Religion of Peace
Religion of Peace
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What happened?
>generalizing a whole religion because of the radicals
the fuck's wrong with you
Bad goyim, you need to be more tolerant of others.
Again you mean
yeah what happened dad
Islam isn't the problem, it's ISIS. More broadly speaking, extremists for anything are cancer. If you believe in something, go right ahead, as long as you won't go out of your way to kill innocent people for it.
They aren't radicals, it's in their books.
Islam is inherently pro-terrorism.
It happens every fucking day in sand nigger land, cuss it's not happening in Europe or America dosnt mean it stops
>Islam isn't the problem
OHHHHH MAAAAAAAAAAAAN this argument never ends. Who gives a fuck what the fucking quran says it doesn't matter. What matters is people that follow it are more likely to be terrorists than people that follow other booooooooooooks. Can you grasp it ????
Good point !
Islam needs to undergo major reform like Christianity did. Fuck, most of them in the States still prefer Sharia law over the Constitution.
A reformation implies something on some level worth saving and preserving.
Islam needs an extermination.
Let's take a look at how these terrorist groups formed: one person misinterpreted their holy books, and got a bunch of angry little men behind their backs to support them. All Cred Forums wants to see are the angry little men. Do they need to be stopped? Hell yes. Should movements against ISIS and other terrorist groups be made? As soon as possible. Should we go around eradicating everyone who believes in Islam? No.
shut the fuck up sand nigger. go back to syria.
No we shouldn't eradicate them but raising the Islamic population of European countries during the most radical Islamic period for a long time is probably also not wise
The fuck is wrong with you? Are you blind to you surroundings?
>Estimated radicals of islam is 15-25%
>That's about 200-300 million mudslimes
>Fuck you
Lol retard
If you're going to correct people do it properly.
Of 1.6 billion, numb nuts. That's almost 1/3 of the planet's ENTIRE population.
>implying us jews like those sandniggers
Any organization should be judged by both its best and its worst. Government body, religion, highschool student council, doesn't matter.
I agree with this completely.
Look at all the homegrown shit stains we have right here in the USA. Good thing the rest of the world doesn't judge us by them.
I'm okay with eradicating a 1/3 of humans. As long as they're jewish, muslim, or shitskins.
Nevermind, yes they do.
You'd have to beat Hitler's record of 5 million.
I mean, on a scale of really shitty but successful people, he's definitely a 10. I'd put you somewhere around 1.5.
goddammit! sandniggers at it again
actualy a lot closer to 1/5 numb nuts
>Hitler's record
are you retarded? or just brainwashed by kike media?
>hey there smoothskin
>implying hitler killed the most people
6 billion people on Earth.
1.6 billion Muslims.
6 -1.6 = 4.4
Note that I said ALMOST 1/3, implying that 1.6 is closer to 2 than it is to 1. SO, if we're not looking for an exact number, round up to two.
Now, numb nuts, how many times does 2 go in to 6?
3 times.
Numb nuts.
otherwise, go back to school or reddit or wherever you came from. fuck off ivory tower scum.
I've always heard it was 6mil people. Now based on that and what you said, you're telling me i have the potential to kill 900,000 of one or a mixture of the 3 groups mentioned, and i'm less of a shitty person than adolph hitler, and since he's actually great. That must mean that i'm really great
math lesson.
there are 7.125 billion people on earth not 6 billion retard
Daily reminder Islam is debunked by history.
Well, for being the sole influence. I mean, I suppose we could talk medieval crazy shit, but Hitler seems, to me, to be the most relevant to today's scenarios. You're not going to summon an army and hack a bunch of villagers to death with swords while burninating the countryside these days.
>not posting the superior version
7.4 billion on Earth chucklefuck.
>not seeing something as obvious as race or wealth
the fuck's wrong with you
No, moron. I said SUCCESSFUL shitty people. Meaning that your level of shittiness has nothing to do with it. Only your level of success. Of which you have none.
ALSO, there are 6 million people in the USA.
You honestly need more education before you start deciding you want to decide how the world should go because I'm not impressed so far.
Genghis Khan and Mao Zedong both killed an estimated 40 million people so kys. they hold the record.
you can't misinterpret a fictional book you fucking retard. There are no misinterpretations. It's fucking fiction. It's meant to be interpreted by the reader. Holy fucking shit you people are dense.
Not the user from but that still implies there would be more, thus it still wouldn't be 1/5.
Overpopulation is a hell of a thing. See, I'm well out of highschool, and I didn't RECHECK.
Regardless, Muslim's still make up a HUGE population. Fuzzy math doesn't change that.
these are so good. what the fuck are these even called?
You really need some reading comprehension.
I'm not even the guy you were arguing with, I'm just being pedantic.
how does that imply there would be more? the statistic of 1.6 billion muslims and 7.125 billion people on earth are from 2010 and 2011 respectilvey. Islam didn't grow by almost a billion people in 1 year.
Please stop. You're wrong.
>religion of peace
>this infographic
how are people literally blind to this?
