Faces of Cred Forums
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Faces of Cred Forums
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Am I sexy Cred Forums
Not the best of pictures
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long time no see
Lol everyone who posted so far looks like that angry virgin in college who sits in the back wondering why no one talks to them
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The only good looking one in this thread
>beloved Cred Forums
Cred Forums has just been a slightly edgier reddit with more entitled 14 year olds for years now.
that forehead so big it has a night time on one side and a day time on the other
Who's posting these shitty edits
get a haircut and stop playing gay songs to try and impress girls.
Go in this thread and tell dusty he is a stupid nigger.
It's Pat
who you be above?
9/10. You look like you work out, play the guitar, and your best friends are probably swimming around in that fish tank behind you. I bet you have one named Arthur which you tell all your secrets to because you're that sensitive. Get a real haircut and you'll be a perfect 10.
>stop playing gay songs to try and impress girls
let's fuck shit up =]
Let's see some close ups of that reef tank back there.
You have trash all over the floor.
south buffalo mick/10
One would hope his best friends aren't fish...
This one is kinda old and has bad lightning.
I have longer hair currently.
I like your eye colour, 7/10
Why do they look as if death was a favour to their souls
sissy? Lmao
What do you mean it wouldn't
Can you not see her tits
You're all ugly
Danke. Stop fapping to Chinese cartoons and show us your face too, fatty.
You're not ugly
That wing is sharp as a blade
rate me Cred Forums
build that wall motherfucker
shine my boots while you're down there
how do you know that i was mexican?
you look like you smell
why do raybans have the word rayban written right on the fucking lens? and people pay more for stupid looking shades. fuck raybans
Roast me faggots
You look like a fucking slob
You look like a Mexican Mr. Potato Head
Its not suppose to make dong hard but it does
Corey Feldman??
Out of the way, everyone! Here comes a yuuuuuuge faggot
The Rayban Wayfarer is a classic pair of shades, bro! Personally, I prefer the Oakley Frogskins (in black), which is a Wayfarer homage, but they're good looking shades.
Not bad. But just by your fave and pose you don't look very confident. Huge turn off for ladies.
Yeah my confidence used to be 10/10 but then life kicked me in the balls and now it's at 0
I guess it's no surprise then that I used to get womens (not many, but still), and now I don't...fml
Show us your dick Faggot
you look like someone who hast ot get the girl to help put it in the right hole
what gender are you?
You both would easily be 7-8/10 if you lost weight. Right now you're 4-5
>all parts
Vagina AND penis?
more like penis, no balls, and two ovaries
So do you put a tampon in your pee-hole, orrr... ?
well I was bleeding internally for all my teens and had horrible aches until I finally got a real doctor. He recently put me on testosterone to stop my period but I don't like the way its making me look and I am going to get vaginoplasty and become a full girl. Also what's cool is I have one Fallopian tube and a full uterus and eggs so in maybe 5 years after im healed and living as a girl for a while I can get preggers and be a mommy
I'm...fucking... *fascinated*
You look like the type of dude who comments on a pornhub video
I thought that was hot
until I saw the shoes what the FUCK
how? you never heard of intersex people before? I have both sets of sex chromosomes, XXY
y u so red
I bet you drive an old lexus and drink a lot of stella
try me Cred Forums.
I have but it's not something I've ever thought much about. I didn't know it worked like that where a fucking penis can become a vagina and poop out a baby
why do you have a gun pointing to you're head?
Rate me Cred Forumsros
Love my Cred Forumstard friends had to delete and block Anthony Cred Forums should I unblock him and add him again or keep him blocked picture is me.
Stella sucks, I was red because it was hot as shit in Zambia and I drive a piece of shit crown vic interceptor.
Waitin on the bf to give me the D
>crown vic
I can't even make fun of you for that
>mfw I drive a shittier car