No Hunger Games thread?
First 48 get in.
No Hunger Games thread?
First 48 get in.
Fear the Neard
Nazi Soldier
Gorgeous George
The Coon
Gabe Newell
God of the Balkans
Mr Clean
Laura Bodewig
>I've been waiting for this!.gif
Frog waifu
(early sup people)
santa claus
>tfw I got a random warning from /jp/
I don't even post there what the fuck
Queen Historia
Prof. Zoom
Hey guys, apparently I was warned for posting at /aco/, a board which I never went and didn't even knew it existed. What the fuck should I do?
cheeki breeki guy
columbine pepe
Varg the grey
vault boy
The true Solution
Kuro Usagi
That is quite strange if I do say so myself.
I got warned for posting on Cred Forums I don't post on dat shit.
Terry A Davis
Bugg Man
Goku Black
Kazugeta's Dog
buttered toast
Presto the Tadpole
Momoko Kikuchi
has it been 48
Captain Cock-Eye
Tiny Rick
We should probably ask the mods about this.
Capra also got a warning from a board he never goes to, I think the mods have gone mad and are trying to ban us all somehow.
Mr. Fish
It just means someone from that board is using a proxy and they generated your IP. Just appeal any bans you get.
that' bueno
let's get anally rocked, yo
Sup guys daily reminder to praise the lord and saviour Mart
Am i the only one that didn't get a warning?
Hello everyone
>Janitors doing there job right
>He does it for free
You might want to check that again, pretty sure was the last tribute.
I'm not saying that I was one of them, but three anons in here having that same problem is quite the coincidence.
'sup, Whyyyy
me neither, but i have a bigger problem right now
checked - Frog
I'm ready from my vicious rectal slamming,when's this fagfest hitting the road? Count the players like a normal human beings, you colon-smashers.
It's probably spidey's masterplan to get us all banned.
Either way, the post that they accused me off being outside the rules seemed pretty normal itself. Nothing that would really get such warning.
i didn't
We ready?
I also have not gotten a warning. (I'm Neard)
fuck i did not write this post good at all
what's your problem?
Y'see, it's funny because the aircraft looks like a cock.
Nah, I'm just slow. I don't have that fancy host helper shit.
Well, idk a shit about babies.
I think i'm gonna kill my self, kek
I see, I don't use it either.
Looking good
Why not. It's no big deal of a program?
Pearl's first thought as she drifted into consciousness was, 'I have to pee.' In the next instance, before she could even open her eyes, she felt her body let go. She didn't register it at first, more focused on waking up so she could use the bathroom. She was reliant on her body's natural ability to hold it, as she had never had a problem with it before, but the moment she really registered the warmth soaking into her bottoms, her eyes shot open. Her hands shot between her legs and she cupped herself, trying to hold back the flow. However, the simple action felt impossible. Her body had betrayed her and she couldn't do anything about it.
Tears sprung to her eyes as she felt the warmth running down her legs, spreading into the sheets, the comforter, the mattress... She realised with a choked sob that Rose was going to end up soaked too, but couldn't do anything about it. Her entire body had seemed to rebel, and a choked sob escaped her. She wasn't sure what was going on, but was certain that it wasn't normal for a woman her age to be wetting the bed. She realised as the flow finally trickled down that it was burning, horrible and painful, but she couldn't do anything about it. It was over in moments and she felt Rose shift behind her, the arm tucked around her moving away from her side and causing her to sob once again.
And we're off!
"Huh...? Pearl, what's going on?" Rose sleepily mumbled, and Pearl couldn't say anything, only sob as she held her soaked hands between her thighs, cupping herself and wishing it was all a bad dream. That any moment she'd open her eyes and it'd be morning, and the bed wouldn't be wet. "Why are you crying, dear? Did you have a night..."
She heard her sentence drift off as Rose shifted, and another sob escaped her, because she was sure that Rose had found out. Rose had to have felt it, and she was going to be disgusted. She'd never allow her to sleep in her bed with her and Greg again. They'd break up and she'd get kicked out of the apartment, and she'd be alone and homeless because she couldn't stop herself from wetting the bed at nearly twenty-three. The bed shifted and she felt Rose pull away, before the light flicked on. She turned to look at Rose as she sat propped up beside Pearl in bed, worry etched into her features as she pulled the comforter away and exposed Pearl's accident. She watched her face for the telltale signs of anger, but Rose, for her part, didn't even blink. Instead, she shifted away from Pearl for a moment, turning to Greg and giving him a light shake.
"Greg, honey, wake up. I need you to get up, alright?" A sleepy mumble was his reply, and Rose glanced back at Pearl. Pearl, who was a sobbing wreck, wilted under her gaze and felt her chest heaving with each breath as she clutched her hands to herself. "I know your alarm didn't go off, but this is important. I need you to go to the kitchen and see if we have any juice."
"Juice?" Greg mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes tiredly. Rose could only nod, looking back to him and kissing his cheek. Pearl watched with worry and embarrassment coursing through her veins, because she didn't know how to take the situation, or even what to say right then. What could she say or do? She had just wet the bed, and was expecting to be kicked out.
"Yes, Greg. Juice. I'll let you know why in a moment. Just please go look?" Rose asked sweetly and Greg nodded, crawling out of bed with an affectionate mumble. Rose then turned her attention to the smaller woman who was sobbing in her bed and stood after Greg had left, pulling Pearl close and lifting her light frame with ease. "Shh, it's alright Pearl. I've got you. We're going to take a shower shortly, alright? Don't worry. It'll be alright."
OP here, I'm on a mac. The file was an exe.
For Pearl, it was anything but alright, but she nodded regardless. She wouldn't dare argue with Rose, not after having wet her bed and possibly ruined her sheets, her comforter, her mattress, her pajamas, and her trust. She had ruined it all, because her body had been too weak to even hold it, and it hurt to think about, let alone the actual pain. It felt as if everything down below was on fire, and as if she hadn't completely emptied her bladder when she had wet Rose's bed. Her stomach twisted in dangerous knots, and she didn't understand why it had happened. Why had she wet the bed? She was completely capable of holding it in, she knew that well, and yet, the bed was soaked. Her pajamas were soaked. Rose's pajamas were soaked. And it was all her fault. A cool pair of lips pressed to her forehead a moment later, and she realised that she was sobbing into Rose's chest as she held her burning crotch, and that she was warm. Almost feverish. "Shhh, Pearl. It's okay. This happens sometimes. Don't worry."
"R-Rose, I'm s-so sorry," she sobbed, and she desperately wanted to grab onto her nightgown to plead with her, but her hands were soaked with urine and she didn't dare touch Rose with them. She wanted to apologise, not make things worse by getting more of it everywhere, even if her nightgown was possibly ruined because of what she had already got on it. Everything was ruined, and it was all her fault. "I'm s-sorry. I don't kn-know what happened, I-I c-couldn't hold it, an-and it just ke-kept coming, and it hurts Rose ." She was rambling at this point, whining and trying to get Rose to understand what had happened.
varg is dead.
"Pearl, I know. It's okay. You've probably got an infection. Don't worry, we'll get you taken care of. First off, me and you are going to shower, alright? After that, we'll change the sheets and clean the bed," Rose reassured her, and Pearl melted against her as she was carried off towards the bathroom. She could only nod in response, holding back sobs, as she took in what Rose had said. An infection? Was that it? Was that why her body had betrayed her so? Sure, she had had infections before, but never like this. Nothing like this before. She didn't dare try to protest what Rose had said though, only shiver slightly as the urine in her clothes cooled and she was left with wet and cold garments clinging to her.
Once in the bathroom, Rose was gentle with her. She sat her carefully on the toilet and pulled off her night shirt, tossing it into the dirty clothes. Pearl didn't try to protest, though she did shiver more in the cold of the bathroom. It wasn't known for having the best heating in the apartment, but there was nothing they could do right then. All Pearl could do was try not to sob as Rose gently and carefully pulled off her soaking pajama bottoms and underwear, tossing them in the dirty clothes as well. They would need to be washed, later. Sitting on the toilet and shivering, Pearl was watched Rose pull off her nightgown and toss it to the side. Her undergarments were discarded as well, and Pearl watched as Rose went to the shower and turned it on. Normally, Pearl would have blushed and taken in every curve Rose had, enjoyed every moment, but right then, she was too busy staring at the set clothes and hating herself for having wet the bed.
"Pearl, come on now. The water's the temperature you like." Without a thought to it, Pearl stood and made her way to the shower, glancing at Rose nervously, before stepping in. Rose stepped in after her a moment later and the curtain was drawn. She reached for the shampoo and Rose beat her to it, grabbing it up and kissing her forehead warmly. "Let me. You just relax, okay? I'll take care of you."
