Claim: my gf has the best bod out of everyone's gf/wives here.
prove me wrong.
Claim: my gf has the best bod out of everyone's gf/wives here.
prove me wrong.
I don't know OP, I'll have to see more to make a fair judgement. Do go on...
Would breed her
Is she asian?
No proof these pictures have been on Cred Forums for some time now. People posing as its their GF, or themselves. I believe i was here when she first posted saying she was going to meet some dude in a hotel, but I could be wrong also. Stop being a faggot OP stop posting copy pastas...
wonder about the face...but... is nice
would give the Fuhrer a child
ass pls
I want to gut your gf, cut open her stomach and cum directly into the dumpster.
We need more!!!
this one is better , more real
pretty damn good but mine is better. Not posting because I'm not a sociopath. Which probably means I should get off this forum
If your girl lost a few pounds and got perkier tits that might be a start
Wanna cum deep inside her
>my gf
>random prostitute in chink hotel room
that's great to know, faggot
thanks for showing the 97% male populace of Cred Forums your little dicklet
That's a pretty nice dickle tbh imho fAm
Post moar faggot
pasta ..
>pic related, its what your gf actually looks like
Thank you user
A faggot is an instrument
Quit talking to yourself queer, nobody wants to see that gay shit
>dried up jewy pencil dick
OP here.
Calm your jelly and stay on topic plz
What's the reason for you blurring out her pussy..?
Nipples way too big, titflesh too close together. Would bang but doesn't even come close to my top 5.
bullshit you virgin.
nippes arent too big...
ur top 5... dont count all your fingers you fuckwad.
She looks great from what I see. I think mine might be slightly better, but I am not nuts enough to post her on Cred Forums.
I'd have to see the back, or at least her standing up. Also she may have a weird pussy.
You are such a sad little cretin lol, so defensive
It's a penis!
I'd prefer smaller tits and a slightly more muscular abdomen, but I'd concede she's pretty close to the classic ideal.
eh, not really
We might have a draw, that's nice.
dude OP wins.
bro is that a goddamn loli sex doll?? wy is no one commenting in this?
lol m8. That's your "girl"...
and so is this.. so she's clearly not your gf/wife
body is rockin, but i bet she has a frumpy face.
This is the part where they say they post them a lot on here
I prefer mine, but I'm biased..who gives a shit.
Obviously. I've only posted that particular photo here.
if only she had darker skin and hair
need more
thats my doll, hes just reposting pics