical, i'm not going to fuck with you. the closeness is amazing.
then it ended, and i feel like there's a hole in my chest that keeps getting deeper and if you dropped a stone in it, it would fall for ever and ever.
The trick is to not love them.
>This Thread
not op but i really want to start talking to a cute girl but i'm kind of beta should i just go for it?
Why wouldn't you?
she's fucking beautiful and i've never really had a conversation with a girl i don't know what to do
Yeah, well it was probably the most rewarding part of my life, and probably will be for the rest of it. I wish a plane would crash into my roof so no one would blame me for dying.
Fuck, are you me?
Just imagine she isn't beautiful and is just a mate, confidence is key, just chat to her like she's one of your mates.
well, as long as it's not hamfisted or forced, you respect her boundaries and if you know she doesn't want to talk to you, taking the cue, you should be fine. just be nice. even if nothing comes from it, it'll be a confidence boost. go for it man, just be respectful
i wouldn't wish how i feel on anyone else, so i really hope not. it's sad how much of the human experience is misery.
shit thanks bros if i see her tomorrow i'll give it a shot
Good luck man.
godspeed. hope it all goes well
>well it was probably the most rewarding part of my life, and probably will be for the rest of it. I wish a plane would crash into my roof so no one would blame me for dying.
>i wouldn't wish how i feel on anyone else
You really are me. Fuck your life. I was hoping nobody else felt the exact same way I do every day.
Indeed, fuck my life, and fuck yours. fuck it all. hope you find some respite soon, my friend. it'll get better, eventually. just got to keep on keeping on, i guess
I just slog through my five days of drone work and get blackout drunk every night I don't have work the following morning. None of my hobbies interest me anymore, literally the only thing that gets me through the week is the knowledge that I can go home on the last day and drink until I can't see.
As long as you don't isolate, you'll get your chance.
I'm a 31yo virgin, a man-child.
Got chances with 15yo with a cute blonde and at 23yo with a nice 26yo girl.
With my first chance I had so much low esteem I didn't notice she wanted my dick.
With my second one I told her I had a gf lol
From 2008 onwards I isolated myself, a lot of depression, regrets, pain over all the negativity that happened constantly.
Now I'm beyond saving.
My advice is that stay calm and eventually you'll get your chance. DON'T ISOLATE YOURSELF.