She nodded, a blush crossing her cheeks as she stood under the water. Once her hair was wet enough, she stepped back, and she heard the squirt of the bottle before she felt Rose's warm hands working her scalp. She relaxed against her and enjoyed the touch, trying to at least momentarily forget about the embarrassing accident for now. Rose wasn't mad, and was making sure that she was pampered. It made her realise exactly how much Rose loved her then, and how silly she had been for thinking that Rose would dump her because she couldn't control her bladder because of a possible infection. Rose loved her too much for that, and she loved Rose. She couldn't have asked for a better partner.
Why are the HG threads the most hated, spammed and trolled thing ever?
When Pearl saw Rose she came immediately.
She had a penis right now, in preparation for this sex. White cum shot out of it in a jet and splattered the floor. Her cock stayed erect, but she shivered with pleasure.
Rose Quartz was simply a vision from another world. Totally nude, her pink skin exposed. Her huge, wide boobs and thick labia. She had so much fat and so many curls. Her face was sweet and beautiful. Pearl couldn't hold herself together.
"So soon?" Rose teased. Pearl smiled embarrassedly. "How about a little foreplay first?" Rose licked her lips.
"I'm sorry," said Pearl affectionately. "You're just so much."
"Too much?"
A PSA: Don't reply to the shitposter or acknowledge them. This is the last that will be said about them.
Pearl walked forward over her cum trail into her girlfriend's arms. As Rose's soft hands found her back, Pearl's dick perked up harder. Rose brought her lips down and gave Pearl a tender kiss, and more cum spilled out of Pearl's eager cock, sliding down her shaft and leg. Pearl squirmed with delight and pressed into the kiss, exploring Rose's lips, building up heat between them.
Rose moved closer, practically pressing their bodies together, and the kiss opened deeper and wetter, and maybe messier, sharing spit back and forth, more intense and vigorous. Pearl's lock and very erect penis touched against Rose's belly, and her hips bucked in another orgasm, gushing out cum straight onto her girlfriend's body, and the sheer eroticness of that made her cum again, and again, compounding the stream of semen. Her hotly cumming dick twitched energetically as she continued to kiss Rose and enjoy her tongue. Semen splashed all over Rose's stomach and drained down, pooling on the floor and getting on their feet. Pearl just kissed harder, the more overcome with lust she felt. She sucked Rose's lips and panted.
Rose broke off, looking her girlfriend in the eyes with a pleased and turned-on expression. Pearl was a shaking and sweating mess of pure devotion, her hair all messed up and her gem shining white. Rose looked down at her extremely hard dick, still dripping from her last orgasms.
"Shall we attend to this beauty, then?" She knelt down – her huge hair settled – and she moved in to give her girlfriend head.
Before her lips touched the cockhead, Pearl spurted cum all over Rose's face with a deep moan. "Sorry!" she said faintly. "Oh, I love you so much…"
Rose giggled. She let cum drip sexily down her face, and closed her mouth around Pearl's cock. It was very long, but not so big, compared to herself in general. She probed her tongue forward to lick Pearl's penis and immediately got a mouthful, tasting her hot sweet semen. Rose opened her jaw to let the cum drain out onto the floor in thick drips. She glanced up to see Pearl straining to keep it together, biting her lip and closing her eyes.
"Oh, dearest," Rose smiled lovingly and continued her blowjob. She sucked up and down the shaft and teased it with her tongue. Pearl stifled a moan and bent forward over Rose's head, squeezing Rose's curls in her fists, burying her face in Rose's hair. She moaned and rubbed her face back and forth. Soon enough she came again, and hard, sending a deluge of hot semen into Rose's mouth, flowing over her tongue. Well, why not… thought Rose, and she swallowed it. She gulped the huge load of cum down, feeling a sexual thrill that Pearl's semen was in her throat. Pearl cried out in ecstasy, tugged on her hair frantically, and came again immediately, and then again. Rose began drinking a stream of cum that seemed endless, sending Pearl into deeper and deeper orgasm, making Rose proud and delighted and all the more eager to suck Pearl's small dick while it gushed more and more hot white semen.
The stream of cum finally leveled off and stopped. Rose gulped the last of it down and opened her lips, letting Pearl's dick out with a pop like a kiss. It had finally gone down for a moment, and Pearl was a shaking wreck, rustling Rose's curls.
"Is this still good? Do you like it?"
"I love it!" screamed Pearl in a voice beyond awareness. She was past monitoring herself as she usually did so closely. Her desires were raw.
Pearl stood up straight and gently tugged Rose to her feet again. She looked in her face with an expression of pure joy that Rose automatically mimicked. Pearl reached around Rose's high shoulders and pulled herself into another kiss, mushing their lips together, exciting each other carelessly. They kissed and kissed and smooched. Rose reached around and put her hands under Pearl's bum, got a firm hold, and then lifted her up. The heights of their heads slowly drew level. Pearl's side of the kiss rose slightly higher and she kissed down with wonderful intensity, and she brought her hands up to cup Rose's soft cheeks. Ambitiously, Pearl pulled her legs up to lock them around Rose's body; meanwhile her cock, once more erect, bobbed in the open air. Pearl's feet felt their way to and slipped under Rose's mass of pink hair, and as they tightened and pulled her closer, Pearl's penis pressed against Rose's sternum and once again she spurted cum.
>The bump limit is higher then the image limit but spams anyways
Pearl was now suspended in the air, Rose's hands supporting her butt and Pearl's legs around Rose's back and Pearl's hands and face held tightly to Rose's face, and she came right in the sweaty space between their bodies, her dick pumping out still more cum that splashed back and ran down itself, and the way that felt and the way Rose felt it and kissed her harder made Pearl cum again, higher, and again, higher, and this time it shot all the way into their faces, and Pearl splattered cum on her and Rose's chins and up to their lips and cheeks and it was so good, she just couldn't take it. She came again, higher, and thicker, and Rose, wonderful, wonderful Rose, opened her lips slightly, loosened the kiss, to catch some cum and slosh it between their mouths and faint all over again with pleasure. As Pearl came harder and harder she slid her hands across Rose's cheeks and face, wiping the cum back and forth and trickling more into her mouth.
As the orgasms subsided once more, Pearl broke the kiss and grinned drunkenly at her girlfriend, who actually looked rather overcome herself. Rose made a cute little sound and squeezed Pearl's butt. Pearl flexed her legs to lightly rub her crotch and dick against Rose's chest.
"Anything more you'd like to try?" asked Rose with a goofy grin.
Pearl lit up a little. Hesitantly, she reached out and grabbed a thick pink curl. She poked her fingers inside it. "It's a little weird, but…"
"You mean a hairjob?" Rose asked, smiling. "I think I can manage." She set Pearl down. "Careful," she said, since the floor was covered with slippery cum.
Rose turned around and got down on her stomach, lying in the mess. She propped her head up with her hands under her chin, like she was at a slumber party. "Have at it," she smiled.
I know nigga could have at least done spiderman
Rose's long curly hair spiraled out and about simply everywhere, though it didn't completely cover her thick hot butt. Pearl climbed on to it, cuddling into the softness, running her fingers and toes and arms and legs through the curls, burying her face, already moaning in delight. Rose could feel Pearl's dick rising up again amid the locks of her hair. When it was ready, Pearl pulled herself up, found a single tube-shaped curl of Rose's hair that was a snug fit, and slid her penis into it. Kneeling in Rose's locks, she began to thrust in and out, rocking her hips back and forth. The strands of hair slid over her bare, sweaty cock. She held her orgasm in as hard as she could, and began moaning, louder and louder. Finally she let it loose and came hard inside Rose's curls, splashing cum all over and through the pink strands and fluffiness. Rose gave a giggle of pleasure and Pearl gasped in delight.
Pearl found another lock of hair and gave herself another hairjob, rocking and moaning in the curly locks and then cumming and splashing Rose's hair throughout. Rose clearly enjoyed it and Pearl couldn't have been any happier, and she did it again and again. Pearl came in so many locks of Rose's hair that the whole mess started to get sticky and wet and not make perfect tubular curls anymore. As a little surprise, Pearl crawled back and spurted her last load over Rose's asshole and round buttocks, engendering a pleased gasp and wriggling motion.
Pearl was satisfied, panting.
Rose, after a bit, said, "So. Are you ready for my orgasm?"
>I'm back to worshiping stuff.
I'm doing good.
Don't jinx it please.
>Spidey saw that his pictures weren't doing jack shit so he went to Erotic fan-fiction to try to piss us off
"Oh, yes!" said Pearl eagerly, as Rose picked herself up from the floor and got to her feet. Her big vulva towered over Pearl.
