who are some super fucking ugly popular celebs that are considered hot and pushed as hot to the general public and that people on the internet were brainwashed to believe are hot?
Who are some super fucking ugly popular celebs that are considered hot and pushed as hot to the general public and that...
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Compilation of Jewish women
i know not a celeb but i swear i see that butterfaced cow being mentioned and praised here every fucking day
Emma Watson
she just got old. She was hot in her younger days
That bitch would be even uglier sucking my dick.
Arin and his mongoloid retard wife?
that is the rumor.
I'd literally eat her shit
It would take me 1 second to get my pants off to fuck Kaley Cuoco.
Are you high?
Ok. I tend to agree that that vapid cunt ain't shit, but I have to say. I think that photo does her justice. Would.
i'm more of a holly fan i wish she had nudes.
Because they were hot 9 years ago when their shows started.
who the fuck is this supposed to be?
in b4 your mom
This hag.
>posting crappy photos of celebs
Is it a bait thread?
what the fuck is her face doing
It's a picture idiot.
kardashian cunts
fucking dumb? I said who is it, not what is it. kys.
amy schumer that fat fuckin pig, and leslie jones aka harambe
you gay?
Na looks like someone hit her face with a skillet mate
And shes only 35. She carries most of her weight in her face.
Pig fucking disgusting, and has the sense of humor of a Korean immigrant.
found the north korean
The goddamned Jennifer Aniston
Nah she's just fucking ugly
All of my cuck friends want to inhale her farts like a 1970 vintage port. I don't get it.
I can see the arguments for and againstall Amy Schumer, but there is no excuse for that unfunny, talentless, fetal alcohol syndrome looking ass she ape running around in front of a camera.
Is it Snooky? I bet it's Snooky.
ariel winter
sophie turner
maisie williams
jennifer lawrence
>ariel winter
>sophie turner
Tall and sexy
>maisie williams
qt as fcuk
>jennifer lawrence
totall tsundere
To me she kind of looks like Christopher Walken mixed with Buschemi. Or something. All I hear is how beautiful she is by everyone. Don't see it.
I don't think any of these bitches are the hottest but I'd still dump hundreds of loads in them.
I mean I'd fuck her, but somebody would have to brown-bag her first and then not tell me who she is, ever.
She's one of the most retarded cunts in the main stream media, Miley Cyrus included.
Plus she has the face of a bulldog.
I still remember the night that she insulted Steve-O when she said the wrong Jackass died. Or something like that. Fucking wench.
Ugly plastic monkey
Yes! I hate this bitch and everyone around her! Famous for being a whore, sweet.
Shit didnt even recognize her
She used to be so lovely.
top kek
>"please pay attention to me!"
rita ora, niki minaj, ariana grande, beyonce, rihanna, list goes on,
they generally think these bitches are talented aswell, its pure garbage and the fact someone like katy perry can be a famous "singer" makes me fucking mad. this world is so mundane.
Jesus fucking Christ, THIS
You can tell she's gonna have that granny Popeye chin when she gets older
>rita ora, niki minaj, ariana grande, beyonce, rihanna, list goes on,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoawhoawhoawhoa.....
the only ones you got right were rita ora and nicki garbage
ariana is perfection....beyonce is plain at her worst, and rihanna's forehead is her only major physical flaw
ariana looks like her skin is filled with hotel bread rolls.
Her lips were literally her only good feature
please show me the light and back up this claim with a pic
my only issue with ariana was no big tits/ass, other than that i see nothing wrong with her
There's a pornstar from several years ago named Randi Taylor who I always used to fap to because she looked like a chubbier version of Kaley. She also did a Facial Abuse video back in their early days. Good times.
And I just realized this...
Please tell me this is fake.....
>amy schumer that fat fuckin pig
Bruh...who the fuck is trying to push that Alfred Hitchcock face ass hoe as being "hot", other than herself?
>leslie jones
OK you clearly didn't understand the OP....
I have this working theory that the majority of the love for ugly skeleton girl here is a projection of latent pedophilia. You all had a boner for her growing up and so now you look at this disgustingly thin, weird bone-structured girl who dresses the way a 5 year old girl would after raiding her mother's closet and with an encephalitic head and project your desire for her from your childhood onto the monster she's become.
I mean let's be clear here: I"m on Cred Forums too, I'll fuck anything with a vagina within reason the same as you. You can do a lot worse than Emma. But she's just no where near attractive enough to merit these ongoing threads. You all are seeing something that isn't here anymore and it's profoundly creepy.
Always thought she kinda looked more like Macaulay Culkin tbh
that picture evokes killing instincts
Even though she's a trashy retard, I'd jump at the chance to fuck her.
She was hot 10 years ago but even then, not super hot
They just wanna fuck Hermoine. It's that simple. It might not necessarily be YOUNG Hermoine that they want.....but it's Hermoine.
Taylor Swift is fugly with an alien body. too lazy to get a pic
>that Alfred Hitchcock face ass hoe
She's tall, skinny, and has a serious case of the weird face
I do not get her appeal at all
ariana grande
You allergic to boobs son?
I would literally give up Christmas to fuck that huge jiggly ass ONE motherfucking time.
You know the ass is completely fake, right?
There are early pics of her where it is white-girl flat
I don't really get that argument. I mean, fake or not, ass is ass.
Exactly......it still technically exists so doesn't that make it 'real'?
If that ass dropped in a forest and no one was around to hear it, it would still make a sound
no body could make up for that fucking butterface, and to top that she doesn't have a good bog, she's the fucking human embodiment of miss piggy telling jokes
She look like an egg covered in Cheeto dust wtf
foot fag here
Taylor's got some fantastic feet, 10/10 would worship
She started going downhill the day she got fake tits (pre-Big Bang Theory).
Speaking of Snooki, she's like the opposite of what this thread is talking about
In her heyday she was made fun of for her appearance, and rightfully so because she was overweight and had a terrible tan/makeup.....but nowadays she looks a whole lot better