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Clean your nails
What are you indian?
Argentinian. It's 14 Cm or 5,5 inches. I know it's small. I just want som opinion about how it looks.
3/10 R8
The head's a bit disproportionately big but it's not dry and the complexion is even.
asians have bigger dicks than you
sorry Cred Forumsro
I would suck that if it weren't shaved.
IT looks big cus I have too much skin. idk the ord in english for that.
idc if it's small. I know that. I just want some opinion on how it looks.
No it's pretty obviously thicker than the shaft directly below it and pretty close to the girth at the middle.
It's weird looking for sure.
You don't like shaved? Why not?
What's weird?
looks good to me OP
I like the hair. It's just how I like it.
This it's big?
A valuable person with people who love him, friends that value him, and a bright future filled with warmth and life if he'd spend his time investing in his future rather than worrying about what anonymous strangers on the internet think about a part of his body that is completely outside of his control/10
I don't really care about size. I'm more about how it lloks. I like hair, but I would ride it to battle.
Now that was a hartwarming coment. I just happen to be horny, drunk and alone at the time. So this kind of shit happens. But thank you annon. You are a kaind person.