Hey Cred Forums, anybody know what this is? It isn't weed. I found it in my roommate's coffee tin where he keeps weed as well as mugwort (don't know what that is either). I've smoked a couple bowls and I guess I'm kinda high but just wondering what smoking herb it is?
Hey Cred Forums, anybody know what this is? It isn't weed...
110% positive that is catnip, those little roundish pods that look like oversized fennel seed are exact same ones in catnip, is your room mate a feline?
You're right about it not being weed.
What does it smell like? Airy, herbal citrusy smell? Dank, earthy smell?
Could be Damiana, a popular smoking herb. Or maybe skull flower. Not too sure.
What a retard.
Pretty harsh smoke, tastes like dried grass
Smells almost like tea. It's kind of odd. Makes me super calm.
>finds random herb in friends stash
>no idea what it is
>immediately decides to smoke it without even remotely knowing what it could be
I would venture that it's damiana, but I can't be sure. It might be catnip lol who knows.
I mean I know how retarded this sounds, but it's just herbs. There's a reason why weed is a popular as it is because it is basically the highest you can get off smoking dried plant matter. It's not really "safe" to do what op did. But he gon b jus fine bby.
Dude that's catnip
Okay so I looked it up and it's catnip.
Makes sense considering he owns a cat.
Like looks and sounds like synthesized weed from a gas station.
Would not smoke. Its probs a research Chem and will fuck up your organs if it is
smoking catnip
There are a ton of plants that you can smoke and get riggity wrecked on, much more than Marijuana. Weed is just one of the safest/most enjoyable. Opium, Saliva, Datura, etc. can and will fuck you up, man.
> Saliva
I dun goofed on that one. Salvia.
I wish you said something before I smoked that saliva
Them's onions m8. Make a stew or something.
Exactly. It's not like he just rolled a whole joint of fucking nutmeg and smoked that, jesus.
Spent 30min looking through my folders and cant find it, but I used to have a chart that showed other herbs you could smoke to get different highs from. Local normal shit in your garden kind of stuff too.
u smoked it and u dont know what it is? wow youre a real genius. You remind me of myself when I was 15 and retarded.
I can agree with the salvia one but it's not like people just have opium and datura lying around.
So..you mean you now right?
You do know catnip is a relaxing agent that actually is physically smoked by many people including those who mix it with weed right?
I need that chart in my life homie.
Why would you smoke it without knowing what it is? Are you retarded?
maybe skullcap or mullein? what did it taste like?
Nigga thats catnip
It's those seeds that stick to you in the woods you fucking retard. It's hilarious somebody took the time to gather all of that it probably took hours
anyone who smokes catnip is a retard. I smoke real weed.
I guess it really depends on what part of the world you're in. In certain areas Opium is far more common than good Marijuana is. Not so much anymore, but for large chunks of human history Opium was used for almost all physical/mental ailments in the medical profession. It was hugely popular.
I know exactly what you're saying though, and I agree that Marijuana is now the far more common plant that people have access to.
>Tis a rare herb given to those visited by Shrek. When lit it will draw Shrek to you.
Best make sure you have plenty of lube and your anus is well prepared for his onioness to permit you with his ripe rod of righteousness. Shrek is love, Shrek is life!
The Solanaceae (Datura) family is actually super common and grows literally all over the place. If you wanted to find some it wouldn't be that hard to do. You'd just have to do some snooping around or order some off the internet.
Op could of been in for a bad ride
Wait, wait, wait, what other random ass herbs can I smoke?
OP you really shoulda shoved a fistful up your butt for best results. The bioavailability of unknown plants is best absorbed rectally. This is a scientific fact, look it up on Wikipedia or do a cursory Bing search on the topic.
You can smoke anything dumbass but it won't get you high. Might as well make a tea with them since smoking is terrible for you anyway
I've smoked and found all these plants naturally in the wild besides cannabis:
Datura, Chalice Vine, Siberian Mugwort, Damiana, Painted nettle, Catnip, Tabacco, and Salvia.
Please dont ingest datura or any other nightshade just smoke it. They're very toxic
Wild Dagga, catnip, Datura, Blue Lotus, Opium, Wild Lettuce, Califonia Poppy, St. Johns, Kanna, Passion flower, Mugwort. There are hundreds and hundreds of plants that someone could technically smoke to some effect. Whether or not it's pleasant is another matter entirely. Some plants will even straight up murk you.
So, basically, just go pick random shit from your Grandma's backyard and give 'er a rip. Toot toot.
looks like catnip
Prickly poppy is also a great plant to smoke
looks like marijuanilla (siberian motherwort)