Thats it, Trump won
Thats it, Trump won
Other urls found in this thread:
She will win anyway
linko my frindo
Jokes on you...
She's already won
>increasingly nervous CTR shills
Remember that thread on 8ch's Cred Forums about Hillary IT man?
Well the congress somehow followed our investigation, has revoked his immunity and now has issued Reddit to cooperate with them in all the aspects questioned by us. Now /r/The_Donald is spamming the administrator to comply with the order.
Its like Christopher PooIe 2.0, we have hijacked his fucking server and now the congress is behind our think tanks.
HAHAHAH shes about to get fucked up by bargain bin Cred Forums
dosen't matter, she will cheat, just like the nomination. even if she has to attend with her rotten ass planted on a gurney with a ventilator.
The more voters see her, the less they like her.
is she still even alive?
Don't get too confident. Trump's leading in Nevada, Ohio, North Carolina. Momentum's on his side, Clinton's campaign ran out of gas a month ago. Now it's just Trump/Putin Russian Conspiracy, alt-right, and cartoon frogs.
she won from the inside, she has connections due to Bill Clinton and they are able to do whatever bull shittingly possible thing they can to get her on and America is dumb enough to believe most of it.
yeah trump is gonna win by a land slide. no point to voting. just stay home
in fact, im sure the votes aren't even that fucking close, im sure trump is actually winning by votes and they fucking just shit out numbers so it doesent look so suspicious
I wonder if this ill be the same way for Chelsea Clinton years from now? Will she just magically get appointed to secretary of defense or some random bull shit with no experience then run for president after having to step down from office?
Fuck yeah!
They will be the greatest bromance in history
Hate that lying hag.
That's the face of a woman who is beginning to accept the fact that she got schlonged again, this time by a reality TV star with a bad combover, despite having the backing of every major media outlet spinning things positively for her and covering for her, and despite the fact that she had an endless flow of cash and endless corrupt connections to support her campaign.
None of it was enough to overcome the happenings. She's the 2010's version of Baghdad Bob. Blunders, misfires, and random happenings going against her narratives proved too much. Nothing to see here, don't mind all of the shit hitting the fan in the background. Ignore my faintings, my coughing spells, the Islamic terrorism, the chaos in the middle east that I caused, the email scandals, the pay to play schemes as secretary of state, and mysterious assassinations of key people who potentially would throw a wrench into my campaign.
It was supposed to be her time. A smooth-talking jack-legged negro stole it from her 8 years ago. Now she's seeing it happen to her again. The presidency is slipping from her grip. She'll be too old and unfit to run again after this cycle. She'll die an angry and bitter death on a hospital bed as she watches the combover man with the prize he didn't deserve to win. She deserved it, not him.
This fate is most suitable for such a lying, murdering, pathological cunt.
This No question the media and Hillary multi-gazillion dollar Wall Street-backed scammers are blasting propaganda everywhere that they are leading when we all know how many people actually show up to a Hillary rally vs. a Trump rally or a Bernie rally.
People simply hate Hillary Clinton.
She would be an embarrassment to you Amerifags as the rest of the world despises her and does not respect her either.
Too bad that didn't happen, Henrich.
the same thing happened in Britain during the Brexit vote. The fucking day of the vote, they released a poll showing that Remain would win by 10%
I don't think blacks realize how racist Hillary really is. She's never been on the side of blacks. Blacks that vote for her are truly misinformed and certainly unable to see the difference between right and wrong.
No they didn't nigger. The average was a statistical tie for the week+ leading up to the vote and several major polls showed leave ahead of remain.
>Thats it, Trump won
>She would be an embarrassment
So would trump. Maybe moreso. But I'm still voting for trump because he isn't actively trying to destroy America with globalization and unconstitutional fuckery. Fucking Obama with his "give up some freedoms" bullshit at the UN.
Who zoomed in? I know I did. Couldn't help myself.
That's what I'm saying.
The media favors liberals by a huge margin and disseminates misinformation to deceive voters.