"If you could give me a little more stimulation… right here," said Rose sexily. Pearl's cum dripped out of Rose's hair and splashed on the floor. Pearl herself quickly moved between Rose's legs, lowering herself to a sitting position, and reached up. She slid her fingers into Rose's vagina and played around, made her moan, and soon enough she took them out and brought her face up. She licked between Rose's open labia and along her red vaginal opening and up to her clitoris, enjoying the taste. Rose suddenly gasped, and a moan started building, long and low, and her vagina clenched, and then suddenly ejaculate was spraying out of it, gushing out of it, flooding, soaking Pearl underneath, Rose was bellowing out a moan and shaking and Pearl was in a shower of her girlcum and it was splashing on her hands and legs and arms and feet and tummy and tits and cheeks and ears and hair and dick and nose and lips and streaming down over her body like a rainstorm. Pearl sighed and lapped it up, loving it, and Rose's moan faltered and then redoubled, and her orgasm redoubled and she squirted harder, pumping out more and more vaginal fluid,
Steven Universe shit at that
Tai Lopez
Keep on coming
are you that cubememer guy?
Pearl sighed and lapped it up, loving it, and Rose's moan faltered and then redoubled, and her orgasm redoubled and she squirted harder, pumping out more and more vaginal fluid, flooding Pearl again, and Rose was lost in the throes of her body, all manner of sounds were streaming out of her throat, and she was trembling and shaking, all her nerves going off, her huge cum-covered hair shivering back and forth, her whole body clenched and unclenched, and her moan going higher, and then going staccato, little high-pitched cries that sent out little bursts of ejaculate that Pearl caught on her face, and then one last drawn out sound, and the last few loads of her ejaculate slid out of her vaginal opening and Pearl pressed against it to catch them, licking and slurping Rose's vagina to catch all of her squirt, swallowing it all down, and then finally falling back, actually tired, and no longer erect, to lie in a huge puddle of semen.
When the shivers subsided from Rose's body, and her breathing went back to normal, she knelt down too and then lay down in the sticky, erotic pool, with a satisfied smile on her exhausted face. Pearl shifted towards her and lay down next to her, cuddling with her arm in the cushion of her curls.
Rose brought her other arm over and caressed Pearl's hair, reciprocating the closeness, but not sexually anymore. Lying together in the results of their labor, they both went to sleep.
how about a lazy boner???
Also, GUYS, what did I say about not talking about them? It just makes them stay longer. Just ignore them and shut up about them.
steven universe fanfiction poster here, just saying that i was going to post "evening's dying light" but that shit got deleted off of archiveofourown so woops
OP is alive?
are you cubeman?
"Steven, Look out!" I took heed to Amethyst's warning and blocked the blast of electricity from the Electric skull with my shield, throwing it as it ricocheted through three Electric skulls all at once, flying back into my hand, Captain America style.
Oh hey there, You already know who I am, now I just need to explain what I'm doing, well, prior to this morning, Me, Connie, and the Crystal Gems went out for some lunch, and after a series of situations, here we were, facing off against Electric Skulls, floating boneheads with jewels for eyes, each one having enough juice to light up several city blocks.
"Did they have to attack us during Pizza?!" Amethyst griped about the situation as she latched unto one of the skulls with her energy whip and flung it into a group of several others, thinning the numbers.
"Well you did provoke them with your insults," Pearl reminded both her and me of how we ended up in this situation in the first place as she sliced down two more in front of her with her spear, "Hey they got on me first, besides, what's the fun if you can't have a little heroic banter?" Amethyst replied with a smirk, earning a smirk on my face, although before their debate could go any further, I noticed Connie who was slicing skull after skull like a pro, even almost better than Connie, but I also noticed a spark of electricity that was right above her.
Yes. I am.
"Connie heads up!" I yelled out, rushing forward and wrapping my arms around her stomach as my bubble shield formed around us, blocking the bolt of electricity that shot at us seconds after, deactivating the shield and cutting the skull in half with my shield.
"You've gotten really good at using that shield of yours," She commented and turned around to face me, smiling, and I could feel myself almost blushing, "Ah, it's not that hard, practice makes per-" I was cut off by the leader of our team.
"This isn't really a good time to flirt, we need to focus on the task at hand right now," Garnet said, causing both Connie and I to blush, and Garnet rushed forward, defeating the final Electric skull with a single punch from her gauntlet, the watching in anticipation crowd cheering for all five of us.
"Yes, Another successful city save!," I cheered supportively, although I got a bit embarrassed when Connie hugged me and kissed me directly on the lips.
"Sorry Steven, I got to go for violin practice, maybe you could come over later today?" She looked at me with those beautiful pearly eyes of hers and I stuttered badly while trying to speak.
cubeman, you say?
can we get some mlp instead of this shit pls
How about you join the game and have some fun instead?
"S-S-Sure C-Connie," She chuckled at my reaction and ran off, waving at me and doing a heart on her chest at me.
"OOOOOHHH, someone's getting serious!" Amethyst teased me, before getting nudged in the side by Pearl, but I didn't respond though, as I was just focusing on what she did just a few minutes earlier, and thought to myself that maybe Amethyst had a point.
After all, me and Connie were a couple now, so kisses-most especially ones on the lips-wasn't anything new.
I suppose I spent the next hour with the Crystal gems, leaving the house after informing them that I was heading to Connie's house, earning another effective tease from Amethyst, a happy sigh from Pearl, and a joke warning from Garnet, which went like 'Don't do anything your dad wouldn't do!'
I'm not so sure if I can commit to that warning Garnet.
I was soon at the door of Connie's house, and I could see her silhouette walking around her house and her favorite band playing their usual weird music, I knocked on the door and saw her silhouette run towards the door and she swung the door open so fast that I heard a loud creaking sound and actually felt kinda sorry for the door.
"Umm..hey," she said shyly, fiddling with her hair, Oh God she's so beautiful, great I'm starting again...
no, shut up, let me be autistic by myself
got two i can post, sweet apple massacre and cupcakes.
"Hey Connie, mind if I come in?" I asked, and she cleared the way for me, and I walked into her house, It was really empty, her mom and dad are probably out I guess.
"I'm home alone, my Dad had a meeting to attend and my Mom's at work," Perfect.
I sat on her wicker and cotton couch once she offered me a spot next to her on the same couch, and I sat there, smirking as she leaned her head on my shoulder, even though my heart was beating, I had better control of my powers being a 14-year-old, but there was something else I didn't really have that much control over.
She kissed my neck gingerly and wrapped her arms around me, I helped her pull herself up so she was straddling on my lap facing me, "I love you," She murmured in my ear, and I felt my heart rate increase. I held her hips as she kissed me, and she started pressing into my hips softly, Shit, shit, shit Connie, does she have any idea what that does to me?
Connie gripped my back and pulled herself closer to me, "Come on Steven, let's go somewhere more private," I wasn't sure if it was her specific intention for this to happen, but I didn't care; and just followed her to her room like a puppy, and once we entered her room, she locked the door and practically jumped me, wrapping her legs around my hips and her arms around my neck as we kissed passionately, our tongues clashing.
I don't mind seeing that posted
yeah cubeman, this memer who used to shit up hg threads by spamming pictures of cubes as tributes, you him?
i hate to break it to you, but i am not this man. my name is Funbringer.
I've been thinking about making a new code. Probably either zombie apocalypse or RPG
She pushed me back with her body until we were on the bed, and she pulled my gold star shirt off and did the same to my pants, and I returned the favor by taking off her shirt and her jeans, leaving both of us in only our underwear, "Seems like I'm not the only one excited," She hinted towards the bulge in my boxer shorts, and I blushed, my face turning even redder as she pulled off my boxer shorts and let my 8" inch penis finally breath.
I guess she wasn't really surprised by my size, and why would she be? It's not anything she hadn't seen before, in case you were now confused, me and Connie had done this stuff before, twice for that matter.
"Let's take care of this," I groaned as she wrapped her mouth around my cock, sucking on it like it was a lollipop and looking at my face, smiling while also kissing the tip at most times, bobbing her head up and down on my 'Missile'.
"Ah, C-Connie, if you keep doing that I'm gonna-" It wasn't long before I released inside her mouth, and she pulled her mouth back, allowing some of my cum to land on her face, and she licked her lips.
"Hmmm, delicious," She said to me, but I was still panting, I then grabbed her and tossed her on the bed under me with some of my strength, reaching behind her and unclipping her bra, taking off her panties as well as I slid two fingers into her pussy, and I became even harder upon seeing her fully nude body, even though I had seen it before, I couldn't help myself.
