Cred Forums, since m00t left there have been a spike of "superior black cock" and everything related of this shit like
>why are black men superior
>white women prefers big black cock instead of whitey
>white race is going to dissapear
etc... etc... etc...
anyway I confess I've been racist in the past but since the continously shit threads like mentioned before I can't stand my hate about the fucking niggers but thinking deeply to find out whats going on here I can't think but this is some kind of propaganda, in the morning while I'm looking for a good laught I see this thread, In the afternoon while working, I see this thread in the front page, right Now theres a fucking thread white the saaaammeee shit of the prostitute Elsa Jean with the same shit over and over again, this is not a meme, I don't really think niggers are reposting this shit it must be dedicated people whos mission is either increase the hate towards niggers or promote racial miscegenation and assimilation in Europe and the USA to avoid far right raising, never feel really interest for conspirancy shit but I just got that feeling that the later must be the real issue here, what do you think Cred Forums who are the fuckers posting this same shit from blacked over again, I'm pretty sure this thread will die very soon or will be spamed with the same shit,
forgive my english I'm from Spain.
Cred Forums, since m00t left there have been a spike of "superior black cock" and everything related of this shit like
Other urls found in this thread:
Nobody cares about your feelings, faggot.
>Go cry about the scary black threads on Cred Forums you weak nigger.
Im with OP. We don't want to see you or your wife's children here anymore
>oohhh my feeling had been hurt
Theres no need for you to be upset why can't you just fucking leave to your claim your wifu thread?
Yes we do
Y'know OP, I'm not racist at all
Most of the relationships I've ever been in have been biracial, and this shit annoys me too.
It feels like some kind of extreme agenda is being pushed, and I also really fucking wish I knew what the motivation was.
But you are ignoring another plausible explanation: good old fashioned, homebrewed, shitposting troll cancer.
The posters know how racist this board can get and they know this is what will get replies.
is very likely cancerous assholes are doing this I wish I could kill those fucker
That's some internet conditioning programs. It happend before here. Any oldfags remember this?
please explain more I'm very interested
also How to make it stop?
It doesn't. Can't tell much about it. It happened before.
this thread is going to die
>Can't tell much about it. It happened before.
I don't understand your mysterious need for mystery. Explain your point or be written off as a shitposter.
Well, I can't tell much about it, because every time we tried to get to the bottom of it we got 404ed/shut down. All I can say is, this shit have happened before, you are not the first one to notice it, and I hope you won't be the last. See the pics I just posted.
When m00t left the cuck threads declined and loli threads went up. In the last year the cuck threads went up. This is due to the constant raiding by tumblrinas trying to make the white males on Cred Forums submissive
Love this thread ITS REAL
The pol/ archived thread about it.
Don't let them fuck your subconscious.
Das spiel ist aus, doch nie vorbei! Sieg Heil!
Guess m00t was keeping the "superior black cock" at bay
>proves it by giving specific times [..]
something like this could easily be false-flagged
if you wish to convince people then provide some logs, a URL with hard evidence, anything
Your are correct , someone made a post not to long ago about a company that basically pays people and gives them a topic to go on social media and to spread the bullshit. think it was like plugin services or somthingh idk, remember him mentioning they did it for nobel prize winner for burn treatment breakthrough and had internet believing it was some chinese doctor. feel like whoever moot sold this shit hole to is backed by corporations backing hillary
It is propaganda. They're paid to shitpost about nigger dick and interracial breeding.
Nothing new, user. Nothing new.
The people that'll shitpost or deny this are people who think you're wearing a tinfoil hat and/or purely retarded for bringing up such a thing, but theres a Cred Forums thread somewhere of some dude explaining it.
That's a screenshot of the old thread, by the time the evidence was given the thread got 404'ed. The guy posted an email with exactly everything you are asking for, I don't have it, though. You don't need to believe in me, I'm not asking you to do so. I was just posting what I have about it.
Pol/ must have it. Reddit must have it, imgur have a few images of it, too.
It's not propaganda it's just copy and paste bullshit just to get everyone all rustled. If everyone would ignore it, it would soon die down. Just like with the whole cuck shit stop contributing it'll go away it's just that everyone eats that shit up
I looked through that archived thread and saw some unrelated shit about the Britam leak
I'm not really doubting you, it's just that we're unlikely to make any progress if all these insights are only hearsay
I saw some shit on they are that desperate.
I have noticed the same too OP. I don't really mind interracial couples it's their business not mine. But multiple threads the same day? the same hour? this really feel like some kind of spam from a third party not from anons trying to troll each other.
It's exactly the same with cuck threads mutiple per hour, per day.
And also with traps, there have always been trap threads on Cred Forums i'll admit that but in the last year they have gone WAY up than before, I don't know if it's what is really trending right now but it certainly feels like an agenda is being pushed upon us.
>It's not propaganda
What is 未来検索ブラジル
And why this place is turned into shit?
I'm not saying this place was always great, I'm just saying it sucks way more.
