So I'm an average build I'm like 5'8 and 160lb And I went to the gym for the first time in my life to try and lift weights so I got to the thing in the picture sat down at it and pulled up 120lbs and held it up for a second then I kind of lost my grip and the thing Pulled me up like four feet and jolted me then I slowly got up and walked away full of shame. I could feel the eyes of the lifter bros looking at me in mockery.
Should I just never go to the gym again?
So I'm an average build I'm like 5'8 and 160lb And I went to the gym for the first time in my life to try and lift...
Just go back and learn how to use the equipment properly. And if you're serious start on free weights/ barbell, not machines.
Or just dont fucking do weight you cant lift? I hate when faggots come into the gym trying to lift more than they can just to impress those around them. It's not about the weight. It's about form/how many reps you can do with perfect form. If you can only do 10 reps of 50 lbs, you'll get stronger. Dont. Fucking. Overdo. It.
Also that's a lat pulldown.
Don't use machines for like the first 6 months of lifting unless your a pussy. Educate yourself and then go back to the gym. Arnold's book The Encyclopedia Of Bodybuilding will get you off to a good start. Watch some YouTube videos. Don't get discouraged and don't lift weights out of you ability but make sure you are constantly challenging yourself. It will take only a few months before you see a difference in you looks.
I can carry 120 but like with my shoulders and back not just with my arms
>then I kind of lost my grip and the thing Pulled me up like four feet
fake story is fake
also, 120lbs cant pull 160. don't make me have to try to explain why.
>Lose grip
>Weight comes crashing down
>Lunk alarm goes off
>"Sir, we're going to have to ask you to leave."
Start slow man. No need to go heavy. Work your way up. Ain't no shame. Read up and ask someone if you aren't sure. Got to start somewhere and people have done waaaayy worse. I know a guy who tried to bench press some heavy weights first time in the gym. Ended up choking himself. Some jacked up lady saw he was in trouble and lifted that shit off his neck with one hand. lol Could have been worse man.
I never let it go it pulled me up by my arms
so you're suggesting that 120lbs of weight can lift a 160lb faggot?
lol they named it "roid rage" when the guy is curling 20lbs lmao
5'9 192 lbs
Good condition
I use 120 lbs and I go to the gym 4 times a week
for the past 10 years.
What have you done is usually
what happens when you start lifting weight.
But... why did you think 120 lbs was this light ?
Go back tomorrow different time and put less weight.
I'ts how you do it that matters shit head.
What is that? What's a lunk alarm?
Try going to a crossfit gym. They'll teach you how to lift properly and safely.
It's a waste of time going to some regular gym and getting trained by some bum nigger who's only certification is an online test he took after flunking out of junior college. He'll just make you do some humiliating retard exercises in front of everyone, which will be more embarrassing than your original incident.
And if you're a broke ass, just look up Starting Strength by Mark Riptoe and do what he says.
It's sad sometimes though because real gyms for like thousands of dollars to join with a year long commitment and power gyms sometimes require vouchers as well, so a lot of people are forced by their financial situation to use "fitness clubs" or nothing and all "fitness clubs" have the same stupid rules, no grunting, no dropping weights, no requiring a spotter, etc... in other words, why the fuck do they even have weights there? I swear, places like planet fitness should be nothing but treadmills, stairclimbers and T.V.'s. I got thrown out of one before for doing weighted pull ups. That's it. Because I added weight around my waist for my pullups.
>Lunk Alarm ?
Story ?
What does she say to the guy ? I don't understand.
physics fail... 120 lbs can't lift 160 lbs, but if you moved it could have briefly.
just go back, ignore everyone, now you know what not to do, start with less weight, and guess what, the more reps you do, the more weight you'll be able to do. it's not rocket science.
nobody cares if you're sitting there lifting 10 pounds. nobody cares. they're focusing on themselves, like you should be doing.
workout while you're young before you're not able to anymore. it'll creep up on you faster than you think, and if you think it's hard now, get ready for a surprise.
Then why'd you try to use the machine at 120? Start out slow and get a good form and feel nigger
I think that says enough
5'8 hahahahhah! Kill yourself you fucking pathetic little manlet.
>mfw manlets think that putting on muscle will make them look any less pathetic
5'7 213lbs here, prison guard, bouncer/security on the side. If I had a dollar for every time I've had 6+ foot people tremble at my voice when they turn around and see me walking toward them...
>tfw you're 6'4'' but women still hate you because you're ugly and awkward.
Life is pain.