"Nn! Steven!" She moaned, her hand reaching forward as she grabbed my still hard member and began rubbing it while I thrusted my fingers inside her pussy and wiggled them around.
they both sound awesome definitely make them
I pulled my fingers out just as she warned me that she wanted to release, and she whimpered in disagreement, and got kind of mad once I began prodding my penis on her pussy, teasing her badly and refusing to go in.
"S-Steven, please don't tease me," She pleaded, "I need a more convincing statement, Connie," She grabbed me by my neck and looked me straight in the eye, "FUCK ME!" She yelled at my face, and I felt accomplished that I had pushed the right buttons, before I thrusted into her with a groan.
I penetrated deeper and deeper, pushing myself all the way in before raising her legs which were on either of my sides and locking her knees with my elbows, going full savage on her as I began going at an incredible speed, pulling back and ramming back inside, showing my girlfriend no mercy.
I lowered my head down and kissed Connie deeply, going even harder; Connie was extremely tight, so you could imagine the pressure being placed on my penis as we spoke, and Connie seemed to be enjoying this a lot, considering that ahegao expression she had on her face.
"Yes! Oh Yes Steven, I love you so much!" She screamed, and I unhooked her knees from my elbows, placing her on her side and going behind her, staying inside her the whole time as I fucked her sideways, and trust me, I was also enjoying myself a lot, to have something this tight around you was amazing.
This position seemed to get to her even more, as her moans intensified and got even louder, and I soon became aware that I was getting close, I just hoped that I could hold myself until after Connie cummed.
Fuck, forgot the image.
Hey at least you can talk, unlike some other shitposters. Why not post at least something interesting to read, since Tem seems to be too fucking slow to post each day?
zombie apocalypse would own
also there's going to be so many codes now, with Homer working on the space code, Armin with AoT, and me with my secret special Temmie code as well
"Steven, I'm about to reach my climax!" Jackpot, she just confirmed it, and it wasn't long before I gave it my all, using all my energy to thrust into her, although that was when I felt my gem glow all of a sudden, and I heard Connie scream.
"AH! Steven, you got bigger inside of me!" No shit, Connie, I could feel myself growing all of a sudden, and once my gem stopped glowing and my dick stopped growing, Connie and I couldn't hold it in any longer.
"Connie!" "Steven!" We moaned each other's names, as Connie cummed all over my cock and I cummed only seconds later, and we both crashed on Connie's bed, drenched in sweat and panting heavily.
"I love you Connie," I told her sincerely, and she held me close, smiling at me.
"I love you too Steven Quartz Universe," She said sleepily, all those 'things' that we did made us weary, so of course we both needed a nap, she soon fell asleep peacefully and breathed in and out softly; I closed my eyes and imagined being like this every day. I might have fallen asleep at this point because everything I thought of after was extremely vivid.
damnit been searching for cubememer for weeks, could you pick up on his shtick to help me fill the void funbringer?
i'm, uh, not hosting
Zombies seems cool, but can we have l4d and zombie movie references in it?
do the zombie apocalypse
The first Hunger Games was the best
If you wish, i can post sweet apple massacre
you know what, yes i will
sorry man, i just shit out on my memerness and just fucking shlop up these threads with fanfics
Big Macintosh surveyed the many apples trees that made up Sweet Apple Acres. It was nearly apple-buck season once again, and it looked as though they would be having a bumper harvest this year. He nodded, satisfied. His sister Applejack walked up beside him.
“Whoo, boy howdy! I sure am glad you ain’t injured this time, Big Macintosh!” she said. “Why, there’s even more apples on them trees than last year!”
“Eeyup!” Big Macintosh replied, in his characteristic manner. “Them’s a lotta apples.”
Applejack was silent for a moment, enjoying the feel of the slight breeze against her blonde mane. “Say, I don’t suppose you’ve seen Apple Bloom anywhere, have ya? I been looking for her all day, and she ain’t nowhere to be found.”
Big Macintosh shook his head. “Sorry sis, can’t say I have.”
“Darn! That silly filly’s probably gone off somewhere with her friends. I just hope she ain’t getting herself into any mischief, or else there’ll be hay to pay!”
“Don’t you go worryin’ yourself, Applejack,” he replied, “I’m sure she’s perfectly fine. But anyway, I need to go back to the barn. I gotta go and press some apples for some of my home-brewed apple cider. I hoof-picked a few apples earlier specially, all nice and plump and ripe, and they ain’t gonna press themselves.”
Applejack laughed. “You sure do love your cider, don’t ya! Just make sure Apple Bloom don’t get her hooves on it again, we all know what happened last time!”
Big Macintosh chuckled along with his sister. “Eeyup!”
The large red pony trotted back to the barn, and gently closed the door. He opened a trap-door with his mouth and went down the steps into an old disused apple cellar. Usually it was just filled with junk; scrap metal, old worn out ploughs, old rope and various other bits and bobs that had outlived their usefulness. Big Macintosh often came down here when he wanted to get away from the world, to withdraw for a little while for some peace and quiet.
Well crap.
Cool. Mix all kinds of shit you think of Kaz, L4D, Walking Dead, Killing floor even... the Nazi zombies from CoD... come on, I liked it alright?!
Today was different, however. The old rope, at least, had found a new use, because in cellar space were Apple Bloom and her fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, bound and gagged, propped up against the wall. Three pairs of scared, round eyes looked up at Big Macintosh as he approached.
“Now then, ya three fillies,” he said, as placid as ever. “Y’all need to learn a lesson. You need to learn not to mess around with Big Macintosh. All I want is some peace and quiet,” he said, looking directly at Apple Bloom. The little red haired filly cowered under his gaze. “All I want is a quiet life, without all you Cutie Mark Crusaders runnin’ round the place, making with the noise. When I’m finished with y’all, there gonna be no noise from you ever again.”
As Big Macintosh approached, Scootaloo flapped her wings, struggling to get off the ground. Big Macintosh laughed, and grabbed one of her wings. He twisted, at first slow, watching the pain visibly grow in her eyes, but then tore hard, smiling slightly when he heard the snap and the muffled whimper that came from Scootaloo. He then threw her to the ground.
“Your wings are useless, ya silly filly,” he said pleasantly. He then went to a toolbox and took out a rusty knife with a jagged blade and dropped it in front of the three fillies. “I’m gonna take off those gags now,” he said. “The first one of you to scream gets their tongues cut out.”
do you also ever post spidey memes?
Yep, Tem isn't hosting. Neard's the name shitty hosting is my game.
Can we just fucking ignore the shitposter?
nah, i don't try THAT hard
He took off Sweetie Belle’s gag first. She looked up at him with terror, but managed to stay quiet. Next was Scootaloo. She let out a strangled whine and was breathing heavily, still in horrendous pain from her broken wing, but managed to resist the temptation. Finally, he removed the gag from his sister Apple Bloom. She stared at him with her large round eyes, filled with fear and incomprehension. This was Big Macintosh after all, her big brother and the gentlest of souls. Wasn’t he? Surely this was just a horrible joke? But she had seen what he had done to Scootaloo’s wing, and it was definitely no joke. She took a deep breath.
Big Macintosh shoved his hoof in Apple Bloom’s mouth, silencing her scream. He sighed and shook his head. “I tole you not to scream, Apple Bloom. You should listen to your big brother.”
sorry phamme, you can't stop Funbringer, Bringer of Fun.
I'll work on both then. I'll look into zombie first since that seems more popular
At least we'd have different variety
Of course. With a dash of resident evil and dead rising.
Gotcha Prof. I'll research on the last two
“I’ll…I’ll scream, and scream again, an’ Applejack will hear and, and…” Apple Bloom said, falteringly.
“Ya know, I kinda hope you do. After all, I still ain’t forgiven Applejack for that injury she gave me last apple-buck season. If you want Applejack to join y’all down here, scream away. I, for one, would welcome her company. But now, to business.”
Big Macintosh picked up the knife, and loomed over the cowering Apple Bloom. He pinned her down with a powerful hoof, and stuck the knife into Apple Bloom’s mouth. Sweetie Belle vomited at the sight, the thick yellow chunks and acidic-smelling liquid spattering heavily on the floor. Scootaloo managed not to be sick, but rather gasped and sobbed and choked with panic. Big Macintosh forced open Apple Bloom’s mouth and with some effort cut out her tongue. Apple Bloom tried to scream but her mouth was too full of blood, so it was more of a muted gurgle. After a short while she collapsed, tears streaming from her eyes, falling unconscious from the shock and the pain. Big Macintosh then took the tongue and rolled it in the puddle of putrid vomit on the floor. He smiled at Scootaloo.
“Ya hungry?”