To add, take a look at these 2 threads, using the same OP text, image and filename
I'd probably spend more time sleuthing but that really isn't how I want to spend my evening before bed
Oh and they are about 2 hours apart
Idk about you guys but even if I ended up fapping for that long, there's no reason I'd go to Cred Forums to make a separate thread 2 hours later when there is already a /gif/ thread full of videos on the same topic
Also, he seems to have stopped posting in the /gif/ thread entirely before making the thread here a few minutes later
As a women trapped in a man's body I have to admit I also love BBC.
Thank you for your support.
On a side note:
Today I’m excited to announce that I've joined Google.
I can’t wait to contribute my own experience from a dozen years of building online communities
>I can’t wait to contribute my own experience from a dozen years of building online communities
Words of moot itself.
I wonder if trap threads are the same thing. It seems like they started springing up all of a sudden.
I'm more of an NPR guy myself.
oi bitch
I don't remember anything quite like this. This comes in to forced meme territory.
>oldfag here
This thread have over 22 poster and won't go to the first page
I can tell by your get.
Yeah well, the guy who posted around 2015 also posted something on pol/ on b/ as well, around that same time, yes it could go on a forced meme thing i.e banana, etc.
But, as I said, the guy posted evidence of a company doing it, as part of a conditioning thing. The thread 404'ed right after the guy posts the email/url of the responsible for it. Pol/ cared for a while, b/ didn't care that much. Everything seems to be a joke nowadays.
Just saw this now and wtf? More fuel to stop giving a shit about this place anymore; unless that's the end goal of all this same shit day after day...
Right but even through the years I never realized seeing anything that hinted at attempted conditioning quite like this.
I just look at it like the cucks came in full force, just like the furries did years ago before getting their own containment board. Hated niggers before this shit, and still hate them. Hasn't affected me.
It's a continuous exercise by confused Cred Forumstards of their inner struggles with interracial bisexual desires.
Hang that from your 2 incher and see how long it takes until you can't get hard anymore
Bump very interesting op seems like the only way to not be a part of it is to completely ignore it. Are these threads made to make whites hate niggers or to normalize the white girl + niggers thing? Either way I do hate niggers especially now more because of these threads
I've lived many places in the US, and I've noticed a trend. In predominantly white areas, where people are actually somewhat civilized, white woman/black buck combinations are rarely seen. That is to say, even if there are black civilized people in those towns/cities etc, they almost exclusively date/marry other blacks. The few white women who DO date black guys in these areas are usually put on the backburner by their friends. Suddenly, their friends will ask them to hang out less and less. The idea is very frowned upon.
White women who don't live in predominantly white areas and are seen hanging off of a buck, 98% of the time, fall into one or more of three categories: Obese, drug addicted, or borderline retarded. The bottom-of-the-barrel white women.
This is just my experience, so I can't call it a fact, but the vast majority of white women, myself included, not only dislike black men in terms of relationships, but find them downright repulsive. When I see pictures like this, of attractive looking white women with a black man, my mind immediately goes to, "You're either gonna end up drug addicted, a single mom, or dead".
And usually, I'm right. Movements like these are meant to glorify interracial relationships, but I wonder what would happen if the public could see what happens outside these pictures. I wonder what kind of excuses SJWs are going to come up with when they see common themes in relationships like these.
All I know is, when I see a white woman holding a niglet baby, I just want to throw the little sprog on the ground and stomp the back of it's head until the crying stops.
>just like the furries did years ago
You fucking nailed it, bro. And yeah, full force cucks. Nice to see another old fashioned motherfucker, cheers bro.
The straw that broke the camels bag of faggotry OP.
TFW Cred Forums has always done this.
Great job as always OP.
10 years and counting, fellow Cred Forumstard... What am I doing with my life..
Shit like this is always said verbatim or an altered version when one of these meta-threads notices the man behind the curtain shit; fuck you shill.
I'mma just drop this here.
honestly if you think Cred Forums is different now to when moot was running the show you are wrong. moot barely did fuck all moderating because lets face it, do you think you would be able to prune every single thread on this site? i cant even get thru every single thread on one page. basically its the same now as before.
Looked up the image in those screencaps, found these
I'm gonna sleep soon so you guys do the rest
It is posted by Cred Forums literally 99% of the time as a way to stir up race fear and also because deep down they fantasize about that shit.
Calm down Hiroyuki Nishimura, we're not leaving yet.
I think niggers is a pretty cool guy. Eh tongue my anus and doesnt afraid of anything.
>Shit like this is always said verbatim
Because it's true.
Thank you for that.
Good night, sweet user.
Niggers gonna nig
Cred Forums post cuck shit to rile up fellow edgelord school shooter wannabes
Thanks for ignoring this guys.
I think what is most strange is how only certain images in those threads have been removed, e.g. the email one
It was already posted earlier and I responded to it several times keep up
It's ignored because like all /pol shit it is 100% [citation needed]
>TEH J00S!!!1
>shut up shill
>thanks 4 correcting the record
k faggot.
