PROBLEM: 21 year old man is virgin
PROBLEM: 21 year old man is virgin
Get a prostitute like normal people
Gg ez wp
Time to give in to cock user. thats your only path left.
Cause im fucked, well not really
My butth0le is not ready for that shit
Triple dubs btw, wow!
Then just suck cock user. Give into the superior males around you.
Arent those suppose to have girls?
Girls and the beta males that worship them. They are alpha for a reason user.
I was more hoping for tips to gain the girls
Why is that a problem though? You been busy with stuff like college or work? It's easy to let shit like dating slip when you've got a full plate. That shit isn't as important
Yeah i study and work so quite busy, but getting my dick sucked in the weekends would fit my shedule perfectly
You and I both know better. Time to give in and let that big dick into your mouth.
But since you asked for a solution, mine would be to work out those legs a little. Seeing even a small difference in muscle growth makes me feel virile as fuck and fucking a bitch comes easy since it attracts them. That's just this anons faggoty solution
I did my first fitness workout 2 days ago and about to go 3 times a week so
Shit if you just want some head on the weekends going out to a club can get you that pretty easy. It might take you a couple of weeks for practice but girls are sluts and you'd be surprised how easy it can be. Or go to church. That one takes just a little longer but they still put out and sucking dick is better to them than fucking in the eyes of the lord hallelujah amen hail satan
Damn, the church he, some fucking slutty nuns, well my problem is that i don't go out that often
Fuck yeah dude! Keep with it no matter how much or little you do. You'll feel like the man after every workout and that reflects into how girls see you. Fake it till you make it they say, girls don't have to know you're beta
I just say hey, i work out, wanna fuck, thanks m8
Well then that's an easy solution user. Start going out more. Hell even at things like board game weekends there are some decent looking women that would probably love to get laid just as much as you
Im mostly looking for the approach technique, this is Belgium, and a lot of them get triggered or offended real zasy so what do?
Where are you going to approach them? Setting is important
In school and on the street im betting on, school is college so between 18 and 24 years old
just don't give a fuck about rejection and u'll get pussy from time to time
Yeah the big thing with me is, what to do if any other scenario (she has bf, she ignores me, hates me, ...)
if you're bi or "secretly gay" give it a try, your cock will be in a mouth in no time
I wish I was still in school. That shit puts you around girls naturally, just sit near one and play dumb, ask her to explain something she understood, she'll feel smart which makes her feel better about herself and associate that good feeling with you. Plus girls in our age group, I'm 24, hardly respect themselves so that helps you out a ton. Just don't try to fucking white knight them. Don't compliment them and shit. Just do simple shit like I said and then suggest you get coffee or some dumb shit she's into. Don't even hide your intentions either, don't ask for tutoring or be a faggot, just say you're cute wanna go out for a drink? It's simple and harmless and doesn't require a lot of time like a date would. You'll know if she's into you, getting her to fuck you is right around the
If that's the case then don't give a fuck. Say ok and walk away, never look back. No wasted effort for you
That is some actual good advice, i would try to complimeent her like right away and shit, so i wouldnt be that good if i would go on my own plan...
Just shave
Im quite hairy everywhere doh, wouldnt it be fucking ugly if only that was shaved?
Yeah don't compliment her. That turns girls off for some reason
Yeah, of course -_- logic...
Btw, >how to get over the "do you have a bf" part?