You know, I said interesting stories. You know just as well as I that this kind of stuff have no value at all. Honestly, I don't believe anyone has such a terrible taste.
Don't forget the football code I need to get around to doing.
Scootaloo shook her head vigorously and cast him a defiant glare. “If Rainbow Dash was here she would kick the crap out of you, you…you maniac!”
Big Macintosh shrugged. “Well, she ain’t. An’ anyway, I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Rainbow Dash ain’t as tough as she likes to make out.” He shoved the vomit-covered tongue into Scootaloo’s mouth, and used his hoof to clamp her mouth shut. “Don’t you go tryin’ to spit it out now,” he said calmly, with a little laugh and the filly struggled and squirmed. “Din’t your mother ever tell you how important it is to chew your food?”
Scootaloo closed her eyes and flapped her one good wing desperately, eventually swallowing Apple Bloom’s tongue. Big Macintosh, still holding the writhing Scootaloo down with his strong hooves, then mounted the orange filly and slid his penis into her tight virgin pussy, raping her for several minutes while Sweetie Belle watched, trembling with revulsion. Apple Bloom was still out cold, blood pouring from her torn-up mouth.
“Cutie Mark Crusaders rape victims,” Big Macintosh said with tender mockery as he fucked Scootaloo, followed by a gentle chuckle. “Guess y’all found your purpose in life now; your special talent is gettin’ raped. Eeyup.”
Eventually he withdrew from Scootaloo, and gripped her head tight and repeatedly punched her hard with a hoof in the face, causing her nose to shatter and spurt with blood. He scooped up some of the blood and some of Sweetie Belle’s vomit with his tongue and held it in his mouth, so that it mixed with his saliva, and then brought his mouth close to Scootaloo’s and spat the rank mixture into her mouth. He clamped his hoof over her mouth and held her nose until she gagged and eventually had no choice but to swallow.
As Scootaloo retched and spat and cried, he turned to Sweetie Belle. He grabbed her easily, as she was too shocked and traumatised to respond, and with apparent amusement he rammed her horn up Scootaloo’s ass. The horn was too big and hard, so the skin around Scootaloo’s ass ripped and blood and fecal matter first trickled and then poured profusely down onto Sweetie Belle’s face, as well as urine as Scootaloo pissed herself.
“You keep doin’ that, Sweetie Belle,” he said. The unicorn carried on pushing her horn up Scootaloo’s anus, slowly but surely. Her normally well groomed pink and purple mane was now stained a reddish-brown, glistening with the wetness of the piss and blood. “If ya stop, I’ll come over there and, uh, get creative. I may seem a bit dense, but I’m actually quite a creative stallion, ya know,” Big Macintosh said, with a wink. “Eeyup!”
He went to Apple Bloom and penetrated his little sister’s unconscious body with his hard cock. While he violated her, and another knife, this one sharp and shiny, and sliced open her flank, causing her glistening intestines to flop out wetly onto the floor. He glanced over, and was pleased to see that Sweetie Belle was still using her horn to anally penetrate Scootaloo, and her face was now completely covered in blood and feces and urine.
He turned his attention back to Apple Bloom, and scooped up her crimson entrails and wrapped them around her neck, still fucking the filly, and with his front hooves he pulled and pulled until it was wrapped so tightly around Apple Bloom’s neck that it broke her windpipe. She was now surely dead, but Big Macintosh continued fucking her furiously until her body began to lose form and collapse into a quivering, amorphous mass of fur and blood and flesh. The perineum had fallen away, leaving a single red and raw gaping void. He carried on until he was fucking nothing but a single swollen and bloody orifice, and then discarded his baby sister’s carcass as though she were nothing more than a rotten apple core.
Since you're a One Piece fan, Kazu, maybe you should do a One Piece based on too. Or hell about Tekken or DBZ
He then took the knife, and grabbed Sweetie Belle and tossed her aside. He forced himself into Scootaloo’s ruined anus, and then took the knife and cut from her ass in a sweeping motion up to her belly, and all her innards fell out. He then grabbed her head, twisted and tore it clean off, using his immense strength, and fucked it in the mouth and then tossed it aside. He then had sex with her headless body, both in the vagina and the ass until he got bored.
Sweetie Belle was the last remaining Cutie Mark Crusader. She was herself barely conscious, overcome with the nauseous stench of blood, shit and piss that covered her horn and her face. Big Macintosh pinned Sweetie Belle down with his hoof and plunged the knife into her green eye, and twisted, causing vitreous fluid to dribble out onto the handle. At that, Sweetie Belle let out a throaty whine and involuntarily emptied her bowels, and the aroma of fresh urine and feces filled the apple cellar once again. He withdrew the knife and did the same to the other eye, each time holding her tight and sticking his hoof into her mouth to silence her agonised screams. He licked the vitreous fluid that had leaked onto the knife, and then methodically began cutting and hacking at her front left hoof using the rusty knife. The knife was quite blunt, so it took a Herculean effort to get through the skin, bone and cartilage, but eventually the bone splintered and the leg came off. He did the same to her other legs, until all four were amputated and nothing remained but bloody stumps, with slimy white ligament and broken bone shards hanging out. At some point Sweetie Belle had passed out, the overwhelming pain too much for her to bear.
i can help with Killing Floor since i've dumped 130+ hours into the original
>(Player1) flings all of (his/her1) dosh onto the ground.
Nazi Zombies has a really huge and hard to uncover story, don't go beyond the ending of Black Ops 1 alright, it goes to shit from there. You can make Hell Hounds a arena event though.
i just came back, what in the actual fuck is happening
who is this guy?
sorry dude, i try
Muh name's Funbringer, Bringer of Fun.
He then used the knife to gouge out her left eye and jammed his penis into her eye socket, penetrating repeatedly deep into her brain, enjoying how tight her skull felt around his hard shaft and how warm and squishy the brain-matter felt against the tip of his throbbing penis. As he did he twisted Sweetie Belle’s neck. After he had finished skull-fucking her, he cracked open her skull with a swift stamp of the hoof, and bent down and ate some of the exposed brain, taking care to spit out a few fragments of skull bone that had got mixed in as he chewed. It was warm and slimy and tough, and stuck to the back of his throat. He swallowed, and then raped Sweetie Belle in the ass until it tore open and his engorged penis was smeared with what little fecal matter remained in her rectum.
He took one of Sweetie Belle’s detached legs and shoved it inside her ass, and then fucked Apple Bloom and Scootaloo’s bodies the same way, forcing the amputated limb in, hoof-first, as far as it could go. He thought how strange it was that the still lumps of torn flesh that he was fucking with Sweetie Belle’s leg had been so vibrant and alive such a short time ago.
But now, all three were dead, and he finished by spurting his voluminous load into Apple Bloom’s destroyed backside. He watched with satisfaction as the semen and blood and shit mixed together, forming a foamy maroon pool. He bent down and greedily lapped up some of it with his tongue, pressing his tongue deep into her anal cavity so as not to miss any, letting some dribbling down his chin. It tasted foul of course, a rancid, tangy slime that burned his throat, but it felt so satisfying. He swallowed the filthy goo, and wiped his mouth with a hoof. It was done. Big Macintosh would finally get his peace and quiet.
oh man, i didn't notice FW died.
Shit, i really need to get my shit together
“Big Macintosh, ya down there?”
It was Applejack. He looked at the disfigured corpses of the three fillies, all now barely recognisable as the oh-so-sweet Cutie Mark Crusaders, and realised he felt strangely unsatisfied. It had all been a bit too quick and easy. Now Applejack…that would be a challenge. She was Ponyville’s best athlete after all; she even had the Prize Pony of Ponyville trophy to prove it. And, of course, he still hadn’t forgiven her for that injury. He felt his penis stiffen once again in anticipation.
“Hey, Big Mac, I said are ya down there?” came Applejack’s lilting voice again, this time more insistent.
Big Macintosh replied serenely, “I sure am, sis. Hey, come down here a minute. I’ve got somethin’ to show you.”
“Sure thing! What is it?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“Oh boy, I sure do love surprises! Somethin’ real nice I’ll bet.”
Something real nice? Big Macintosh looked at the mangled, mutilated remains of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and his lips curled into a thin smile.
Just ignore them. Like some others certainly aren't.
some autist
The air was warm, the sun was shining, and everypony in Ponyville was having a glorious day. The town square was bustling and crowded and busy ponies filled the streets. All the pony folk seemed to have somewhere specific to be. All except Rainbow Dash; her place was in the sky. She tore freely through the air, speeding one way and the next, buzzing the tree tops and racing the wind. The blue pegasus swooped over a schoolyard, much to the delight of the children, then climbed several hundred feet and dove, streaking downward as fast as she could. Seconds before hitting the ground, her wings flew open and she pulled up back into the clear blue. Rainbow felt alive.