Trump, despite his misgivings, is well respected here in Europe even though many would have Ameritards believe otherwise. Frankly, we would love to have a "Trump" in charge here. We are sick and tired of being pissed on and being told it is raining. A guy like Trump that speaks plain old honest and straightforward might offend the thin skinned, but those with morality and a measure of experience in this world know that this trait only exemplifies candor and integrity--something sorely lacking in politics for a long time now.
Just had a thought. Trump wins. And we all know what happens when you cross a Clinton. JFK 2.0 in our lifetime. I'm voting trump but it would be interesting for something like that to happen I mine and my sons lifetime. My mom was 5 for JFK. It would be like I am my grandfather. To live in that kinda world. Either way it could happen really. Hillary has every armed American hating her guts right now.
Is this confirmed? Did she back out of the debate?
why do so many qt3.14s like Trump?
The source looks suspect as fuck. Maybe google it to find more credibility? Also it said a "source" said she's "attempting to back out" so she hasn't yet. But she might I guess?
I think you are overweighing that which really does not matter ultimately in putting your personal feelings first and ignoring what is best for your country.
It shouldn't matter if you don't personally like the guy who runs the company you work at. If he makes you money, takes care of you and your family, keeps you safe, and you always know where he stands and where you stand with him and is thus predictable, that is about all you can ask for from a "politician" and far more than you get from nearly all of them.
That this guy Trump funded his own campaign and took money out of his pocket to try to help you pathetic Amerifags speaks volumes to his level of true integrity and what his motivations are in wanting to help the rest of your poor Amerifags.
. . . or you can put that lying bitch in office and try to explain to your grandchildren why they are working for Chinese Masters and Wall Street Jews and have no money and no house. Make sure you tell them you fucked them over because you needed your petty little pet social nonsense prioritized above all else. Frankly, social crap should have no place in politics at all and I am just shocked you Amerifags even allow that stuff to get into your political decisions.
Because cutie 3.14s like money and spending power. Plus on the female aspect of Hillary nobody likes an old shrew that kept her deadbeat cheating husband around despite him being a shitbag.
Master minds of the Master Race son!
Must be nice to hit the "trifecta"... "deaf, dumb AND BLIND" .... "show me the money", first time in 60 years, a liar running for Prez. Hasn't released his taxes.... whatcha Hidding Stalin?
Hasn't released the wallstreet transcripts she was "looking into" 6 months ago. whatcha hidding Hillary?
Nigger I said I'm voting trump. He will maintain the constitution. We can survive him. It's Hillary I'm worried about.
>muh tax returns
who cares?
who hasnt released their tax returns like every candidate since nixon?
Not subscribing to wsj to read an opinion piece by soros the devil himself.
apparently trump cares enough not to show them
that nigga Bill got aids yo
So far, it says she's still on for the debate.
OP is lying to you.
so what?
I loved that the big headlines after the DNC email leak thing were not about the DNC essentially rigging the US primary in clintons favor, but instead were "omg trump must be working with the russians! treason!"
Can you explain what is habbbening in your jpeg cuz I'm hella confused. Is she not showing up in phone cause she's already in the dead?
I'm gonna laugh like hell if congress comes back with evidence to prosecute Hillary and NBC fires that ugly bitch.
Feel The GERD
Will be the greatest duo since
so hes hiding something he knows will hurt his campaign and the longer he waits and the more he protests it the worse is seems
Her eyes look like fwuffie aboose
stalin?? are you shills even educated? wtf??
if this are the hillary supporters, then yes, trump won, and i am not even a trump supporter, i am nothing,
and yes, who gives a shit about tax returns, you all have already speculated the worse case scenarios and nobody gives a shit about any of them,
he didnt pay taxes
dont care
didnt give own money to charity
dont care
has done business is russia
dont care
you have nothing hillary shills
I want that job plz. Or I'll marry this bitch. Or I'll settle with just penetrating her ass a little.
this was just posted today
so no
actually trump lost hard
normies eat
i mean this
you type like a 50 year old on facebook
Its cute watching you scramble for a controversy. Keep bitching about cartoon frogs lol
I wish I could find one of you assholes to bet me $100 on this. I say this shit didn't happen.
NO do the Hillary drop to the floor!!!
