Alright Cred Forums my 15 year old son wants to join a Special Operations Branch of the US military, give him some advice
Alright Cred Forums my 15 year old son wants to join a Special Operations Branch of the US military...
git gud fgt
Find a real job.
You have three years to get in shape. Be muscular and thin.
be realistic
I tried to convince him to do that but I'm kind of a hypocrite after being in the Air Force
do sit ups till you puke, run till you puke, do that every day for 2-3 years, practice shooting, then get ready to eat shit because your stuck in the military.
He's a little too thin and short, 5'3" and 107.6lbs~
What branch should he join?
This, also fucking study. They don't want dummies so your test scores need to be high. Usually he can get physically fit and start training early with the sea cadets for the navy or marines. Check with local recruiters or reserve stations. I trained kids for my reserve duty years ago, and recommendations go a long way.
Navy, there's decent options for courses of study.
run, lift, do martial arts, all the time
is he 12?
what the fuck
I was bigger than him at 13 years
Your wife's son has no chance. He is a manlet. Introduce him to Cred Forums and let his life go to waste.
no he's fifteen, turns 16 in February
Probly just white.
>mfw we're actually a spic family
Study like fuck, run like fuck, Get him involved in team sports out the wazoo.
If he's on the baseball team, get him to press for captaincy. Get your kid to have a demonstrable background in leadership, teamwork, fitness and intellect.
Next, llet him pick his own SF branch, then tell him to learn all he can about operations overseas, current affairs and what training will involve, where and when.
Stop thinking you're good and its easy, fun job because you play call of duty. Call of duty is for faggots
Kill your father first
Former 11B (Infantry).....
If you want to be SF, young bro, you gotta be the best, biggest, baddest motherfucker....
Start going to the gym. Start playing sports. Start STUDYING YOUR ASS OFF, cuz SF ain't dumb shits...
Find yourself a Ranger Handbook and study it religiously... Don't bother with the "how to skin a squirrel" bullshit; there ain't no squirrels in Afghanistan... Study the battle drills and shit...
Train... Start training now, and start training HARD... You should be puking from pushing yourself in physical exercise at least once per week... And hope to God you don't severely hurt yourself before you get a chance to enlist... And train to stay awake (WITHOUT stimulants like coffee or nicotine) for 3-5 days on end, cuz you'll need that too....
Enlist in the Army Infantry; is your best bet, as most of the branches will assign your job AFTER Basic Training... Also, try to get Airborne and Ranger in your contract...
Oh, and prepare for a life of SHIT, kid... It's gonna be tough as hell... LOTS of PT, LOTS of thinking, LOTS of shooting and killing motherfuckers and rucking and killing and fighting and killing.....
Also: Throw away your Call of Duty bullshit; life is nothing like that. Nothing at all... Anything you think you know from a videogame, THROW IT OUT...
SF is literally the best of the best, the baddest of the bad... You aren't going to make it anywhere unless you got the BALLS to go as far as you can...
Good luck!!
yeah, this.
The military is nothing like hollywood or COD. Find him some documentaries on SEALS (The SF guys, not the aquatic mammal you autist) or whatever and make him watch them.
please don't tell him to kill me
Easiest way to get into the pipeline is either 18D or 18x. Contact a Army SF recruiter, he will give you the details. What is his asvab score?
Army Infantry; only branch that guarantees your combat MOS and any special schools (Airborne/Ranger, which he'll need for SF) before they ship to BCT, before they even sign the papers...
All this, then realise that the British SF still kick nuts as hard (if not harder) than the amerifags, despite having less than a tenth the recruiting pool.
I forced him to sit down and read and watch all the gritty parts of war but he still seems determined to enlist
>mfw OP is a 15 year old faggot who wants to join Special Operation Branch
Yeah, that is a good idea too.
ensure that he knows to expect to be scared of PEDRO Medical teams and start learning how to pray for a british MERT chinook
I'd shoot the little fucker if I ever saw him on Cred Forums
I'll tell him
Work out like crazy. Twice every day, doing very intense workouts. Emphasis on the intensity
Some of the STS guys I know skip lunch to go on 10 mile runs. That is, after they hit the gym from 4-6am
That's fine though. I did recruiting and retention when i came off active duty. I will always help Anons if they want to join.