Suddenly, Dash remembered that she had somewhere to be; she was supposed to meet with Pinkie Pie in five minutes. Dash had gotten so caught up in her exercises that she'd nearly forgotten that Pinkie had asked to meet her at Sugercube Corner at three. Pinkie hadn't said why or what they'd be doing, but Dash knew that with Pinkie, it could be anything. Dash wasn't sure if she really wanted to go, though. She was so engaged with her stunts that she thought about blowing Pinkie off to continue flying. But, Dash's conscience got the better of her. She knew that it would hurt Pinkie's feelings; after all, Pinkie had said it was going to be something special just for the two of them. Dash considered it and thought "why not?" What did she have to lose? Heck, it might be more pranking. Pinkie might have found a bunch more fun stuff to pull on folks, and they'd had so much fun the last time. Dash kicked into overdrive to make up for lost time, and sped to her appointment.
When Dash walked into the store, she was immediately greeted by her host, who was bouncing in excitement. "Yay, you're here! I've been waiting aaall day," said the jumping pony.
"Sorry if I'm a little late, Pinkie. I was doing my afternoon exercises and lost track of time," Dash apologized.
i feel like a fish surviving a tsunami is something you can take for granted
Pinkie giggled and responded in a gleefully reassuring tone, "Oh that's ok, you're here now. What's a few more minutes? I've been sooo excited thinking about all fun stuff we're gonna do, I haven't stopped bouncing since I woke up. I mean, I almost forgot to breathe I've been so happy."
Dash gave a slightly uncomfortable laugh. She had always appreciated Pinkie Pie's friendly, outgoing way of life, but Pinkie's overabundant enthusiasm almost creeped her out. Dash maintained a polite expression, however. If Pinkie was this worked up, whatever she had planned must be good.
"So, you ready to get started, Rainbow Dash? I've got everything all ready," the pink pony said.
Dash psyched herself up. "You betcha, Pinkie. So what do ya got planed? We gonna prank somebody? I got a couple of good ones I've been thinking about. Or maybe you've got some stunts you think I should try? Or perhaps…"
"MAKING CUPCAKES!" Pinkie happily announced.
Oh my god yes! I would love to do those codes. Especially a One Piece one.
Thanks Temmie
Noted. I will look into it since I never was a real COD fan, so I'll just read about it.
Haha, Trunin died
"Baking?" Dash was disappointed. "Pinkie, you know I'm not good at baking. Remember last time?"
"Oh that's not a problem at all. I only need your help making them. I'll be doing most of the work," Pinkie explained.
Dash thought for about it for a second. "Well, alright, I guess that's ok. What exactly do you need me to do?"
"That's the spirit. Here you go." Pinkie handed Dash a cupcake.
Dash was puzzled "I thought I was helping you bake."
"You will be. I made this one just for you before you got here."
"So, is this like taste testing or something?"
"Sorta," Pinkie said.
Dash shrugged and popped the pastry in her mouth. She chewed a bit and swallowed. Not bad.
"Ok, now what?" Dash asked.
"Now," Pinkie informed her, "You take a nap."
Puzzled, Dash opened her mouth but felt instantly lightheaded. A wave of dizziness washed over her, the world spun, and seconds later she collapsed to the floor.
When Dash regained consciousness, she found herself in a dark room. She tried to shake her head but found that a taut leather strap held it firmly in place. She struggled to move, but braces around her chest and limbs glued her to a rack formed from a series of sturdy planks, which spread her legs wide apart. Dash's wings were the only part of her not tied down, and they fluttered frantically while she struggled to escape. As she writhed, Pinkie jumped suddenly into her line of sight.
"Goodie, you're awake. Now we can get started," Pinkie stated gleefully. She bounded into the darkness, and quickly reappeared pushing a small cart covered with a cloth.
"Pinkie, what's going on? I can't move!" Dash said urgently.
"Well duh, that's because you're tied down," chided Pinkie. "That's why you can't move. I didn't think you'd need to be told that."
"But why? What's happening? I thought you said I was going to help make cupcakes."
"You are helping. You see, I ran out of the special ingredient and I need you to get more."
"Special ingredient?" Dash was now breathing heavily and starting to panic. "What special ingredient?"
Pinkie giggled and responded "You, silly!"
Dash's eyes widened and her face contorted in fear. Then she started to laugh and said, in a voice bordering on hysteria, "Woo, you really got me there, Pinkie pie. I mean, tricking me in to thinking I'm gonna get made into a cupcake? I gotta tell you, this the best prank yet. You win, you're the best."
Pinkie only giggled even more. "Aw, thanks Dash. But I haven't done any pranks today, so I can't accept your praise."
Dash was struggling again. "Pinkie, come on, this isn't funny."
"Then why were you laughing?" Before Dash could answer, Pinkie grabbed the cloth and whipped it off the cart. On the cart was a tray containing various sharp medical tools and knives, carefully organized and wickedly sharp, as well as a large medical bag.
Dash was now in full panic mode. She was starting to hyperventilate. Her mind raced as she tried to reason with the pink pony. "You can't do this Pinkie! I'm your friend!"
"I know you are and that's why I'm so happy that I've got you here. We get to share your last moments together, just you and me." Pinkie was skipping again.
"But, the other ponies will wonder where I am. When the clouds pile up, they'll come looking for me and then you'll get found out," Dash cried in desperation.
"Oh, Dash," said Pinkie. "Don't worry, there are plenty of pegasus ponies to take care of a few clouds. And besides, no will find out. I mean, how long do you think I've been doing this?" And with that ominous statement, the lights suddenly came to life and revealed the rest the room.
"Oh no." Dash reeled in horror at the image presented to her. The room was decorated with a typical but twisted Pinkie Pie flair. Colorful streamers of dried entrails fluttered around on the ceiling, brightly painted skulls of all sizes were attached to the walls, and organs done up in pastels filled with helium were tied to the backs of chairs. The tables and chairs were made of bones and the preserved flesh of past ponies. Dash cringed upon seeing the center piece of the table nearest to her. The heads of four foals, their eyes closed as if they were sleeping, were wearing party hats made from their own skin. With a thrill of terror, Dash recognized one of them as Apple Bloom's classmate Twist. Dash's eyes darted back and forth and then fell upon a patchwork banner hanging from the rafters. Made from several tanned pony hides, the words "Life is a party" were scrawled on it in blood red.
Dash's attention was brought back by a party horn unfurling and tickling her nose. She gaped at Pinkie Pie, who was standing right in front of her. The party pony was wearing a dress quilted from dried skin, emblazoned with cutie marks. On her back fluttered six pegasus wings, all of different colors. As the earth pony skipped in excitement, her necklace of severed unicorn horns clacked together loudly.
"Like it?" Pinkie asked. "I made it myself."
Desperately, Dash pleaded with the smiling pony before her. "Pinkie please, I'm sorry if I did anything to you. I didn't mean it. Please let me go. I promise I won't tell anybody."
"Oh Dash, you didn't do anything. It's just that your number came up and, well, I don't make rules. We can't turn back now."
Dash was tearing up. How could this be happening?
"Aww, don't be sad Dash," said Pinkie. "Look, this'll cheer you up. I brought you a friend."
Seemingly out of nowhere, Pinkie produced a brightly painted blue and yellow skull. It was about pony sized, but it had a very defining feature: a beak.
2 left.
Dash gaped in shock. "Is…is that….is…that?"
"Hey, Dash lets hang together. These ponies are lame-os. Dweebs dweebs dweebs," Pinkie mimicked. "I caught her right before she left town. Remember when I left the party for about twenty minutes? That wasn't enough time to play with her of course; I had to wait till after the party to do that. But boy am I glad I did. It was worth it for the flavor alone. Griffons taste like two animals at once, it's amazing. I know she didn't have a number like everyone else in Ponyville, but when was I gonna get another chance to try griffon? I probably should have asked where she came from so I could have gotten more, but I forgot. I'll tell you what though, she was quite the fighter. She lasted a long time, which was a lot of fun for me. I got the chance to play with somebody other than a pony and try new things. It's too bad she had such a meanie mouth. She said so much bad stuff I just had to take her tongue out. You know, bad language makes for bad feelings, Rainbow Dash."
Dash didn't have anything to say. She just sobbed and writhed in her tight bonds.
"Well" said Pinkie with an air of finality, "that's enough reminiscing. It's time to begin."