Now blame frogs!!! and thats how ya do da Hil Dawg Shuffle
You talking about how you can't close the gif?
trumps biggest move is meddling conspiracy theories
now you cry when the other side does it
Bill gots aids....reports coming out soon
hahahahahahaha you cant be serious
you think people care about what hollywood has to say??? god
no wonder why you will lose
sure thing you tin foil retard
lol at all the Trumpsters on here. I'll be back for your delicious tears after he loses the election
Her eyes are out of sync. Maybe stroking again.
piece of shit
Bill been Dicking Bimbos since the early 80s
Anybody got a gif of daddy Bush fainting in China?
The guy recording says, "HILLARY FOR PRISON!" right to her face, and she says, 'Let's make it happen!" She makes that face mid sentance
inb4 Putin is pollonium'ing Clinton.
So what, she's team Iron Man, Trump is team Captain America.
We all know who won in Civil War.
quit trying to get views off the work of others you lazy hack
The media is finally fed up with Trump's bullshit. The coddling is over Trump-fags
Hillary is a crazy drunken pill abuser
Bill is a charismatic dope head womanizer
heres 58 of the conspiracies trump helped spread
where is the full release of her health records?
Danesh still has not gotten it down.
That was funny as shit. Still voting trump tho. And that reinforced my vote for trump because of some of the actors and what they said and parading a little old Mexican lady out like that's the real face of illegal immigration.
You don't know your enemy.
Modern day "leftists" literally think hurting someone's feelings is worse than corruption and death.
it's over faggots, get used to saying "Madam President"
>Trump/Putin Russian Conspirac
Yeah, crazy to think that a 12 years running senior Russian mob associate for Trump's campaign advisor, who for some reasons has taken on the role of policy writer, specifically foreign policy writer who strongarms the RNC into a US retreat from east Europe, somehow seems shifty.
Well fucking said mate.
That video was posted earlier, why was it reuploaded?
>And we all know what happens when you cross a Clinton
If that were true, Biden would have been president shortly after November in 2008.
these candidates where not under a IRS political hit aduit and advised by their attorney and accountant not to release them until after the audit. So does not apply here
this nigger posted it to his page to get views
U serious nigga?
god, why do CTR shills post this cringy bullshit? Its like watching a 50 year old mom post on facebook
>Trump, despite his misgivings, is well respected here in Europe
- Signed, an American
Thanks for the retirement money *cough cough cough vomit up strange stuff cough cough* I mean campaign money
Good for him, you fucking faggot. You should try it sometime.
I dont want hillary to win. I'm just pointing out that normies eat this biased manipulation just because they like famous people
no she just fucked obama so he can be in her corner for this election, duh.
expect youre wrong about that
cant stump wont stump
Their face when they realize they're not getting a free wall.
>Implying Cap Won
Trump is Iron Man faggot, Rich, Smart, Charismatic, ect.
Hillary is the ancient with flawed ideals, she will cave in the end.
Link to original vid?
Five stars
Yeah, but what happens when she inevitably wins though?
Tax returns? Uh, why do you want to see them? Your wouldn't understand them
100x THIS.
Also checked
who the fuck is Jill ? lol
She wasn't quite to her tipping point yet. Soros calmed her down and said, "shh, is ok bby. Next time. Next time". If she loses again magic bullets will fly. Why do you think the DNC staffer died. And the guy bringing the lawsuit against the DNC. And the black guy that crushed himself with the weight?
The next two presidents of the USA.
Ivanka for First Female President!!!!!
>Ivanka for First Female President!!!!!
You know literally nothing about her except her first name.
Fuck it, it'll probably be the most informed decision you'll ever make.
>how to trigger a shill
i absolutely despise Shillary but she will most likely win, trumps supporters are starting to act like bernie supporters. For example a lot of trump supporters where denying polls until he started winning in them, they say enthusiasm will win over numbers and actually think democracy will work lmao.
in conclusion , trump supporters are just Bernie supporters 2.0
Cap did win in the end.
Stark had his suit wrecked by Rogers.
showing your ignorance of politics is funny?
Stalin taller than Hitler?
Orban is known as "the Dictator" outside of Hungary, shit for brains. He's essentially an ineffectual pseudotrump, same amount of demagogic bullshit, less popularity.
