>I don't masturbate.
It's not a religious thing or anything I've just never gotten any pleasure out of it. Am I doing something wrong? Is anyone else here like me? Please help /b
>I don't masturbate.
It's not a religious thing or anything I've just never gotten any pleasure out of it. Am I doing something wrong? Is anyone else here like me? Please help /b
you need better fap material. she's 5/7 at best.
if you don't like it, you don't like it. Nothing wrong with that.
I think you are maybe taking the term "beating off" too literally. Stop physically assaulting your genitals and watch some porn while you gently caress your friend down below with some lube of some kind :)
8 minimum 9+ if I took the picture with a better pose
Have you tried this?
But it seems like it's something EVERYONE does. Its something that I've never understood the appeal of, Like Pokemon and Bacon
Don't be a conformist shitstain. Do what you want, regardless of popularity.
I'm not a conformist. I don't do it. I just thought I might find at least one explanation for why I such an special snowflake in all this
does sex not feel good either?
Some people have different brains that make their behaviors different from each other. Go ask a neurologist or something if it really matters so much.
18/yo virgin so would know :(
nvm summer.
>Needs better fap material
>Gives perfect score
Be honest. Doesn't the fact that it's Vanna fucking White bring it up at least one point?
absolute bullshit
btw I literally picked this pic at random from google so I have no opinion.
no idea who she is
what that I'm a virgin? OK lol
You're not the only one user.
I never really got into it and don't do it either.
after consuming heroic amounts of lsd, dmt, shrooms, peyote,mescaline, along with many other psychedelics all at once I have come across the answer to life itself and am traveling to the east coast of my country, i have recruited many: we have no name,
we wear robes with a sort of pocket with a hole in the bottom so we may pleasure ourselves at all time without exposing ourselves to ignorant passerbys who do not follow us in the path to joy
the answer to eternal life is simple but very hard the first year:
jack off all the time, but never jizz until the end of each year at midnight and then proceed to wipe the jizz over your forehead with your index and middle finger while closing your eyes and chanting "dickshaun mana"
after doing this for one full year you will become enlightended and feel the true pleasure of jacking off without jizzing and may spend the rest of your eternal life doing this in pure bliss, traveling the lands recruiting more people in your quest to spread true happiness.
Do you get pleasure in anything? Vidya? Hobbies?
You could have severe autism mixed with anxiety and depression.
Welcome to Cred Forums.
Serious answer:
You probably suffer from either a endocrinological health disorder, or possibly a neurological disorder. In simple terms this means you either have a hormone imbalance, were one or more hormones are not in proper quantities in your blood, or reacting with the right organ; or you have an issue relating to your electrical signals from your genitals to your brain/spine.
Endocrinological issues are very treatable. They would supplement you i.e. with testosterone or estrogen. Neurological; they would look at your neurotransmitters, such as dopamine or serotonin.
The body is complex and highly interwoven in function, so it's best to go to a specialist.
Good luck OP.
I don't think I'm autistic but the other two fair enough. However I know a bunch of autistic weirdo's who jack off.
Better than incessantly jerking off and then not being able to cum from sex:(
I'm not necessarily in your boat all the way but I rarely masturbate compared to most guys I know. But I have a low sex drive in general due to my sort of recent past. I mean smoking weed and drinking certainly didn't help but even when I was doing that I was fucking and masturbating regularly. That all changed after re-experiencing a weird rejection and made me want to work on myself a fuck ton more than I wanted sex or alcohol or weed. But idk what your situation is. Maybe you just have a low sex drive. Maybe you had a bad experience and need to work through it. Maybe your stupidly insecure. Maybe you've had sex enough to where you don't care about the stimulation as much anymore. But it's not weird or that abnormal unless you just don't feel an urge to do anything with what you're attracted to for like a few months
Thanks for the reply. I've just been waiting for the chance to have sex before I do something like see a specialist.
Also checkem
how do I get motivation then? I do nothing but sit in my room all day (unless I walk my dog) and I've lost all interest in everything even vidya. I can't leave the house without basically having a panic attack from the stress of being around people.
Have a threesome, it's what I do.
Or better yet, have a foursome! It's also what I do.
I can't really find anything to do except some cheap mindless entertainment online with a few mates playing the vidya, and it at best appeases the horrific dullness of life for a few hours.
So sexual conquest is the only thing with any variety or flavour in my life right now because my job is basically groundhog day and this direction I'm going is at a great time of my life AND thoroughly enjoyable.
Find yourself a bisexual woman ideally, befriend her / own her (Whatever comes first), then proceed to engage on a sexual Odyssey by sleeping with all different kinds of new women and new tastes.
I'll be staying with my bisexual partner in an older girl's house in a week or so, nothing too major, just a few years older than us, and that'll be another one marked off of my conquest bucket list.
Also PROTIP: Get in shape and learn to be suave; it'll take you far.
Well, I don't masturbarte if I don't have to either. I just like sex better. Anyhow, it's OK.
No problem, I'm here to provide additional support if needed.
Could you elaborate on your situation? For example do you suffer from any health problems?
- Overweight, obesity
- Sudden weight loss or low muscle mass
- Fatigue
- Depression or other mental health issues such as anxiety or mental clarity, or motivation etc
- Poor sleep, or irregular cycles
- Erectile dysfunction or vaginal dryness
- Numbness of body parts
- Poor circulation or cold feet/hands, etc
- Drug use
Or any other points you might connect as related?
I'd wait for sex until you have visited a specialist, since reading your posts its very clear there is a problem with your health. This is curable, both using modern medicine and also proven alternative medicine such as herbal supplements. Note that not all alternative medicine is effective or safe, and could react with other substances.
I think I have serious problems with anxiety. I can't work a job that involves serving people under pressure. I just freak out and panic. I'm a maladaptive daydreamer and often pace up and down my house thinking about everything that could go wrong. I don't do drugs but I do drink a British empires worth of tea :p I suppose I have fatigue and I have no motivation to do anything. I'm not these pill called "Propranolol" and It took everything in me to go to the doctors to get them in the first place and I was sweating like a mess.
*on these pills
Too vanilla. Get fetish-->BoneZone
Thank you for your reply. Your words further solidify my view regarding the medical condition.
Often a sexual disorder such as feeling no pleasure from erotic stimuli, will go hand in hand with other mental issues such as anxiety, depression, lack of motivation, mental fatigue, memory problems, haziness, etc.
The reason why is because, for example, the hormone testosterone is responsible for a large variety of functions in the body, including sexual arousal, and it's complementary reactions.
Further, in turn this can also cause problems with your neurotransmitters, and cause a cascading domino effect with continuously keeps your body in the wrong condition.
On a short term notice I would start exercising daily; push ups and jogging. This alone can alleviate some stress. However, you mentioned you use Propranolol which is a medicine used for heart conditions. In this case I'd watch your health closely.
More-so, there are rather serious side effects to the medicine, and you might want to consider alternatives, or even not using if it's possible in your condition.
Simply make an appointment with your GP and tell him you do not feel sexual pleasure, and suffer from anxiety, and you think it might have to do with your hormones. Your GP will ask you further questions, trying to help your condition, and run blood tests. Then, you will be forwarded to a specialist.
Just do it ;)
And tea is good, no worries!
thanks for your help :)