This cringe CHATURBATE streamer is playing with pokemon cards on twitch right now and someone posted the phone number and website of the card shop in chat. LMAO
card shops website
This cringe CHATURBATE streamer is playing with pokemon cards on twitch right now and someone posted the phone number and website of the card shop in chat. LMAO
card shops website
Other urls found in this thread:
whats her chatburbate
chaturbate com/lana_rain/
718336-955 thats the store nmber lol
inb4 people calling in to call her prostitute
this slut
I wonder if they have Battletoads.
cant tell if man
why are you guys mad about it?
tranny with a wig
Stupid bitch utterly ruined her own tits by getting implants. Stupid whore.
Who the fuck cares
just called em
i used the old woman on prank dial
"can I get some toilet paper"
i heard about this girl. something about going to juvy at like 16 because she was doing underage shit
i did. told them she was a prostitute
im surprised theres no fedoras anywhere
Uhh ... is that public record? For science?
I just came into the stream to watch her react to someone telling her about the thread.
What a day.
i dare someone to call and say there is a prostitute in the store and to kick her out
um, yeah...AND?
anyone want to be a fam and post a vid of her?
she's friend with the owner
just leave her the fuck alone jfc. you like porn right? she even does porn wtf is the purpose of harrasing her???
This stream boring af
white knight more
She's hot and posts pictures of her pussy. I am ok with this.
The dudes at the card shop care about one thing, business. Unless there is a wanted terrorist in their shop, they won't give two shits. "Hey, just wanted to let you know there is a cam-whore on twitch in your store." "Um, ok bud." hangs up.
Because it passes the fucking time you stupid cunt. When the fuck did you get here.
Because it's phony shit, and blatant attention whoring. Like, people only give a fuck about her if she's fucking herself and showing her tits on cam. So why even bother hopping on Twitch acting like people give a shit what she's doing?
bitch name
Dude in the background answering the phone has a man bun. That's fucking disgusting.
> be white knight (according to your fucked view)
> be massive retard like you
yeah the choice here is easy. stay in school junior
looks like the girl that walked around NYC? with a vibrator/bean and flashed her pussy on various places.
Thats the one.
This is what i don't get, like it's not affecting you whatsoever. So again, I ask, who the fuck cares.
kek they are planning a raid on /b
she had a nice pussy though, wonder why she didnt take turn fucking the two guys that she was with.
stop crying
It would make my year if an user lived near there, and well, fucked her shit up.
obviously people do give a shit what she's doing, and you're one of them, otherwise you wouldn't be discussing it on a peruvian macrame forum
someone needs to ask if they sell fedoras
>is that spunk on her face
She's pretty cute. She ruined her body by getting fake tits?
Sadly so.
she ruined her body by doing heroin and losing her hair
Better that than millennial ink.
itt angry, micropenis, unemployed, substandard iq, overweight, basement dwelling losers. they hate themselves so much they just want to make everyone else in the world as miserable as they are
pretty much.
I like this group of anons.
phone num 7183361955
You're trying REAL hard bro. Kudos.
>"Hi 420-"
I bet she regrets a whole lot right now. You guys are fucking monsters, and it's kind of hilarious.
Gotta keep that body somehow. Ignore the track marks and the vomiting and you've got a real live fuck doll.
Aha you guys calling and getting shut down. Shopkeepers taking no shit
I don't have much more video to share, her streams the past couple weeks (all I keep) have not been great
how'd u screenshot that, it disappeared instantly
She's "friends" with the owner. heh
Dumb slut. Yeah, seen some of her shit. Hot. But I have zero respect for these cum-slut cam whores. Listen to her ramble on about nonsensical bullshit.
I'm fast with my fingers, user.
post the good ones user
operation get pumpkin slut kicked out of the store
she looks like she smells like cigarretes
pumpkin slut...i like it
that asian guy tho
She reminds of this retarded married slut I was anally fucking
That creeper staring into the camera.
She's got a nice ass
lol...Look at these betas in the store.
LOL someone called in about that guy
So why is this cunt there?
Her channel. She deleted one of the best videos she had on it when she had pink hair and it was an hour long. Her orgasm fast was the best there.
I wonder if that black guy came to audition.
