Some girl is coming to our school to talk about suicide prevention. How should I troll them? My friends are in on this too.
Some girl is coming to our school to talk about suicide prevention. How should I troll them...
Other urls found in this thread:
step 1 stop being underage
By all shooting yourselves in the head in front of her and the whole school.
ask them the most efficient way of being an hero
When she starts making claims about why you shouldn't kill youself, ask "Why?" When she answers, keep asking that one word question. She'll eventually be forced to come to the same conclusion as every suicidal person that there is no meaning in the world and there's no point in living. Have your mates do the same so it's not just you. Also this
When they say it's awful stand up and call them out saying its a fucking blessing and they shouldn't take it granted
Consider the following:
cool jpg asshole when there's a gif version from Ken Park
Why the hell would you troll them? You're not fucking edgy for trolling a mental health advisor you dumb cuck.
Alluha akbar on speaker, done
How can your friends be in on something they don't know anything about?
>moralfag detected
Put up tiny little sticky notes/posters that say something like:
>Cutting isnt suicide, or
>Suicide=Bad Cutting=Good, or
>Suicide is forever; you can live with scars.
Pressure them to commit suicide
Its at least 40% edgy.
This for sure
Oh yes let's troll everyone in life and grow up to be a 26yo NEET with no friends but it's OK cos it was for the lolz
Reply of the day right here. Worth 50 keks
1.make copies
2.Hand out before speech
4.non profit
>Ken Park
Nice movie, especially the end ;)
By saying that they should an hero for not blue texting
Lacks subtly
Best idea in thread
try again
Bring some bubble wrap and something that looks like a pistol, even if it just a black L-shaped block. Pop the bubble wrap as loud as you can during her conference, then fall forward. When all eyes are on you and drop the pistol-shaped object to the floor. Laugh hysterically, as the crowd is horrified about your fake suicide.
Was this legit? Any news articles/screencaps of the aftermath?
this but have your friend blow up a paper bag and smack it when you put the fake gun up to your head.
Hard mode: throw glitter from your other hand over where the blood splatter would be.
Bonus points if you also do the flyer thing.
Yep. 100% real.
Making a shit ton of nooses and laying them everywhere in the auditorium
Dubs on dubs gotta do it cakes.