This is a neo nazi bitch who believes she has the right to discriminate.
She goes by the name Evalion, her first name is Veronica, her last name is unknown. She has a web page , and she is currently streaming on twitch at /truthedelweiss. She said she grew up in Toronto, Ontario, and might still be living there. I need your help to find her real identity, her ip or any type of info about her in order to her down and make JUSTICE. It's because people like her that society is fucked up, so lets do some good here!
This is a neo nazi bitch who believes she has the right to discriminate
hello newfriend
Oh, and here is a youtube video which sort of shows her skype
Show us the way lord.
Nigga what does it matter. I just flipped the neo Nazi switch a few months back. It's the right thing to do.
Can someone try to find a vulnerability in her website, maybe we can hack it, and try to get some info from there. Maybe an XXS in the contact me section, or finding a sensitive directory
>neo nazi bitch
she clearly stated in 3 of her videos that her channel was a joke read up you sensitive pussy
kill yourself you fucking faggot
This is just her trying to get free publicity. sage
Fuck off Tumblr fag
Fuck off faggot.
Ad hominem
I'm pretty sure the US has the first amendment which gives her the right to discriminate lmao
>It's because people like her that society is fucked up
Ohh it's the kind of cunt I like to fuck.
>Say meine name, hure.
"Heil Hitler"
>Das ist gut.
What's going on in this thread, mein faggot OP?
>Blames society for everything
I'm preheating the oven
you're a sad cunt
She's hot as fuck! MOAR
I hope you die a painful death you retard, get out.
Never saw this bizatch before.
I'm now a fan.
Fuck kikes and niggers. WHITE IS RIGHT
Stupid cunt. Kick her in the gash.
Freedom of speech. She does have the right.
Go suck a cock, you faggot
Where do I sign up??
She's free to speak like a nazi, you're free to speak like a triggered left-wing SJW snowflake. You want her rights revoked? Don't complain when your's get taken away someday.
oh yeah right, user. Her name is math bff and she teaches anyone (master race and minority alike) how to do math on youtube.
Can we track OP and fuck up his life instead?
Ry Richards always wins in the end
We have defeated her with Ry Richards
Ry Richards wins again
>they say I've calmed down since my last album
>lick my dick
>how does that sound?
Green eggs and haaaaaaaaaam!
Just flabbergasted at how natsoc youtubers can be blamed for the downfall of society
Also nice idubz
you have made a mistake coming here for that siht ..lurk moar
>closing in on 2017
>stormfarts still getting all creamy over this bitch
>wanting to believe this hard
she was joking you idiots.
>inb4 not ypur personal army
>inb4 fuck off
>Some speech is free-er than others
what i don't get is youtube is filled with kkk members black panthers that call for killing white babies people who hate muslims anti jews/isreali people nut balls like alex jones people who hate america uk asians
but this woman gets banned it's not right
Not your personal army, fag.
I hope this is bait. Cred Forums has enough SJW cunts as is. I'm not a Nazi and socialism is shit, but let this chick say her piece.
She does ha e the right to discriminate. It is a humans right to free speech and thought. Go ahead an discriminate against her views, it makes you worse than her. At least she can freely make a decision and use judgement. Meanwhile you will let anyone into your home, your life and your fuck hole no matter the ramifications or likelyhood of disaster. Enjoy fucking yourself over.
i don't care about her crazy views i just think she's incredibly pretty. retards like op just help spread her ideas.
This is the only true answer
i think she has a weird face
i never even heard of this girl until retards lost their shit trying to get her banned from youtube. she'd still be basically anonymous if people like op actually had some tiny bit of self-control
yep , definitely would not bang
>She thinks she has the right to discriminate
That's because she does