Hey "bros", does your fleshlight have a simulated hymen and a penetrable cervix. I didn't think so. Step up your game.
Hey "bros", does your fleshlight have a simulated hymen and a penetrable cervix. I didn't think so. Step up your game
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no I don't have any of that fancy shit. btw what kind of lube do you use?
rate 1-10?
looks sketch shipping to usa
No, but it does have some cute little toes to cum on
This is now a "Post your Japanese ona-hole"-thread.
Kupa Roa Hard Edition reporting.
maybe you should step up YOUR game
You are a sick sick man
And im down
I've been trying to find something like that for 6 months. The only dolls I can find online look way too old.
>penetrable cervix
vaginas don't work this way.
its pretty easy to find. aliexpress.. 100cm in the sex doll section. look for touch trading co, the doll cost $420 + 100 shipping, came to the US no problem
more pics of doll please
Damb please more
Fuck that tiny mouth
i can if i want to
eh feeling lazy... i posted early this morning, maybe some lurker will repost
this one looks nice
>came to the US no problem
I witnessed on the news that an old man got arrested for ordering one of those. It was in Newfoundland, Canada. Not sure what the charges were.
I have this, its excellent.
But have they short haired tomboy dolls?
Please want to
lol faggot canadians
can you order these to the US and do the come in discrete packaging
Cut the hair yourself and dress it like a boy, you mongoloid faggot.
no lurkers will post, please post more. gotta go soon anyway
Show it's fucking vagina so I can leave this shit thread satisfied
No, they come butt naked in a clear box with your name and address and photocopy of photo ID.
I don't have anything like that, damn.
Guess I'll just have to keep fucking the wife.
>faggot canadians
>has loli sex doll
>doesn't even post it's vagoo
Oh the irony