Should I get Fallout 4? Am I going to like it?
Should I get Fallout 4? Am I going to like it?
yes and yes
Did you really enjoy Fallout 3? New Vegas? Do you like to find solutions to problems? Do you like to try and talk your way out of problems as opposed to just shooting people in the face as the end-all/be-all solution?
>guise should I get this cheese pizza? am I gonna enjoy eating it?
readmy review here:
Please stop giving money to bethesda
PC or console?
either way its an ok game.
wait for them to bundle all the dlc with the game purchase.
you are going to play it, regretting every choice and thinking about your next playthrough that you will never do because the scrap you horde in your settlements takes too many hours to get.
only ways to have fun is to follow 3 rules
1 The institute is retarded. you should shoot on sight even if they just want to talk.
2. spawn with 7 or more charisma
3. never return to Preston after you get the power armor, leave the minute men to rot in their stupid museum. Learn to settlement from youtube.
pic related, you should play remastered bioshock 1 and 2
if you liked 3 or NV you`ll have fun with the combat in 4 but the story and actually getting to make decisions is poo
in 4 you seriously just walk up to one of four factions to pick your ending
If you enjoyed any of the other fallout games, especially 1/2/new Vegas, then no you won't enjoy it. For one, fallout 4 is not an rpg. That's not a hardcore tog player complaining, that's simply a fact. It's a first person shooter campaign that has literally, and I mean literally, no possible deviations in the story through character choice until maybe the last 30 minutes. Secondly, if you liked the complex, layered, thousand-option quests of New Vegas, you will hate fallout 4. Literally every quest, and again I mean literally, is either a "clear this area of enemies" quest or a fetch quest. Even when they manage to come up with a cool scenario like a detective agency, they still manage to boil it all down to those two things. Thirdly, if you liked the memorable, well written characters and environments dripping with attitude and backstory like in New Vegas 1/2 and even some of 3, you will hate fallout 4. I literally, and I mean literally, cannot tell you a single area or environment from the game that I remember besides this one small desert area of nuclear fallout and the main bad guys lair/lab thing. No New Vegas strip, no kings club, no small towns like nipton with a bucket load of character in things like Boone and the rocket ship lab down the street.
The game is a 5/10 at best for me. I forced myself to finish it because I paid 60$
Why? I mean, if he enjoys the games...
This. Mainly your first point, it's not an rpg. You are forced to play as either a loving father looking for his kid or a loving mother looking for her kid. Not even picking the worst possible dialogue option at every possible chance will or effect this forced storyline and character. You can't role play, you can't make your own path, you can't immerse yourself. It sucks.
Anyone get the feel that if FO4 kept 3/NV dialogue trees and NV-style quests, this would have been a phenomenal game? Such blissful thinking for what the end product became, I still enjoyed it tbh.
Just if Obsidian made it in general. It would have better, way more memorable dialogue and characters, interesting quests with hours of replay value, tons of interesting and challenging rpg elements. The only reason New Vegas isn't considered straight up one of the best games ever made is because Bethesda gave them a clock of like a year to make the game so it's super buggy and theirs lots of empty desert. But yea the other thing is the dialogue map in 4 was such a massive hit to the game. If obsidian was allowed to populate a next gen fallout world and have 10 years to do it, yea, it would have been a phenomenal game.
It's probably the worst game of the franchise (except tactics) but it's not that bad for just the sake of having a huge map to explore, decent combat, and enough grinding XP and hoarding junk to at least eat up a fair amount of hours of game play.
I've replayed 1 a few times 2 a good dozen times and 3 and NV a couple times. I will not replay 4, as someone else mentioned it just takes so long to grind up the amount of loot and levels you'll want you won't wish to do it again, and it's not like there's really many alternate ways to deal with things that are going to matter.
Not OP but I LOVE (with all my caps) New Vegas. I haven't bought 4 yet because I was on the fence and now I'm really doubtful and scared.
What if I don't play the main mission? Can I have fun just running around or will I quickly get bored?