Check out Planet Fitness. No lunks allowed.
>gr8 b8 m8
Your question is answered here.
It's an alarm that goes off when certain noises like grunting, bar dropping, weight dropping, etc, sounds go off.
Planet fitness made them famous, along with their commercials. To keep weak and fat people from being intimidated to go to the gym, they made it against the rules for anyone to actually work out for real.
Omg, I'm so glad I don't live in USA... Geez. I mean, I get it's only at that place. But still... Only in America! Holy shit...
I'm a personal trainer. If you're gonna lift alone, use machines for your first month.
user, there was nothing wrong with what you were doing- lower the weight to one that you can do 8-12 repetitions in one set. If you find you could do more, raise the weight. Repeat one more round, then switch body parts.
Work your total body 3 times per week. Increasing sets when you feel no soreness, or become stronger.
Wait, what... so other gyms do it too? Well, if you can call them that at this point...
Wow. Faggot here thinks that cross fit teaches you proper form. I dare you to YouTube some crossfit shit on YouTube and it won't take long before you get to the videos where you realize crossfit is a dangerous and retarded way to workout. Avoid crossfit or you're going to hurt yourself.
Fuck, even the shitty gym I go to doesn't have that shit. How does anyone do anything there?
I wouldn't call them gyms. But "fitness clubs", they all have basically the same rules, which is safety works, no flexing muscles, no real or intense lifting, basically nothing that would scare or intimidate the weaklings.
it is worse than the lunk alarm, planet fitness occasionally holds pizza parties if you are a member, and every planet fitness has a giant bowl of tootsie rolls on the counter
>nothing like running on a treadmill for 45 minutes to burn calories then eating more calories than you burned off.
>which is safety works
safety first*
This, also don't use wrist straps or a belt. If you need to use those things to lift then clearly you're using too much weight and not enough proper form. You're back may be able to handle deadlifting 250 lbs but if your hands and arms arent at the same level, then your strength levels will come out misproportioned. The idea is to tear your muscles so they rebuild themselves stronger and slightly larger, use moderate weight and moderate repetition. Also one last thing
Don't be the douchebag that talks to everyone ALL the time, people go to the gym to work out and exercise. I go every morning at 5 am and there's always this one guy that's kinda fit but kinda unfit, and he spends 5 minutes working out for 10 minutes of talking to everyone or hanging out by the water fountain. Like dude, it's 5 o'clock in the morning, shut the fuck up and let me workout before I have to go to school and work.
Is this manlet shit a US only thing or something? Is it directly linked to the braindamage that hinders them from using a metric system?
Nobody goes around here saying "Hurr manlet under 182,88cm"
>accurate representation
Lrn2reed lrn2phzyxx
The guy is 160lbs. Pulling 120.
Underrated post.
Well here in the U.S., planet fitness is (well, was, I quit going years ago) 10 dollars a month with no long-term commitment.
The actual gyms are like 70-100 dollars a month with a 1 or 2 year long commitment. I go to a power gym now that is an even $1,000 a year but required vouchers from 5 current members to join.
take your own advice, faggot.
if the guy is 160 lbs, there is no way that 120 lbs of weight on the machine could physically pull him upwards out of the seat, you dumb nigger.
And who knows if the alarm is set off by a very aware employe who is paid just to detect noices and clench the alarm ?? WTF
It can't be some technological shit that makes a difference between music and dumbbell drop that touches the floor heavily ?
True enough, but those kinds of gyms are for old people or people who got bullied as a kid. I go to planet fitness cuz poorfag but the one I go to is pretty chill with that shit, I haven't heard the link alarm go off but I'm waiting for the day it does so I can laugh my ass off.
Too much weight. It's about control. Start at like 60-80lbs 5x15 for building 4x10 for strength. Also, do your best not to slam a weight ever.
Finally, get your ass back in the gym.
Well when I went there it was like 6-7 years ago. I think they would have to have chilled out a bit by now because it was getting to be a big deal at one point. Everybody was laughing at them and I bet their business dropped significantly.
So... your saying something lifting 75% of your weight doesn't take a fraction of force to hoist you into the air?
Dumb faggot. Go back to your 10th grade.
Yeah, I kinda dislike there being no running track or lap pool like a community gym might have. But you get what you pay for I guess, 10$ a month can't get much cheaper unless you want to be a nigger and use a preschools jungle gym to freestyle it lol
$400 for a year here.
I found it quite funny to watch these videos, but this one takes the cake, I mean, pizza...
At 0:27