Good evening Anonymous! Is anything troubling you? Maybe I can help.
>Come in for advice, fortune-telling, and friendly conversation. >GETs (dubs, trips, etc.) can receive a tarot reading from me. Ask a question or leave it general, or anywhere in between. >GETs can be donated to others, but you have to be specific about who gets it. >Leave a name (nickname, real name, made up name) and you'll receive a fortune cookie even if you don't GET. >Patience and love! These take time, so hang around after you GET and remind me if it seems like I missed you. Remember that you have to actually ask for a reading to get one. I'm not scanning the thread for dubs! >Leave internet/avatar drama at the gate, please.
You know what, Neptine It's time to clame planets. It's a planet-claiming thread, now. I will be claiming Mars, of course.
Caleb Wilson
Chief I think I've made a mistake.
Landon Robinson
Uu~ Hello, everyone! How is anonymous tonight?
Andrew Rivera
Oh, yes, this one is going to be spectacular. Just you wait
Julian Wilson
I'm starting to like the idea of people licking my feet more and more. Is that bad?
Charles Perez
Should I get Fallout 4? Am I going to like it?
Angel Gray
Hello all. How are you?
I'm tired...
Hey there~
Caleb Allen
im gonna guess it involves raiding
Thomas Adams
Just give it time, before long you'll be telling them to call you goddess-sama and making fun of their penises too.
Kevin Ramirez
I let myself get convinced to join a raid group but they raid at really awful times so it's going to fuck me.
Charles Richardson
Ah? Why's that, I wonder? Poor thing. I'm okay. What about you? We haven't talked in a while! Chat me up~
Christian Martin
Er, I don't know all about that, making fun of them and lewd things, but being thought of as royalty does sounds kind of nice...I-It's really not bad to think things like this?
Hudson Davis
I'll claim earth, now I own everything. Hi Reisen senpai!
Benjamin White
It's so natural about a third of people are into that, so I'd say not!
Jonathan Watson
hi kotori
jesus christ how horrifying, good luck with that
Landon Smith
I'll make sure to soon! I just don't have much to talk about ;_;
Raid? What game?
I don't think that's too bad.
Alexander Wood
Well, if it's natural, I suppose it can't be that bad...Thanks Reimu!
William Gomez
I'd back out but they really needed a healer and I agreed to it now.
Final Fantasy 14
Nathan Reyes
I always look forward to shrine days. Hi Reimu!
Robert Robinson
Let's start with today! How was today? What have you spent it doing? Was it a good day? Hi there! Been a while, nepu. How ya doin', hun?
Easton Cook
Hey there~ Glad to hear it!
Cameron Myers
FFXIV was cute, damn shame I ended up bearing some drama before I stopped playing it.
Joshua James
my flatmate is a bit emotionally abusive. i'm a loser and don't have other options. wat do?
Evan Powell
Wow Reimu, I didn't know you had a jr. foot apprentice! Don't corrupt him too hard!
Kayden Perez
What kind of drama?
Nicholas Bennett
Adam Sullivan
Found it today
I'm having a fairly shite day. Anyone want a free tarot reading to take my mind off of it? Three cards unless your problem / question is particularly interesting in which case I'll do a 6-card (modification on celtic cross). No 10-card readings, they just take too long
I'm waiving my normal fee of one hand for today
Josiah Gonzalez
I have played through the entirety of that game, some moments are better than others, but I enjoyed my venture through the commonwealth, almost feel sad about finally leaving.
Few things to note:
>Voiced protagonist I was okay with it, but others, not so much >Workshop dlc are for convenience The others are story oriented >FPS Thry really improved weapons and customization >Console mods They are neat and free >ETC
Also, apparently people say it sucked
Thomas Howard
What kind of emotionally abusive are we talking?
Jordan Thomas
Hey chief! What's up?
Ah. I'm playing WoW and raids just opened in that so I've been doing that but my guild is kinda lax. It's fun though.
Hmm...I went to get some pizza at a local place then walked around the park before coming pretty good. What about yours?
Levi Brown
Reimu, how do you deal with all the negativity that comes from listening to people's problems and bad days? I love you and I love what you do, but I worry sometimes. I don't want to burden you.
Sebastian Taylor
Oh...wrong post embarrassing..
Joshua Williams
Don't worry, they're doing most of the work~
Golly gee! Less work for me!
This is gonna be a good night.
William Torres
I haven't played WoW properly since WotLK. I used to raid in that though, it was fun.
