Flooffy titties
Yo dash
Do you play warhammer 40,000?
Have you even heard / seen about it?
Yeah i play it
I've never played it, but I definitely know about it. I think my friend actually has a books for the tabletop version, he likes WH40K.
i'm surprised you guys know about it honestly. I've never played it but i'm looking to get into it for some time. I'm a but put off by the cost of getting it all set up but it looks cool nonetheless!
I said flooffy titties niggers
>Fur Fags
You're surprised that furfags, the "scum of the internet" know about the fat, greasy neckbeards that obsess over WH40K? They overlap fairly well.
Why did you just assume i think furries are the scum of the internet?
And why did you think everybody with a 40k obsession is a neckbeard?
G'evening fuzzy ones!
So who's voting / rooting for who?
i'm a trumpate
what an appropriate image swap
user sure knows his meme
>know your meme
im just gunna lay low and post slow....
>what an appropriate image swap
You're like the queen of image swaps
I didn't say you think that way, I'm just poking fun at what everyone else thinks we are.
Because tabletop games are considered the absolute nerdiest thing in existence, in the bad way, and that's associated with neckbeards.
I mostly say that because it's ironic. My friend who plays it is short, slim, black guy who is a brown belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, literally the exact opposite of the stereotypical WH40K nerd.
Hey Mew.
I do seem to get them pretty often
I'm triggered
Is that you mew? Its mousguy.
Furr hurr durr.
Damn I've missed a _really_ fucking important appointment today early in the morning because my two alarms didn't wake me up. This will make many things in life a lot harder for me now, and there's no way I can fix this now. Argh.
I tend to only fuck up really important stuff, like I only drop stuff you should never ever drop. Like hard drives.
Ayy, dat Hayabusa.
I'm not Mew, but you can probably guess who.
Well fuck, that really sucks, man. If you don't mind me asking, what was it for?
Yeah that's me! Hey man, long time no see! Good to see you again, but how in the fuck did you figure out that's me?
I've been in an accident which is why I wasn't here for a while. Slowly getting back to old degeneracy levels tho.
Set your alarms as loud as possible with the most annoying sound you can think of. My phone plays country music at max volume. I hate country.
feels bad man
You know, I really don't get why people hate country music. It isn't my thing, but I don't get the hate.
Frank? Gauss? Go bacl to K gauss.
... are you frank? He fucked up his back or something if I remember.
3/4 of the stations locally are country. Most songs are also about beer, fucking your cousin on a technicality, your ex, and your dog.
>If you don't mind me asking, what was it for?
It's complicated and I don't really want to go into detail too much on here because it would make doxxing me a lot easier.
It was about a new work-related thing where I'd be totally flexible with my time when I want to work while still getting a decent salary and could realize projects basically without a boss or any supervision. It was the perfect long-time job opportunity and exactly what I wanted to do with my life.
And now it's gone.
It wasn't just an appointment to talk and stuff but a lot more. Wish I could go into detail but no way I'm doing that on here, sorry.
Nope. Neither of us are Frank. Come on, who else always points out the motorcycles in furry art?
>... are you frank? He fucked up his back or something if I remember.
Naw some fucker ran me over with his car which fucked up my legs and knees. I'm lucky to be still alive and have no head injuries and stuff but not being able to walk properly still sucks.
Sorry man. Gtg. Oll ne back at 11
Not to mention fighting terrorism and the red white and blue 'murrica mentality.
Eh, fair enough. But it's not really any different than all the pop and rap you hear. Honestly, I'd say country is the more tolerable of those three. At least they actually play instruments.
Ah, okay. Well my email is always in the email field now if you want to talk about it in private, but I understand if you don't want to go into detail.
A'ight, see ya.
very sexy
also hello
wat teh fcuk
Anyone have bears? Grizzly, brown, or polar are good!
>Well my email is always in the email field now if you want to talk about it in private
I know, and thank you. For some reason I'm really bad at replying to mail, like I get anxious about even looking at my inbox for some reason. That's why I try to avoid it.
But I've saved yours just in case, also for when I would be unable to find you on here.
Is this a meme already?
Naw still wrong Mew, but hey Alex!
And personally, I think country folk get a lot of unwarranted hate, more so than any denomination. I live in fairly rural Georgia, and most of the people around here are either black or "rednecks". And honestly, the rednecks are good people. They're respectful, hard working people that care for their family far more than most people. Even the stereotypical country accent is seldom heard. There's a difference between country and white trash, and no one likes the white trash. I'm sure it has to do with the blatant racism of whites portrayed in the media, but really, I think country people are alright. Hell, a lot of them listen to other stuff.
I understand. I was kinda that way when I first started talking to Cobalt. I'd never emailed anyone before, so I got nervous as well. But after a while I became more used to it, but I get it.
Anyway, if you ever want to talk in private, don't hesitate to send me an email. I'd be glad to read it.
>Anyway, if you ever want to talk in private, don't hesitate to send me an email. I'd be glad to read it.
I really appreciate it and I'll take you up on that one day. I have different addresses for different things and the only one I actually manage to read very often is the work-related one. And only because I would be fucked if I don't and I know what kind of stuff to expect there.
I'll send you a mail with my address tho in case you don't have it. At least you would've been able to reach me that way when I vanished... You're always very welcome to send me mail as well, but be aware that it may take me a few days to answer.
...Which reminds me that I should still get a sigaint address on the darknet.
No problem, man. I just want to keep in touch, you know? You've been a great friend, so... I don't really know how to explain it, but only communicating on an imageboard like this seems like it's just... not personal enough I guess.
...Which in turn reminds me that I should do that as well.
Anyone got ideas for a header?
>I don't really know how to explain it, but only communicating on an imageboard like this seems like it's just... not personal enough I guess.
Yeah I agree with you on that, also it's pretty weird that whatever you may talk about there's always furry porn going with it lel. Maybe it'll work out perfectly fine just like with you and Cobalt. It wouldn't surprise me the slightest.
You don't have any kind of IM account by any chance?
The cuteness!
The fuck is this? What's it for?
Is it like a compilation of s/fur posters?
If it's what i think it is, here's my pic in case i get into it
>Maybe it'll work out perfectly fine just like with you and Cobalt. It wouldn't surprise me the slightest.
I guess it would depend on the person, right? I'd imagine having such an interpersonal relationship would make it a bit easier.
>You don't have any kind of IM account by any chance?
I'm afraid not.
Not as cute as you tho ;)
Get a room you two lol
ima make a raman
see you in the next thread
Maybe one day, heh.
But Ethereal is my bf.
Nice picture. And I'm just messing. Its good to see this kind of thing bringing people together.
Huh. For once an user actually has some lighthearted humor here. That's rare.
And I was just joking too. I'm only wish Ethereal was my bf ;_;
I'm here for the pics honestly. I'm a zoo instead of a furry but I still like seeing people come together over a common interest. Lets take this to the next thread.