"I usually don't stream on here"
Seems like Cred Forums is being 'nice' LOL
Guys please don't ruin this random guys life
hahaha that was me, i sent a couple prank dials then got banned, went back and waited for the right moment for her to look at the screen before i got banned again. worth it
She's had her feet obscured for most of her career and only very rarely is she barefoot. That's when she dropped this footjob video out of nowhere. A lot of her videos are relatively easy to DL but not this one.
manyvids . com/Video/250802/Nylon-Pantyhose-POV-Footjob-With-Yui/
If you have this video, please share. There are starving boners at stake :
One of you get on twitch and tell her to give the gimp a hand job.
Nice of her to bring over the weeb
Fuck you tumblr fag
maybe is a btard
You know who else is going to Inkay?
please tell me this guy is from Cred Forums
lana_is_a_hooer.... That's fucking brilliant.
"I have followers on another website"
Lmaooooo raid
beta asf
I seriously doubt their phone rings that much. Dude is answering calls one after another.
his autism cup hath runeth over
which one of you bastards is asking for battletoads LOL
hear the calls
so many beta males. she needs to be bent over getting dicked by every man there but instead they let her play cards. what a disgrace to man.
>I wonder if they have Battletoads.
Or we could use something original instead of something so well known that they'll immediately know what's going on.
Someone is talking on the phone with them lol
someone print a pic of her naked, go ask for an autograph and make sure you show the pic to the camera
top kek!
>She's making this place famous
Well now.
>"From another site"
>"I know her father"
Do it... Do it now.
Just heard him say. I know her father. 4chin keeps calling lol
Order PIZZA!!
It's obvious op goes to every single one of her cb streams and gets butthurt when she ignores him and is looking for some payback. How sad.
That's why I love lurking on Cred Forums
The white knight cometh...
thiss so much - i mod for a top CB friend and she gets a shitton of butthurt beta dudes. its really sad how derpy dudes are
I saw him fuck that guy
i'll pay $10 for someone to do this
who did it
Or maybe people on Cred Forums like fucking with people. A little far fetched, but possible
Woah... that's so cool.
so what, it's funny
Call store saying your Lanas friend, she has orange hair, and you need to talk her it's an emergency. Get this slut on the phone! I'm driving and can't or I would.
Get to work alphas!
yep this is a cringe thread alright
>lana rain
he is ban tho
Haha! What does he expect twitch mods to do?
Why do you mod? What do you get out of it?
who is she, a porn star?
She has a nice attitude. Getting inside her head was kind of mellow.
Nigga you get it, whats with all these other jackasses?
professional camgirl, very successful
hello new friend
Not a damn thing...because he's a basement dwelling NEET beta trap loving faggot.
>he stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
popular chaturbate user. You've probably seen her video with the pink hair in porn webm threads
Got every to put it ponytails?
a true hero
Someone got the owner on the phone and talked about pony tails
She wants his dick, or some shit.
Opening his deck and putting them in sleeves to be nice. She's gonna get him on her cbstream for extra revenue.
Also, we fucking memed a guy into existence.
shes a sweetheart of a friend and i talk to her outside CB
>Heroin addicted whore with fake tits
Yeh, cringe
she looks different and 10 pounds lighter without globs of makeup on
Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in.
"its ninjaturtles, not battletoads"
found the neckbeard
Anodda cahd.
its ninja turles not battletoads.. but whatev
holy fucking shit kekeke
Gtfo you weaboo whiteknight cock lover. You should an hero with this amount of cringe.
Does she let you touch her pussy at least?
come on 4chinz do something funny, a shooting is ok too
I bet he says no were just friends
lol im asian, cant be weeaboo
also, its "funny" or "edgy" until it happens to you dickhead
What the fuck is going on here, somebody, explain
i have a gf, the friend sends me stuff if i ask without paying but i don't really ask much anyway
chaturbate cam whore + Twitch + at magic card shop + phone number of shop = ez
Oh it's good, it's sooooo good.
mfw i see the man Cred Forums memed into existence
Yup, her boob job is horrendous (and was totally not needed). Hopefully she's suing the plastic surgeon.
are u fuckers still calling the store lol
she just doesn't wanna be banned, she already acknowledgeded it idiots
According to her, lettuce has no nutrients, and she never eats the stuff. She'll have healthy poops tonight either way.
On the plus side, the store is probably popular as fuck now. Those niggas are gonna spread the word about ponytail guy to the normies on the street.
post girlfriend or your a piece of shit white knight liar mother fucker
i understand you're gonna do what you want to do, but in my opinion, don't work for free.