Brody Adams
It will probably tickle a lot, but in between the toes would likely feel nice. ...That depends if you have any say where you're being licked. Yes. Boom, this is why, my friend. But Earth sucks.
Jackson Wright
E-girlfriend kinda moved around a bit, slept with a girl who gave her a place to live, slept with one of her good male friends, kinda undid our two year relationship thing we had with only a few comments. Was playing with the girl she slept with for a month or two. Bit of a complicated mess, ended up just cutting off that contact and stopped playing FFXIV due to some depression that caught on me. Was going to do some raiding with them, but their last comment to me after all that was "And *so and so* says you're a shit healer".
Austin Lopez
Nothing much, been watching a whole lot of anime! Cowboy Bebop and Cross Ange mostly. I like this user! What are the options you currently have?
Landon Hughes
not much, just playing some god eater
Evan Price
id love a reading! can you tell me if im in the right relationship right now?
Liam Roberts
N-No I'm not! I'm not corrupt, it's just that having my feet touched or licked sounds kind of nice sometimes, you know? ;_;
Jordan Martinez
ajt:::: will you please give me a reading and tell me if im in the right relationship now?
Brody Flores
It's really not much of a strain-- I'm not sure how I do it exactly, but so far it's never gotten me down.
Jack Gomez
That sucks, to be honest. I hate the idea of something like that ruining a good game for someone.
Charles Thomas
This is Sweet Roll, by the way
Hello everyone
Isaac Williams
Your avatar looks familiar. Are you the user who lotions their hands every day?
>ajt::::: Were you asking me?
Charles Jackson
i was! i thought we had to give a nickname, i got trips though, id love if you would do this for me op, thanks in adavance!
Christopher White
I had sorta given up on the game two other times before. It was around level 28~ish that I met this girl who played FFXIV, through that e-gf, it kinda got a little pushy how she wanted us to play together. Felt weird. But I went with it and grinded up to level 50. Not long after getting to level 50 did the relationship shit unfold and I cut everything off that side.
>Knight of Cups A romantic man. A considerate, creative, artistic sort. Musician, poet, diplomat.
>Five of Wands You, your significant other, or both... someone is putting in inconsistent effort.
Nolan Wilson
Oooh, parks are always nice! I played this earth game I've been obsessed with, with Reimu. then I listened to some music. Simple as that! Aah, I see. Cowboy Bebop is pretty good! I don't know anything about Cross Ange, though. Aside from the name. I've been on No Game No Life and Date A Live II.
Hudson Perry
Nope, sorry. Silly user, this one is Op Well that's r00d
David Moore
WotLK was really fun...I played that expansion the most out of any.
Ah, never played that. Any good?
Aah. Which game? Music is nice, what do you listen to?
Sebastian Martin
i feel so bad! im sorry, im new here
Jeremiah Torres
Ryan Ramirez
Carson Brooks
Evan Brooks
Oh, reminding me, more recently I've been talking with a cute Vietnamese girl who lives in the city I was going to move to next month. We both play Overwatch, but she plays console and I play PC. She often mentions that people keep leaving games in her Competitive matches, meaning she gets a loss. I made a comment, that it seems that Console Overwatch has a lot of leavers. She was a little pissed off at that for some reason and said "I see a lot of PC leavers too". Guess I pushed a little too much saying that I didn't seem to encounter as many as she did. She hasn't said anything to me in four days now though. Kinda disappointing that something like an observation comparing our experiences pissed her off.
Andrew Roberts
I'm not OP, and I don't demand trips for a reading. I will give you one, though. I normally charge one picture of a hand, but I'm having a bad day so they're free right now.
Because trips and no one else expressing interest, I'll do a six-card reading. Give me one moment, please. I need to get my deck out. I also tend to type a lot in my readings so it will take some time to get it all down. I'll try to be brief
Also, it looks like OP also gave you a reading if you're interested: Maybe you're the one that called me chuuni
Speaking of extremes, it's extremely dissapointing that the poll has only 5 votes. A doll? Like a puppet? We're all puppets. I'm just a puppet that can see the strings.
James Allen
Isaiah Thomas
My mom's car got repossessed today, and it looks like we might be moving into a small apartment soon. I could help a little bit if I got a job and gave her the money, but I've been terrified of working ever since I left school last year.
Benjamin Cox
Darkness is taking over me. Journey though the Abyss has eroded me inside. Any readings?
Adrian Taylor
What makes you terrified, user?
Oliver Perez
oh no, i wasnt trying to be rude, i grew up calling everyone sweet doll or honey, or sugar, grew up in the south! sorry if i offended!
