Fluffy thread
Old is ded
Fluffy thread
Other urls found in this thread:
finally rate my fucking oc
Needs burning flesh
One of these days I'll have to learn how to forward to a new thread.
Not yours. This was posted on the booru ages ago.
Have seen it before, actually really good
Wtf I made it like few months ago xD
This is all I have on this one. Not sure if there are any more.
What the fuck is this comic
Shit like this make me emotional...
No idea, but who ever made it spent a shitload of time I guess.
I don't know. But I love it.
What is the meaning of this? I am truly mystified. Someone please explain.
this will be the most unsatisfying reply you will receive today
Sorry guys I'm all out of pics
>Fluffy thread?
>But no spectacular fem anthro-fluffies featured.
Never thought it would be this enjoyable.
I need to know what happens next
just.. no
Aaaand that's when we stop
That body looks like it is made out of rubber filled with custard.
What has this thread become
Oh hey it's you.
I'd keep her warm, let her fluff grow back, and lo-cal spaghetti's a thing btw.
I know you want more, don't you?
Fwuffy neveh ask fow dis
I'm sure someone does, but personally I could do without it.
Why are you here then
You could have a fucking harem of feral fuck and throw away fluffies if that way your thing for far less.
My fucking sides, new content that is funny.
are there more comics with nibbles?
usually i support fluffy shit but this hurts me.
All i got
Thank you..
I now have regret, I have strayed too far from the flock. My hunger may be satisfied now.. But it will arrive again.
Thank you, friend, I will remember you.
You're welcome user
Here, found this
Thank you.
I can never find these holy pictures anywhere.
Everyday I comb Cred Forums for these relics of holiness.
At least I'm not a furfag.. Right?..
Fluff is a sort of fur. I've got some bad news user...
I can't be..
Please tell me I'm not..
It is exactly fur. All a step on the ladder of Xenophilia.
>Go to the booru
>Search "Anthro"
I promised myself I wouldn't become a furfag.
thread was going so well.
now i have a reason to an hero
Only hugbox is somewhat related to fur. Abuse is the complete opposite. 100% NOT fur in any aspect.
Shhh... not everything is anthro...
It's an anthropomorphized fictional animal being fucked and it turns you on, the conclusion is quite straightforward. You're a furfag.
Please tell me, is there any way to fix my illness?
Must I resort to belief, pray to God?
Nah, just go to porn threads and fap to it, you'll be fixed.
And please dont be a godfag
Turning to god is never the answer, it's just a way to hand away responsibility.
If you don't like this, you find a way to deal with it.
Why? Thoughts are free.
Except when that gets you hard.
Thank you very much. I am reading over my lasts posts.. And I sound like a total fucking faggot.
I never got how the anthro transformation works, does it move the crotchboobs up and doesn't that screw up the internal workings of the fluffy?
Nice dubs. Double dubs. Stay away from any fur shit for a while. Fap to xvideos.com or something.
Good, just enjoy fluffies
ThIs thread is giving me boners and i dont like it.
Never heard about transformation, I thought it's like side continuity where hasbio has another product. If it has even that much thought put into it.
Just let go. Just let it go. Feel the fluff.
heh, feel the fluff...
Oh, I never really bothered to read the anthro stories. I can't really get into the whole protagonist being attracted to a fluffy.
666 get, Original user here, trying to remove the filth from my life.
They aren't about human on fluffy to a significant degree. Strangely most contain fluffy on fluffy vore though. Don't like that aspect myself.
Oh cool, satan seems to agree on my preferences in fluffy stories.
Vore as well?
I guess I'm happy I didn't look into it.
When fluffies eat fluffies, I like it being about the visceral reaction other fluffies have to it. How they get horrified by it.
I think it's one prolific dude pushing it.
It usually is with niche fetishes.
Insta-boner, every time.
Fluffy genetic engineering scifi dreams aside, she would be a dream come true.
Shame the artist was chased off the booru. Her stuff was fetish inducing liquid crack. If my application for furry pr0n was not awakened by a previous generation of artists, I suspect this would have been the one to do it today.
Not that I want to see fluffyverse horror replaced by furryverse sexi material, but hey. You know. A little variety on the side is ... yeah.
Yep, variety is best.
this is how you create hype
Flugby time!
no no no No No No NONONO PLEASE NO
It's the alternate version of the Wire where Wee-Bay keeps fluffys instead of fish.
Not this autism again...
It's a "special" kind of autism.
I'm not letting this thread die.
Here, cuz i never post anything
What is the purpose of these fluffy threads, does this turn you guys/gals on?
There is a minority of people who get turned on by it. Most of us watch it with the same fascination people had with happy tree friends back in the day.
Only certain pictures give me a murder boner, so yes and no?
He wouldn't want this.
He hates everything
Does anyone have the comic with the mother killer recording playing from the stuffed animal? Was a bit with glow in the dark paint on a wall as well.
Dont let it die
Delet this
>Driving home after a night shift at work
>Tired as fuck, don't feel like the shitty microwave dinner I had planned
>Swing by a fast food joint and get something unhealthy
>Night fell about three hours ago
>So it's no surprise to see a gaggle of multicolored feral biotoys foraging in the next parking lot
>The feral infestation hasn't been all bad for everyone
>For instance, local governments received from the federal government mass-constructed .22 pistols with integrated suppressors, which they then distributed to thoroughly background-checked volunteers
>The check was expedited for former military, such as myself
>All those pistols required workers to construct
>Massive entitlement programs were gutted and repurposed wholesale
>This meant that all the welfare leeches were put to work as either exterminators, corpse processors, or assembly workers who put together anti-fluffy tools
>Had to actually work for their money for once
>Money that usually was spent on beauty supplies, hair extensions, and Air Jordans was shuffled to private waste removal companies
>Local governments set up feral bounties based on the level of infestation
>This meant that sparsely populated, low-income, low property value areas, which seem to be magnets for fluffies, were soon revitalized
>In my town? A buck a head. Not great, but not bad for a few minutes of work either
>And so, with all the comforts of a logically run, crisis facing government in my hand, I stepped out and hailed one of the slow moving pods of fluff
Thank god im not the only one keeping this thread alive right now
Yay fluffy abuse green
Page seven guys step it up
hey anybodoy have a old green text about warhammer and flufy´s i couldn´t findit anywhere
Atrocity I've made on Photoshop. May JBerg360 forgive me.