You know how I know you Republicans are faggots? Because every time one of you floats one of these conspiracy theories IRL, I offer to bet you $100 it's bullshit. Nobody will ever put his money where his mouth is. Probably just as well, because a friend of mine got one of his loudmouth GOP frat brothers to bet him $500 on Romney v. Obama, and the faggot wouldn't pay. Go figure.
But given you didn't know this
I think that confirms it.
ITT shills bitching about shills.
>implying anti-vaccers count as people, or deserve to be noted as existing
I think anyone that legitimately supports either one of those two has a problem.
Seriously, I'm just about picking the lesser of two evils at this point.
What he's not wrong about is trumps audit(and the other 7 audits obama ordered done over the last 7 years) is purely political.
i find it funny that people defend either candidate
Kek. He mad.
my bad, I accidentally put my reuploaded link
>Orban is known as "the Dictator" outside of Hungary
no he isnt. Stay mad that your meal ticket hillary is losing hard
>muh conspiracy theory!
yeah, now go and shill the idea that Trump is really a plant by Hillary, or really a plant by Putin, or that Putin hacked Hillarys emails, or whatever other flavor of the week pseudo controversy you try to start up to save your dying campaign
She's the best candidate, actually. If you're in a swing state, hold your nose and vote Hillary, but in a red state, don't waste your protest vote on a fucking neoliberal globalist. Throw it away on a real FDR/Bernie platform.
I'm voting Stein, faggot, unless Hillary has some chance in my state, which she won't.
I hear your tinfoil hat crinkling from here nigga
>no he isnt. Stay mad that your meal ticket hillary is losing hard
Unlike you I'm actually European.
Orban is a fucking joke even in Hungary, he's like LePen - a shifty pseudocriminal who blusters a bunch to get the bald guys in tracksuits cheering, but otherwise brings absolutely nothing to the table. He'd be a menacing fascist, if he actually got off his ass and ever did something. Seems he's mostly just enjoying the salary and complimentary plane flights.
Vote for Trump no matter what you cuck faggot.
oh so you do know jill stien and the green party
>Orban is a fucking joke even in Hungary
Like, by Euro standards, Orban is one step up from Lukashenko.
At least you can have a reasonable expectation not to be shot if you criticize him. Your car will just be torched.
>I'm voting Stein, faggot
>Unlike you I'm actually European.
hello muhammed.
He can't, he's being audited.
dis nigga got one meme in his folder that he post in every thread
Fucking kek. 10/10 post nigga
>implying that is the same user.
Laugh it up, fat boy.
Nice me-me shill
Btw, just like everything else in this thread or what the alt-right dweebs say ever, the OP is fake.
That's not what the IRS commissioner told Congress today, dumbass.
Hahahahaha this dude is probably shaking with anger behind his computer screen. Fucking faggot
Even spicier meme
Not credible. Try again.
ohhh he posted it again!!!! BTFO~!!!!!!!
mabe redit is not as bda as we htinm
see:IRS has even stated an audit doesnt affect if someone can release his tax returns
Fucking faggot is baseline for Republicans. You should see me when I am triggered.
I liked Obama ....still voting Trump tho
lol u mad
Fuck me, can't believe I lost here
Why, is he running? Is it somehow relevant?
Yeah it's bogus.
Livestream for Hillary/Trump debate about to start here
flaccid and mad
Lmao how drunk are you fam? And r/thedonald is one of the select few acceptable parts of plebbit. They're some really great high energy people.
no one likes niggers anyway
Obama loves the black so much that under his presidency race relations are at there worst in 2 years
go fuck yourself you stupid faggot
he mad
No matter who wins this election, we all lose.
that's why you and orange fat boy are losers
The blacks and browns are doing just fine at that, thanks.
confirmed for retarded
But his accountants have told him it would be foolish to do so while under audit. Nixon was retarded.
bernie cuckold faggot
cant stump trump
Trump's fantasies.
There's a difference between anger and contempt. I'm wrinkling my nose with contempt behind my computer. Actually, I'm in front of my computer. You might get more out of the internets if you got in front of yours.