Brayden Jenkins
Civ V! It's pretty fun, even if it's flawed in a lot of ways. I listen to a lot of stuff! Depends on whether you like cute girls in harem situations, I guess.
Adam Kelly
I can understand why it'd be intimidating, but it's really not that bad once you're actually doing it. You spend the first week or so getting the hang of things, and then after that it's just a daily routine that'll go by without thinking.
Julian Clark
Chuuni boy? You learned tarotism? That's so cool! Oh don't worry about it. Date a Live, that sounds like an insult you call a weeb, is it any good? Blue nigger. Roll!
I forgot the pic.
Cute girls in harem sutiations are the best an e mus obviously
Julian Parker
Oh he does stuff like that all the time, I think
Sweet Roll did not post this
Jayden Howard
Can someone please give me a reading. I would really appreciate it. Thanks
Caleb Bailey
yeah im having fun with it, closest thing i can compare it with is monster hunter so if you like those kinds of games you might like it
Dominic Miller
Depends on whether you like cute girls in harem situations, I guess.
Ryan Nelson
It's a lot less flawed now than when it was released at least. I've put quite some time into that game as well.
I actually haven't heard much Pink Floyd so I'll give that one a listen!
Christian Hughes
We should play! For sure!
Luke Roberts
Ah, sounds like she maybe had a thing for that girl to begin with or something, I don't know.
WotLK was probably the game at its best, in my opinion. I just remember the time one of my idiot friends accidentally launched himself at a boss and wiped the whole raid group because of it.
I've heard it's one of the best Monster Hunter games that isn't actually Monster Hunter. I still need to play it myself though, haven't even opened my copy yet.
Carson Cruz
Where did you even get that Cirno finishing move? But if you didn't get it somewhere then congratulations, it gets a good amount of creativity to make that up.
Matthew Stewart
Rolling for these two
Jason Scott
Charles Howard
I'm terrified of being stuck somewhere I hate, and forced to do something I hate for hours and hours every day and having to just count down the minutes until I get home, knowing that once I get there I'll just have to do it again the next day. That's all school was, and it was terrible just like that for me every day since I was little, but I dragged myself through thirteen years of it. I just got out, and I don't want to go back, but I know we need more money coming in. All I ever wanted was to browse Cred Forums and play video games and eat and sleep and be happy.
But even that sounds bad. I don't want to sounds whiney, but it's the knowing I'm going into something that I'm going to hate that's bad too. The routine of it is something I can't stand.
Also, I'm not sure how these things work, but could I please get a Tarot reading for my family's financial situation/my job situation?
Nicholas Thomas
Hey there. Of course I do.
Jonathan Ward
I've known it for years
For "you", I see the seven of wands -- inverted.
The seven of wands shows a man on a hill, fighting those who attempt to take his position. It represents, challenge, competition, and perseverance. Inverted, it represents giving up, feeling overwhelmed, and being overly protective.
For "the issue", I see the nine of cups -- inverted
The nine of cups depicts a man sitting content upon a bench with his cups on a shelf behind him. It represents fulfilled wishes, comfort, and happiness. Inverted, it represents greed, dissatisfaction, and materialism.
For "the conscious", I see the three of coins.
The three of coins shows three people from different walks of life, working together to build a cathedral. It represents teamwork, collaboration, and mutual learning.
For "the unconscious", I see The Chariot.
The Chariot shows a confident man riding across the land and surveying his surroundings. He represents control, willpower, and assertion. He knows his rights, and claims what is his with confidence.
For "limitations", I see the king of swords.
The kind of swords sits upon his throne holding a double-edged sword. To fully explain the symbolism behind this card requires a full detail of the suit of swords and the significance of the faces in tarot, but I'll leave it for now at the interpretation: clear thinking, manipulative, authoritative, and stern.
For "the outcome", I see the two of coins -- inverted.
The two of coins represents a juggler. Upright, it signifies balance, adaptability, and time management. Inverted, disorganization and financial disarray.
Interpretation in the next post (running low on space)
Connor Sullivan
What did I do? Wtf man...
Carter Flores
Ugh, what's is wrong with me tonight? I can't focus at all!
Zachary Robinson
All the time? There is no past or future. You think I'm going to do something next week, or that something happened to me last year, but I'm already doing those things. In 2016, I am posting on Cred Forums. In 2033, I am -not will be- communicating with an alien species. In 1940, I am -not was- playing cards with my father. Time is merely one of many concepts that only make things easier for humans, when, in truth, exists only in the mind. Of course, this might not be true. Why would I be honest and reveal everything to a shady bastard with Satan trips, which I am, was, and will be checking?