Tell him to stop playing CoD
I'm fuking serious. The american PEDRO teams are two blokes that fast rope out a Blackhawk with a bag of medical supplies and an M-15 and kill as many as they save.
the British MERT guys have what amounts to an operating theater in there, they have anaesthetists, surgeons, force protection and whatever else they need.
Mega respect to them
See we live near the beach so he's more looking at Navy SEALs (which I advised against) and the recently resurrected Marine Raiders
Alright user, I'll tell him to take your advice
I don't actually think I see him playing CoD, he's more likely to play LoZ or Portal
Tell him that if he doesn't train enough he will become a newfag who can't bluetext
Go camping. I was/am a ranger in my country and many people just can't handle being outdoors. They can be fit and smart but living in the field seems to be impossible for them.
Not even close to true. Lots of SF guys are small.
so if I forced him to run to the nearest Navy recruitment or Marine Corps recruitment center which are atleast 6 miles from here would that be a good start?
He's twig. There's no way he can build up the kind of muscle mass you need for sf. He'll get ripped to shreds like a skinny version of private pyle
Work out and study
Not literally, ya friggin' Marine....
Incorrect, especially since the kid's only 15...
How is that a hypocrite? Not like you were in the military or anything.
He's going for a triple A program at his highschool that will let him graduate with an Associates Degree
And soon to be 16. That means he's also going through highshool and will have to worry about the asvab, tests, sat/act, all the shit you need to study your ass off for So you look good going into the military. If he's that weight and has 2 years to get himself into the best condition of his life, he'll be hard pressed to do anything besides study then workout. And if he gets a job that's even more time gone.
>guy was in Air Force
>not like you were in the military or anything
at this point firefighter and billionaire is outta the portfolio, now special forces.
what comes next year?
tell him that life gifts nothing, and that many people are lucky to drive trucks all week.
wanna be part of the most cherrypicked best trained special forces unit that has access to an entire genetic pool of professional hard boiled shitheads?
that means a lot of work. you'll be a NASA rocket scientist 3 times over before you're gonna be a fucking NAVY seal or spetsnas or royal air force commando or KSK or whatever he deems cool at the moment.
and you cant go midlife crisis either. you go with it, you stick with it. one way out is a coffin or retirement
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little shit? Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and Ive been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and Im the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. Youre fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and thats just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldnt, you didnt, and now youre paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Youre fucking dead, kiddo.
Special Ops? Better be smart as hell, athletic as hell, and disciplined as hell, and even then it is a long shot. Aspirations change, but just let em know whatit would take and the likelihood
Already did user
If he wants to be SF, then he's gotta dedicate himself to it... SF isn't just some job, it's a commitment...
its a start, but going SOF is largely self motivation. forcing him to work out isn't going to work. He could be the most fit guy in the world but will wash out if there's no self motivation
well you can't really test his self motivation without actually going through the training
point is, even if he trains everyday from morning to evening and prepared himself the best he possibly could for 2 or 3 years, and was completely ready to sacrifice the rest of his life for the SF, thats still no guarantee that they're gonna take him. theres hundreds of em and they're only gonna take the best of the crop.
family history of heart disease, diabetes, allergic to something or other chronic medical shit? hes out.
fucked up your knee once when training so hard? too much strain might risk failure? hes out.
tests reveal he's prone to become depressive, schizophrenic, nervous breakdowns etc... hes out.
even being short sighted rules you out.
they're not just going to not take the bad soldiers, they're going to make sure that only the best of the fucking best are gonna be special forces.
Don't join the military. If we cared enough we could have found a way to solve every single problem we are using with war without killing a single human being. It is murder to throw your hands up and say "There is no other way, some people must die for us to succeed"
Do not support the murdering military.
They will also instill a false sense of moral values into you to make you feel good over the fact that you are being a soldier. It is brain washing at its finest. "I"m serving my country" Yeah thats what they want you to think.
Joining the military only ever looks like an appealing option to some people because it is presented to them at a time in their life in which they can't think of anything better to do with themselves. I almost joined the military just off that fact alone. I didn't know what I wanted to do and for a few minutes they made military life sound more appealing than anything else I could be doing. Don't fall for it.
They are murders. They will brain wash you. Stay away from them.
he will need to eat 20k calories daily until he reaches 18 yo
eat a bullet
BUDS dud here. Ask me questions. Shit is hard. Not just a fucking joke.