This. From every pizza place that will deliver there. Say it's for a MTG party or something and you'll tip extra if it's there within 15 minutes. hero chikkity china the Chinese chicken
lol its really simple, honest to god truth; people on the internet are just stupid when they try to be edgy and doxx or real life troll - one day you'll leave your moms basement and understand
jelly bahahhaha
most places verify # with caller id.
yeah, i don't spend all my hours for her, just on occasion when i can - when my gf was out of town i did it alot cause i stayed up alot and so i could be on CB easily. now that shes back its hard (esp cause my friend is in eastern time zone and i'm not)
good thing there's no way to fake caller id dumbass
God Damn it. B you fail me
She's got a really pretty pussy.
any local joints in the area? doubt they would.
i can't really do anything to prevent you dickbags from trolling so w/e, just saying its sad to see this
Ponytail guy is legit.
The fucks a "B"
This fucking guy.
I don't even care, this man, is great.
There's apps for that.
Double dubs confirms, fuck that whore, ponytail is the star here
He said he loves me lol
This is pretty cool. We need to do more!
RIP Joan
is this the place? is she in new york city? if yes, give me an hour and i'll be there
An hour... Sod off with that shit.
That the place
this guy is a riot.
taking the trolling well tbh
Somebody call the store and tell them we want ponytail guy, fuck that bitch
yeah, I potato'd.
it is sad to see
been here a long time and this shouldve been a camwhore oppurtunity thread not a cringe thread
fuck you guys have your heads up your asses
Probably because he dishes a lot himself. Look at the guy.
yo, what's her link?
i know where kings hwy is, hour and a half max if the f train is fucked up
chicks nasty, next.
You care what she is doing; it's sad.
heres the info
EXACTLY could be fappin and laughin now i'm just smh because summerfags/kids trying to be "badass"
Jesus, when will these people quit their euphemistic bullshit? You're not a "model" or an "adult actress". You're a fucking girl who uses her body online to get attention, donations, and praise. You're a porn star, acknowledge it idiot.
Jesus Fuck
ive seen that ass before, sauce?
Not gonna lie, I'd still fuck the shit out of her. Don't even care about the fake tits. I'd just flip her over.
Lana Rain is sexy and basically the nerdy "real gamer girl" every one of you neckbeard basement dwellers want in real life, so stop acting like youre not madly in love with her and supressing your own lack of emotions with "CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE." As usual, OP is a fucking faggot.
I bet I know why he knows what ass tastes like.
>"He filmed me"
She also just dumpster dived in the bin ponytailbro spit in.
ofc but model sites rephrase it to make it more appealing to women, men dig porn stars, chicks like to be models
shouldve tried to get her to flash he tits on the live stream with these dudes in the background unaware
Kek, get ready for a SWAT raid. Sent them to 1685 E 15th St, Brooklyn, NY (Kings Games) claiming there was an Arab screaming Allahu Akbar and was attempting to behead the clerk lmao.
better deliver
ponytail boy is legit
Now thats real talent.
fucking asshole
could this be it?, did something actually happen in this thread?
not sure, saved it in an ass thread a few months back
I just puked in my mouth a little
I hope this is real!!!
Seriously if that no4chan guy is in here, get over it dude. Holy fucking shit.
now thatsa faggoty thing to do
Sluts like her only date Chads though. Waste.
wew lad
ah i wish this was real .
*waiting intensifies*
Booboo....go back to red dot than you tumlerina ladyboy
I'd so rape her if I saw her in public dresses like that....what a slunt
"I love meeting you guys at conventions." sure.
the mods in that stream are quick so no chance for that
I'm not about the white knight faggots in the thread but the swat routine is a bit much. Pizza would have been better
> only date Chads
Are you speaking in code? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
mfw no swat
How many guys in here have pokeball thickness? She won't feel you.
i wonder how many times this poor thing has taken a razor blade to her arms
She is hot. Anyone has her vids?
lurk more, newfag
just order some pizzas 'n shit
Is she a confirmed heroin user? also age.
Jesus christ, what newfag cancer is in this thread. You guys announced your plans to swat IN THE FUCKING CHATROOM THAT THE STREAMERS ARE MODERATING?
agree, pizza is funny
Actually kill yourself you overmemeusing faggot
is it me or the no4chan guy is calling the guys in the background telling them whats happening in this thread?
Theres a white knight faggot among us.