Lucas Cooper
Im okay with this, also just reporting in
Jose Bell
Probably, but why she had been there a day, slept with her, then within a week been kicked out of the house, then repeatedly week after week, is well beyond me. I wasn't near there to know, so whatever. It can stay her business.
Asher Richardson
What are you talking about? Anyone who knows anything about anything knows that is Cirno's actual finishing move. Watch some fucking discovery channel sometime and learn something once in a while.
Austin Scott
You have too little trust in your relationship. You see your partner as a delicate being who needs to be protected. You attempt to assert yourself as the dominant force and rightful protector - prepared to drive away suitors and protect her from the world. You believe that her love should flow to you as a result of this caring and supportive nature - however it is slowly turning her away. You view your relationship too logically, as a "man provides X, in exchange woman gives Y". You feel like you have it figured out and if you stay the path, she'll grow more and more attached to you as the future father of her children. She will instead slowly grow disinterested in your flat character and seek more and more from you in order to keep her attention. You will willingly provide to the extent of your ability, hoping that if you stay the course everything will end well. Ultimately you won't be able to sustain this, and the relationship will fall apart.
Nolan Martinez
Rolling again .......
Isaac Brown
I didn't think you knew the Monster Hunter games! Have you ever played Freedom Unite? I wasted something like two years on that game, tried a lot of the newer games but they seem a bit easier compared to the old ones.
Logan Hall
Saving this.
Cooper Garcia
I guess there's no hope for this.
Jeremiah Rogers
Definitely agreed. I raided seriously in Ulduar and ICC, it was nice. Very fond memories.
Sebastian Morris
OK, I'll donate my dubs to
Colton Robinson
Tarot shows you the currents of time, but not the destination. Your fate can be changed with proper judgment and sufficient effort.
You need to trust that your partner is able to care for herself. She can get by on her own and she can protect herself. Your job is not to guard her from the world. That way of thinking died out years ago. Your job is to learn everything you can about her, and share everything you can about yourself. Have faith in her and work together towards external goals instead of focusing your attention on the relationship itself. Find a common interest and pursue it - not to build the relationship, but because you both want to. Let the relationship unfold on its own as you seek nothing but mutual happiness.
Jason Mitchell
Have you received a reading yet? If not, let me know your problem or question and I will tell you what the cards say.
Brody Brooks
well you should get on that then
i havent actually played any of the monster hunter games, i just know a few people who love them and watched them play
Daniel Richardson
>mrw I visit Michigan after years of living in Texas/Oklahoma
Bell reporting in for the glorious republic of 'Ecstasy Island'
Cameron Jackson
Maybe that's the case in your own timeline! Here Cirno pokes her enemies to the exhaustion.
Grayson James
I never lose hope user
Lincoln Jenkins
Kotorii-chan! Saw you went on a walk to the park, did you feed the ducks?
I ended up walking to the beach during work today, it was sooo exhausting because it was a billion degrees here in SoCal and there were a lot of hills.
Nobody wants to be stuck in that situation, but sometimes you really do have to bite the bullet if the situation is dire. You might be able to use that first job as a springboard into a job that you hate a lot less.
And if it's a job you hate, there are ways to make it better. Maybe your coworkers might be alright. Maybe you can make a game out of it in your head to make the job more fun.
>That's all school was I hate work in general, and I have the same desires you do, but I hate school so much more. School has homework and eats away at your free time because you are never truly done, there's always something to study. If you find a reasonable job, once you clock out you don't have to think about work until the next time you clock in. I'd say that's a pretty big difference.
If you hate it so much, you can quit and find another job. Maybe your mom might have connections to get you in somewhere.
You can do it, user.
Benjamin Moore
do i reverse the gender on this if im a female? or the point of view or what?
Justin Perez
no its mine what the fuck i'll kill you irl
Isaiah Reyes
went back to school for a graduate degree, how do i make friends with people a few years younger? am i that creepy older guy now? im told im good looking and have never had trouble making friends the first time i went to school but im a little bit of a black sheep here.... everyone is preppy/ into frat life, whereas i have violent tattoos and wear almost always black and identify with black metal and punk scenes, which are nonexistent here.
Justin Ramirez
Pokes them with her girlcock? Sorry Asslips, I'm killing you IRL.
Nicholas Thompson
>jumps out of /bin/ meow. it's fucking cold as shit.
