Post The Dankest Meme In Your Collection.
You look like a dog, you retard
Thinking about thos beans
Anyone mind if I just stick around in here and shitpost? No? Good
He kind of looks like my dad (RIP).
And now for something completely unrelated, an owl doing the breaststroke. I call him michowl phelps
went full kek, nice one user
I come back for 1 day.
1 fucking day.
God fucking dammit, how did I fall for this again
Welcome back. You're here to stay. You know it.
Last one unless I see some good shit
After all the things I have seen on Cred Forums , that's the most creepy
>Herrr DuRRR Dank May Mays.
>Epic May Mays XDXDXDXXD.
Fuck off newfags.
When you care about your moms, but not too much
Fuck you, also my dankest meme.
bill clinton is that you?
You newfags are all cancer.