You're welcome, faggot. Come on, who the fuck hasn't seen that cap ten thousand times by now? Dude provided no evidence or even leads to follow, there's really no point in taking it seriously.
can you read? were you going somewhere with that post?
Look at this nigger rage, hows your ass doing, boyo?
I look forward to filling concentration camps with racists.
I know we are constantly being manipulated, it's nothing new. You just have to pretty much believe nothing you hear and know that we are constantly being conditioned
You're making no sense at all.
I can't fucking find that image, user. No one seems to have it. I remember seeing it in the thread, but as I said, the guy posted and we got shutdown right after it. No one on pol/ has it.
Niggas don't know shit.
This. Fucking Cred Forums is the 'I want to believe' poster personified
well the retard who replied to me wasn't making sense either
I looked up the filename of one of the images in that screencap in the archive and posted the threads in which they were returned. And so far, this is all we have to go on (as well as the images in 4plebs that haven't been removed yet).
>Dude provided no evidence
I guess you wasn't in the thread.
Sure kid.
Sure Jan.
Whether you're ugly or not you're a goddess for having these principles
Sure kid.
Sure Jan
>Cred Forums is monitoring this Thread
I care about his feelings you fucking straight fag. Get on our level of acceptance you Internet form of the word nigger
Jan? Wat.jpg
Jesse Owens killed Hitler. Many around Hitler said that Hitler had lost his will to live witnessing the black from America "embarrassing the Aryan race". But poor Hitler, was saddened for no reason. In a modern society behaving well and running kind of fast is much better than running very fast and pissing in the hall of your hotel, making loud noise all night, sleeping all day and stealing the hub caps off your Volkswagen. Do you want fast runners and everywhere is Harlem or do you want somewhat fast runners and live in Munich?
fuck off with your spam you faggots
We need back up.
Thanks for existing.
Eat a black dick, faggot
You're too young, kiddo.
go shill somewhere else,cunt
It's just common sense. It would take an absolute idiot to not see the behavior patterns consistent among blacks. For a white woman to not see these, whether by choice or not, is seen as no less than an insult to the rest of us.
Interesting how off-topic we're getting now
One more bump before I head off, good luck Cred Forums
Funny coming from a polfaggot, gb2 your containment board you fucking cuck
Hahahaa that's WAY too much spaghetti for that tupperware! That's just wacky.
>incoming Cred Forums damage control
>o-o-obviously j-jews did it *rubs back of neck* *stares at shoes*
I don't even go on that shitty board but that thread was made a month after all that other drama
Keep up the shilling
I'm not a Pollack buy the owner of the interracial exclusively caucasian female - negroe is a Jew named Greg Lansky
i don't go on pol, you nigger loving shit dick.
Standard pre-conditioned response from a pol cuck.
>someone posted something I dislike, clearly a jew shill
>a counterargument! No! Definitely a jidf cuck shillaruminati!!!
Bestiality site
3 lines of bullshit and not a valid retort behind it.
Not gonna waste my time here
Sure kid.
Feel free to call me a retard, I call myself that all the time, but I just need to ask... why specifically are Jews bad? I'm not defending them, I just want examples.
>valid retort
Leddit faggot detected. Kys
Are you 9?
Just because of all your sliding, I'm going to emphasise this thread and how sketchy it is that most images concerning the companies supposedly behind this have been deleted, while the more innocent/meme pics can still be loaded
>it's a conspiwacy!
Top kek you triggered pussy
look up the definition of conspiracy you fucking queer
user please, I have dealt with too many Cred Forums-types to get emotional over anything they say (especially when they divert the topic).
Tell me though, do they pay you on a per-post basis? Or is it a standard wage?
I have writing experience myself, should I bother hitting plugmarket up?
The companies likely cease & desist served the archive or the admins pulled them to avoid legal trouble in the first place. Same thing happens here with raids/doxx drops.
There's that pavlov's dog response again! Cred Forums fags are the most brainwashed goons since scientology.
Oh boy, the dictionary is sure to prove this fagspiracy exists! Lmfao
soon, when our dearest leader wins this will be true, faggots
/pol are the ones spamming this shit
They think theyre helping recruit for the 'race war' they are semi erect over
That's what I figured
There would be no reason to do that unless those posters were right about what they were purporting though, surely? I'm guessing it isn't a doxxing issue as the text posts are still up.
When you can do better than the standard btard condescension and accusing me of being from Cred Forums, please make an effort to give any evidence contrary to what I've been pointing out.
In the mean time, I'll bump this thread for others to see.
Read the FAQ on the archive
>Valid reasons for post/image/thread removal
>post/thread containing personal information
So knowing Cred Forums you guys swarmed this unrelated company (on the word of some random faggot who gave no proof) with death threats and they contacted the admin to get the image removed to stop the deluge.
Very bottom of the page has of all 'old full images'
spoken like an oldfag