Putting down Gilda's skull, the pink pony gripped a scalpel in the cleft of her hoof and walked over to Dash's right flank. Without any flair, Pinkie placed the blade an inch above Dash's cutie mark and began a circular cut around it. Dash shouted in pain and tried desperately to pull away, but the braces held her still. Finishing the incision, Pinkie grabbed a curved skinning knife from the tray. Screwing up her face in concentration, she worked it under Dash's skin and sliced the hide away from the muscle. Dash ground her teeth as she tearfully watched her flesh peel off. Pinkie then moved to the other side and repeated the process on Dash's left flank. Once she had finished, Pinkie held up both cutie marks in front of her friend and started waving them like pompoms.
FUck, forgot the image again.
Dash just whimpered. Her thighs burned like nothing she had felt before.
Placing the ragged patches of skin down, Pinkie selected a large butcher knife and walked behind the blue pegasus. "Hope you don't mind, I think I'm gonna wing it now," Pinkie laughed. She grabbed Dash's left wing in her mouth and played with it for a few seconds, yanking it back so the sharp pain reignited the fire in Dash's flanks. Then, stretching the wing out, Pinkie brought the blade down hard at the base. Instantly, Dash screamed and thrashed her appendage. The movement threw off Pinkie's aim. She tried to hit the mark again but missed, and carved a huge slice into Dash's back.
"Dash, you gotta stay still or I'll keep missing," scolded Pinkie as her friend howled.
Pinkie took another whack and hit her target. She swung again and again. Blood sprayed into the air, but Pinkie realized she wasn't getting anywhere. The blade just wasn't going through the bone.
"Hmm, I guess I forgot to sharpen it. I'll try something else," stated Pinkie matter-of-factly as she tossed the knife over her shoulder, embedding the blade in the table. Through the haze of pain and tears, Dash heard the sound of a metal box opening and closing.
I'd be up for a DBZ event.
(Player1) and (Player2) fuse with one another in order to defeat (Player3).
(Player1) and (Player2)'s beams clash with one another but (Player2)'s power overwhelms (Player1).
Doesn't help that DBS getting better now and that Xenoverse 2 is coming out. I'm really hyped about Dragon Ball these days.
I just like WaW and Black Ops's stories. It has some fun and interesting characters, I'm not a huge fan of the rest.
"Got it! Say Dash, why do they call it a hack saw? It doesn't hack; hacking is what I was doing with the knife. This is a saw. I don't get it."
Pinkie placed the tool over the mangled flesh of the last attempt. Standing on her hind legs, she worked the saw back and forth with her front hooves. It sliced effortlessly through the bone and skin. The feeling of the jagged teeth grinding into her made Dash want to vomit. She watched numbly as her wing flew over her head and landed with a fluff on the table. Pinkie moved to the next wing and started sawing. Dash didn't struggle this time; she'd given up trying to fight and focused on choking back screams of agony. Abruptly, the sawing paused. Pinkie was only half way done, the wing hanging off by a sliver.
"Hey Dash," Pinkie piped up. "Think fast!"
Suddenly, Pinkie yanked the wing as hard as she could. The bone snapped but the blue pony's skin held, then tore away. The pull ripped away a long strip of flesh all the way down Dash's back to her rump. Her body seized at the unexpected trauma. As her pelvis tensed up, Dash felt a warm release between her legs, and her loud, unending melody of pain filled the room. Unable to catch her breath, she blacked out.
Dash awoke with a gasp. The stench of her urine filled her mucus caked nostrils. As her vision swam into focus, she saw a very pouty Pinkie Pie removing a large adrenaline needle from her chest. Stomping her hooves,
the frustrated Pinkie lashed out at her helpless victim.
"Didn't anybody teach you any manners? It's very rude to fall asleep when somebody invites you over to spend time with them. How would you like it if I came over to your house and went to sleep? 'Oh I'm sorry Dash, you're so boring I think I'll take a nap.' You think I like always doing this by myself? I told you how excited I got when I found you were next. I was excited to have a friend be here with me while I worked. But NOOOOO! You've got to be inconsiderate. You know, I thought you were tough. I thought you could handle anything. I've had foals stand up better than you! Do I have to baby you? Huh? Is that how you want me to remember
you, as a baby?"
As Pinkie stopped to catch her breath, Dash blinked and sobbed softly. Her back was in agony, her sides were on fire, and there was an intense pain in one of her legs. As she blinked again, she saw Pinkie pop something red into her mouth and began to chew. Noticing Dash's stare, Pinkie quickly gulped the morsel down.
"What?" Pinkie asked. "Oh, this?" She held up another piece. "Well, while YOU were asleep, I got a little impatient and helped myself to a small sample. I got it from your leg; you're not bad. Wanna try some?"
Without waiting for a response, Pinkie shoved the strip of meat into the revolted pegasus pony's mouth. Dash gagged, and immediately spit it out. Pinkie frowned, and picked up the chunk of flesh. "If you didn't want it, you could have said no." She contemplated the discarded snotty morsel, then gulped it up. "It's not like you haven't had my cupcakes before."
Swallowing, Pinkie turned her attention to a small can on the tray. She removed the lid, revealing that it was filled with red-hot coals. Lying on top of the coals were several large nails. As the adrenalin filled her veins, Dash began to panic again. Picking up the can, Pinkie walked over to Dash's left. Holding some tongs with her mouth, Pinkie carefully picked up a nail and positioned it at the seam between her victim's front left leg and hoof. She then grabbed a hammer and took careful aim.
"No Pinkie!" Dash screamed. "NO! NO!"
The hammer came down and the nail punctured Dash's skin. The white hot burning was too much. Dash screamed as she pulled and thrashed at the braces, causing her raw skin to rub and tear. Pinkie tried to line up another nail, but couldn't find her aim, and let out a frustrated grunt. When Pinkie brought the hammer back to take a wild swing, Dash burst out crying and begging.
Pinkie rolled her eyes. Putting down the hammer and tongs, she walked back in front of her friend and stared pensively at the broken pegasus. Gilda didn't even cry this much when she had a live parasprite stuffed down her throat. Pinkie thought for a minute about what to do next, then had a sudden spark of inspiration.
Rotating a wheel on the rack, Pinkie laid Dash on her back, then moved to Dash's hind legs, bringing the can with her. Picking up her tools, Pinkie drove a searing hot spike of metal directly into the bottom of Dash's hoof. As Dash yelled in pain, Pinkie moved around and drove a second nail into the other hoof. Next, Pinkie went back to her cart and located an enormous battery and controller, which she dragged over to where she was working. She tied copper wires between the terminals and the nails driven into Dash's hooves, then gave Dash a wink and flipped the switch.
Electricity rocketed through Dash's body. The blue pony reacted immediately; her body seized, and her muscles snapped taut. Dash's hips thrust skyward, her eyes rolled back, and she let out a deep, throat shredding cry. Pinkie giggled and danced in place, then reached down and turned up the juice. Dash convulsed uncontrollably, and her bladder emptied once more.
After about five minutes, Pinkie shut off the power. Wisps of steam rose from the singed fur around Dash's hooves, and the area reeked of cooked flesh and burnt enamel. Pinkie rotated Dash upright again and tried to snap the drooling, delirious pony back to attention.
"Dash? Dash! Rainbow Dash, wake up!" Dash moaned and managed to give a modicum of weak acknowledgment. Pinkie studied her handiwork, then reached into the medicine bag and produced a large syringe. "Alright, time for the last round."
Ya slipping, Neard. I got my money on Dragunov
I'll copy it for anyone that wants it. And same, I love me some DB
And gotcha
"This is a little something to take the pain away," Pinkie informed Dash as she walked around to her victim's ruined back. Dash flinched as Pinkie jabbed the needle into the lower part of the blue pony's spine. Moving in front of her friend again, Pinkie leaned down and elaborated.
"In a few minutes, you won't be able to feel anything below your ribcage. Then you'll be able to stay awake to watch the harvest."
Dash started to cry again. "Pinkie?" she choked out.
"I want to go home," Dash sobbed.
"Yeah, I can see wanting to do that," replied the party pony. "Sometimes, I just wanna give up, just say 'I'm done with this mess' and go to bed. But you know what? You can't shrug off your responsibilities. You got to pull yourself up and meet the challenges head on. That's the only way you're gonna get ahead in life."
Dash hung her head and cried.
Minutes passed as the drug took effect. Eventually, Dash was completely numb from her chest to her flanks. At this point, Pinkie approached with a scalpel. Glancing at Dash and smiling, Pinkie made a long horizontal cut across the pegasus pony's pelvis, just above her crotch. Moving up Dash's body, Pinkie made a similar incision under her ribs. Finally, Pinkie made a long vertical cut down Dash's stomach, connecting the first two.
