There's a murderer lurking around on Cred Forums and you, user, are our only hope to stop him
When the murderer claims 100 victims he will leave Cred Forums and take his killings to a larger scale on the rest of Cred Forums.
When 500 points have been scored the murderer will be revealed and caught.
>Even singles get killed
>Odd singles survive
>Dubs finds clues and adds a number of points depending on their last two numbers (88, 55, ect.)
>Trips protect the next 10 even singles (this does not stack)
>Quads reveals the murderer (but does not catch him) Once this happens, the rules will change
>There will be events
Good luck, user, you're the only one who can save us.
kill me, i want some events
the killer only kills faggots
i will cut ur throat murderer but only after u kill OP
Yay! It's finally my chance to die!
I'm on it. No need to worry.
Now it feels like someone is in my house
Lotta dead faggots on here
Watch this shit mother fuckers
>killer on the loose
>only kills faggots
>be ghost
>how can you kill that which is already dead?
I know who the murderer is!
15 victims have been claimed
>85 kills left before the murderer ends
Reveal thyself, murderer!
Fuck the game, the murderer is ted cruz
You had one fucking job, faggots.
i have no emotion and no rational fears like most do, so come at me, ill just laugh while you do it.
p.s im not a psychopath
What about the clues? We got two
I still think it's ted cruz
I'm telling you faggots it's ted cruz
an you give me emotions before you kill me, because if not I wont give a shit if you kill me.
I have good defense so come on lets do this...
The black guy always dies first.
im tempted to show my face, say my name and where i live just to make this more real,
it would be better that way right, plus it would be more fun
I hope I make it home safe tonight, guys.
What the fuck you looking at cunt!
It was that fucking frog. Kill it
Quads get
Now I'm the killer, last 30 posts are killed.
>More than 20 victims have been killer
Hurry, user!
Now this is my kind of game
im an immortal you cant kill me
fuck i died
you know what i change my mind fuck u
What are you gonna do, stab me?
I have information that will lead to Hillary Clinton's arrest
If I don't die I'll reveal her secrets
Here to save my boys with these trips
umm are we ever getting clues?
Harambe isn't dead he's actu
I've played enough danganronpa to know that all I have to do is to shout "Future", so...
Stop fucking dying you faggots
A local dance party has left the last killing a pit sloppy
>The next post to get dubs gets their points multiplied by 2
Thats 110 points. How many more do we need?
The murderer decides he had enough of this shit and decides to turn himself in
The murderer was Rick Harrison all along because fucking normalfags were making shitty memes out of him.
>This thread is now a Spiderman thread
>>>/N/ewfag whats that XD lol
I can't even die correctly, I'm the worst
Candlejack we need your hel
Are you stupid? Everyone knows candlejack is just a myth. He doe
They can't touch us. Us Cred Forums pass users have Guards.
We was kings n shit, man.