What's the most redneck/white trash town you've ever been to?
What's the most redneck/white trash town you've ever been to?
Simi Valley, California
Hamlet, Indiana
Jones County Georigia... Little town called gray
Any town in iowa
Any town in WV.
Stratford/byng oklahoma
Also there's a town by there that gets a month off of school for deer season
sydney mines, cape breton nova scotia. or just all of cape breton nova scotia
fulton county resident here, and fuck me i bet thats backwoods as fuck, jones county is the sticks
Jackson County tennessee
Greenwood Indiana. Not a nigger in sight.
Gaylord, Kansas
New York
upstate newyork anywhere north of hwy 69 (no pun) is cousin fuckin country
Livingston Parish, Louisiana
All of Livingston...
Zavalla, TX
Had a store clerk ask me if I was muslim, then told me if I was caught after dark I may never leave town.... I'm a fucking timber nigger
Mullens WV
Montgomery Alabama
Jasper tx
They drag niggers behind trucks
-Camden, Tennessee
-Wiboux, Montana. Not redneck or white trash just weird and very small.
Dahlonega, GA
Packed full of Drumph voters.
Greenwood Mississippi
all of south orange county california
don't let the bmw's fool you, these people are hicks
shit, we do that in pa, spics too
Wetstone AZ
>Saw a teenager fingering his dog on his porch
Liberty, NC, where the cops are your crack dealers.
It's probably not the most white trash place in the world, but I happen to live in the town in Virginia where the owner of the 'NOBAMA' license plate resides.
Also it's really segregated here; there's a white Baptist church and a black Baptist church. In 2008, someone put out door-hangers all over the black street telling Democrats to vote on Wednesday.
Oh, yeah, so in Virginia instead of MLK day, we commemorate Lee-Jackson-King day, because the South will rise again and all that. When I was in middle school, someone changed the school sign to read Lee-Jackson-Coon day.
It's not all about race, of course. I once ran into a guy named Panama who taught me how to steam crabs right; the secret is using cheap Mexican beer instead of water. Weed is really cheap, and the Hardee's still serves fried chicken.
The ones that were all better than the best black areas on earth
Someone hasn't been to texas, filled with Mexicans and niggers, and redneck Mexicans and niggers, and white trash sprinkled in
Im pretty shocked how there are actually hardcore red neck towns full of FAS inbred fucks in British Columbia, Canada.
Hamilton, Alabama. Bunch of shitty restaurants and hotels on an exit of the interstate. Inbreeds under every rock and stump.
Eldersburg MD
got moar of her?
Shabuta, MS
Harrison, Arkansas
Sorry user
more pleaseeeeeee
dat ass it taking over my brain
Ojai, CA
nvm found her
Stewiacke, Nova Scotia
Truck parts on every lawn
Pink flamingos
ride on mowers in the drive ways
a goddamn taxidermist in the middle of it all, WITH car parts on his lawn
not one person without a truck
her names Pernille Penelopee
yooo thats like 30 mins from me. i live in sackville/halifax
Somerset, poteet, jourdanton, Pleasanton tx
St. Thomas, Ontario Canada
Vider, TX
Clyde Savanah or Sodus in New York. Fucking hell. You drive through and any bridge you go over is full of hillbillies fishing off og each side.
As someone from McDowell County I can attest to that.
Who is it??
Anywhere in Florida.
Pernille Penelopee
Cullman Alabama was the Hqtrs. of KKK for Northern Alabama. Had a Billboard Signs on Hwy 31 either side of town . Three Klansmen on Horse back that read Nigger don!t let the Sun set on your head in Cullman County
Conroe, Tx.
Absolutely nothing to do but drink and breed with your cousin.
Blue Creek, where nigger Daniel lives
Ste. Genevieve, MO
It's a town of about 3,000, my family is from there, and I'm probably somehow related to everyone who lives there. It has a nice hunting community, though
The United States of America
Sand springs, Okalhoma is where you can get some meth with a side of dead stripper.
Hey! I'm from St. Thomas
I've lived in Texas and this person speaks the truth.
Texas is nothing but fucking garbage low-life people. Nobody tries to hide their racism.
In that case, will you tell us about your white trash lifestyle?
Oh yeah? Fuck you!
Butler, Kentucky
Lolz! Found the eurocuck.
Gary, Indiana
eureka is a sketchy tweaker dump but there are way more redneck shitholes all around humboldt county.
applalachia virginia
texan here fuck you NIGGER
And nobody likes eachother. Everyone is jealous of one another and tries to 1 up eachother.
Eat my shit you cancerous faggot.
Mendon Michigan.
Washington PA
southern alabama all of it is incest city
toss up between Dothan, Alabama and Seaford, Delaware
I don't think all of texas is that bad, Dallas is definitely the worse though.
You know how many Haitians and other niggers are in this town.
Walden NY or denver NC
I grew up in Morgan city Alabama full of meth heads and pill sluts cops are crooked and a god awful mix of white trash and rednecks place sucked ass
knob creek/elizabethtown kentucky. the fucking renecks had their own white trash compounds and are so undeducated they speak their own fucking language