-freezing meowbot
Luis Taylor
i havent, will you please tell me about my relationship with my fiancee, and my baby (2 months pregnant)
David Morgan
>whereas i have violent tattoos and wear almost always black and identify with black metal and punk scenes Way to sell out, mate. Find you a dog. Train her right. Marry that bitch.
Thomas Thompson
Be yourself, you'll be okay, just don't try and act like someone else, you'll have more integrity
Wyatt Wright
hide the tatoos, wear some colorful clothes and be friendly may or may not be good advice
Jace Rogers
>King of Swords (Reversed) A merciless opponent. Extremes. An unbalanced, dangerous man
>The World This is representative of ascending to a higher plane or broadening your world view. Glimpsing the mysteries of life.
>The Lovers And this one represents the transformative power of love. It seems to be what will bring you out of the darkness.
That reading didn't make much sense to me, but then again, neither did the question.
Logan Ramirez
hey fuck you man i am so killing you irl now
Bentley Brown
Wear some winter clothes (mittens?) then, robot kitten.
Do it, or you might end up like Boris here
Benjamin Nguyen
Robert Bennett
Goodluck with that mate.
Julian Butler
Can I get a generic fortune?
Hey neptune ~fred
Tyler Brooks
oh no i don't want to end like freezing ruskie
Andrew Turner
Reverse the gender, and possibly the interpretation, but not the message. The message (minus interpretation):
You are over-protective. You are assertive. You attempt to control and manipulate the situation to logically move it towards your desired goal. Your focus on seeking success and happiness through control will lead to an imbalance and ultimate collapse. In your mind you are working collaboratively towards a common goal, but in reality you are the only one on this path.
I interpreted the "over-protective" plus "assertive" (along with the fact that 98% of Cred Forums is male) to mean that you attempt to protect a girlfriend. It could mean that you are simply over-protective of the relationship. Do you jealously guard your boyfriend and go through his texts to be sure he's not talking to other women? It could mean that you're over-protective in a motherly way. Maybe you cater to him all the time (cooking for him, massaging him, etc).
Regardless of interpretation, the message states that you are focusing on the relationship, and not on the person that relationship is with.
Gabriel Miller
whats the sell out? the tattoos? whats the difference between identifying with that culture vs hippy vs being a nerd? ive spent the past few years going to punk and death metal shows in philly, its not like i just jumped into this. i remember having my first metal album in middle school (hatebreeder- COB).
Thomas Robinson
What do your ears taste like? No way, Cockmaster, I'm double-killing you 5 minutes ago in real REAL life.
Jose Clark
Thanks. I shouldn't have change my alterego into a demon. As usually, I'm the biggest enemy for myself. And my enemies are truly merciless. Maybe I should bring my hope to the last one, because I'm aware of the second.
Austin Lewis
guess who just got put on the to-kill irl list bitch you did post your home address so i can hunt you down and kill you irl
Gavin Murphy
-"orange ears" meowbot
Matthew King
Nicholas Martin
thank you so much friend!
Bentley Nguyen
Going on a roadtrip in less than two weeks, any good roadtrip tips? It'll be up the west coast.
Anthony Brown
>Tfw you forget to drink vodka to keep warm Hey Fred. Azazel? Nice.
Ayden Sanchez
can i eat this
Easton Torres
Hi Hikari, why did you have to walk near that place anyways? Now your boss is even forcing you to work below the scorching sun?
No, she gets near them while creeping on the ground and once she gets close enough she uses her mighty finger to poke to death her foes.
Jason Diaz
thanks, i just cant relate to these kids who all weaar loafers and have gallons of product in their hair. just need to meet the right people i guess
William Richardson
Nice boob orange~ Yukiii! So you're home~ I've been waiting!
Elijah Clark
I understood that reference
Jace Young
Can't answer it without lying.
Michael Clark
All the advice I can give is bring entertainment that can last
Don't know much after that
(Here goes nothing)
-Sweet Roll
Elijah Hill
Alright, Titeyes, my home address is... Mars. OK. I was waiting for that. I'm going to squirt the tit milk in 's eyes.