Actually pretty great.
>I keep a little fluffy toy in my car
>It's a big rubber plate of fake spaghetti, but the real value is that it's scented like a fine pasta dish
>I held it out ahead of me as I called to the fluffies again, who had a healthy mistrust of humans
>"Hey! Fluffies! You guys want some spaghetti?"
>After a few seconds of consideration they shuffled up
>Four fluffies, all different colors, clambored faster as they caught the scent
>"Skettis! Hooman haf sketties!" They cried
>"That's right little dude, I have enough for all your friends. Is this your whole herd?"
>The fluffy seemed to barely hear me, and his eyes never left the fake rubber plate as he answered
>"Nu! Haf bigges hewd wif bestes smawty and bestes fwiends!"
>"Well you'd better go get them so all of you can have some of this spaghetti!"
>None of the four fluffies seemed to be able to bear the thought of leaving the unconsumed spaghetti, but after some arguing and shoving, the 'dummeh' was sent to go find the smarty
>After a few awkward minutes waiting with the drooling biotoys, more babbling fluffies started approaching
>"Jesus but there are a lot of you"
>My best guess was near 60 of them were there by the time one forced his way up to the front and puffed his cheeks out
>"Dummeh hooman! Gif sketties fow hewd!"
>"Now now, friend! You all have to earn these sketties! But it will be easy. Just a game!"
>The smarty stomped the asphalt pitifully, and snorted
>"Game? Smawty wuv game... Otay hooman, hewd pway game."
>"Excellent. Get your herd to line up next to each other and turn around. Close your eyes and I'll count down and hide. If even one of your herd finds me, you'll get your spaghetti!"
>The smarty, assured of an easy meal of the fluffy's greatest delight, nodded and set his toughies out to line his herd up
>Mostly single fluffies, but five or six mothers with small foals riding their backs
>After several more minutes, several dozen porky back ends were pointed at you, a light reek was in the air
One of my favorites.
I feel a little sad for the fluffys
I feel so bad for her.
Not the shitrats, god no.
But she seems sweet.
that girl is too cute to waste her life taking care of fluffies... but she should smell worse than the whole india
>"Okay fluffies, close your eyes and when I count to 100 come find me!"
>I ducked into my car for a few extra magazines and headed down to the far end of the line
>"One... Two... Three"
>Each count was punctuated by a soft mechanical click and clatter as the .22 round silently punched through one fluffy at a time
>"If any of you peek none of you get skettis! Ten... Eleven..."
>This went on until the end of the line, the smarty who still didn't realize his entire herd lay dead next to him
>Even the peeping foals didn't alert him, those had to be turned in alive for the full bounty
>"One hundred! Find me fluffies!"
>The smarty opened his eyes and waddled around to stare at me
>"Ha! Fownd dummeh hooman! Gif hewd skett-"
>He didn't even get the demand out as his brain was obliterated by the small caliber bullet
>Always great to see that last second of realization
>Call the pickup service I usually use
>Bill works the night shift, good guy, feel bad for him ever since he lost one of his sons to a motorcycle accident
>Half an hour later I was helping him bag up the bodies while we shot the shit
>Steelers might actually win the superbowl this year after all
>He counts out $64 in cash
>I hand him back $10 as a tip
>We shake hands and he takes off
>I head home with a bit of government coin in my pocket
>Not bad for 45 minutes of work.
$54 for almost an hour of work. Not too shabby.
this is fucking hilarious
nice, good story man, short and sweet
Agreed. That was a good story.
i love it
Anyone have the rest of the red baron story?
I like how this thread is still going. Love it
go to /trash/ for that shit
Aaaand that's when we stop... Again.
It's all posted. Once Malik dies that's the end of the story.
waaa super terrible.
Finally! I was so pissed to see Marbal make it out alive and find a good home with the SJW bitch. Glad someone fixed this!
Fluffies excrete in massive quantities. They make more poop than their bowels should be able to hold. Plus they ejaculate bucket-loads of semen.
according to the faggot author the story is going to continue, now we're going back to the green one with horrible luck.
I think abuse without meaning or justification isn't quite as funny as scenarios such as smarty abuse and other justified or even self-inflicted abuse.
Is there any good art of a fluffy over-reacting to something small? (Then maybe they get a bigger punishment for over-reacting.)
>over-reacting to something small
Could you explain what you mean by this?
I don't know... you know how a toddler will over-react to a small punishment for attention? Kinda like that. A fluffy over-reacts to a small punishment for attention, then gets actually punished.
This is the only thing that comes to mind...
yeah, this works
All of you fags need to leave The Chan forever.
You're thinking about the Litterbox song!!
BAbbeh gets killed for making poop
>the chan
Yeah I agree kinda just made me sad, he was just trying to entertain his owner.
Good Night-mares
I also like sadbox.
Sad abuse box is my fave, got any more btw?
We should spam him with fluffy stuff until he makes a vid about it.
What? Users from this board have done far more dickish stuff to YouTubers.
I'm surprised how long this thread has been alive
yeah, and it's a follow up thread
and that's how a hero saved spared us 3 more little shit-rats in this world
Part two?