What state is best to be homeless in?
What state is best to be homeless in?
a warm one
Cali cause you can get a lot of money from rich fags
definitely not california, we're full up with poor beaners and homeless. try arizona, new mexico, texas.
What cities in Arizona and Texas?
California & be homeless near the beach
Source I live near the beach & it's overloaded with homeless transplants from the midwest who couldn't hack it in California
Also this
>tons of rich virtue signalers
>nice range of weather
Now the only problem is how do I get there...my security deposit that I'm getting back is only 200$
Any of the most liberal ones... They give you the most money to do nothing...
Where you at?
Come on down to San Antonio Texas! There's stuff to do here!
200 can get you pretty far if you know how to use it. Buy some essentials and learn to hitchhike.
Are there jobs? How's the cost of living?
I've hitchhiked before, but only 15 miles max. Got any advice?
Cheap! Cheap! Cheap!
It's a vagrants paradise!
Have a kind heart. Be nice to people. Have a knife on you at all times. Don't hitch with sketchies. Godspeed.
I think that's enough for a greyhound bus
Why are you homeless? Some kinda hipster bum, or mental issues, or what.
Both, actually haha
All hipsters have mental issues.
Figures. Sponge too much off of people yet? Sheriff running you outta town? What's the story.
I recently moved here because there were no jobs in my last state, but I couldn't find work up here either and it's going to get cold soon, so I figured it's time to move on
Any of them because this socialist of a "leader" we have now just gives away my money.
There is always work. You're just a lazy fucking bum. What was your last job.
move to Burlington Vermont and get on welfare
I don't want to collect Social Security. I never have because I want to work for my money. It makes me feel more accomplished. As accomplished as someone like me can be...
please just collect Social security while we still have it.
I've applied to every place I qualify for in the area and only had one interview. Also, I'm not sure how I'm going to manage not smelling like shit at work whilst spending all my free time on the street.
By showering
you can always walk, people will think you are homeless even more if you do that
Then stop getting drunk and vomitting on yourself.
I don't drink
>please collect social security
>while we still have it
You're the dumbest dumb fuck on all of Cred Forums.
First off neither hillary or trump will cut spending to Social security. Secondly, the man wants to work. That's fucking good news. People who live under social security before retirement tend to make kids and never father them, further more they are a strain on the economy. If someone can work, they should.
Here's some benifits to working a shit job and not just collecting welfare (oh btw he wont get social security, wefare is different)
>purpose in life (even if it sucks)
>a reason to wake up in the morning
>self sustainability
>training and experience that can be used for a better job
>the ability to have a stable relationship
>not feeling like a leech
>better benifits for when you're old and CAN'T work
Also if "we may lose social security" likeyou tend to think we may, the guy can save up a couple thousand if he puts away a small percentage of his earnings and have something for when that (event that will never happen) happens.
Here's my advice OP, research states unemployment levels. Find 10 of the lowest pick the one that's not too far north to have brutal winters, but not too far south that your main competition is mexicans. Unless trump wins...
Then just go to Texas Utah or Arizona where a lot of illegals will be deported from, in the warm south (so you don't need winter shelter) and take an ex-illegals job like riding a lawn mower for 5 hours or roofing.
Never give up op.
I was homeless and jobless for 2 years and now I'm going back to college for a job in the stem field because some landscaping crew picked me up. Christian Republicans will hire you faster if you're a down on your luck American who needs a job way before they'll hire someone for cheap illegal labor.
Conversely, if your a non-american, h
Go to a blue state and threaten to call a company racist of they don't hire you.
Hawaii obviously
holy fuck, you roasted me my dude.
> you're the dumbest fuck on all of Cred Forums
If you truly believe this, then you're the dumbest fuck on Cred Forums There's niggas on here who spend their time trying to post threads defending flat earthism, holocaust denial, and trap threads. Yall can't get much dumber than that.
whatever state has the cheapest liqour and cigarettes because that's all you'll be buying anyway
Liquor taste gross.
nigga get the fuck outta here with that weak bullshit.
i am just stating my opinion
michigan 10 cent can returns
Rhode island - best state
not florida it's 100 degrees every day and a homeless guy tried taking a bath in a lake yesterday and got eaten by a 9 foot alligator
Rhode Island does have a good welfare program tbh
nice dubs
Clearly the correct answer is Oregon. Every other state sends their crazies there. No sales tax and legal weed.
A European Union country
For Texas, San Antonio and chill by the River Walk so tourists will often give you stuff
jesus asia has dedicated races of asians with only big tits and ass. western world needs to step it up
in a state of peace
I would think anywhere that it stays abover or near 60 degrees year round at night. Then you could sleep anywhere. Food is a lot easier to find than people think. Sure you won't be eating burgers and steaks but fruit and small animals and fish are available on every part of this continent. Anyone could actually live out in the wild if they weren't such pussies and need internet.
and Im just stating my opinion: your opinion is shit!
i respectfully disagree with your opinion
Eh, being poor sucked. I wasn't trying to roast just keep op from making a mistake like I did.
Initially I collected SSI (disability) and voted for Obama. Obama care then made me spend more money on health care, visit more frequently, and take lower pay. So I moved from Ohio to South Carolina and started from the bottom. I begged for jobs, not cash, and got one. And college is great now that I have credit and can take out loans.
It took me about 3 years of work after 2 years of homelessness to get to where I am. I still live in what can baren't pass for an apartment and drive a 90s civic, but hell, the degree in engineering may just make my life.
Here's some good jobs for you guys to consider
>food service. anyone can do it
>land scaping. It's hard but keeps you active
>stores that aren't walmart. Walmart is a first stop
>local businesses. Have more companion
>religious groups. Have more compassion
>shit jobs like.. well shit related. No one wants them
>gypsy or high travel jobs like carnival, circus, renfest curcuts.
That last one, do them in a pinch. They're good jobs to move around with.
Op you asked how to go from PA to another state cheap? Join the Ren fest, jump on the circuit. They'll take you to another state with them. Jump off at your destination. Stay friends incase you need to move again.
>not realing those people are trolling you.
Serious flat earth earthers still don't mistake welfare for soctal security and think big bad trump will take it away.
Even they know jobs are good things to have.
Sorry. Typing fast because I should be doing physics before bed
What's your major?
talk to yall later.i just shit myself....
>free government handouts
>good weather year round
>exciting night life
>you're never alone
Mexicans scare me
lol if you're homeless go straight to Portland.
Utah. we give the homeless people a small home till they can get back on their feet
make some hobofriends and stay in crowded areas
ya, but the welfare guy could have been trolling you to, ya dumb cunt!