Accountant didnt tell trump shit
its a political move by trump not to release them
damn they all look amazing
What an amazingly attractive and bright minded family. Can't fucking wait until they're at 1600 Pennsylvania. Representing this country like it should be. Fuck I get a bone just thinking about it
Chimpout in Charlotte again.
Good job Obama.
Of course it's bogus, user. Just like all their fucking policies since Eisenhower.
salty kike
"People on the internet can invent quotes by putting a fake name and possibly a picture next to them" - Abraham Lincoln
Name ten things that aren't skrillex
Why, is he wrong? Are you implying that blacks don't hate whites right now? Are you implying that race-related riots aren't happening every fucking week in the US?
anything but this...
I'm on my phone at my girl's house you fucking pussy. Vote Trump and redeem yourself you cuck pussy faggot. Lmaooooo
>he believed the memes
what the actual fuck
gold plated shovels
That douche on the lower right is Tyrell from Mr. Robot.
Hillary is satan
Just admit you don't want a bitch president. You'd save a lot more time.
See there's the typical reasoning flaw, right there.
>Cop guns down visibly unarmed and compliant black dude
>Police chief recognizes it, opens prosecution
>Black peeps riot after yet another unjustified shooting
>You: "Hmmm, how can I make this revolve around me?"
low standards. you must be hideous
Don't insult satan.
>implying votes even matter
Does anyone here actually know how elections work?
Well, at least you own your racism.
Trump will kick sick old lady Clinton's ass.
Then she gets indicted for violating the Espionage Act.
The real reason she is still in the race is that she knows she will be indicted if she is not president. God have mercy on her guilty soul.
daily reminder...only post in pro Trump threads
never reply or bump a shill thread
It is your Civic Duty shitposters
Go fuck your strawman faggot.
Nobody voting for Trump does. Hope that turns into an advantage. Maybe they think posting on Facebook is their vote.
Great pic of Hillary's Depends.
First Lady is an actual position in the white house to lead other projects around the country. It doesn't always go to the president's wife.
I feel genuinely sorry for anyone that had to put up with your retarded ass growing up.
These goddesses
Hair face body style
>Hollywood telling me what to do
This makes me even more prone to vote for Trump than before.
>it's over faggots, get used to saying "Madam President"
You mean to Trump's beautiful wife.
clinton supporter detected
Don't think you'll be in the clear.
Trump has radicalized the alt-right to critical proportions.
Whether Trump wins or loses, you now have to deal with an alarming resurgence of nazism. The next few decades, terrorist activity in America and the EU will be dominated by right wing extremism. Given they're based here, and they have representations in the millions.. Well, to put it in contrast, ISIS is based in Syria and peaked at 25.000 members back in 2013. How did that work out for them?
Aye aye sir
Niggers are naturally more comfortable around their own race. It's a gene thing that they kept from their monkey grandfathers.
damn Chelsea is an ugly cunt
Try reading my post and the bit I was replying to again. You can do it, I believe in you.
redit is nota s bad as i used to thought
God damnit user, lost twice in this thread
I've been dicking your mom since the 80's. Does that count?
Dindu nuffin' eh?
You talking about the guy in Charlotte with a gun? Or the violent con on PCP in Tulsa?
I'm proud to finally be in a thread with other like minded, beautiful, high energy people such as yourselves. It's been an honor to post in this thread gentleman. I love you all. God Bless you and God Bless America.
The chick factor. Good looking girls follow the latest political trend. Don't believe me? Go to a Clinton rally...if she has one before the election, then go to a Trump rally. Check out the women.
Do you know someone who works for her campaign in any city? Ask them the last time they heard from her and when her next appearance is. You'll get a great answer
i can't fuckin believe that 15 years ago i thought chesea would be the first female president.
Smart idea, gonna steal you're idea user, let's make some $$$ on this bullshit... mad Keks to you !
Let's be honest here, buddy. He ain't fit to be president.
Durrr lets all believe whatever news sites we see because we're absolutely retarded and gullible
This guy gets it
replying to troll bait.....faggot
I'm talking about the guy holding his hands up while cops walked him by his car and one seemed to fuck up a twitch reflex on his trigger or some shit.