I can promise you, as someone who was such a big fan of NV he bought the fallout 4 season pass before release like a schmuck, you will get bored of 4 very quickly. You are forced to do the story because they simply did not design the game as an RPG. There is no such thing as taking a left instead of a right on the first forked road and sneaking past the deathclaws to get to the strip right away, frauding your way into the strip and looting Freeside of its high powered energy weapons. There is none of that. You are a voiced character with cut scenes that, for at least the first hour of the game, is forced to complete badly written story fetch quests because 90% of the world is barbarian filled ruins that have no personality or purpose beyond being location you have to later clear as a part of a kill quest or run through as a part of a fetch quest. If you aren't doing the story, you are basically doing nothing.
Also, basically the only npcs that have any sort of definable character are ones directly related to the main story. The white glove society had more memorable moments, characters, and plot stuffed into that one little pretentious casino than fallout 4 has in the entire game.
>single tear rolls down cheek
And as a player who prefers FO3 over NV, I can say that Fallout 4's gameplay surpasses neither.
maybe when it becomes bad cheap
Am glad I'm not the only person who preffered 3 over NV.
I don't understand this point at all?
There are more independent choices to make in FO4 than any 3 or NV.
yes and no.... but seriously it is a fun game but doesnt compare to 3 or NV
It's a great game, if you enjoyed 3 and NV youl love this.
Great atmosphere, huge map, varied environments (unlike Nv or 3), VATs much improved, customisation of weapons, customisation of armor, creating settlements is great fun, combat system much appreciated (non VATS combat is actually worth doing), music good, story good, factions element is more in depth than karma, end game weapons absolutely incredible, can carry on after completing main storyline, DLCs very good quality amongst much more.
Ignore the haters, dedicate a few hours to it and im sure you'd enjoy it.
>There are more independent choices to make in FO4 than any 3 or NV.
but the choices in 4 don't really change anything
in NV many choices you made had long lasting impact
Avoiding spoiler's where possible, your choices decide whether 2 of the biggest locations in the game are blown up! Or that make areas completely inaccessible, or have enemies randomly attack you depending on which faction you side with.
Everything is entitled to an opinion but I can't understand where the criticisms of 4 come from.
Are you joking? First of all, just in the matter of text, there are only 4 options: sarcastic, nice, mean, and ask question. These never change, you could click "X" or "A" or whatever the button is through the entire game and you wouldn't even notice a thing. Secondly, somebody mentioned the white glove society. In that casino there was the whole thing about the rich guy who's son went missing. You have to figure out what happened. So you go around the casino searching for clues, and there are many you could find none of which are spelled out to you with a waypoint. You could coax someone into spilling information, pickpocket VIPs, sneak into the kitchen and find the boy yourself, become a part of the white glove society and learn that they are cannibals, or find out they are cannibals by learning about who they were supposed to be eating instead of the boy and finding him, etc. and that's just the very first step of the quest. Then there's getting the boy out of there, or not and eating him, or you can offer a companion as a replacement, you can sneak the boy out, poison the cook, murder the white gloves or talk your way out of everything. These are just two steps in one quest in one side area in one part of the game. Fallout 4 has nothing even close to this amount of choice and freedom when it comes to quests and dialogue. Either you're mean to someone and you clear out an area, or youre nice to someone and you clear out an area. Many characters are even unkillable, where as new Vegas would just have the whole dynamic of the game change if you kill somebody important. And I haven't even mentioned the story yet. In Vegas you are in the middle of a tug of war between at least 4 factions maybe 5 including Yes Man, and every single dialogue option affects that tug of war. Fallout 4 you... Do stuff for people until you final run into your son through set, forced story moments. There are no alternate paths, the only real choice you have is the ending.
This is the best advice. I can't afford half the shit in the market today and when I do pay for it, I wait for it to have everything.
OP who do you trust? The guy saying "dis good dis good dis fun dis good", or the guy explaining to you in depth why it's a flawed game and the worst in the series by a large margin.