sup Cred Forums you have helped me identify bugs in the past so here´s a new one, story time:
>be mindin my own fucking busines >be wearin tank top >hear the buzz of a mosquito holyfuckingshitimgettingstung.exe >turn around to see if i can get the mother fucker >see (pic. related) in the fucking wall
but the caddisfly doesn't have those weird antennae on its ass
Lucas Gray
It's some kind of a mayfly. Caddisflies hold their wings in a different angle
John Barnes
Definitely a mayfly, although it is rare for them to go after something as large as a human like that.
Sebastian Hughes
Some species do Mayfly always have three though, it's the easy way to tell the difference, I do a lot of fly fishing ad knowing what the fish are feeding on is key to catching them
Andrew Morales
I thought mayfly don't even have a mouth or digestive system because their lifespan is so short?
Michael Price
While it certainly is a mayfly the exact species would be hard to identify. Family is pretty doable but easier from larvae than adult mayflies. Knowing where it was spotted would also narrow it down ALOT Caddisflies and mayflies look pretty different but the easiest to spot difference is the fact that mayflies belong in palaeoptera (like dragon flies etc) and thus fold their wings differently
Robert Myers
>Knowing where it was spotted would also narrow it down ALOT
mexico city
James Hill
globally there are over 3000 species about the same for caddisflies As far as OP goes he can figure it out by location and hatching habits My guess is based on my own local knowledge It too late for mayfly here so my guess would be caddis
Grayson Mitchell
They do have mouths though they are incabable of eating after molting
Nicholas Jones
Certainly not caddis
Hunter Martinez
sup Cred Forums you have helped me identify bugs in the past so here´s a new one, story time:
>be mindin my own fucking busines >be wearin tank top >hear mumblin of a nigger holyfuckingshitimgettingjumped.exe >turn around to see if i can get the mother fucker >see (pic. related) in the fucking street
what the fuck is it Cred Forums?
Nathaniel Cruz
'tis just your wife
Noah Lee
It would indeed seem to be a sub tropical species of mayfly >>mexico city
I'm in the UK and the differences are less obvious as the native species of both are generally smaller and similar looking
Landon Nelson
The only literature I have about mayflies is for identifying (European) larvae so can't really help with an adult mayfly. The wing cells might be one of the easiest features to use for identification. Atleast it seems to have pterostigma
Parker Roberts
>pterostigma what?
Carson Nguyen
dub dubs and filename confirm it is god what you see
Hunter Hall
Those darker cells on the wings Shape of the cells and the way their lines connect are species specific