Go for it. >_>
I actually know that's not correct. Pretty sure my fingers flew faster than my brain on that one.
hasnt been 6 billion since 1999 and also if youre going to state that its a certain percent of the earths population you should really get the real number
Let me guess, you are disregarding the ALMOST.
no one cares about the numbers you fucking 12 year olds. there are a fuckton of mudslimes and almost as many bad mudslimes.
We're not talking about you, the lower downs, were talking high ranking Jews equivalent to powerful mobsters.
hey is there anyway we can invite these people to the united states?
Right. I was born in 88. Last I heard it was 6 billion.
Increased numbers have done us no favors.
Hitler killed 11 million people in the holocaust. The 6 million figure is only the jews.
Is he not targeting a specific race?
Regardless, whoever he wants to kill, you have just greatly decreased his odds. Which is a good thing.
just shut the fuck up, you already made a fool of yourself either an hero or stop posting faggot
>being this monotone
all fanatics do stupid shit
>i was born in 88
>defending himself in Cred Forums
Now, now. Don't get your panties twisted.
If I had a bowl of skittles and said that a few of them would kill you would you take a handful? That is the problem with these sand niggers, not all of them are terrorists, but a large amount are, and it is safer to get rid of the whole than a part that might not even be a threat.
If I could pick one religion to vanish off the face of the earth it would be Islam.
do you even english?
>one person misinterpreted their holy books
Quran repeatedly calls for killing infidels.
Mohammad was an illiterate pedophilic warlord.
Muslims worship him as the most perfect man to have ever lived.
Islam is a mental cancer.
is that barack obama?
>hey g-guise it's ok that there are 300,000,000 muslim extremists because the other 1.2 billion of them aren't.
You're retarded.
>6 billion people on Earth.
Stopped reading there.
Go apologise for Islamic filth on reddit, faggot.
have you even read the quran or are you one of those CNN "reporters" who thinks its okay to say shit without researching it first?
because you sound like a retard. i mean "reporter"
>more likely to be terrorists than people who follow other books
this is actually wrong, isis is like, less than 5% of all muslims, heck, id be suprised if its past 3%! and america kind of is the reason isis is gaining traction, I mean, most isis members are in there 20s, and they probably saw family members die by the us's hands as kids. also, the kkk is a thing.
You rated me at 1.5 on a scale of 1 to 10 with hitler being 10. A scale of successful shitty people.
Since hitler was not a shitty person but very successful, and assuming that the higher you go the shittier and more succesful you are, and that i was going off of 15% of 6 million people which is hitlers score(there are over 300million people in The US, retard) and finally, assuming the lower my rating on your scale, the less shitty i would be assuming your scale makes sense, since hitler wasn't shitty at all, thar would make me a better person than hitler. I'd say my analysis of your statement was correct. Don't say shit if you don't know what you're saying, idiot.
>40 million people so kys
The left chooses to ignore these statistics and instead virtue signals the #notAllMuslims bullshit.
The left is not interested in an honest discussion of Islam. It is more preoccupied with making the generalisation that muslims are brown and therefore they are oppressed and can't be held to the same standards as other people.
It is the bigotry of low expectations. The left is in complete denial.
Yeah, user. It's just like 3% of Muslims, you know.
Just forget about
>Al Qaeda
>Boko Haram
>Al Shabaab
>Al-Nusra Front
Yeah, it's just like 300,000,000 muslims who want to kill you.
It's no big deal.
Merkel did nothing wrong!
Facts are racist
I didnt know how bad it was in the EU untill I started following a few youtubers like Kraut and Tea.
>Terrorism is just something you have to learn with
If you count failed attacks I doubt a week goes by without a few incidents of terrorism
Its great how Europeans are voting for hard right party's again just to have anyone listen to their concerns over immigration.
Thanks Merkel!
What's wrong with any of those things though, racist
>Its great how Europeans are voting for hard right party's again
But this isn't happening. Certainly not in any major way.
Also, I live in Ireland and we have had no Islamic terror attacks here, but our country is leftist and I see more and more ninjas and mudslimes on my city streets every day.
I fear my country is going to go the same way as England with large muslim ghetto areas with no integration or social cohesion.
We don't have a lot of muslims right now, but our population is small, and even 10,000 muds would make a visible difference. I fear it's too late, as all our youth is leftist.
FUCK Merkel for inviting the hoards of economic migrants. She has blood on her hands, then cunting bitch.
They make awesome propaganda though
>not taking 5 second to google population
Oh yeah I've seen shit like this
Trips man. Fuckin trips
lol, his dick was tiny
Haha yeah
Let me put it into terms that you might understand:
300,000 is less than 1 percent of 1.6 billion.
1/3 of the American population has been arrested. If violence is your real concern, take the advice you give politicians when they decide to spend money on aid for other countries--start at home.
>not posting the superioir of superior version
that's called a reversal of the burden of proof
it is one of many logical fallacies religious persons use
It's 300,000,000, you retarded fuck.
Not 300,000.
Jesus Christ, do you understand than 1 out of every 5 muslims either wants to kill you or wants someone else to kill you?
Watch this presentation with a muslim woman, cunt.