empty already?
Empty already?
lurking kinda
yes my balls are
numbers tell all
maybe it was MY postings that made him so hard
it's raining really hard outside right now
you can go outside and have a drink
It was this.
IT was. You make my dick harder than the bullet that exploded JFK's head
gee wiz
i feel so honored
You want it don't you
Cred Forums is for Cred Forumsenis
Called it
Stupid shit, always forget about the arrows
No it's not.
yes it is
it's quite loud too
I've been told on many occasions that my butt is good.
It was a Catherine reference.
You forget you are Floridaman. It is not raining here.
Zaush does great anatomy, but the child sized bottom and the organ destroying dicks really ruin it.
Waste of what could be good furry porn.
the best superhero there is
I want snuggles.
Floridaman is neither super nor a hero.
I meant about your opinion but well, perhaps I would've used the trip come for a taste if it were up to me
then explain the cape
You guys made my dick so hard I guess I have to contribute now.
Please dont
Poor fashion sense.
uhm... what?
Yup, there´s some weather- i lĂke it, could ac be bothered to go out and enjoy it.
... Too straight-forward?
Why not?
Huh? I just didn't understand what you said.
i'll have to get a better cape
i like it when it rains cause it makes the water in the lake kinda warm
Wow, that badger is a slut.
Wearing a cape is always poor fashion sense unless you're batman.
Thats in a better direction.
Capes in general are awful. You're supposed to be gay. Where is you inherent fashion sense?
>You're supposed to be gay. Where is you inherent fashion sense?
i feel discriminized
What type do you like? I have folderseen upon folders of every type ;)
I messed it up a little, now I'm starting to get senile too. I just said that if it were up to me, I would've used the trip to Finland to verify your claim about your butt :P
> "discriminized"
straight up
Ah, I see. Well, if you're ever in Finland again, let's meet up for coffee at least. Do you know qruiser?
Now I do, thanks for the tip! And we haven't gone yet as a matter of fact, I just hope it'll be before the bloody winter
Just thought it might be an easy way to talk and all, send messages etc.
Oh, I thought you went already.
Straight up where?
just straight up
We would've went in the summer but moving got in the way of that, although it'll be interesting with an autumn holiday! Where did you go on vacation this summer?
I went nowhere in particular, I don't do vacation trips, that's what people with money do.
Dublin has some really friendly pigeons, maybe too friendly... Some guy took a pic of me drenched in pigeons and with one on the head, I'm still trying to find that photo
I'd rather not touch birds myself. I don't quite trust them.
Furries are literally fucking cancer.
It was absolutely hilarious, like that guy was sitting there minding his own business, and there we came and caused that chaos
I'm guessing you failed biology in school.
you live in some expensive city or something?
So, that floridaman guy/matsu/the friggin NSA? can see where i am AND tell that the weather is loud, then there is some talk about a superpower and a cape......
>this is all so neat n´exciting 2 me
>u all type and think alot faster than i do, it seems.
>im sorry im barging in here like a drunk tourist, im used to be ignored so i dont really have anything to say....so.
Get AOE2.
Well, it's always fun to spice things up.
The whole damn country is expensive as fuck. Luckily it also had a working social security system. Now it works at half or less efficiency, but still it's better than what most of the world has.
Do you need medical assistance?
i am the nsa yes
why do you want me to buy games now
It is indeed, speaking of which... This thread is in a serious lack of Katten
tru tru
but i just got don't starve together
Well now I really do need to go so see you later
*butt boop*
I know. Just joking. You probably won't like AOE2. As much as I love it, it has not aged too well.
stay noided
Im fine, just square.
Oh, just making sure.
Bit of a lurker, not really in to Cred Forums but I'm looking for someone or something.
A couple months back, there was someone avatarfagging with a cute kobold girl. Does anyone happen to know that user?
He has a wife that pegs him in the asshole.
god, back off chet
what would tay think
this band is legendary
Super cool
did you ever find a pic of a doggo and a cat snug?
Do you know if he still comes around, or who the character was?
I'm more interested in the kobold than him
lol, no.
Didn't look.
I think I'll try to get some sleep. Goodnight everyone.
Sadface emoticon
night baj
hey wem
he have crab claw foots