Even if I said that he wouldn't accept it, he keeps quoting political leaders from times of war like JFK or FDR
do you you have someplace he can message you even if this thread dies?
Have you ever seen a rekt thread with towel heads cutting people up? Fuck. Those people deserve to die.
Start the roids now.
yea I've shown him ISIS executions to try and deter him
but honestly... the people i know who made it....
I wanted to do shit like that when I was 15. now I study physics like a fucking nerd. He may/may not just grow out of it, don't push him too hard either way or it could backfire
so steroids huh
alright user
They sure will help. Nowadays you have to be an all around badass. The officers were all ivy league/academy guys with 4.0 GPA's and D1 sports experience. About 50-60% of the enlisted guys had a college degree with 75-80% of them having some college. Mostly state colleges for the guys who enlisted... but still a lot of D1 athletes. Only a handful of fresh from high school kids. It is extremely competitive to get in on the Navy side nowadays. ANd because of the better product the Navy is getting the training has just gotten ever more savage. Rough shit. I am going back. But not until i'm ready for the water. If he isn't good in the water tell him to fuck off and go Army or USMC. Trying to build a foundation in the water now will make Navy side hard as fuck. Just go Ranger or SF
Well its the airforce.
this dude is spot on. coffin or retirement. you'll be fucked up for life if you don't die.
well we live in Miami so we go swimming regularly
Good. People die in training too. Shit isn't safe. Google Lovelace SEAL
Disagreements, strife, conflict, and warfare are part of the human condition....
"Only the dead have seen the end of war."
- George Santayana
I remember that
SF as far as I know right now are required to learn Farsi, and they have to learn it quickly.
You have to be fit enough for sure, but it's more about thinking on your feet and being put in situations where you have to improvise and take command of the situation you're in. No matter what sort of situation you're in.
One of the places they send you for SF school is a town (I forget it's name) where the townspeople basically live and play as actors in situations you'd see in perilous situations.
SF are the tip of the spear; they're there before anyone else and go into places where others in the armed forces won't go unless it's captured.
I was in the 75th, an elite gig but I don't want to pump it up, it was not SF or Delta. I will tell you one thing about the Army at least: PT scores are destiny. They aren't everything but they are 85% of everything. What I mean is, the percentages of people who wash out of selection for elite and special units is directly proportional to where they fall on the PT percentile range. If you can max your PT test when you go in, statistics show you have much better chances of surviving.
I know this sounds like "eat your peas and do your homework" to a kid, and to an adult. But it's really true. The secret isn't "study SF manuals." I would probably watch a few videos online of the training. But the real key is to do PT like your service branch tests it, and realistically test him on it. Then you'll know where he stacks up. If he's mediocre on PT before he goes in, he won't improve that much just from his initial training, and he'll wash out. If he can max his PT before even shipping out, or nearly max, he's got better than 50/50 odds of making it, depending on the program he goes for.
alright thanks user
>LOTS of thinking
if you don't want him joining the military, get him some pussy... Before you know it that's all he will think about.
Try to get into west point. If not good fucking luck...unless he is a total stud he'll never be in sf
I'm actually going in to try for Rangers soon. I'll try to be a 19D since if you're an E-4 and have 3 years left on your contract they'll actually push for you good Ranger school. You can fatten him up and put some beef on his shoulders but like the other guy said, it's all field performance. Very little pen and paperwork. But the first thing I'd do is research the training they do and prepare for that. Also he's going to have to get a GT score of 105 for Rangers and 110 for Delta so make sure he's not a retard when he takes the ASVAB. And he's going to need a secret clearance so if you or your family is illegal in this country that's not going to happen.
He's most likely going to try for SEALs or the MARSOC Raiders and we're not illegal, he was born here
>Alright Cred Forums my 15 year old son wants to join a Special Operations Branch of the US military, give him some advice
Kill em all
Sounds like Dad needs to get a fucking clue. Kids 15. He'll want to be 75 other things between now and when his balls drop. Are you going to post on Cred Forums every time?
actually this is the first thing he's stated he wants to do. he never even said "I wanna be a police officer" or "I wanna be a firefighter" when he was young
Doesn't SF have a certain amount of slots to fill? Like if your surplus then you just get kicked back to your unit?