I successfully defended my dissertation today. AMA.
I successfully defended my dissertation today. AMA
What was your thesis?
What was it about?
Understanding and modelling the distributions of invasive species
What degree?
And what kinda sad bastard are you to be on here doing an AMA rather than out celebrating with your friends / family / committee
Doctor of philosophy. I have edits to make, and the sooner they're done, the sooner I can submit my finalized dissertation.
So Mexicans huh? Very interesting, how tall of a wall did you end up with?
Now that you have proven to others you are smart, please leave this board and never come back
Ha. Not quite.
On what species did you focus
Did you have THAT GUY on your committee?
I know it's a PhD, I meant in what subject.
Didn't pass without corrections, huh? Oh well.
But Cred Forums amuses me and distracts me from real life.
Telling you that would give away my identity (as my specific organism is not widely worked on). Just know the invasive species is a Lepidopteran.
Whats philosophy gotta do with invasive species?
Can't tell if this is a joke or not.
Yep. Every committee has one.
Biological sciences. It's very unusual for someone in my field not to have to make some edits before their dissertation is finalized.
Yeah...I'm going to skip answering this question.
You planning to stick around your Uni or are you looking outward?
Shit nigga your going to get asked this in every job interview your going to have, you better have an answer that is going to amaze target employee's.
I have a postdoc position lined up at university in California.
It's pretty unusual in most fields, thats kinda the point. Distinguishes some from the rest.
Go to a good school at least?
Ummmm...no, you won't get asked this question at every job interview. I wasn't when I interviewed for my postdoc.
An R1 university in the SEC conference.
Research or teach or both?
So I guess philosophy guys do stuff about butterfly's invading new territory.
You did say doctorate of philosophy right?
I taught.
I don't think you and I are on the same page about how philosophy applies in this situation.
Those philosophy guys also get paid pretty well.
So not awful, but not great. Post Doc at a better school, then?
user said a university in Cali
Yes, much better. Berkeley.