Ryder Lewis
no but i have this save it if you want
Matthew Perez
I see a very positive short-term future, but... I'm not sure what to make of the long-term future
>Past influences: Knight of Coins The knight of coins represents efficiency, routine, conservatism, and method. You had a fairly steady and uninteresting life -- probably going to work, coming home, watching Netflix, going to bed, and repeating the next day. No clubs, no parties, nothing note-worthy: but you got by
>Present: Ten of Cups The ten of cups represents harmony, marriage, happiness, and alignment! All things in life are going well. Your fiance is growing ever-fonder of you and can't wait to raise a child with you. Your relationship will only get stronger from this
>Future: Seven of Swords The seven of swords represents deception, theft, and stealth. There are two possible interpretation, and like most of tarot "the other cards and your life experiences will help you understand the true meaning". It often is a warning -- to beware of the deception of others. It can also hint that you will attempt to sneak away from a situation that is not working for you anymore. If you find you are trying to run away from a commitment or responsibility, this card may turn up to warn you that this escape will not accomplish your goals nor address the fundamental issue.
So either she'll leave you, or you will contemplate leaving her. However the seven of swords does not say that leaving is a good idea: only that it's the idea that will come to mind. Walking away from a situation is the easy way out, but rarely the right one.
Easton Rivera
Yeah, that's what I thought
Not many people want to become a slav-cicle
>tfw the finns stole all of the vodka to make mollys to turn your buddy Ivanov into a commie crisp
Bad idea, catman.
Ethan Barnes
Make a pandora station, listen to it non stop and fill it with many likes and dislikes, listen to it the entire trip up
Austin Lewis
Can I get a general fortune told?
Brody Edwards
Heheh noo nooo, nobody forced me, I just thought I could use the exercise since I sit in a cubicle all day. I've been walking to the beach a couple times a week.
Y-You have? I've been waiting for you~
What kind of entertainment?
That is adorable even if she's naked. I approve of this.
This sounds pretty cool but I don't think I have the data plan for this.
Christopher Evans
Here is my coordinates if you want to kill me rn. DD (decimal degrees)*
nobody's squirting anything on my face i will be on the first flight tomorrow morning to mars to kill you irl motherfucker
Samuel Reyes
Of course! Glad I could help.
I know I said no charge for this reading, although now that you've told me you're female I'm really starting to hate that decision. Any chance of a takesy-backsy?
Angel Sanders
If you have a gigabyte of data, you probably have enough
Easton Torres
Wow, it has been a while, Bell
How have you been?
-Sweet Roll
Carter Gomez
Socal But heat is no good.
There was no pond at this park unfortunately...but I would have!
Do the pandora thing but with Spotify and save the tracks to your phone, you can do that with premium.
Ryder Scott
Sorry, Cuntlord, I'm on Mars in the past, in an alternate timeline, so get fucked.
Wyatt Kelly
Who cares what they wear or what they use, as long as you can hangout for a while to pass the time it doesn't really matters that much if you find the right folks, right? Why? Dubbi dubs. Damn finns. This just got real niggu.
Noah Reyes
Weird shit happens is all I can say.
I only got to do Ulduar, but it was super fun. Probably one of the best raiding experiences I've had.
Yeah but I have other stuff to play, like FF14 and the new Phoenix Wright.
James Campbell
I have trips, so I hope my future is good.
Austin Brooks
When is the next Cooking with Alice?
Brayden Perez
I hope I can get a tarot card reading for once
Dylan Hughes
what in the fuck is this i can't kill you irl with numbers you're fucking dead kiddo
Zachary Ward
by the time i get to mars you will be there and i will kill you irl no u get fucked btw
Andrew Cox
you dead irl soon
Charles Thompson
inb4 someone hits you with a k-rod
Same old same old, realizing you have done jack shit for the past couple of years, try to do something useful, end up blowing it off and going back to using video games to fill the dark void of not being social.
Good times
..because fish have fins, and the finns fought the russians, and the russians were red, and thats why firetrucks are red!
Dominic Reyes
Something like a book, or a portable game, music, etc.
Anything portable that is entertaining basically
-Sweet Roll
Blake Lee
then obviously its time to multitask also i still need to get the new phoenix wright
Anthony Bell
I'm sorry.
Austin Flores
I predict Friday. Let me know if I'm right.
Jaxon Brown
Hm..I have a 3GB data plan, I should have enough.
Oh! You're right, I forgot I can save tracks using Spotify. I'll give it a shot. Thanks Kotori-chan.
Also next time find a park with ducks!
I'll be driving though, so I probaaably can't do any of those..
Asher Hernandez
Hi Reisen, sorry for before, i wanted to ask you if that person you know was getting better, but then i fell asleep.
Why someone should ever want to kill you though? You're a nice person.
Be careful with the heat though, it might get a bit dangerous.
