reaction thread
i accidentally deleted mine so i need to rebuild it
thats some of the gayest shit ive ever seen
>always using the "i deleted my folder"
when will you guys think up a new ploy? i'm tired of this one
I'm gonna need some kinda proof then...i don't know how, but yes
i can't find a way to validate this carry on then
Just because you aren't upgrading your PC doesn't mean others aren't. :^)
You getting all this shit op?
maybe they are, maybe they aren't, i dunno, i'm just a random user :^)
also, humongous what?
Man, leading a thread sure is hard work.
Op, let's see your folder again now
ok lemme save a bunch more rl quick
This should hold you for a while op.
Relevant to this one
I fucking love this one
some of those weren't there before or are in the thread! lies i say! lies!
they're all from this thread nigga
there was a time when it was kind of true though
now, its just very cringey.
sorry, i was just bluffing to see if OP would crack under pressure, seems i didn't get any response from him yet
tfw there's 0 way to prove i'm OP
yup,why can't that be a thing yet?
also, you could just prove it with a screenshot of your updating folder i suppose
No trips yet but Trips girl though.
Trips girl!!
>Patiently awaiting her nudes