"Looks like I got my 'I' on you, Dash," Pinkie giggled.
With a moist, gooey sound, the flaps of skin opened. The sight of her own organs and the lack of feeling caused Dash's breathing to intensify. Pinkie carefully sliced open Dash's abdominal sac and grabbed her large intestines. As she separated the organ from the rest of the digestive tract and pulled it out of the new cavity, Pinkie grew jovial. Laughing as she gutted her friend, Pinkie began to make jokes. Dash, growing weaker from this new source of blood loss, tried desperately to shut out the macabre comedy act.
"Look at me, I'm Rarity!" Pinkie laughed, slinging the intestinal tube around her neck and spraying blood in all directions. "Isn't my new scarf soooo pretty?"
Reaching back inside, she sliced the smaller intestine off from the bowls. Squeezing out the excess excrement, Pinkie filed the slimy organ through her teeth and dragged it back and forth. "Dentists say you gotta floss every day, Dash."
Dash was barely aware of what was going on anymore. The shock was causing her to fade. Disappointed, Pinkie dived back into the blue pony's guts, ramping up her routine.
"Aw, don't go yet Dash." Pinkie started pulling out the rest of Dash's organs, pausing with each removal. "I know I can be a real pancreas, but you know I'm just kidney with you. You really got to learn to liver it up. Boy, these jokes are getting bladder. Guess ya gotta develop a stomach for them."
Pinkie placed the discarded body parts into a bucket, keeping the last one for bit longer. "Ooo, bagpipes." she said, placing the end of Dash's esophagus in her mouth and the stomach in her armpit. She squeezed, and a spurt of acid hit her tongue. "Eww! Oh hey look, there's your cupcake, Dash!"
assuming that's kazu's tribute
my tribute won in a sea of shit and spamming really?
I guess thats a fucking sign
Dash didn't hear her tormentor. She had slipped from conciseness minutes ago. Pinkie, not yet satisfied, hit Dash with another adrenaline shot. Dash woke up for the last time, her heart pounding. Warm blood flowed out from the wound in her chest in great spurts. It wouldn't be long now.
Pinkie brought Dash around onto her back again and straddled the blue pony's chest, scalpel at the ready.
"Ya know, Rainbow Dash, I'm disappointed. I thought you would have lasted longer. I really wanted to spend more time with you before we got here. But I guess it's my fault; I should have taken it a little slower. Oh well. It was really was nice knowing you, Dash!"
The blade sunk into the blue throat and worked its way up to Dash's chin. Coming back down, Pinkie's scalpel then circled Dash's neck. The last thing Rainbow Dash felt was her skin being cut away from her skull, and the metal of the blade scraping her teeth.
Then she was gone.
Pinkie Pie stared into the mirror. She had done a really good job, even keeping the eyelids. She winked, and Dash winked back. Pinkie smiled.
But still, she was sad that her friend was now gone. Dash had only lasted fifty minutes, not nearly as long as Pinkie had wanted. She looked back at the cadaver hanging in the center of the room, the last of her friend's fluids draining into a pan. Yup, no more Rainbow Dash.
Heres this. Somebody else host now.
As she looked, Pinkie cocked her head. She began to take notice of the fact that there really wasn't much damage to the corpse. "In fact," the pink pony mused, "I think…." An idea exploded in her head. She was good at sewing and she had all the pieces, all she had to do was put them back together. Yeah, she just had to get some stuffing and bingo, she'd have Rainbow Dash forever. In fact, thought Pinkie, that's what she'd do for all her best friends when their numbers came up. She was so excited, she skipped right over to the body with her skinner to get started. The cupcakes could wait; Pinkie Pie had a friend to make.
Nope, I'm Kazugeta, my dog, and shitty son
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Harry Potter who lived under the stairs in a house on Privet Drive with his aunt and uncle. He was a good, obedient boy who did all his chores; but he felt that there was something missing in his life. Something big and special; but he could not quite name it. He stayed up every night; and wished for this special something; but then one day, there was a knock at his door-and everything changed.
"Answer the door, Harry!" his Aunt Petunia, a career woman, barked from her armchair where she sat with her feet up. She had short, curly blonde hair and never wore any makeup. Uncle Vernon nodded sheepishly from the kitchen; and put a tray of moist, chocolatey brownies in the oven.
Shouldn't you be doing that? Harry thought; but he was a very obedient young boy, so he answered the door right away. He turned the brass, metal doorknob; and pulled open the heavy, wooden door.
On the porch was standing a huge, muscular man with a big, manly beard; and he was dressed in a plaid, red shirt, blue jeans, and sturdy, leather boots. His chest was covered in a thick, unruly carpet of coarse, brown hair. He wore a necklace that looked to Harry like a lowercase T. Just looking at Harry feel happy, peaceful somehow; but he couldn't say why!
"Good morning, kiddo," the man greeted amiably; and smiled at Harry. He had the peaceful, friendly sort of face you just knew you could trust. "My name is Hagrid. Could I speak to your mommy and daddy?"
"I don't have a mommy or daddy," Harry replied sadly; and looked at his raggedy, old shoes that were blue. Perhaps that was why he felt so lonely, he thought, not for the first time. Maybe that was what he was missing-a mommy and daddy. But no, that was not quite right.
"I am so sorry to hear that!" Hagrid uttered empathetically.
Sure which code?- CIA Man
Pirate i5aws4M2
Spy E4E3EkAZ
Medieval tIcCiQY1
Haunted House qIT6Mo9O
Standard d2t7z3N3
Hotel 2fsdma6m
Grave Encounters ZCbd5EZU
Mexico City pIzBK5fC
Baseball hyn3TqJb
Prison dRxAOw8D
School 9ukXLxxn
Lots of lovin A8HmEEr9
Fat camp PQTFdo6o
"You can speak with my auntie and uncle," Harry retorted politely; and blinked his big, blue, childlike eyes.
"What do you want?" Aunt Petunia peered out the door with her narrow, suspicious eyes; and she was wearing a baggy, unflattering pantsuit.
"Hello, neighbor! I was wondering if you have been saved," Hagrid exclaimed brightly; and tipped his wide-brimmed, straw cowboy hat.
Aunt Petunia laughed a gravelly laugh; and leaned forward on her sturdy, practical boots. "Saved? Don't tell me you are you one of those Christians?"
Harry did not know what that word meant; but Hagrid's smile was the most peaceful smile he had ever seen. It made Harry feel warm and happy inside just seeing the glowing, radiant grin on the kind, friendly stranger's face. He wondered why Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon did not smile like that...
"Yes, I am," Hagrid replied kindly. "Are you?"
Aunt Petunia laughed again; and stuck her pointy, sharp nose up in the air. "We are too smart for that. Haven't you read Dawkins? God is dead! Dawkins proved that. Would you like us to educate you on the Dawkins?"
"What is a Christian?" Harry queried innocently; and scuffed his shoe on the shaggy, yellow carpet which had not been vacuumed in quite some time.
"Christians are people who want to be good," Hagrid explained wisely; and crouched down so he was on eye level with Harry. "We want to go to heaven after we die. Do you know what heaven is, Harry?"
Harry shook his head; and his big eyes were wide and curious.
"Heaven is a beautiful place where we can be with God."
>7 kills
Aunt Petunia smacked her hands over Harry's young ears; and her voice was sickly sweet when she said, "Thank you very much for your concern, sir, but he does not need your religion, he has science and socialism and birthdays. Haven't you heard of Evolution? I have a very good textbook on Evolution that I could give you on it if you would like to learn things."
Hagrid laughed wisely. "Evolution is a fairytale. You don't really believe that, do you?"
"Yes, I do!" Aunt Petunia screeched.
"Well then prove it!"
Aunt Petunia could only stare at him; and her big mouth hung open dumbly. Here she thought she was so educated; and always demanded that Christians prove what they believed in; but she couldn't even prove her own religion. It was then that Harry knew who the smart one here was!
"Tell me how to get to this heaven place!" Harry cried wistfully, clasping his hands together. Sometimes, the wisdom of little ones is really amazing. We think we grownups know it all; but then God speaks through the mouths of little ones; and shows us how we are all mortals struggling along the path of life. Humility.
"All you have to do is be saved. Do you want to be saved?"
"I do, I do!" Harry squealed, jumping up and down.
"Then pray the sinner's prayer!"
Aunt Petunia tried to stop him; but she was powerless against Harry's pure, innocent, holy energy. Soon, Harry had said the prayer. Hagrid beamed happily.
"You're a Christian now, Harry!" Hagrid cried proudly.
Harry smiled but then interrogated, "But how do I be a Christian? I don't know how!"
Hagrid grinned widely. "There is only one place to learn that-Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles!"