Hunter Gutierrez
Thinking about going to soak my feet so that try the foot egg thing again tonight. How do you usually do it? Should I use like a big bowl or just fill the tub up a little it?
Asher Evans
Pandora is surprisingly efficient with data and battery usage
Justin Flores
Does life ever get better?
Jack Lee
Mhmm. I'm glad I was part of a pretty high end guild at the time, shame it broke apart after.
I'll try to! Shouldn't be too hard.
Nathan Rodriguez
Ha! Jokes on you, sucker, I already want to die! That makes absolutely no sense. I lost track, why is people apologizing? What are you apologizing for? Use a small bucket or something. If you want to.
Wyatt Brown
I'd use a bowl so you can do other stuff besides hang out in the bathroom, personally.
James Ortiz
Oh, I see
Then I guess it just narrows down to music
-Sweet Roll
Xavier Turner
Reimu, how do you feel about /jp/ and their worship of you and your friends?
Ayden Murphy
Okay! Thanks guys! I hope it works a little better tonight...
Eli Sanders
As a wise woman once said, "Life's what you make it, so let's make it right."
Anthony Nguyen
It's pretty satisfying, I guess.
Nicholas Gomez
Life always gets better. Then worse. Then better. Then worse again.
You can't look at life as a single metric of "happiness" and track that metric over time. There are infinite variables that all compound and conflate and correlate and confuse. To say life is a roller coaster doesn't do it justice. Life is thousands of screaming children in the world's largest amusement park while it's raining candy but some of the pieces have razor blades in them.
I personally find the most annoying aspect of life is that when you're sad you forget how to be happy, but you remember you were once. It's like the past is teasing you.
But then when you're happy you don't think back on when you were sad and gloat vindictively. You completely forget to. You're too wrapped up in the moment.
So it feels very unbalanced. It's all give and no take.
I think my favorite quote regarding sadness went something like the following:
Happiness and sadness are two sides of the same coin. They spring from the self-same well. The same lute that plays music was once carved by a knife. The deeper your sadness cuts you, the more happiness can fill you up.
Michael Harris
Is it even possible for a boy to have cute girly feet?
Evan Roberts
What does being worshipped feel like? Do you think I'll ever be worshipped?
Adam Reed
That person I know? *Tilts her head in confusion*
Brayden Diaz
and i want to kill you irl lifes funny sometimes
Samuel Mitchell
Unless they lost the genetic lottery pretty bad...
I don't know what it feels like. I guess you can have it if you spend some time grinding your charisma stat and find somebody who's into that.
Jordan Ortiz
Come at me bro, anihilate me right now. Sure, why not?
Aiden Nelson
I can't say it here because it's your private stuff, but i'm referring to that person that had issues with her stomach and you are extremely close to her.
Julian Hall
Chase Edwards
Are Umi and Kotori the same person?
Sebastian White
Can I get that tarot card reading?
Ian Rivera
What's your problem / question? I'm doing free reading tonight. I normally charge one hand, but I'm not having a good day so the readings are distracting me.
Adam Martin
come to australia and i will fight you and kill you irl right now
Zachary Miller
What's your question?
Aiden Walker
Jonathan Cruz
I have posted about her quite a few times.
So I am still kinda hung up on her, for some reason i believe that we may get together soonish.
But I am trying to establish myself as someone trust worthy that she can turn too. She has an asshole friend, or had, don't know if actually friends anymore, but basically I kinda suspect that he will snap and potentially harm one of us or himself. It already seemed like he tried to drive a wedge between the girl and I. He partially succeeded, but not he much.
Christopher King
Robert Thompson
Can I just get a general reading of my relationships, both friendly and romantic
Thomas Rivera
Can I get a reading on this please. Idk if someone has used these pics b5 but this is my first time in these threads
Anthony Jackson
Isaac Wood
you need to off his ass glock glock you know what im saying? go get you a nine and pop kill his ass irl you can trust me i'm an astronuat
Brandon Richardson
Jonathan Perry
I'm like the worst person you could ask about who's who.
It took me a second to realize my butt wasn't on backwards. Nice me, though.
Logan Peterson
W-Who am I, Reimu?
Asher Foster
Hey everyone, hows it going?
>i'm horribly carsick
Gabriel Jenkins
You're the very best person to ever exist
Are Kotori and Umi the same person?
Juan Smith
Pay me the plane ticket, I swear to god I'll let you beat the shit out of me. Come at me.
Zachary Walker
*pets Reimu*
Andrew Cruz
You're too cute to be carsick...
