Protesters have shut down 6 intersections in Charlotte.
Very large groups amassing throughout the city.
State/county/local law enforcement is on the streets and very visible.
Protesters have shut down 6 intersections in Charlotte.
Very large groups amassing throughout the city.
State/county/local law enforcement is on the streets and very visible.
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Posting from charlotte. i was uptown an hour ago and it wasn't bad. mostly the media just race baiting, trying to get a good story. there are more news vehicles than protesters out there
They've taken over a bowling alley.
is it park lanes or epiecenter? both are right near me also where are you getting info
I know this shooting was completely fucked up, but another one of these "Protests" is another thing we don't need.
I'm going to predict 4 cars on fire this time and a few million in property damages.
it wasn't even fucked up. the guy had a gun and the officer who shot him was black.
I haven't been uptown recently myself. You think things will escalate? the last thing I need is a bunch of angry niggers coming to Indian trail
yep that's epicenter. I can be there in 10 minutes dubs decides what song i blast/ what i yell as i roll by
There are unauthorized people on top of this rooftop building.
you're in indian trail shit never happens there. i'm in myers park and it's quiet as a mouse here
Are they nignogs? cant tell from this angle
that's the epicenter the rooftop is open. they proably arent associated with the protesters
Good beans.
>Shooting was completely fucked up
Typical brainwashed demorat.
Nigger had a gun, and the officer himself was black. Worthless little puppet, stop believing the first thing you hear.
Niggers gonna nig
Wait, are we talking about the same guy?
I mean the guy who was shot on a freeway with his arms up. He went to put his hands against his car and was shot.
Song - I love minorities by Rucka Rucka Ali
Yell - Death to all cops and niggers
that was in tulsa. this is charlotte.
The bike police just shut down this corner.
yell, "I'll suck your dick!"
Ahhh, shit. Well my bad then.
I don't take notes on where shit happens as much as I should.
Looks like the edgy, unloved, obese little 12 year old nigger just got out of school.
Police are heroes, you pussyshit little faggot nigger. Kill all niggers, starting with you, faggot. Die.
Niggers dot jay pee gee
does no one realize this is an easy way to kill them all?
Just because people are police doesn't make them heroes.
I agree that its a noble profession, but some cops are just shitty.
Also, you're a faggot
Fuck you subhuman nigger. You're all lucky we let you live.
The protestors have taken over a fuel truck.
I'm white dumbass
Cool that will end well
user, i live under a rock, what's happening?
Nig nogs being fucking retarded in charlotte because somebody got shot
The other protest group (the larger of the two) has completed blocked 4 lanes and an intersection next to the mini mall area.
Really heavy congestion there.
There's just no room for cars.
Some niggers got shot when they were committing crimes.
Man with a gun call Northwest corner of omni hotel parking garage.
Large group headed for the highway.
Light a match.
Hands up in front of police officers.
Very large group coming out of a church.