But thank you for cementing my point. Even the cop's own chief called it a fuckup, and it's clear as day in multiple pov's of footage. And yet just like someone swinging to the extreme on the other side saying /all/ blacks are innocent, /you/ are on the other extreme and will contort reality in your brain to make yourself believe if a guy was shot and he's black, there is /no/ fucking way he wasn't waving a gun around even if the cops tell you he wasn't.
You're living in a partisan fantasy world. Like, literally.
Democrats on damage control like always.
>Check out the women.
sure faggot
Cheers brother.
Now just because a man ran out of humanity and went hollow doesn't mean he has AIDS or some shit. Just needs to steal humanity from a healthy person. That's all.
because it's totally impossible to pay some chick to wear Trump merchandise
Wew lad
Wew lad
>Hasn't released his taxes....
Neither has Hillary, hack. Probably because it would reveal payments from foreign nationals for unspecified "favors."
Oh look it's time for some butthurt faggots to post a bunch of Facebook memes :^)
>Wew lad
kill yourself faggot
She'll find a way out
>who gives a shit about tax returns
Is Trump flush with cash? Is he in debt? Is he as successful as he claims? We won't know without the returns
Weewwwwww lad
Shill harder, is your master even still alive?
>voting for a right-wing dipshit
still not a meme trumpfag
oh yeah a couple of teenage girls who can't vote
Clinton is quaking in her pantsuit
movie reference?
i've seen a lot of movies and don't recognize this one
fake, gay
As opposed to directly hiring foreign nationals from military enemies like so? Manafort's history is well known, he was secure in being overt while he was in the employ of Yanukovych, anyone who disputed him would die and they wouldn't extradite him. Now Yanu is in exile, his other colleague is behind bars, and Manafort suddenly winds up in the US goading this election's largest buffoon into the whitehouse while personally rewriting US military doctrine to bend over and turn their anuses towards Russia?
Wew lad
>you proved I don't know what I'm talking about
>that makes me mad
>I'm going to try to discredit your source with bullshit and then pretend I'm obviously smarter than you
Typical leftist millennial retard. A know-nothing who knows everything.
Hahahahah pussy bitch mock nigga
At least I'm not an American shilling as a Euro because I'm that hard up for outside approval.
The IRS commissioner (who is likely to be impeached) told Congress, today, personal tax information of a private citizen?
still not a meme Trumpturd
[citation needed]
why the fuck would you brag about racism prevailing in the UK?
You know damn good and well we don't user. Enlighten us.
Wew lad
The debates are on for next Monday.
OP is buttmad.
if you take American politics seriously you're as dumb as they come.
You're not old enough to know but the chick factor was discovered back in the 70's by P.J.O'Rourke
Because they don't. You know absolutely nothing about the context of that pic, and it's likely she's being paid to hold that sign.
Right, because that's not equally applicable to every wife of the President.
Gold plated shovels are used at almost every ground breaking ceremony, this isn't new
The dude was fucked up on angel dust (which is why the taser didn't work), parked in the middle of the road and refused to comply with commands. As a bonus, he was a violent felon with a history of battery on cops.
Did the cop have a twitchy finger? Maybe, but felony stupidity is often fatal.
Get out of the basement more often.
Wew lad
still not a meme
and if you're this big of a cringefag about that, you're full of shit about Trump, too.
inb4 more cringe
Did you hear me say we should make random wives into presidents on the basis of them being wives and making meh-tier pornography?
He looks more like Mickey Rooney every day...
so you're just going to be this braindead retarded fag the rest of the thread
I win
Seems the rest of the local police force disagrees with you. But continue living in your carefully concocted delirium if that's your safe space.
Wew laddy
yeah two strippers on the beach being paid to show their asses with a Trump sign
totally looks legit
>Cred Forums
>thinking you win
Wew lad
I'm not here for any political party
Here's a picture of my cat
Her name was Cinnibun
Huma abd al-Dins family are senior in the Muslim Brotherhood. Who founded Hamas and Islamic Jihad? Who overthrew Egypt?
"Guilty by association" is not a game you Hillary shills want to play. She's corrupt as fuck.