Back up
Alexander Moore
Zachary Anderson
Jayden Torres
You do not pet the Reimu, you filthy heretic, the Reimu pets YOU. PET HIM!
Anthony Robinson
Just be natural. Usually, when you try to control a situation that involves other people, and you have good intentions, it backfires on you somehow. Just be a good person and friend and hope for the best.
People with bad intentions can get away with manipulation, but you can't.
Doesn't count.
I'll let him handle it since you're more likely to enjoy it that way.
Noah Peterson
How do you know?
Thomas Ross
Hey box. How's it going? Besides the carsick part, that's unfortunate.
Because I am me and Umi is Umi.
Andrew Williams
Could be better, could be worse, how did you get that anyways?
Alexander Jenkins
They can tell you where am I with those numbers. you mean the baseball pitcher? (based on google) Because I knew that people will never commit a murder without reason or do something bad at him.
Gabriel Nelson
I know. I am just observing him, but I still want her to know that she can always come to me if needed.
Wyatt Smith
>pets there, there calm down
Jayden Anderson
Reimu, why is the thought of being dominant scary for me? The thought is a little interesting or exciting sometimes, but it's still scary and I don't know why
Isaiah Price
Box! You're aliiiive.
They are not.
Grayson Cook
I think he was just pointing it out
-Sweet Roll
Juan Morris
Are who are you?
Nathaniel Lee
Jonathan Torres
...jeez. Don't make me blush!
What am I, a cat?
That would be even weirder.
Hudson Butler
*flutters on top of Reimu and pets lightly with my antennae*
*petting intensifies*
Jacob Campbell
I've recently been getting my shit together and being consistently motivated, and as a result I've been feeling a lot happier. Think I could get a reading to see if I can keep up with it?
Michael Lewis
Silly. Coulda just messaged me. Why does someone have to promise it? What on earth?
Robert Rodriguez
>Past Influences: Judgment, inverted.
Judgment depicts many naked men and women rising from their graves to greet a beckoning angel. They are souls ready to be judged for their past. The card of Judgment calls for a period of reflection and self-evaluation: you are close to reaching a significant stage in your personal journey.
Inverted, it represents a refusal of self-examination. You do not with to turn your thoughts inward. You doubt yourself and your own judgment. This deliberation causes you to miss out on new opportunities. Often momentum of our accomplishments propel us forward and we do not stop to consider the direction we're heading.
It sounds like you found yourself going through the motions, involved in many relationships (romantic and familial) that just didn't feel right, but you lacked the confidence to take control of your own life and correct those poor friendships.
>Present: The Sun The sun is the most optimistic image possible. It depicts the dawn, blooming flowers, birth, unicorns, and all other things happy: just as the sun itself is the bringer of all life on Earth. The sun represents fun, warmth, success, positivity, and vitality.
You currently are possessed by an innate sense of confidence that isn't normal for you. Life is good and you feel like you're on the right path. You whole life is ahead of you and you feel like you're finally in control.
>Future: Page of Swords, inverted The Page of Swords represents a youth ready to charge into battle. He's like Romeo: all-too-eager and brash. Even when upright, he represents curiosity, uncontrolled energy, and mental restlessness. Not a great card, but not foreboding: just a reminder of the follies of youth.
Inverted, he represents undelivered promises. All talk and no action. The positive vibe you are feeling now will yield no results and you'll find yourself in meaningless friendships with people who you don't truly feel you connect.
Landon Adams
Trust me, I'm carsick. It fucking sucks.
Pretty good. I just got back from Maryland.
I get really sick when I drive for long distances.
I feel dead but yes, I am alive!
Leo Hernandez
I don't know why but I love the way you write... Not sure if I told you that while I was high
~Ikarous Pet-class
Thomas Ortiz
im not going to beat the shit out of you im going to kill you irl wanker dont use your internet magic bullshit on me give me your address and boom dead irl by tomorrow
Elijah Perez
*pets bunny*
Grayson Howard
Leo Robinson
Fuck it, I'll bite. Just been paid off from work and in a shit ton of debt. On top of that, Mum died not to long ago and now somehow I'm the only remaining member of my family. Not sociable so no friends to help. I dunno what to do at this point.
Kevin Morgan
Do you get carsick often?
~Ikarous Pet-class
Jackson Russell
*flutters* nyoro~n
Charles Miller
*I asked you, but you were playing so i didn't want to bother you, i decided to wait for you to stop playing but i fell asleep and it was too late at that point.*
Julian Sullivan
Joshua Bailey